did ramanuja change the meaning of the shloka...shuklam bharatharam vishnum shashi varnam

Topic started by shankaranarayanan (@ dialpool-210-214-216-159.maa.sify.net) on Fri Apr 4 14:00:07 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

according to non- sri vaishnavas the meaning of this shloka is:
shukla ambharatharam-one who wears a white cloth.
shashi varnam-whit colour
chatur bujam-4 hands
prasanna vadhanam dhyayayeth-( no controversy in meaning for this)
sarva vignopashanthayeth-clears all hurdles
vaishnavas have rejected this meaning?
how often does vishnu wear a white cloth instead of yellow?
when did he become moon coloured instead of rain-cloud colour?
most common reference to clearer of vignas or hurdles is ganesha.
now if ramanuja was correct why dont other vaishnavaites like madhwas accept this?
why from north to south the smartha interpretation is agreed?
advaitis could not have changed the meaning of vishnu to vinayaka as they do not detest vishnu.
the real reason is that ramanuja had to wipe out shiva from vedas,puranas-shiva related puranas were converted to tamasik puranas-when they were composed by vyasa,and peoples mind.
he was unsucessfull in this regard.


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