Appreciate Jayalalitha

Topic started by Veeran (@ on Thu Feb 28 21:15:20 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

It's a crime against humanity: Jayalalithaa
By Suresh Nambath

CHENNAI, FEB. 28. While condemning the killing of 57 passengers of the Sabarmati Express in Gujarat, the Chief Minister-designate and AIADMK general secretary, Jayalalithaa, today defended the rights of the Hindu majority and took exception to what she saw as the reluctance of political leaders to condemn violence against the majority community.

Devoting much of her statement to the supposed differentiation made by political leaders between violence against the majority and minority communities, she said the present incident should be viewed as a crime against humanity. ``It is very strange and saddening to see that when such acts are perpetrated against the minorities, all political leaders rush to issue statements of condemnation. But when persons belonging to the majority are subjected to similar perpetration of heinous crimes, not a single political leader has so far issued a statement condemning this barbaric crime. Such acts of senseless violence should be condemned no matter who is responsible for them and no matter who the victims are. It is not as though a crime is a crime only if it is committed against the minorities and not so if it is committed against the majority community. This should be viewed as a crime committed against humanity.''

Ms. Jayalalithaa went on to ``remind all the political leaders in India that it is not only the minorities who enjoy rights under the Constitution. The majority have rights too.''

She said it was shocking to note that 40 of those who perished in the fire were women and children. She conveyed her condolences to the families of those killed, and urged the Central and State Governments to take severe action against those responsible for ``this premeditated massacre''.


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