Teravadisation of Tamils..a new threat to Tamil culture

Topic started by mmc (@ on Sat Dec 7 23:31:30 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

All of us who are aware about the History knows that the teravadisation(a version of fanatic Buddhism and more particularly , the virulent version of it headed by the SL-Urumaiya monks) lead a large section of the Tamils in Srilanka to forego their Tamilness and made them into different entities which got ultimately merged with the larger Sinhala identity.

In Tamilnadu, now our great Thirumavalavan , who is backed by Church funds has initiated this process.Every religious denomination is jumping on HIndu-Dalits as vultures fight among themselves to prey on the flesh(here these 'vultures' act in unison!).

I am reproducing a post i made to Ashok on the threats of Teravadism:

I personally consider Buddha as representing the pinacle of Hindu thought and spiritualism.I consider Him as a Hindu , not only by birth but also by His preachings as i find that he has echoed what the Upanishads have declared milleniums before Him.I find Him preaching the same thing Krishna preached.

This doesnt mean that i want to amalgamate Buddhism into Hinduism.I dont want to destroy the individuality of Buddhists of all sects including the teravadic version prevalent in SL.Again this doesnt prevent me from owning Buddha as mine.He rose as a result of the same thought process in which i have been boughtup.He belongs to the same cultural heritage as that of mine.I am proud that i hail from the same stock that produced Buddha and of my linkages with that Saint.

I can never ever spit venom on Budha or ridicule Him.If you had the patience to go through my posts, you wouldve found out that I never criticise even the Semetic Gods.

However, I have many times ridiculed teravadism (only the SL version of it) as I have ridiculed the church or the fundamentalist institutions of all religions.I have attacked the missioneries , mullas and similar way I have ridiculed the Buddhist Sangha . This is merely my view.I have felt that the SAngha as an institution is responsible for the loss of lives of thousands of SLs and has pulled down a beautiful country and destoyed the dreams of atleast two generations.

I know that the Sangha is now understanding this.I am seeing many teravadists who echo similar statements.

Well, coming to the point, as you all criticise and ridicule Sangh(i mean Hindutvadis), I criticise and ridicule the Sangha (tervadic monks).I have never said that you shouldnt criticise Hindutvaists.Similarly, I am entitled for my views.

About attacking certain practices of SL-Buddhism, I merely attack them only when they ridicule certain Hindu practices.

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If you or Nisala get offended by some remarks of mine against the teravadic monks of the teravadic practices , i have thousand times more grievance against Nisala's mentioning of words on Hindu Figures in a derogatory way.

I started criticising the SL-teravadic offshoot of Buddhism only when i observed that Nisala gleefully participated in our discussions on problems in Hinduism or Tamil society but started going into denial/attack mode when i pointed out certain things to him ,like the presence of cruelty among Buddhists, casteism within the Sangha in SL etc.

You must wonder as to why i mention casteism in Sangha or point out to the drawbacks of Teravadism.If you know what is happening throughout India now, you may realise the reason behind my attacks.

Throughout India , now a frenzied atmosphere is created among Dalits saying that Buddha has been their saviour and Buddhism is their religion.Many times i find that christian missioneries are involved in the work.I dont know as to what is their ultimate game plan.But this is happening.

Whereas conversions to christianity has come down in the recent times, conversions to teravadic-buddhism have started everywhere.And they dont target dalit christians or dalit muslims(yes there are no dalit muslims in tamilnadu, but they are there in huge number in north india..esp UP).Only Hindu-Dalits are asked to switch over to Buddhism.Now recently in a meeting held by all Dalit organisations in Tamilnadu, it has been decided that a Buddha's statue will be kept in every Dalit locality belonging to Hindu-Dalits.Christian Dalits have resisted and the convention declared that such Buddha's statues will not be kept in DAl;it-christian localities.

The Teravadic Monks of Uttar Pradesh with Missionery money power sponsored Dalits and Dalit organisations to go to Durban and tarnish India there.Teravadic version of Buddhism( the other sects in India maintain a distance in this regard) is now spreading its tentacles undermining the State and helping out the anti-India forces by utilising the Hindu-Dalits.

Hence, even though I accept Buddha, many principles and philosophies of Buddhism, i remain sceptical about the Teravadic version( in the Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Gaya , the most vocal monks are actually SL-tervadics who have attempted at removing all Hindu Motiffs which has been present since the time it was built...i think 5th century AD).And this is merely my opinion , no Hindutvaist criticised Buddha or Buddhism and maynt know that teravadism is different from Dharamsala Version which they see daily or hear in newspaper report, which doesnt have any ill intentions towards India or Hinduism.

Already in Maharashtra the neo-buddhists are posing a major threat to the Maharashtrian Cultural ethos.

Eventhough Buddhism originated in India and Buddha preached 'Pure Hinduism', the teravadism has no connections with the preachings of Buddha and inherently violent and has more of the anti-Buddha animist content.

Let us hail Buddha (for we are infact practicing what Buddha preached) , but let us be aware about the threats of the new conversion movement which is going to undermine the Tamil Society and is going to create violent-artificial Divisions among us.

Casteism and Untouchability is bad.But atleast it can be rectified as is happening now.But conversion is not a solution to it and it will plunge our society into perpetual divisions and communal conflicts for centuries to come.


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