Tamils of TamilNadu should collectively prevent unscrupulous elements in TamilNadu, sending out of the country the ancient art treasures of TamilNadu of archaeological value.

Topic started by R.Sri Hari (@ modem33.bayrac.eureka.lk) on Fri Mar 23 11:27:37 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

We hear from Newspapers, Journals, and through Radio News, of the Hindu Temples in TamilNadu being robbed of their very ancient Bronze Idols of Hindu Gods and other artifacts of immense archaeological value, by unscrupulous elements in Tamil Nadu to make quick money for themselves.

These are said to be stealthily exported to foreign countries especially to the Western Countries where there are high demand for genuine Chola Hindu Bronzes.

TamilNadu authoriries should "arrange" to tighten the Customs-Check not only at their Ports but at the Ports in the neighbouring states too, to prevent such drain of TamilNadu's rich heritage.


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