22nd June 2009, 05:48 PM
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இராமானுஜர் பங்கேற்ற அரங்க நிகழ்வுகள் - வரலாறா? கற்பனையா?
எஸ். இராமச்சந்திரன்
Article written in response to certain strong claims made by former head of the TN Archaeology Department Head R.Nagaswamy's book Ramanuja - Myth and Reality
மூவா? முதல்வா! இனியெம்மைச் சோரேலே
22nd June 2009 05:48 PM
Circuit advertisement
22nd June 2009, 08:20 PM
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Originally Posted by
Prabhu Ram
innabA? idhu only serious posts vAramA?
1st September 2009, 09:22 AM
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.FALSE CRITICISMS.!... Salient Points Replied.

Originally Posted by
Prabhu Ram
I am shocked to note the daring FALSE STATEMENTS... and SULLIED IMAGE painted on a proven Great Acharya... Bhagawad Ramanuja...
....a Religious cum Social Reformer of World repute.... a crusader of Social-equality who propogated Human-Values coupled with UNIVERSAL- LOVE.
Although I can repudiate and justify point by point... I am not interested to waste my time...
...in replying to such intentional insults from the enviers... throwing False statements far from proven truth based on authentic History.
I am eagerly waiting to see what the Vaishnawa- Scholars have got to reply to this parochial untrue statements against a Seer
However to appease the curiosity of my Friends.. I will touch a few points... in a BROAD OUTLOOK.

Originally Posted by
மைசூரிலிருந்து ஸ்ரீரங்கம் திரும்பிய பின் அவர் ஸ்ரீபாஷ்யத்தைப் பூர்த்தி செய்தது சகாப்தம் 1077 அதாவது கி.பி. 1155-56-ஆம் ஆண்டு ஆகும்.

Originally Posted by
இக்கொடுஞ்செயல்களின் விளைவாக இராமானுஜர் மாறுவேடத்தில் மகிஷபுரிப் (மைசூர்) பகுதியிலுள்ள தொண்டனூர் என்ற ஊருக்குத் தப்பிச்சென்று பிட்டிதேவன் அல்லது விஷ்ணுவர்த்தனன்
எனப்பட்ட ஹொய்சள அரசனின் அடைக்கலத்தில் 12 ஆண்டுகள் வாழ்ந்தார் என்றும், அவரைத் துன்புறுத்திய சோழன் கிருமிகண்டம் (தொண்டைப் புற்று) நோயினால் துன்புற்று இறந்தான் என்றும்,
அதன் பின்னர் இராமானுஜர் திருவரங்கத்திற்குத் திரும்பினார் என்றும் வைணவர்கள் நம்புகின்றனர்
Ramanuja was born in the year 1017 AD.. and completed his Earthly life in the year 1137.A.D... after living exactly 120 years.
He wrote Sri-Bashyam treatise on Vedas with the help of Kooraththu-Azhwar prior to returning to Srirangam...
...followed by miserable punishments to his Disciple Koorathu Azhwar as well as his Guru Peria-Nambi... who were made blind.. by the cruel King.
So can the above statements corroborate with the True authentic History.?

Originally Posted by
விசிஷ்டாத்வைதத் தத்துவத்தை நிறுவிய இராமானுஜர்,
Ramanuja did not establish a new philosophy named Visishta-adwaitha... unlike Sankaracharya's newly established Adhwaitha... and Madhwacharya's Dhwaitha too newly created.
Rather Ramanuja revived the originally existed Vedic-philosophy of totality... for Vedas, which was extinct for about 400 years until Ramanuja's revival. Such a revived Philosophy was
titled later as VISISHTA-ADWAITHA... by Ramanuja's successive Acharyas... to identify the differences between the newly introduced ADWAITHA philosophy by Sankaracharya..

