Call for world Tamils to unite as an economic force

Topic started by AJ (@ on Sun Oct 13 14:50:01 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Tamils across the globe should unite in order to be recognised as a strong economic and political force, a community leader says.

"A proposed international Tamil flag and anthem has been launched, and these should be used as unifying tools," said Sinathumbi Chelliar, president of the International Movement for Tamil Culture.

Chelliar was speaking at the 8th International Conference on Tamil Culture here. About 500 delegates representing Tamil communities in Canada, Germany, Norway, Malaysia, India, the U.S., Denmark and South Africa are attending the event.

Chelliar said: "We shouldn't think of ourselves as Indian Tamils or South African or Malaysian Tamils or Tamils from any particular country or region. "Each one of us should proudly say: 'I am a world Tamil. My community is the Tamil community.' Go forward under this flag and anthem to build a strong community that will be respected by the world at large."

Chelliar said the IMTC was politically non-partisan and did not object to efforts by any political party unless these parties affected the development of Tamil culture and language.

He also espoused the creation of a Tamil World Development Bank. "This is necessary for Tamil posterity.

Think of how the Jewish community has developed -they were downtrodden at one stage, but are a big force today. Even the U.S. is afraid of them because of their economic control," he said.

Tamils must develop themselves along the same lines by prospering in every country. They must support any Tamil who can come up anywhere, he remarked.

Explaining the development of the Tamil flag and anthem, Chelliar said the flag is a heritage flag.

"It depicts the symbols of the Tamil kings who ruled us -- the bow and arrow, tiger, fish and veena. There is also the bull; the emblem of Indus civilisation, and the flag is decorated with a depiction of the rising sun, which was worshipped by our forefathers since it was so essential to them as farmers."

A Tamil scholar from Canada, Uthayakaren Thurairajah, composed the national anthem. It lauds the past achievements of the Tamil civilisation and its future aspirations. Canada's government has honoured Thurairajah for his efforts.


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