Who are these Vanniars?

Topic started by Karthik (@ on Mon May 19 20:55:27 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Who are these Vanniars?
1.Are they really warriors? and descendants of the ancient tamil kings like Cholas and Pallavas?
or 2.they are just yet another shudra community?
If 1 is correct why were they listed as a Denotified Tribe during the british rule.And why many of them
are still agricultural labourers till now.
Why are they not widely acknowledged as a warrior community like the thevars?
If 2. is correct, what about the meanings of their suranames which corresponds to the
military ranks and even some kingly titles of the ancient dynasities?
And some old tamil literatures regard them as the rulers?
If both 1&2 are correct, how can a ruling class become slaves in their own land?
Please clear my doubts.


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