Christian Dalits demand Reservation

Topic started by Karuvayan (@ on Wed Jun 11 05:17:27 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Dalit Christians
The Rajasthan Government has decided to give 14 per cent reservation for the economically weaker sections among the forward castes. Now the Maharashtra government also has mooted the same proposal.
All successive governments at the Centre and the States are committed to protect the interests of the SCs and STs and also the OBCs through various acts and rules. However, Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims have been deprived of the reservation benefits on the ground that they don’t believe in the caste system.
It is a clear discrimination on the grounds of caste and religion. The socio-economic disabilities of the Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims are the same as those suffered by Dalit Hindus. Therefore, the governments at the Centre and in the states should see that equal justice is done to the Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims on par with Dalit Hindus by amending the Indian Constitution.


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