Brahmins vs Christian Nadars

Topic started by Joel D'Souza (@ on Sun Aug 5 02:42:20 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Why do some people hate Brahmins? It could be because of one or two incidents happened long time back and blown up so big. But nowadays most of the Brahmins have left Tamil Nadu and settled elsewhere. Still should that hatred exist with us? Now most people know that Brahmins are the ones with helping mentality towards others.

How about the other castes which exist in Tamil Nadu? Instead of analyzing about Brahmins, I wish to analyze the Christian Nadars (who are supposed to be a forward caste by all means). These people exist throughout TamilNadu. But originally they are from Tirunelveli, Kanya kumari, Tuticorin, Ramnad and Trivandrum districts.

Just like the Brahmin bashers talk about Brahminism I talk about Christian Nadarism. When you look at the Christian population in the aforementioned districts you will note that the Christian Nadars are not a majority community in these places. They may account for only 30 to 40 percent of the Christian population there. But they play various tricks by which, they try to capture almost 100% of all the resources and opportunities of the Christian Churches there. Take for example the Technical Institutions owned by the catholic Church and the CSI in KK district. 90% of the staff and students in these institutions are Nadars only. You can't see other people there. But as I told earlier the actual Nadar population is only 30 to 40%.

How this is happening? There comes the game plan of Nadars. They catch hold of the highest authoritative positions by hook or crook and try to dominate others. The worst affected communities because of these games now want to leave Christianity due to this sort of prejudice of the Church.

These Nadars who always want to enjoy the reservation system of the government, will tend to act like higher caste people when the so called other minority christian community people are there. As an example if a person from Fernando community and a Nadar go to a hotel for lunch, the Nadar will forget about all of his history and will try to act as though he is a pure vegetarian (only for that instant only. afterwards he will eat non veg in other places). This is just one sample. Like this there are many others.

So my conclusion is Brahmins are far better than some of these other backward castes (which are actually forward castes)


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