Brahmin bashing!

Topic started by B.Anand (@ on Wed Jul 19 09:33:32 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I am a new entrant to this group. As I went through the old topics and their responses I find that there are many places where brahmins are maligned without any reason. This shows the animosity that is prevailing between the non-brahmin and brahmin community. Those who do so are under the wrong notion that brahmins are not loyal to tamil and the tamil land. They might also say that brahmins had illtreated them on the basis of caste. To a large extent that is a fact also. But those are past. I have had chance to mingle with many brahmins. Like us they also identify themselves as tamils. They are also proud of tamil literature. If you happen to see the annals of tamil literature there are many contributions from brahmins. Subrahmanya Bhrathi, Kalki-Krishnamurty, Vaduvoor Durai swamy Iyengar, U.V.Swaminatha Iyer -- to mention a few.
Those of you who have read kalki will know how patriotic he was. In his works especially Tyaga bhoomi he criticizes his own community for their racial attitutes. He was an advocate of TAMIL ISAI. We know of Soorya Narayana Shastri who changed his name to PARUDI MAAL KALAINGAR as it is sanskrit and to show his loyalty for tamil. How many of us would have done so or will do so? There have been many brahmins who have revolted against caste bias and have fought against the same. Saint Ramanuja was the first to fight against non-touchability. Is not he a brahmin? Even if you take our own fellows, are we not fighting on the basis of caste? My own grandpa says caste X is inferior to ours. How can we blame brahmins? This is the case with many of us. The caste riots in southern tamilnadu are not triggered by brahmins. So let us not squarely blame one community. We are also as bad as the brahmins in caste matters. Be rational when you make a point. Do not be driven by passion. As far as I have seen, many politicians who claim themselves to be fighiting for the cause of Dravidians are demagogues exploiting peoples emotion. Equip yourself with evidence to bolster your claims, before ever pointing it out. BRAHMINS ARE ALSO TAMILS! Do not forget it.



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