26th November 2005, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by
Prabhu Ram
The king, if I recall right was Sundarapaandian (which could have been a generic title name given to many Pandiyan kings). The Chozha king at that time happened to have a title name 'Rajendran' (not the Rajendran, this was another one).
Is your reference the same or am I getting my history all jumbled up ?
As far as I know, there is only one "Sundara Pandaya" who was Lord Shiva Himself who married Thadathakai Pirati.
He did defeat the Cholas and return the kingdom back to them.
Rgds, Aravind Sitaraman
26th November 2005 08:19 PM
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4th December 2005, 02:12 AM
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That was the greatest incident of pure, true friendship in all of history , in all world civilisations!
I've tried to translate some of the songs in the Purananuru which speak of how Piciranthaiyar joined Kopperunchozhan in committing vatakkirutthal:
Song 215
As Kopperunchozhan sits in vatakkirutthal, he speaks to the men around him who say "Picirantaiyar will not come", and says that he will come.
In the good land of the southern lord
where the hunger of labourers picking beans
is slaked by a porridge of mashed tamarind and millet grains
cooked by the daughter of the cattle-grazers
who drops into white curds the white petals of the velai flower
which blooms in profusion along the cowdung-strewn streets;
they say Piciron is there, and that sustains my life
for he, who stayed away at a time when all was mine, [celvakkAlai]
will not stay away at a time when I have nothing [allarkAlai].
Song 216
Kopperunchozhan, who is sitting in vatakkirutthal, tells those with him to make room close to him for Picirantaiyar, who will come
"We have heard of him, but never seen him
though many years have passed.
He knows he has the rights of a faultless friend
And, O king, may he not use them?"
O you wise ones who offer these doubts!
He is beyond reproach, he is loving, he is my friend
He has no need of false shameful conduct
Whenever he names himself he says,
"En peyar pethai chozhan".
Yes, he bears the right of the highest love, but above all that,
he will not stay away at a time like this.
He will come now. Make room for him.
Song 217
Piciranthaiyar comes exactly as Kopperunchozhan had said he would. Pottiyar sings of his wonder at the greatness of such people
My mind is amazed, when I think,
that he sits here starving, renouncing all splendour.
Yet I am even more amazed when I think that a great man
from a distant land, mighty in renown, of high splendour
comes here at such a time
with friendship as his walking stick.
The greatness of the king who said "he will come"
and the wisdom of he who came, so that it would not be a lie,
lead one to wonder and wonder, until one passes beyond wonderment.
And when it has lost a king of such glory
that he commands the heart of a poet
who lives in a land where his power does not reach
what will become of this world?
It will be a most pitiable place.
Song 218
The song sung by Kanakkanar, when he saw that Picirantaiyar had joined Kopperunchozhan in vatakkirutthal.
Gold, and red coral, and pearls
and the lovely gems that form in the eternal mountains
are born far apart, yet when the time comes
to be joined into an ornament of great value
their paths come together. And so it is
that the great are the companions of the great
and the despicable find the company of the despicable.
Kopperunchozhan's vadakkirutthal is the theme of several songs in the Purananuru, 191, 214-219 are directly concerned with it, 213 give some background, and 212 is a song written by Piciranthaiyar in prasie of Kopperunchozhan.
A sequel to this incident is contained in songs 220 - 223. Pottiyar, who was Kopperunchozhan's court poet, sought his leave to sit in vadakkirutthal along with him. Kopperunchozhan refused, because Pottiyar's wife was then pregnant. He told Pottiyar to come back after the baby was born. Pottiyar returned shortly after his son's birth, but Kopperunchozhan was dead. Pottiyar sat by his "nadukkal", and sang asking him to make room for him to sit. According to the purananuru, the natukkal of Kopperunchozhan made room for Pottiyar, who sat there and killed himself by vatakkirutthal.
The other king who inspired such loyalty was Vel Pari - Kapilar, considered by his contemporaries to be the greatest poet in the Tamil language, killed himself by vatakkirutthal after Pari's death.
4th December 2005, 09:17 PM
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Is it possibe for me to to procure a copyof Purananuru and the book containing the story of pisirandayar and kopperum cholan in detail. I would be grateful if someone could pass on the details so that i can purchase a copy of the same.
15th December 2005, 07:08 PM
asitaraman said"Actually, it was a confederation of South Indian kings who stood up to Bhimbisara. Bhimbisara claims to have received tributes and stopped his campaign and his inscriptions extend only up to Northern Karnataka the traditional border of Tamizhagam (Thungabadra). South Indian kings that they stopped the king's advamce. There are no records whether a battle actually took place. "
dear asitaraman,
glad people are much interested in Ancient Tamil history.
Sir, as you noted it was king Bhimbhisara planning to conquer south India.
Till that time the extent of Mauryan empire was the river Krishna, and around 272 b.c.e. he sent troops to invade the Tamizh land south of Krishna river.
from ka.appathuraiyaar the Tamizh academician,
Actually a series of battles took place :
1st the Mauryan army attacked a weak Kadamba kingdom at its capital PAAZHI WHICH WAS A FORTIFIED CITY IN THE PRESENT GOA STATE fram and with the help of THE KOSARS the tribalpeople of Rivers Malprabha,Gatprabha and upper Krishna , the border area between Kadamba and mauryan empire. with their help from their Kolhapur town they attacked PAAZHI and captured the whole of Kadamba and its many fort cities .
then the Mauryans and their kosar affliates entered the Tamil naadu through the kaviri-kudhirai malai pass which is the present anthiyur-nallur path.
15th December 2005, 10:39 PM
anthiyur-nallur path was between kudhiraimalai and erumayoor( mysore ) along River Kaveri.
