History of Chola empire and its people

Topic started by Raj (@ 12-237-156-139.client.attbi.com) on Wed Jan 30 01:58:58 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Anbulla sagodhara sagodiriyarukku,
I would like to start reading the history of chola empire and its people. Where can I find extensive literature on this topic. A list of books and the places where I can find them would be good enough. I have done some search on the net but most of the results seems to highlight the general aspects of the empire. I am mostly concerned with the empire from vijalaya chola to the fall of the chola dynasty, history is available till 1279 , what is history after rajendran III A.D 1279 !!!. If you please could give me a list of literature, it would greatly help me.

Migavum Nandri,


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