Beef-eating and Tamil Culture

Topic started by Neel (@ on Wed Sep 6 20:52:19 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

How tolerant is Tamil culture to "beef eating"? When I was growing up in Tamilnadu I have heard of the really poor people eating beef but others don't even talk about eating a cow. I have never seen a beef stall in Tamilnadu in all my life. But I am sure they exist.

While the whole of India considers the cow sacred it is only Tamilnadu that pays tribute and worships the cow with a holiday every year. Are there other states/cultures that have a similar holiday?

Isn't there a law in the US against skinning cows for leather? Are there laws in India against slaughtering cows for meat or for leather?

I have come across many Tamils in the West who eat beef and don't think once about it. I think Tamils should always stand opposed to cruelty towards cows. I think beeaf-eating is against Tamil values. Or since times are changing should we consider worshipping the cow a meaningless tradition?

I pass no judgement on people who like to eat beef. Please post your inputs. Thank you.

PS - If a thread exists that already discussed this topic please let me know.


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