(from Ka.Appaththuraiyaar's work "Thennaattup poarkkalangal" and from Paththuppaattuth thogudhigalul)
BATTLE OF VAATTAARRU: Vaattatrtruppoar was between the invading Mauryan army and some King Ezhini of Kudhiraimalai kingdom, the latter lost after fierce due to hugely outnumbered opposition .Though a number of Mauryan generals were critically injured inthe battle;
Battle of Celloor:Cellurppoar was with the leader of Cellur, who lost it.
Battle of Mogoor:Having won these small kings individually(there was no coalition or unity then) the Mauryan army marched swiftly and unnoticed into the empire borders of ancient Tamilzh Naadu. But alas, that was the end of their victorious run.For at the Mogur battlefield disaster struck.
The crownprince of Mauryan dynasty who was leading the expedition was wounded and his "senior" cousin prince the next-in-line for the throne of PATALIPUTRA was killed at the field and the Mauryans for the first time suffered defeat at the hands of the kings of Allur and Mogur (who were friends)(Mogur was a town in thepresent Salem district near Thiruchchengodu-which wa the border town at the point of convergence of the three big kingdoms-the Cherar, the Chozhar and the Pandyar).Shocked the Mauryans then retreated to Mysore and avoided any further warplans for the next 8 and half months during which they fortified and reinforced their stronghold in the Kadamba fortresses increasing army number manyfold for a determined and decisive attack on Tamilzh Naadu once more.
They even built well-laid stone roads from Mysore to the northwestern border of Tamilzh Naadu.
Emperor Cenni of Cholzha now decided it was hightime that he take the job of driving out Mauryans from the smaller kings.
During these 8 months, he first conquered Chera kingdom and then Vengi kingdom, the kings of these countries surrendered and undertook Cenni's leadership.A peace-loving man was the emperor Cenni.He had conquered these klings only to force upon a coalition and unify all the Tamilzh kingdoms against the invading northern empire.He was intelligent, he didnot run through defeated king's army or capitals.Cenni made them pay him trbutes and just gave their countries back upon signing a submission treaty.
Quickly he fortified all the northern Cholzha empire forts on the lower Krishna River on the southern banks on the Kalinga border increasing the troop numbers corresponding to the number of Mauryan army based on his empire-spies in the enemy territorry and he did form aa unbeatable alliance with Chera,Vengi,and Perumbaegun the king of Vaiyaavi on the northern border of Tamilzh Naadu.
Battle of ERUMAIYUR:
This coalition under Cenni then forced a surprise attack on Mysore, captured it , then marched north crushing Mauryan army ;
Battle of VIYALUR and ARAIYAM:
On the banks of Tungabhadra (thunga+patrtrai-meaning-a piece of land of wild boar-boar was the emblem of Kosar tribes and the later Chalukyas of the Pallava time,) there were two huge cities of the Kadamba now under Mauryan control, Viyalur and Araiyam each on the opposite banks.
The emperor Cenni leading the Tamilzh army himself sieged the cities killing thousands of Mauryan and disloyal Kosar soldiers and some Persian-Greek soldiers who had come as a support for the crownprince of Pataliputra, with their king Seleucas Nicator (during his stay he had given his daughter in marriage with the son of Kosar leader whose son was named "Saleukas"-- his later great grandchildren the "Chalukkyar" of the Pulikesi).
BATTLE OF PAALZHI:this was one of the greatest battles of ancient times compared to that of THAGADUR battle and the THALAIYAALANGAANAM battle.
Here Cenni demolished Mauryan army forever decisively and drove out them across border back to Kolhapur and to Pataliputra.
The crownprince of Mauryans was killed in the battle .It was a severe blow to the emperor BHIMBHISARA.He fell sick depressed and bedridden.
Meanwhile on the Kalinga border on the Mahanadhi river banks, in a freak incident in a small battle on a Kalinga northern border town the 2nd son of Bhimbhisara was suspiciously murdered by an enemy of the state(some historians say involvement of the 3rd son PRINCE ASOKA).
Mauryan emperor's heartbroke down;he died soon and in came ASOKA crowned as the next emperor and immediately declared war on Kalinga.In the midst of all this the CHOLZHA irreversibly strengthened its hold on all the Tamilzh countries below the River Krishna and River Malprabha.
The Mauryan and Buddhist edicts were established during Bhimbhisara's reign in the 272-270 b.c.e. siege of KADAMBA kingdom along the Tungabhadra River banks and during the reign of Emperor Asoka the Great, along the Northern banks of Upper Krishna River.
16th December 2005, 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by

Originally Posted by
Prabhu Ram
The king, if I recall right was Sundarapaandian (which could have been a generic title name given to many Pandiyan kings). The Chozha king at that time happened to have a title name 'Rajendran' (not the Rajendran, this was another one).
Is your reference the same or am I getting my history all jumbled up ?
As far as I know, there is only one "Sundara Pandya" who was Lord Shiva Himself who married Thadathakai Pirati.
He did defeat the Cholas and return the kingdom back to them.
Rgds, Aravind Sitaraman
dear sirs,
what Mr.PrabhuRam says is about Rasarasan III and his son Rasendran III I purport. The Pandyan king Sundarapandyan V in the year 1248 C.E. had defeated Rasendran III AND HIS Cholzhar army and captured Thanjai and turned the Cholzha empire into a small kingdom by returning just the core of Cholzha state.It was not the same as Pandyan Arivudai Nambi whose time period and that of Kopperunzholzhar was around 345-330 BEFORE CHRISTIAN ERA b.c.e. that is even before Alexander the great invaded Punjab.
The Later Pandya kings all took to this name of Lord SIVANAAR as their royal titles upon accession to the throne (altering with another title "VEERAPANDYAN" also.
23rd February 2006, 03:16 AM
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