Kannagi statue should be placed in Madurai, not in Chennai.

Topic started by Nambi (@ cache-bas-hsi.cableinet.co.uk) on Wed Mar 20 17:23:38 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

The people who never read or understood are
fighting to place it in Chennai. I do not know
why Annadurai placed it in Chennai. The right
place for that is Madurai. Not only that, Madurai
is the only right place to be a capital of TN not
Chennai. Karunanithi totally has/had more than
three wives and he is fighting for Kannagi statue
saying he is trying to save Tamil cultural heritage. Kannagi stood for Justice and she
is a symbol of our cultural heritage. Karunanithi
is having no right to talk about Tamil cultural
heritage as he is not practising 'Oruvanukku oruthi'.


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