7th April 2008, 10:44 AM

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Originally Posted by
haathur Varnyam maya srushtam, Guna Karma vibhaagasaha
Thasya karthaaramapi maam vidhyadhyakarthaaram avyayam
... which means... "Four Classifications (of Humanity) by birth, is my creation... on the basis of their VARIED QUALITIES. Although I am the creator of such divisions by birth, I do not conduct them furtheron so. (I intend them to develop and raise up themselves.. by the best and ultimate opportunity by the Super-birth as Mankind)
Pardon me, just to clear by own doubt, in the Sans verse you cited, what are the Sanskrit words, which stand for the phrase: "by birth"?(which occurs in the interpretation above).
Actually no word states birth here.
The verse can be lterally translated as
The four-varnas are created by Me on the basis if karma and guna
But even the I am the creator , I am not one of them.
The Lord says that the four types of people are created by Me.Created in the sense the four types are pre-existing , but the Lord energised them and manifested them on earth. But nothing is there to say that therefore it has to be decided by birth alone as the Lord says it is decided by Guna and Karma. But socially speaking it proceeds in a hereditary way as it is easier that way and also convention and also a sense of duty.Those days there were no careers , society was based on duties and usually people born in respective families continued in the same profession and this was the case all over the world. So I dont understand why hindus are so upset by the caste system.
7th April 2008 10:44 AM
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7th April 2008, 10:58 AM
Also another difference is Madhva does not accept all religions are one and the same. He states that only the Vedic religion is the correct one and all other are false. He holds his interpretation of the Veda alone to be the correct one and capable of giving moksha. He says that it is mandatory to denounce falsehood in this world to attain salvation and so urges his followers to denounce false religions and critique incorrect commentaries on the Veda. According to him the true Vedic religion should be defended by both intellectual and physical means. World peace and prosperity reigns when the false religions are defeated by all possible means and true Vedic religions is accepted by one and all.
22nd April 2008, 08:42 PM
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.All Rivers lead to ONE OCEAN.!!!
...So are All the World Religions towards ONE GOD.!!!...
...although addressed and practised different by various Religions.!!
...Say Upanishads... which was quoted by Swami Vivekananda in the International Conference on Religions held at Chicago...
..and further was repeated in most of his Lectures...
..to affirm that the Vedic Religion is the One EMULATIVE Religion... UNPARALLEL...
...being imbibed with the True Humane-Spirit of...UNIVERSAL OUTLOOK... with Voluntary Love towards All the World and Nature...
..giving No room for Hatred or Domination or Ill-will towards other faiths...
..nor EVEN towards the Non-Hindus... Nor EVEN towards the Non-believers God... so to say Atheists.
That was an UNIQUE stand taken by Swami Vivekananda... was UNDISPUTABLE...
... nor anybody could COMPETE or VIE to boost up the image and impressions of the Common Mankind on other Religions.
Such an invaluable FOUNDATION-VALUE of Vedic Religion was the True Spirit of Ramanuja too...
..while comparing the Vedic Gospels with other popular Faiths in the Global-perspective.
In that respect Ramanuja got substantive amount of support and Clarifications from the Tamil-Vedas...
..especially THAMIZH-MARHAI THIRUVAAYMOZHI.. the Gyst of Sama-Veda...
...in an analytical approach on Vedic Philosophy... IN TOTALITY.
Thus Ramanuja preached to Global Mankind..
..even though disputable... based on the Yardstick of our Vedic Faith...
(2) Allow full Freedom for every Individual to choose his/her own Religious path of choice...
...as one may feel proper and befitting for oneself... in his/her personal interests on Life Goal
(3) Religious spirit emanates from UNIVERSAL-LOVE... towards one and all... including Animals and Worms...
..because after all, they too are God's creations and are the parts of Nature...
...deserving to be left undisturbed and NON-INTEFERED by others.
Such an Apllied Spirit innate for Mankind of TRUE HUMAN-VALUES...
he propagated...
..FAR DIFFERING from other Leaders and Connoisseurs of other Faiths.
