TN won't improve even a bit UNLESS....

Topic started by Muthu (@ on Thu Jan 25 15:28:02 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I wonder how u people just mention about hindu mythology and caste system but nothing about our TN people's ignorance, even our neibouring states doesn't have a good opinion about TN people's literacy, how will they? until there are fools in our group who can go up to building a temple for kushboo , and until the people think rajni or whoever are gods, we can't come up. As a matter of fact people in one our neighbouring states think only about computers and the ways fo gaining knowledge.
a simple question

"are cine actors/actresses entertaining objects or ideal people to be followed?"

it is a bad habit with we tamilians, we give more importance to cine persons, are we a bommalattam in the hands of them? if they tell us to vote for a particular leader then we should vote for them.
why should we keep their pictures in the name boards of shops? if it is so then why shouldn't we worship Hindu gods what is wrong in it?

if u think that all the above stuffs are crap because TN is already improved, then, u r fools and you think only Chennai is TN what about our south districts they are still at the same stage as they were before the tech boom in the country.

one final word to all educated
"Cine people are just to entertain us not to be followed as leaders. Selecting a good leader is in our own hands, we should be able to think who will do good for us, pls don't go by cine VIP's words, all the rasigar manrams(fan clubs) should be converted into schools, internet centres, libraries etc., think for a while how many rasigar manrams are there near all major slums in Chennai if they get converted into schools, intenet cafes etc., wont' the slum children get benefited from those, if this is case for Chennai alone then imagine the case of entire Tamizh Nadu"
TN will definitely improve. comments please...


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