Originally Posted by
வைணவ சமயத்தில் பன்னிரு ஆழ்வார்களையடுத்து மிக உயர்ந்த இடத்தை வகிக்கிறார். வேதம் தமிழ் செய்த சடகோபரான நம்மாழ்வாருக்கு இணையாக இவரைக் கருதுவதுண்டு .
Acharyas are far different from Alwars... Ramanuja was an ardent disciple of Nammalwar.. and so Nammalwar's Padukas at his birthplace Alwar-Thirunsgari.. is named as Ramanuja.
So Ramanuja getting re-christened as ALWAR is utterly irrelevant and nobody even attempted for it..

Originally Posted by
இராமானுஜர் சாதி உயர்வு தாழ்வுகளை எதிர்த்தவர் என்பதும் சோழ அரசனின் பகைமைக்குக் காரணம் என்ற கருத்து உண்டு.
No Not at all. Chozha Emperors were totally not bothered about Caste-differences... because their several wives belonged to various castes.

Originally Posted by
இராமானுஜருக்கும் சோழ அரசனுக்குமிடையே நிலவிய பகைமை குறித்து ஆராய வேண்டும் என்ற ஆவல் ஏற்படுவதற்கு, அண்மையில் நிகழ்ந்த இரு நிகழ்வுகளே காரணமாக அமைந்தன. அவற்றுள்
முதல் நிகழ்வு, பரவலாகப் பேசப்பட்ட, 'தசாவதாரம்' திரைப்படத்தில் இடம் பெற்ற, சிதம்பரம் கோவிந்தராசப் பெருமாள் சிற்பம் கடலில் எறியப்பட்டது தொடர்பான கலையுலகச் சித்திரிப்பு ஆகும்.
Yes. This episode shown in the Movie "Dasawatharam"... that the Chidambaram Govindaraja-perumal MOOLAWAR was thrown into the Sea.. is PURELY A FICTION.
Only the Uthsavar was thrown into the sea at night... by the surreptitious stealing... on the secret arrangements by the Chozha King.
When the Archakas found at the next morning.. that the Vigraha was missing.. they rushed to Thirupathi.. where Ramanuja was camping then.
Ramanuja got this shocking news in his dreams as a message from Garudalwar.. even before the arrival of Chidambaram archakas. So Ramanuja sent the Royal warriors in the disguise of
merchants to Chozha Kingdom and secretly picked up the Uthsava vigraha lying under the sea,...
..and installed it ar Thirupathi.. after constructing a new Govindaraja Temple there. Then the Moolavar was newly made and installed by Ramanuja... while the Uthsavar vigraham.. even now
existing at Thirupathi.. was from Chidambaram Govindaraja Temple.
Subsequently after the death of the cruel Kirumi-kanta chozha who died of Cancer-decease...
..his successor son repeanted for his father's misdeeds, apologised to Ramanuja and invited him to render the due pariharas..
Then Ramanuja returned to Chozha Kingdom.. and got a new Govindaraja utsawar vigraham made... and installed at Chidambaram Temple.
Thus the present status is...
At CHIDAMBARAM Govindaraja Temple :--- Moolawar is the Original as existed since Alwars periods... UTHSAVAR newly made and installed by Ramanuja.
