Sri Lankan army of desecrating the AncientThiruketheeswaram Temple

Topic started by SIVAMITTHIRAN (@ on Wed May 22 00:39:48 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

“No government should use our war against terrorism as an excuse to persecute minorities within their borders. Ethnic minorities must know that their rights will be safeguarded—that their churches, temples, and mosques belong to them. We must respect legitimate political aspirations, and, at the same time, oppose all who spread terror in the name of politics or religion
- George Bush-

Army desecrated Mannar temple, says TULF MP

In a letter to President Chandrika Kumaratunga alleging several incidents of vandalism and profanity, TULF MP Mavai Senathirajah has accused the Sri Lankan army of desecrating the Thiruketheeswaram Temple in Mannar.
Mr Senathirajah quoted reports from the President of the Temple Restoration Society, who visited the site on 21February 200, saying that the temple and environs had been converted into a "regular army camp."
Amongst other abuses of the temple, part of the western wall of the temple is said to have been used for target practice, the sacred well desecrated, and the underground portion of the Ther Muddi (Chariot Shed) converted to army barracks, according to the Temple Restoration Society President's report.
Mr Senathirajah said that to date the government through the RRAN had only provided Rs10 million of the Rs35 million earmarked by the RRAN for the temple's restoration.
Mr Senathirajah requested that the President direct the RRAN to release the balance of the earmarked fund immediately, and to ensure the future protection of from similar desecration and damage of all places of Hindu worship.


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