christians,muslims,brahmins etc - positive things about them, good people you met,incidences

Topic started by Mummudicholan (@ on Sun Jul 27 05:18:27 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I am returning to this forum after nearly six months and I see that there is no let up in the hate.

We may feel annoyed with other religions, castes, races etc. But, most from India will have atleast something good to say about the other religion, he/she would have met someone from the other side of the religious/caste divide and would have been touched by the kindness shown.

For a change, let us write about that here. Let us recount.

I still remember so many persons chrisitians, muslims, various hindu castes, who have showered me with love,affection, helped in difficult situations.

Those who motivated me in my studies were always brahmin teachers. Three christian friends(two were dalit christians and one a vellala christian) helped me during difficult times. I have eaten so many times in my muslim friends' houses. Many times, just we will inform a few hours in advance and drop in for a delicious non-vegetarian food.

For a change, let us write about such things.


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