Why is there lacking a unified view of Dravidian language and culture? And how do you achieve this?

Topic started by currynspice (@ on Thu Oct 10 20:54:58 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

The states on the south of India share a common characteristic. They were defined based on the predominant Dravidian languages of most of the people of the province. Many are unaware of connections between the languages and other elements what can be termed Dravidic culture. I have heard ludicrous statements made by many southern Indians saying that their language was born from Sanskrit. Why is there such a depressing lack of awareness? Are Tamils also guilty in not being inclusive in their effort to assert the Dravidian identity? Why is the desire to assert the Dravidian identity more pronounced among Tamils than say the Kannadigas, the Malayalees, the Telugus, the Tuluvas. [Here I'm not even talking about the other pockets of Dravidian languages that exist in other parts of India.] Is there lack of a well-defined Dravidian
identity? Are many even aware of this identity?
I invite people to share their views. It would be very interesting and stimulating if the different language speakers weighed in.


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