Chola Army information

Topic started by Larry (@ on Mon Oct 27 16:44:27 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hello, and thank you for reading my message.

I am a American, but am very interested in the mighty army of the Chola Empire. I am trying to make reconstructions of the uniforms, flags and so on of the army, but there are not many sources here in the U.S. to fill in the details.

Here are some questions, and any information on this or other topics would be appreciated.

1) What colors did the troops of the Chola wear? Was there a certain color that distinguished them (like the Rajputs wearing yellow)? I know that Indian troops did not wear a great deal or colthing, but they would have at least a pair of shorts and a girdle, as well as jewelry.

2) What did Chola flags look like? How were they shaped? Did they have tigers on them? If so, were the tigers natural/realistic in appearance, or highly stylized? Did they also use parasols as symbols of command?

3) Did any of the regiments of the Chola have names, and if so what were some of them? If not, did they have numbers instead?

4) Was there a special way in which the elephants were painted? Special symbols or colors?

5) Did they use bronze or copper or steel for their weapons?

I may be asking for too much, because I do not know how aware people are of their ancient history. (I can tell you that Americans are pathetically unaware of our own history of even 100 years ago.) But if you wish to share any information on these or other topics about the Chola army, as I have said, it would be greatly appreciated. All the best.


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