Consequently Ramanujachaya could gain the Reciprocal Love and Veneration from all his parallels... REMARKABLY.
In brief Ramanuja's DRUM-BEAT MESSAGE to Humanity is that ...
...Religions are intended to generate MUTUAL-LOVE of Social-spirit rudimentarily...
...alongside EMANCIPATION of Mankind towards the higher Sphere of the due purpose of Earthly birth...
..but NOT TO DIVIDE nor BREAK the Web of Humanity...
...the One SUPREME SPECY... created by One Common EMPEROR PROTECTOR God.!!!
.. for our COMMON ADVANTAGE and Well-being of One and All. !!!
9th May 2008, 08:30 PM
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.DON'T OPPOSE Nor COMPETE with Other Faiths.
Because any Religion is NEITHER a BUSINESS Nor ENEMY ...
...but intended to UPLIFT the respective sections of Vast Humanity
...of multi-hues with varied tastes and understanding...
..similar to FOODS of varied sorts.
So said Ramanujacharya... the FIRST LEADER... in the entire world..
...especially a Religious Leader... amongst all the Religious Heads.
One Supreme God has created several Divine paths and has spread the GOD-FAITH and His Gospel... of different varieties...
...through His Divine Prophets...
... to make the Mankind develop God-faith... in some form.
Which alone can ensure a HOMOGENEOUS GLOBAL SOCIETY...
...of Universal Mankind...
..ensuring Peace, Happiness and PROSPERITY all over the Globe.!!!"
... preached Ramanujacharya... the First Voice UNIVERSALLY.!!!
22nd December 2008, 01:02 AM
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22nd December 2008, 07:33 PM
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Ramanuja... the PIONEER of Humanity.!

Originally Posted by
In the above Movie-presentation of Biography...
..there are several Contradictions with the True History.
For example...
(1) Ramanuja and his Parents are shown as Iyengars / Sri-Vaishnavites.. by birth.
No... Ramanuja's Father Kesava Somayaji and his Mother Kanthimathi.. were Iyers / Adhvaithis / Smaarthas.. So called Disciples of Adhi Sankaracharya.
Ramanuja got converted himself as Iyengar / Sri-Vaishnava Brahmin...
...later, on the Commands from God.. Kanchi Varadaraja Perumal.
(2) Contrary to this Movie sense... Ramanuja's Wife Thanjamambal too was an Iyer / Adhwaithi ..
...who never got converted to Iyengar / Sri-Vaishnava.
(3) Ramanuja's First Guru.. Yaadhava-prakasa... an Adhwaithi / Disciple of Adhi Sankaracharya...
...who hated Ramanuja and unsuccessfully attempted to murder the Boy Ramanuja by surreptitiously drowning him in the Ganga River...
..subsequently repeanted and sought Ramanuja to be his Guru.
Ramanuja accepted that erstwhile Guru... as his Present Disciple...
..and named him as GOVINDA-JEEYAR.
It is incorrectly stated in the above Movie... that his another name was... Arulhaalha Perumaalh...
In fact Arulhlaalha-Perumalh .. was another person... named Yagjna-moorthi... a high Adhwaithic Scholar from Kashi (Varanaashi)...
..who voluntarily approached Ramanuja... and challenged him on the Veracity of Ramanuja's Sri-Bashya... Visishtadwaitha Philosophy
..the Totality by Coverage of the whole.. on the Vedic-Content and Concept as well.
After 18 day Debate... Yagjna-moorthi had to accept his failure and sought to be the Disciple of Ramauja...
...which request was accepted... and the New name as the Disciple of Ramanuja...
...titled by him to Yagjnamoorthi the erstwhile Adhwaithi.. was ARULHAALHA PERUMAALH.!
More to follow.
15th January 2009, 09:15 PM
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. Why Saraswathi-devi titled as SRI-BASHYA.?..

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Originally Posted by
Similar to the other Titles... Sankara-Bashya and Madhwa-Bashya... why the Ramanuja's Treatise on the same subject... is not named
..as Ramanuja-Bashya... but as SRI-BASHYA,?
