dravidian illusion

Topic started by the_thinking_man (@ on Mon Sep 29 07:18:54 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

is there a "dravidian race"??or have our self serving tamil politicians just lapped up a myth propagated by the britishers for their interests?
the so called "four varnas " or the varnaa system the favourite whipping boy of the dravidian parties,never existed in tamil society.
the brahmins only reached a exalted position during british rule.in fact the chola rulers patronised manusmriti one of them was known as manuneedhi cholan.the other "dravidian language speakers like kannadigas and telugu speakers refuse to consider themselves as dravidians??all
sections of ancient tamil society had equal access to education and religion .in fact the first pan dravidian movement was the bhakti movement in tamilnadu which united all tamils?
ur views??


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