City swallowed up by the sea 5,00 years ago

Topic started by Naveena (@ on Thu Apr 11 12:24:25 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

British divers discover ruins of settlement off the coast of India.

The ruins of an ancient city off the coast of India have been discovered by a team of British divers on a shoestring budget.

Experts claim it could have been submerged more than 5,000 years ago-2,000 years earlier than most scientist believe south Indian civilisation were established.
The discovery will lead to a major re-examination of Indian history. It will also fuel long-held theories-first sparkled by Plato's writing about the lost city of Atlantis-that countless other sunken cities are still to be found.
Underwater photos and flim footage unveiled in London yesterday show long-metre high walls and granite objects-one resembling a lion's head-which seem man-made.
The finding was announced by expedition leader Monty Halls and controversial author Graham Hancock, who joined the £35,000 project. Edinburgh-born Hancock,author of Fingerprint of the gods,is renowned for his theory that the world's first complex civilisations were established 10,000 years ago but were wiped out by a violent cataclysm.
He remains cautious about the implications of the latest finding, but said yesterday:"I've argued for many years teh world's flood myths deserved to be taken seriously-a view most western academics reject.But here we have proved the myths right and academics wrong."
According to Hancock,carbon-dating of organic samples trapped beneath the granite objects will establish the age of the ruins,a mile off coast of Mahabalipuram in Tamil Nadu,south India.
He stresses the structures,15 to 21 feet underwater,could have been pushed into the sea by subsidence or tectonic activity.The only other explanation would be the rising of teh sea level over thousands of years.
The expedition was organised by Dorset-based scientific Exploration Society,toghether with India's National Institute of Oceanography.
(source :- Daily Express)


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