URGENT: Three Indian youths detained in Maldives, one killed by inhuman torture and others waiting for death sentence!

Topic started by TAMIL MIGRANTS INTERNATIONAL (@ on Tue Dec 2 00:51:42 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

URGENT: Three Indian youths detained in Maldives, one killed by inhuman torture and others waiting for death sentence!

Dear Friend

Rajan, an Indian national, left for Maldives on March 24, 2002 with a work visa and was employed in Maris Construction in Male. A few days after his arrival in Maldives, the body of a young woman had been found near the place where he was staying along with his two friends. The woman had been raped and murdered.

On April 8, 2003 Police arrested Rajan (27), Saravanan of Tiruchi and Kamal of Thanjavur, (all from Tamil Nadu, India) and charged them with rape and murder of the girl. Despite their protest of innocence, they were beaten up and lodged in a jail.

One of them Saravanan had died due to the ``inhuman torture in an unknown land.'' Other two are living under the perpetual threat of death.
Rajan had written a letter to the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu on a piece of newspaper, which had been washed to remove the print, since Indian prisoners in Maldivian jails are not given writing materials, seeking assistance to get him released.

The barely legible letter to the Chief Minister in Tamil says that he (Rajan), a citizen of Tamil Nadu, had been falsely implicated in a case along with two others and was living under the perpetual threat of death. The three men were taken to an island where they were beaten and Saravanan was made to sign a confession statement despite his demand for forensic examination. Saravanan had been beaten to death, Rajan said. They did not understand the language of Male and no assistance was provided to translate what they had stated.

Rajan noted, ``We have no belief in the judicial system of this country and I am afraid that the same fate that befell Saravanan awaits us. We are being tortured in this jail and they are planning to kill us also. Mother, please save us from these wild beasts''.

In a letter smuggled out of prison, Rajan had said that he and his friends had nothing to do with the rape and murder and had been falsely implicated and tortured.
So the two young men from Tamil Nadu continue to languish in the Maldivian prison, under the shadow of death.
`We request you to take action for the following case; your action will save lives.

With regards

R. ARUL, Director
Email: tamilmigrant@yahoo.co.in


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