LTTE-Model Organizational Structure for Tamils?

Topic started by keeran (@ on Thu May 15 19:55:26 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

The school, temple and iyakam are the three common organizations to which Eelam Tamils subscribe. School lead to strong communities, but local in nature and strength. Temples' ownership and organizational structure are vague, and can not present good model for secular organizations. LTTE is among the highly effective and accomplished organization in Eelam Tamils history.

The salient features of LTTE are the following:

*Strong Central Command
LTTE leadership has clear main goal - Eelam, and portray it self as strong, intelligent, and stable. It sets the overall schemes, and relies on sub-groups to complete their missions.

*High Degree of Coordination and Networking
LTTE branches throughout the world, and it uses advanced technology for coordination and networking.

LTTE is known for not allowing their fighters to smoke, drink, or engage in sexual relationships while on duty; also they do not allow themselves to be captured by the enemy.

LTTE leader is said to be highly responsive to changing conditions. Their ascending to power after two major setbacks (first by Indian Army, then capture of Jaffana) testify to this fact. This is in contrast to Tamil culture, which is a static and tradition bound.

LTTE fighters expect to move up the ranks solely due to their talents and experience, and that has been the case for long time.

LTTE strength is also its weakness. The unquestioned single leadership threatens to be dictatorial; its increasing bureaucracy, formalities, and elitism threatens to destroy its mobile, rebellious, and down to earth elements.

When Tamils organize a commercial corporation or non-profit organization the LTTE structure and success will be consciously or unconsciously reflected upon.

Having said that;
Is there any other Eelam Tamil or Tamil corporation or movement now that is intentionally known or functioning now?

Other than Dravida movements, are there any other modern movements that can match the LTTE's effectiveness or reach in modern Tamil history?

(I welcome all responses and comments.)


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