At THIRUPATHI Govindaraja Perumal Temple:--- Uthsavar is the Original but transferred from Chidambaram.... MOOLAVAR was newly made and installed by Ramanuuja.
..To Continue.
17th September 2009, 11:07 PM
Very good information.Please continue to enlighten.
1st October 2009, 08:24 AM
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Veteran Hubber
Moving Song on Ramanuja... by Mahaan Sri Annamacharya...
...Lord Sri Venkateswara-graced Keerthana:--
Annamacharya's Keerthana on RAMANUJA. - Video
Will anyone here kindly let me have this Telugu Sahithya Text.. LYRICS..
...along with the Meaning.. word by word..?
8th October 2009, 09:21 AM
Veteran Hubber
Annamacharya, who was initiated into Sri Vaishnavism, naturally holds Udayavar in high esteem. Just how much is revealed in this song, where he considers Sri Ramanujacharya as not only a Guru in the Guru Parampara but as the talking God himself!
Here is the meaning of this song along with the lyrics
gathulanni khilamaina kaliyuga mandunu gathi eethade chupe ghana guru daivamu
In this kaliyuga, when all other efforts are of no use, he is the great guru, the god, that shows us the true path
Ithani karunane kaa ila vaishnavula maithimi, ithani vallane kantini thirumani
Because of His grace only I could become a Vaishnava in this life on this earth and because of Him I could see/wear thiruman
Ithade upadesamichenu ashtakshari mantramu...ithade ramanujulu iha para daivam..
He is the one who gave upadhesha of the ashtakshari mantra. He is Ramanuja, the god of here and hereafter (ubhaya-vibhuti)
Velayinche eethadekaa vedapu rahasyamulu, chalamai eethade chupe saranagathi.
He disclosed the secrets of the Vedas, He showed the path of surrender (saranagathi),
nilipinaadeethade kaa nijamudraadhaaranamumalasi ramanujulu matalaade daivamu...
He established the correct source (the custom of wearing the Sankha and chakra on one's shoulders); for this reason Ramanuja is the talking God
Niyamamulu ithade kaa nilipe prapannulaku, dayatho mokshamu chupe thaganeethadu,
He established the rules and regulations to all the prapannas, He, with His mercy shows (gives) us the Moksham
nayamai Sri Venkatesu nagamekke vaakitanu....daya chuchi mammu nitte thalli tandri daivamu
He, with His mercy on us, will take us to the door steps of Lord Sri Venkateswara, He is our mother and father and God
When we stop labouring under the delusion of our cosmic self-importance, we are free of hindrance, fear, worry and attachment. We are liberated!!!
9th October 2009, 01:14 AM
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Veteran Hubber

