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Thread: General Comments on the new Hub

  1. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by nirosha sen
    Gee Harish! Is that really you???? Or an avatar????
    Yes Dear.Kemon Acchen ??

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  3. #72
    Junior Member Admin HubberNewbie HubberTeam HubberModerator HubberPro Hubber
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    How come religion and caste are taboo in the miscellaneous section?
    If talking about religion and caste is offensive to anyone the existence of religion and caste is damaging to the society and offensive to millions of atheists. What happens to freedom of expression? How do you expect support for a hub that restricts the freedom of expression?
    Indecency (use of squalid language) is taboo..religion/caste-no taboo.
    You just have to say no god. Stupid!

  4. #73
    Administrator Diamond Hubber RR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by apotheatheist
    How come religion and caste are taboo in the miscellaneous section?
    If talking about religion and caste is offensive to anyone the existence of religion and caste is damaging to the society and offensive to millions of atheists. What happens to freedom of expression? How do you expect support for a hub that restricts the freedom of expression?
    Indecency (use of squalid language) is taboo..religion/caste-no taboo.
    You won't ask this question, if you knew about the old hub and what happened there. Anyway, the short answer is: Hub is getting more focussed. This is our new policy and it is supported by a majority of regular hubbers here. If you still want to discuss, there are several websites that you can find on the net.

  5. #74
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    RR in your short statement you are saying this hub is a private enterprise and decent language of expression about religion and caste is not accepted by the members that run this hub. Fair enough! Wonder if this hub will allow decent language that will decry social evils (caste) for a cost (support financially)!
    You just have to say no god. Stupid!

  6. #75
    Junior Member Admin HubberNewbie HubberTeam HubberModerator HubberPro Hubber mmcholan's Avatar
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    This new forum sucks!!

    Sad that the Hindu reaction to the old state of affairs destroyed this wonderful tamil forum. Its sickening to note that tamils have got divided over issues of religion and caste to this extent.

    Let us hope that atleast in the new forum, no bitter fights take place. Christians and muslims should start respecting the sentiments of Tamils and Tamils also should be magnanimous towards the followers of the foreign semetic cults, which have not imbibed the true tamil spirit of yadhum oorey yavarum kelir till date.

    I pray to all Tamil Gods for the well being of this new forum.
    இந்து என்று சொல், தலை நிமிர்ந்து நில்!

  7. #76
    Senior Member Veteran Hubber Querida's Avatar
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    Looks just fyne...

    wow your tutorial not only spoonfed but shoved it down and made sure the student swallowed...uhhh thats a good thing... :P

    joined last year but when i found the reply to a topic i posted was just filth...well that was then...and this is nice to see the improvements...

    until next time

  8. #77
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    some improvements

    I think the new forum hub can be more organized with sections and subsections for important stuff like cooking, music, other important things like tamil name for babies etc.
    The old forum hub had clear classifications and so it was doing really good.
    I just came to know about this forumhub while i was searching for Tamil Songs and MP3s. Also while searching for menu for some south indian delicacies, i came across this nice forum hub. So it would be nice or great to transfer the contents (cooking, music) etc of the old forumhub and transfer it here.

    if this new forumhub should do good, this new forumhub should be made as the main forumhub ( and niice postings related to cooking and music can be transfered/copied into this new forumhub.

    And the other dummy (less important topics) can be given some link which can be accessed only after entering this new forumhub.

  9. #78
    Senior Member Senior Hubber
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    RR,Be sure that your new policy of no caste discussions will find a lot of support.I feel that we have a lot of other things to be discussed with out being abusive and hurting the sentiments of others 8) .By the way,one suggestion-youwill see alot of the popular threads in the new hub are about relationships .So why not we start a separate section for that?
    "It was the inaction of those who could have acted,the indifference of those who should have known better,the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered the most, that made it possible for evil to triumph"-[Hailey Gabricelassie]

  10. #79
    Administrator Diamond Hubber RR's Avatar
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    davie, just wait for the migration to finish and the new hub launched officially.

    blahblah: thanks, we really need supportive mails like yours. I'll keep your suggestions in mind.

  11. #80
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    hmm i forgot to remind u guys my favorite topic "HEALTH"
    i have good knowledge in health issues even though i am not a doctor. The new forum hub can have section devoted to health and well being.

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