A Nation's Development and People's thinking

Topic started by Kickboxer (@ 1cust191.tnt41.bos2.da.uu.net) on Sat Mar 29 23:27:00 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

The progress of a nation depends on the right economic policies, Buisness Strategies, natural resources, the type of government, etc.

If we look at all the nations that have'nt made much progress in the last fifty years, we can easily spot the reason WHY!

In most cases it is Religious fundamentalism, Even in most oil-rich nations, most people don't have the basic necessities of life and human rights, because the governments don't want them to become smarter and use religious fundamentalism as the tool to supress them. In nations like ours the people are always divided, either by caste or religions and spend their time and energy fighting with each other and never make progress (Every time I see a religious rally, I think, "Don't these people have jobs?"). And ofcourse communist nations are designed to starve people to death and deny human rights.

Is'nt it time for people to use some COMMON SENSE and not fall for those traps?. Even if we believe that our religion is the best, should'nt we keep that to ourselves and focus on making more progress? IT NEVER HURTS TO BE RICH

(Please do not attack any specific religion or caste. Give some constructive comments)


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