Originally Posted by
gathulanni khilamaina kaliyuga mandunu gathi eethade chupe ghana guru daivamu
In this kaliyuga, when all other efforts are of no use, he is the great guru, the god, that shows us the true path
Dear "Badri"
Well done. Many Thanks.
One point I want to get clarified. Please advise me how far I am correct to understand so.
For the words above-quoted... with my knowledge of Telugu... I understand the meaning as ...
'In the Kaliyuga when all the Ultimate Resorts / Means of Refuge... are DETERIORATIVE / DELAPIDATIVE...
...He being the Great Guru and God... is the only Refuge [for the Seekers]...
...since competent enough to show [the correct / best path]."
Also I request... One and all our Telugu Friends here...
...to clarify and analyse the depth of meaning further.
6th November 2009, 04:52 AM
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Veteran Hubber
Ramanuja... the ONLY Religious- Leader... UNIQUE.!!!... Emulative.!
....Who never propagated his Doctrines...
..amongst his Non-Disciples.!
"No Religion is Inferior...
Common God, for Mankind ... through different Faiths.... is ONE and the SAME."... said Ramanuja.
When Ramanuja had to leave off Chozha-nadu... due to UNDUE INTERFERENCEs and Over-Domination ON RELIGION ... by the King
...Kulothunga Chozha... the SAIVA FANATIC...
...and SEEK THE REFUGE in the Neighbour Kannada state...
...the INDIRECT DRAMA... thrust on Him... by Lord Ranganatha...
... took a pleasant turn....
Spiritually He could redress the unsurmountable grievance of the King... ....his daughter Princess under the possession of a mighty Evil force... Brahma Rakshasa.
.. which miracle revealed the hidden Divine truth....
....proving Ramanuja to that Jain King as the Transcendental Aadhi Seshawathara..
The Princess got cured within a trice... on Ramanuja's commands... and the Brahma-Rakshasa bowed down to Ramanuja... announcing openly on His divine background.
The Jain King Pittiraya appealed to Ramanuja to accept as his Disciple.. which request was approved and implemented.
Consequently Ramanuja became the all ever powerful in the Kingdom.
Then the Kings Jain Gurus fled away the Kingdom... deserting their followers.
Left in the lurch, thousands of Jains of the then Mysore approached Ramanuja... and sought His advice...
....whether they were bound to get converted to Hinduism as Vaishnavite-disciples of Ramanuja...
... and that they were willing to comply with, accordingly.... if ordained so, either by the King or Ramanuja, the Rajya-Guru..
Whereas Ramanuja calmly replied stating that He does not accept any FORCIBLE RELIGIOUS CONVERSION....
...and that He does not preach amongst the Non-followers that the Vedic Religion is the BEST AMONGST ALL RELIGIONS.
It is a question... everyone has to search by own wisdom... and decide, which is the apt and best Religion... APPLICABLE IN HIS / HER CASE.
..In any case, I have advised the King to....
...so you are at Liberty to follow any Religion of your individual choice
...but keep one important point in your mind... DON'T FORCE OTHERS TO FOLLOW YOUR PATH of any Religion...
....you must allow EQUAL FREEDOM TO ALL...to follow ones own choice of anyone Religious pursuit amongst various sorts of GOD-FAITHS..
... BELIEVE IN GOD in some form and Name... Follow any Religion... as you personally PREFER....
Mutually respect others Faiths too.!... No Religion is inferior... all are various paths towards One common Goal..
...So You all must learn to live peacefully and amicably.... imbued with the Humane Spirit of UNITY IN DIVERSITY.... like a Rainbow.!
And.... Don't be an Atheist. (Nasthika)
Yes Everyone of Mankind must TRUST IN GOD... through anyone Religion....
..ALL the various SORTS OF PRAYERS.... from various Hearts... LEAD TO ONE COMMON GOD...
...said Ramanuja.
10th November 2009, 06:09 PM
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MEANING and Sahithya - Annamacharya Keerthana on RAMANUJA.
- Gathulanni khilamaina
.- Song - Video.
24th September 2010, 05:48 PM
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Veteran Hubber
"Oh Man,
...Your EARTHLY PARADISE... in YOUR Hands.!"
For all Current Era PROBLEMS & QUESTIONS of Mankind,
--Ramanujacharya only, REPLIED CLEARLY,
... Simply convincing ANSWERS ... and...

