Why don't we just give Valluvar to the Jains and be peaceful here?

Topic started by Idiappam (@ cache139.156ce.maxonline.com.sg) on Fri Oct 10 15:13:01 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Siddha Raja Said:

//* Dearest Thiruvalluvar,

I have all the time thought you belonged to me, complete with that little book of yours, kural.

Now it seems you are badly needed by the Jains, who claim your are their original! It is just right that I should return you to them Jains, complete with that little of yours!

I just hope that they will put to good use that book, write it in their own lingual, such as Gujju or in any other lingual they desire prakits, pali or sanskrit, since Jains do not have a common lingua or a script. I also hope that the Jains read your little book, kural, and derive, all that good common sense the Tamils had got from it for a long time.

I also hope, they would just not just dump your book, the kural, in a corner, just as they did with their fat Jain books, that now they had become so small a group, minor than the recent religion of Sikhs.

I pray to the Lords of the Tamils, Mal, Seyon, Kortravai, Kumaran that your kural does not end up forgotten, like the Naladiyar - written by another true Tamil, but a Jain!

Fare thee well, Thiruvalluvar! //

I second that!


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