Why is it , not a single among the present day cities of Tamil Nadu have been named after the greatest Tamil Emperors, namely the Raja Raja Chola - 1 and the Rajendra Chola - 1 in their honour.

Topic started by R.Sri Hari (@ modem24.bayrac1.eureka.lk) on Mon Feb 26 14:04:44 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

It is very pathetic to note the Tamils of Tamil Nadu have completely forgotten the two great Tamil Emperors of Tamil Nadu, namely the "Raja Raja Chola - 1" and "Rajendra Chola - 1".

It was during the period of Raja Raja Chola - 1 the greatness of Tamil Kings were felt in India and Overseas.

During this period, the Tamil Administrative System reached its perfection, with unique Democratic Systems prevailing at the middle and lower levels of Civil Administration with the Kingship at the hierachy.

Irrigation Systems & Water Management reached their highest development with the Buildings of Granite Stone Dams and Water Channels.

The Fine Arts such as Music, Dance, Sculpture, Architecture, Iconography,and related other minor Arts flourished to their maximum.

The development of the technics of Ship Building saw many sea faring Tamil Traders in far distant lands of South East Asia crossing the deep ocean.

The great military achievements of Tamils were seen with the Cholas capturing about 60% of then India during this period.

Even the overseas territories such as the northern half of Sri Lanka and Maldive Islands too came under their direct rule.

The Saivaism Religion received a great revival, with the construction of many granite Temples in the name of Lord Shiva, the great Thirumurais being discovered, and the Othuvar System of Thirumurais in temples introduced.

The most outstanding temple remaining even today bearing testimony to the greatness of Raja Raja Chola-1 is the 216 Ft tall Thanjavur Birahadeeswara Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, which has today been classified under the World Heritage Monument of UNESCO.

He was followed by his very able son the Rajendra Chola - 1, who militarily achieved more than his father, with the capture of about 75% of then India, and in addition to half of Sri Lanka & Maldive Islands, also the Lacadive Islands, Nicobar Islands (near andaman), parts of Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia.

He also maintained like Raja Raja - 1 friendly political and trade relations with the then Chinese Empire and the Cambodian kingdom.

The developments of Culture, Religion, Fine Arts and Country wise continued as during the period of Raja Raja Chola - 1.

Measuring their greatness achieved in all fields, a non-Tamil Historian correctly and justifiably referred to them in his book titled 'Currents of South-East Asian History' as "....kings of World stature...".

Even the first Prime Minister of India late Hon Jawarhalal Nehru in his book titled "The Glimpses of India" rightly referred to the Cholas of Tamil Nadu as the only dynasty who crossed far overseas and conquered the distant lands.

It is very regretable not a single Government of Tamil Nadu that came to power after the independence ever thought of glorifying these two Emperors by naming two of the major Cities or Provinces of modern Tamil Nadu under their name, while they have taken much initiaive and renamed some Provinces after some less popular individuals of modern times.

Will all the people of Tamil Nadu jointly make a move with the help of the Government to rename the two cities of Tamil Nadu {Chennai & Thirutchi} as "RajaRaja Cholapuram" and "Rajendra Cholapuram" so that the names of Raja Raja - 1 and the Rajendra Chola - 1 will be made to be known at International Levels - being in a humble honour to these two great Emperors by the people of Tamil Nadu.

Further this will keep these two great kings remembered by the present generation of Tamils and others and by many more generations to come.



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