[/html:a95288f952]The SALIENT POINTS are...
1.Vedic Religion is a COMMON TREATISE to preach HUMAN-VALUES to the ENTIRE MANKIND.
Yes. They are applicable to ANYBODY and EVERYBODY of any Nation, Religion or even an Atheist.
2. You are the SUPREME BIRTH, as Human—the ONLY CREATURE born to ENJOY also side by side---
---the worth of EARTHLY BIRTH, because you are a Specy in between the Beasts and God.
So to mean, You are a REFINED ANIMAL.
Hence if the Refinity leaves you--- then you will be treated by others as Animal only.
3. You Human are Supreme, because of HUMAN-VALUES, which must be sincerely NURTURED and carefully maintained to ensure your MEANINGFUL LIFE on Earth.
4. You Human are Supreme, mainly because You only are innate and endowed with SOUL-POWER, the Greatest and Mightiest, than the other three mights you possess by Wisdom, Mind and Physique.
So you have to conserve Soul power by any and all means constantly. Otherwise you will lose your worth as Human.
5. You have to BELIEVE GOD --- the SUPREME POWER ruling over all the Universe, including You and me. Such a pursuit only can make YOUR LIFE WORTHY.
6. In whatever way, you may perceive, believe and worship God by way of any Religion or Faith---
...God is ONE & the SAME only, common to the entire Mankind, in whatever Name and Form or Formless, you may choose to accept as your SAVIOR Protector.
7. The WHOLE MANKIND must be deemed as of ONE GLOBAL FAMILY, ensuring HUMAN FRATERNITY.
8. If you are REALLY A GENTLEMAN of Human-Calibre, you must equally respect Others beliefs and Faiths also...
---even if anyone or more of those varied GOD-GIVEN Options for the Mosaic Mankind may not suit you, nor CONVINCING to you, nor found acceptable to you.
9. Whether you believe in God or not, if you are an ATHEIST too,
-- even in such a worst case of a Member of Mankind,
---You too are One amongst the members of Vedic Religion.
(Yes. Hindu Religion only accepts even an Atheist also as another sort of Hindu).
10. Even if You do not Trust in God --- You cannot avoid TRUSTING NATURE---
--- another FORM OF GOD, which is nurturing you to live, thrive or even EXIST and SURVIVE.
11. The whole Universe has been created by God as EGALITARIAN.. So One and All His Creations possess EQUAL RIGHTS to exist, thrive and advance...
... as much as You the Supreme birth, the Mankind deserve. reserve and claim as YOUR RIGHTs...
... to utilize the same Earth, Your TEMPORARY ABODE towards YOUR BEST ADVANTAGE.!
So SHARE Your Rights along with other Creatures too.!
12. And also PROTECT, CONSERVE and Pay back to the Nature God including the Living-beings as well,
--- a part of your EARNINGS from Nature, as well as by SOCIAL SERVICE,
--as a GENTLEMANLY OFFER Voluntarily in return,
-- the due PRICE for Your EARTHLY WORTH, by means of VITAL FEED from Nature to You.
13. You are a part of Nature as one of the Limbs of God, similar to any part or Limb of Your Body to You.
Similar to You being able to efficiently conduct yourself, only because of the sincere CO-ORDINATION of all your parts of Your Body and Soul, effectively synchronizing with your decision by your Wisdom coupled with Mind.
... so is the case of God too in the conduct of Universal orderly functions, super-monitored by God.
So try to understand and duly CO-OPERATE and CO-ORDINATE as also ABIDE by the Laws of Nature as well as the Laws of Government--
... alongside the Religious Doctrines and Stipulations of the God, you follow with UNIVERSAL-LOVE,
... by implementing your due role on His COMPREHENSIVE PLAN for the Society as a whole.
14. The Rudimentary principle of any Human is TRI- PURITY by one and the same intention backed Thought, Speech and Action.
Otherwise, not only you are a HYPOCRITE but also INFERIOR than Animals.
In such a Negative case as BEASTLY MAN you will be rejected and ILL-TREATED...
... by not only the Ruler Government, Society and Your own Family as well---
-- but also by God, Your SUPREME PROTECTOR.
Yes. EVERY LIVING-CREATURE including the mighty Beasts and easily vulnerable Worms...
...maintain SELF-DISCIPLINE in adopting ONE UNIFIED CONDUCT, by sense of TRIPARTITE PURITY, by Mind ( Thoughts and Intention), Wisdom, and Body.
So, by neglecting the vital need of YOUR TRI-PURITY, which is the Basic Factor of HUMAN-VALUES,
... You lose even the FUNDAMENTAL Qualification for any form of Human.!
With such a SELF-DECLINING Pursuit on Life and the Society, as well as towards YOUR OWN-SELF too...
---does it mean or not... that You will become INFERIOR / WORSE than even BEAST, your Sub- standard creature, the Wild-mean.?
So You can JUDGE YOURSELF... Are you a Human or Beast.?
15. You can fetch Your EARTHLY DUES, Only commensurate with YOUR REAL WORTH to God.!
.. Rather You cannot achieve the REAL WORTH OF EARTHLY LIFE.. by being SELFISH,
...but by Only the True spirit of EMPATHY.!
So to mean... You must think, intend, behave, do and deliver, in the same manner to others VOLUNTARILY...
...what you will expect and wish to receive from them, by RECIPROCAL SPIRIT.
... because You are the DEMY-GOD innate by birth, and so...
...if You TREAT and CONDUCT Yourselves as HUMAN.!!!