Friendship among Brahmins and Non-Brahmins

Topic started by karthikdevan (@ on Sat Oct 19 03:42:43 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I am seeing almost everyday in Forumhub that the Non-Brahmin Tamils tend to accuse Brahmins for all the ills plaguing our society.This is ofcourse a minority , but they are more more vocal and more abusive .

Somehow in the recent past this has become a habbit among the educated and narrow minded Non-Brahmins(again a minority only).

When I think about myself, the one who talked about computers in our school days when the Tamil world was sleeping was a Brahmin.

The first (and only one) to get into IIT from my school was a Brahmin , who liberally helped all of us by giving his notes and materials and who motivated us.

The school headmaster who took special care on me was a Brahmin.

I have never faced any discrimination from Brahmins in my life.But seen almost all other castes practicing discrimination.

Once , my uncle who at that time was in Chennai sent his colleague's son to ou house for stay.That person was a officer in the Bank.After he came here , somehow we came to know that he is a Dalit.Ofcourse , we never bothered much.But all our relatives saw as if we have done some crime .

There was a Dalit Doctor and he has to struggle hard to prove himself and those who mocked him initially were all NBs.

One rich landlord from my place belonging to Thevar caste had a second wife who belonged to the Isai Vellalar caste.He never had any issues through his first wife.The second wife's son was never accepted as a heir and at the death ceremony, he was beaten and thrown out by the relatives of the deceased person.He is a wonderful Doctor and he has to move out , unable to bear the humiliation and harassment from those who were after his father's property.

I once met a Isai Vellalar who said that he has to hide his caste and make it Dalit , since they faced much more ostracisation by the society(all NBs) than the Dalits.

Actually we , Non-Brahmins are more regressive and conservatives.We discriminate against Dalits and other castes.

But , we create imaginary grievances against Brahmins and hide our own faults by these Brahmin bashings.

I wish good N0n-Brahmin souls of this Forum to share their perceptions, experiances about their Brahmin friends, Brahmins who helped them, Brahmins who never bothered about caste,Brahmins who worked for the welfare of all irrespective of caste.

Incidentally, Dr.Abdul Kalam, the President of India says that he is indebted to his Brahmin teacher for all his successes.

"....Yavarum Kelir..." (all are brothers-kanian Poongundranar , a tamil poet who lived 2500 years back)


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