Learning The Tamil Language

Topic started by Greg Bain (@ cfw2.sanjs1.ca.excitehome.net.au) on Sun Jul 22 04:15:51 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

It seems to me that TAMIL is a sectret language. There are no classes for this language in Sydney Australia. I made an enquiry at the HOMEBUSH Tamil School to be greeted with laughter from a number of Tamil males loitering near the reception table. The headmisteress told me that they where NOT INTERESTED in developing TAMIL ADULT classes.

This is probably due to Tamils being ashamed of their language and all wanting to learn English.
Pity really. Tamil is one of the very oldest languages on the planet. Far older than Latin, a 'dead' language.

Oh well, Tamils seem little interested in involving Australians in Tamil culture. Pity that, maybe if they did Australian citizens would be more interested in pressing the Australian Government to intervene in the terrible conduct of the Sri Lankan Government and Military.

Only this week the Sri Lankan Navy sank several vessels, claiming they where Tamil Tigers attempting to smuggle arms into Sri Lanka. How did they know they where tigers? More likely they where refuges trying to get away.


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