What is the history of the SL tamils?

Topic started by TN-tamil (@ on Tue Jul 15 19:36:46 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hey, i just have a question about the SL tamils. I live in a western country, where the majority of tamils living here are sri lankan tamils.
One thing that struck me, is that the majority of them have rather light skin, and there are actually very few really dark ones amongst them.
Arent they the same people as us, i mean, they were originally from India.
I was at a gathering (SL-tamil), and there were only a few of them who had dark skin, most of them were rather light skinned, and many had sharp features. It was not like the people in Chennai.
Could someone please elaborate on this? Is it because of their mix with the sinhaleese people, arabs? Or is it just coincidence?
Thanks!! :)


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