Bharat, India, Hindustan

Topic started by Balasaheb Deshmukh (@ on Sun Dec 22 06:37:13 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Bharat, India, Hindustan

The oldest name of our country was Ajnabhvarsh or Nabhivarsh named after Nabhiraj, the father of Rishabh the first Jain Tirthankar. Then it was named Rishabhvarsh after Rishabh and at last Bharatvarsh, which was named after Bharat, the fisrt Chakrvarti and the eldest son of Rishabh. All these facts are confirmed by Bhagwat Puran and many other Hindu puranic literature. This name is accepted by constitution of India and used everywhere officially and unofficially by everybody except some Hindutwavadis who love to say Hindustan to this country.

The name Hindustan for our country was used by Arabs, Persians, Turks, Afghans (i.e. ‘Muslims’ in views of Hindutwawadis). I don’t know why the Hindutwwadis like to use the words Hindu and Hindustan which are given by those people who are enemies for them? These two word are pure ‘Muslim’ words and their meanings are not prideful. In Arabic and Persian languages the meaning of Hindu is Slave, Thief, A black spot on chick of the lover. The word Hindustan means the country of Hindus. So only slaves can be prideful of such words given by invaders.

Here I would like to say the words Jin, Jain and Bharat are pure desi and very good in their meanings. Jin is conquerer of self, Jain is his follower and Bharat was the greatest chakravarti.

We should know that there is a conspiracy behind calling Hindustan to this country. They don’t want a Jain name for this country. They tried to show that this country was named after the Bharat, the son of Shakuntala and another Bharat, brother of Ram but they couldn’t prove it. They found that he was the son of Rishabh the first Jain tirthankar in their own literature. So now they are trying to change the name of this country. But it is never possible.

India is the another name given by invaders. Why should we use it? We have changed Bombay, Madras. Calcutta to their original names. Then why not to change India to Bharat?

Balasaheb Deshmukh


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