Is it because Goddess Saraswati was so much impressed and gave this prefix SRI??
Just to make it in brief...
When Sri Adhi Sankaracharya, the Incarnation of Lord Siva... took Awatara...
..the status of Vedic-Religion was extremely poor... and NOT MUCH FAMILIAR.
Because Buddhism was prominently prevalent in most regions of India...
..leaving some pockets for Jainism and Vedic-Religion so called Hinduism.
Buddhism is practically ATHEISM by Soonya-Vaadham..
...although it stipulates high HUMAN-VALUES... by Self-Dscipline.!
God wanted Theistic Values of God-Faith.. by making Mankind truly understand the Super-Human Power... through Vedic concept...
... and get emancipated by God-Realisation... the SELF-ENDEAVOUR...
...complying with the due PURPOSE OF HUMAN BIRTH.
So as a Rudimentary INTRODUCTION TO GOD... a bit TANGENTIAL with Buddhism...
..Adhi Sankaracharya... felt the URGENT DEMAND OF THE TIME.. by only a PART OF THREE VEDIC Concepts.
So Sankaracharya CREATED a New Philosophy named ADHWAITHA ...
..basing on only one section of Three parts of Vedic Concepts as Abedha-Sruthi (Adhwaitha)... Bedha-Sruti (Dwaitha)... and GATAKA-SRUTHI
...according to His Own Unique Interpretation of Vedic Terminologies and Concept.
That level and Degree of God-Realisation was cosidered as ENOUGH for the Time...
...and so Saraswathi-devi approved it as SANKARA-BASHYA...
...Silently meaning the Authorship of Sankara for ADHWAITHA Philosophy...
... newly created by Sankara's own School of perception.
Similarly when Madhwacharya the Incarnation of Vayu-deva, another form of ANTHARYAMI-VISHNU...
..took birth subsequently... He might have felt the necessity to convince another section of the masses who could not perceive the Paramathma in the Adhwaithic Concept.
So he INVENTED another Philosophy named DWAITA... basing on another section named BEDHA-SRUTHIS of the Three Vedic Concepts...
..which also was approved by Saraswathi-devi as relevant to another section of the Human-Society....
..and SHE titled it as MADHWA-BASHYA...
..Silently meaning the Authorship by Madhwa on Dwaitha-philosophy... His own School of perception.
Thus Sankara and Madhwa have dealt with ONLY PARTLY...
... taking up only one another respective parts of Totality... suiting to ones own...
..ignoring the other Two parts amongst the Totality or SAMPOORNA Three Veda-concepts Bedha, Abedha and Gataka Sruthis.
Whereas Ramanujacharya took up WHOLLY all the Three varied and MUTUALLY CONTRADICTORY Concepts of Bedha, Abedha and Gataka Sruthis...
..and rendered the Composite sense of Vedas in TOTALITY...
...so to say... SAMPOORNA-PHILOSOPHY of the Vedic-perception..
....ANALYTICALLY LINKING the True-sense behind all the three CONTRADICTORY Concepts...
..WHICH ALONE could clarify well on the TRUE CHARACTER of Paramaathma... the Supreme Soul...
..CONVINCING enough...to all, from Lay-man upto any highly Intellectual Scholar of any and all Religions.!
So Saraswaithi-devi approved Ramanuja's Bashya as SRI-BASHYA...
..since it was NOT NEWLY CREATED by Him... as MAN-MADE...
...but only the UNRAVELLED TRUE-CONCEPT and sense of Vedic- Philosophy...in Totality...
..which already existed.. but became extinct... during the Interim era... prior to all these Three Acharyas
SRI-BASHYA means Totality of the Vedic-Concept in True Sense.
29th January 2009, 11:08 AM
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11th February 2009, 09:31 PM
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Australian Christian turned Disciple of Ramanujacharya...
.. after studying Judaism, Christianity and Islam...
..got named as Rama-Ramanujacharya... and now..
..Running Religious Instituition to propogate Ramanuja's Philosophy
<img src= "http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p213/sudhaama/2008/Thiru-MAR-09/Rama-ramanuja1.jpg" width=300 align=right>
[/html:256713e979]..in Australia.
