Why Ramayanam and Ancient Tamil civilization history are contradictory?

Topic started by Thavaraja sundhar (@ on Thu Mar 27 05:54:06 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

hi everyone.....
If the first Tamil Sangam is believed to have occured in the so called lost continent known as Kumari kandam(or Lemuria) some 10 000 years ago...How could there exist an island LAnka in the same indian ocean during the Ramayana period which is believed to have occured more than
10 000 years ago(i remember reading the existance of the ancient bridge connecting TAmil nadu and lanka photographed by NASA to have been actually built more than 20000 years ago).If according to RAmayan there was island in the indian ocean and at same time TAmil literatures are claiming the existance of a widespread land-mass extending to west Australia and to east africa in the same Indian ocean some 10000 years ago before the great flood.
Please give your opinions.


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