Reservation Vs Recommondation- which is more dangerous to the country?

Topic started by true_patriot (@ on Fri Jan 25 10:35:14 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Generally our brahmin friends think Reservation for Dravidians in education and career will affect the progress of the country. Fact is that reservation doesn,t always brings out below standard guys. Recently the CEO(brahmin) of a bangalore based big software form told in a public meeting that reservation shouldn,t be their any ware. And this company recruites mostly IIT guys. But for the kind of work they do SSLC education is sufficent. Just because of Y2K they made good amount of money and it has become big. What we should understand is instead of companies demanding too much from the candidate when actually that much skill is not required for the actuall work available in the company. First of we should understand resrvation doesn,t bring below standard guys and try to utilise everybody then only IT revolution benifite will reach till the bottom.

Now coming to recommondation, most of the top level positions in govt and politics are filled by recommondation by our brahmin friends. This is the reasion why capable dravidians cannot reach the top level. Just because of brahminical recommendation process for past half a century which spoiled the countries growth by promoting incapable brahmins. Hence countries growth will not get affected that much by reservation than it get paralised by brahminical recommondation. So we should decide which one should be stopped first for our country to progress.


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