American Culture, English, and Science for Modern Tamils!

Topic started by keeran (@ on Fri May 30 12:39:04 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Emigrated Tamil? often thinks she/he lives in two worlds, and selects the best of both worlds. Fool. The world is one. American culture, English language, and Science are the key elements of this one world.

Culture is reduced to movies, music and food. First two, the popular standard is that of Americas. The Last, the Chinese or the Italians claim superiority.

Tamil is declining and is scheduled to be extinct soon. For instance, higher learning is not available through Tamil. On the other hand, English is the international language.

If one dares to speak Tamil even among Tamils, she/he is looked upon as an uneducated primitive type stuck behind times. Technically and culturally the English language remains supreme.

2000+ years of religion can not help India to overcome its poverty. Religion promotes poverty, by advocating renunciation and reincarnation. On the other hand, 200+ years of science has transformed the rough Americas to the unchallenged Empire of America.

Should anyone care about Tamil culture, Tamil language, and religion?

Should we not just adapt the apparently superior American culture, English language, and Science?

Or are we going to claim that Tamil culture is unique and best for us, and Tamil language is rich of old history and stuff thats worth saving and promoting, and the Indian thought and religion is perfectly compatible with science?

Is there any truth to that claim?


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