salem vs coimbatore vellalars

Topic started by CZ Guilmoto (@ on Thu Aug 28 10:03:03 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I have read with interest messages of this group as many contributors seem to be highly knowledgeable about the Vellalar community.

I have a scholarly question regarding the Vellalars in Coimbatore and Salem (Kongu Vellalar). Are they exactly of the same origin?

My question arises from a study of the Salem district where female discrimination -infanticide being even common- is found to be often linked to the local Vellalars (also known as Kavuntar Gounders). See for example

What is surprising is that while this pratice is common in Salem and Dharmapuri district, it is absolutely non existent in near-by Coimbatore or Tiruppur districts. When statistics of female discrimination are examined (census data, infant mortality rates), female discrimination seems to entirely vanish when one moves from Salem city towards Coimbaore across the Kaveri.

Some local people told me once that local Vellalars in Salem area do not always intermarry with people from Coimbatore and that they may from a different subgroup. My guess is that a lot of them are from a different origin (Vanniyar, Kurumbar ?) but they have been incorporated in the Vellalar fold during the colonial period or later on.

Hence my question: are Salem and Coimbatore of the same origin and do they constitute a single group? Has anyone any clue about this admittedly very complex question ?

Thanks in advance



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