What is the solution for KGF Tamils ?

Topic started by KGF (@ on Wed Oct 15 06:01:00 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

This is the invitation of KGF Tamils.

WORLD FAMOUS Kolar Gold Fields Today!?

1. 150 year old, world famous Gold Mining Industry of Kolar Gold Fields is being closed. Over a period of years the work-force is reduced from 40,000 men to 4,000 and now inevitably landing everyone without an alternative job.

2. The life of 2 lakh settlments (5 generations), predominantly Tamilians are put to a state of hopelessness, desperation, insecurity, driving them to a point of starvation.

3. Unless some immediate alternative is brought to rehabilitate this unfortunate lot, there will be a human tragedy here.

4. So far no rehabilitation schemes have come either from the State or the Central Governments, for the displaced workers.

5. The people are well qualified, dynamic, disciplined, well-mannered having a unique work culture

6. K.G.F has 50 square kilometers vacant land, uninterrupted water and power supply, 25o to 30o c salubrious climatic condition (MSL-3199 Ft.), Industrial training institutes, well equipped workshops, satellite of quality educational institutions, hospitals and even a permanent helipad.

7. Well connected by transportation network facilities on road, rail (Broad gauge) and air to all the leading cities in the country, especially to the adjoining states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala.

8. A separate police district with a special S.P. to maintain laws and order.

8a. KGF has baked up the wealth of our Nation Sacrificing 1000s of lives

9. Some of the altemative employment generating activities (skilled, semi-skilled & unskilled) could be

Software technological park
Management Information system (MIS)
Assembling of Electronic Goods
Automobile industries
Agro based activities like,

Coffee & Tea plantations
Fresh cut flowers
Organic vegetables & fruits
Dairy farming
Food processing & cold storage

10. Help is required to revive and restore K.G.F to its past glories.

N. Subramoney President, Exnora International. Ph. 0091-08153-61283
Blossom Side, 1st cross, Goutham Nagar, K.G.F. 563 122
KARNATAKA, South India.K.G.F. 563 122
KARNATAKA, South India.


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