Will the present Ruling Government of TamilNadu kindly declare one day of the year as the "Tamil Nadu Women's Day"

Topic started by R.Sri Hari (@ modem54.bayrac2.eureka.lk) on Mon Feb 25 15:59:14 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Anbulla Vasaharhale (Dear Readers),

A quick and early solution to the legitimate grievances of the majority Women in TamilNadu highlighted by MEENAKSHI and posted in another thread (titled "Tamils should learn to respect and do justice to women.....") will not materialise to the extent expected unless all medias such as News Papers, Radio and TV Stations - too treat this as an important social issue and help to find redress to majority Women in TamilNadu.

The highlights on the woes and the greivences of the Women in TamilNadu in the Medias, and educating the population of TamilNadu with the remedial measures in this connection, are very essential to the benefit and the upliftment of the Tamil Women socially.

Further the conciousness of these grievences and the collective responsibilty of the people of TamilNadu in taking corrective measures in this matter, "could be infused much more in the minds of the entire population of TamilNadu" by the Ruling Government of TamilNadu, - irrespective of which Political Party is ruling - declare one day of the year as the "TamilNadu Women's Day" and make it a State holiday to celebrate this day.

This day should be celebrated with Mass meetings, and Forum discussions at the Universities, Colleges and at the Public - Auditoriums and other Places, with peaceful march by Women's - Organisations of Tamil Nadu highlighting to the masses the purpose of this day, Exhibitions stressing on the general upliftment of the majority Women of TamilNadu socially, ethically, and education wise and economically, held at every nook and corner and in every villages and towns of TamilNadu, publicising the significance of this day.

Their call should be for their Liberation, Freedom, Respect, Justice and general Upliftment in all walks of life, and to their security - within their homes - from Drunked, Iliterate, (mentally & physically) Abusive Husbands and from the Dowry Torture from their heartless In-Laws, and in the society outside their homes from Abusive words and Indecent languages of Men in Public, Ragging in Universities & Colleges, Sexual Harrasment and Eve-teasing in Offices and Public Places, Kidnapping of Women from Public Places, and from the Rape of Women by ruthless Men from ordinary Laymen to powerful Personalities.

All Medias of TamilNadu should highlight these celebrations and their significance in a very big way, creating much social awareness and importance of the Liberation and Freedom of the Women in TamilNadu, and educating the Men population "TO RESPECT AND DO JUSTICE TO WOMEN BOTH YOUNG AND OLD, AT HOME AND IN PUBLIC PLACES, AND PROVIDE THEM WITH EQUAL STATUS WITH MEN - IN ALL FIELDS AND IN ALL WALKS OF LIFE".

These celebrations could be similer to the May Day celebrations celebrated in all countries throughout the World - highlighting the Workers Rights in Working Environments.

The "TamilNadu Womens Day" could also set an example to the other States of India which has similer grievences, and also in the other underdeveloped countries in the World.

Will the present Ruling Government of TamilNadu kindly declare one day of the year as the "Tamil Nadu Women's Day" to pave way for people of Tamil Nadu to collectively think, realise and find redress to the woes and greivences of the Women of TamilNadu, and also plan out strategies to socially liberate and uplift them ???

R.Sri Hari


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