Meta Saivism - The Ancient Way Of Life

Topic started by P.N.Kumar (@ on Thu Sep 19 11:22:53 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

NeelamEni vAlizai pAkaththu
oruvan iruthAL NizaRkIz
mUvakai ulakum mukizththana muRaiyE!

Ainkurunooru - Ancient Sangam Text - Exact period yet to be established)


I am tempted to start a thread at last, dedicating to a subject very close to my heart, as many of you know well already.

I have started this thread mainly to re-post my articles from different threads here in Forum Hub and also from other forums. I would be adding many new viewpoints too in the related areas.

Dwelling deep for almost a decade now with the Tamil Saivaite texts - both ThirumuRai and the Sastra works - it has dawned upon me that what is known as Hinduism, the great way of life had originally been the all encompassing MetaSaivism, ancient Tamil's
Religion. I would dare say that it is the Tamil's gift to the mankind, no fanatism intended of course.

In essence it is on 'Comprehending the Cosmos in Self''. 'AndamathE pindamAkum'
(Macrocosm is to be realized in Microcosm) is the core message here. In Tamil we call
it 'uNmukath thEdal' (Turning inwards) and this search is for realizing the divinity in our own temple called -the body.

uLLam pirAn kOyil, Unudampu Alayam - sings St.Thirumular.

Saiva Siddhantha as codified by St.Meykandar in 12th Century is not some kind of a brand new religion. Much earlier St.Thirumular had already enunciated the most principal doctrines of Saiva Siddhantha. And St.Mular himself sings that the 'Pazavazi', the most ancient way is Saivism.

Let me start with the fundamentals of this ancient way:

It reveals the Knowledge of God, Soul and the world of bondages - Pathi, Pasu and Pasam. The mind-bound soul is fed with the dirt and desire of I and mine consciousness. It is like an ore, which has to pass through an arduous process of devotion in the furnace of self-surrender.

And Life is an evolution of the soul from Jivahood to Sivahood.

The Cin-mudra of the Primal Guru Dakshinamurthi indicates this unity of Pasu with Pathi getting rid of three taints - Pasam - vividly.

The thumb represents Linga or Siva in the heart. The fore-finger is the soul bound by (Mummalam in Tamil) mental impurities. The other three fingers represent three-fold impurities: Egoism, Desire and Karma. The long middle finger represents the most obstinate impurity - egoism; the ring finger, karma, which impels action; and the little finger, the maya-mala which tries to mitigate the influnce of anavam or egoism.

I'd be posting first my earlier write-ups on the souls inward journey, seeking Sivam.

NatrunaiyAvathu NamasivayavE


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