Sri Rama Ramanuja Ācārya
Prior to his initiation into Sri Vaisnavism, Sri Rama Ramanuja Ācārya spent 8 years in the Middle East studying Hebrew, Arabic, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
He studied Sanskrit in Varanasi and then spent some time in South India studying Tamil, Vaisnava philosophy and Pancharatra Agama.
Sri Rama Ramanuja Ācārya was instructed by his guru, Sri Varada Yatiraja Jeeyar...
... to establish an independent Sri Vaisnava Math in Australia. Sri Ramanuja Matham was conceptualised...
... in Sydney, Australia in early 1998.
Following his guru's instruction, Sri Rama Ramanuja Ācārya,
....with his savings, purchased a house from which to conduct classes and establish a centre for the propogation of Vedanta.
3rd May 2009, 12:54 PM
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Ramanuja propogated HUMAN-VALUES of Vedic- Spirit.!.
When Sri Sankaracharya took up the DIVINE-TASK...
..practically the Vedic Religion was almost extinct...
..just in some pockets of the then India... here and there, so patronised bya few Hindu Kings.
But Buddhism was well firm-routed since highly patronised by the Hindu converted Buddhist Kings...
..alongside Jainism in some other Regions.
So Sankara felt the urgent necessity to revive the Vedic Religion... within a short period..
..and so he achieved marvelous transformation by means of His strenuous endeavour...
...just by walking all over India...
His approach of propogation was far different from that of Sri Ramanuja.
Sankara used to go in search of Antagonist scholars and challenge them.. by dragging them into argument...
..with a pre-condition, that whoever amongst the two opponents gets defeated by arguments...must become the disciple of the Victor Acharya...
...along with the en masse of followers.
Thus Sankara won over one and all His opponents invariably... and converted all the Non-Hindus into hindus... within a very short time.
Whereas the approach of Ramanuja who took birth in the year 1017 A.C... about 300 years after Ssankara..
...was far different.
Ramanuja did not volunteer to challenge His opponents... nor propogated to the followers of other Faiths.
But only accepted the Challenges of others... and won over them UNCONDITIONALLY by defensive arguments..
However the erstwhile opponent scholars were so fully convinced on the Vedic-sense, as UNRAVELLED by Ramanuja...
..they volunteered to become His Disciples along with their vast followings.
Yes. Ramanuja never preached to others... except to his own Disciples.
But He used address the vast gathering of commoners from different Religious faiths as well as Atheists...
..insisting them to BELIEVE IN GOD... in some form of individual choice and will...
..as well as to MAINTAIN HUMAN-VALUES..
..ENSURING SOCIAL-UNITY...irrespective of mutual differences of faiths and beliefs...
God is One.! He cannot be perceived by the ORDINARY Five-senses of Humanity...
...such as Seeing, Hearing, Touching, Tasting, Smelling
..but possible by means of your INNER-FEEL only.!!!
You can and have to perceive Him... by ENHANCING YOUR INNER SOUL-POWER ...
..which is possible by your own persistent endeavour on GOD-DEVOTION..
The emulative RARE opportunity...
... endowed only for the great birth HUMANITY.!!!
Real Happiness can be gained only by means of Peace of Mind...
..sincere adherence to Self-duties...
..and CLEAN Congruence of Thought, Talk and Deed (THRI-KARANA SUDDHI) .!!!
The conspicuous points of difference from other Acharyas...
..on which Ramanuja emphasised, are...
(1) The Whole Humanity are the God's children... as of ONE GLOBAL FAMILY. So treat all others as your brethren.
(2) Nobody is superior or inferior by birth... So you must ensure SOCIAL-EQUALITY... in every and all respects.
(3) While dealing with others... maintain the SELF-DISCIPLINE of EMPATHY ( Imagining yurselves in the other relevant man's position)
(4) God-faith and Devotional pursuit... in some form.. is UNAVOIDABLE DUTY... to one and all...
..irrespective of Caste, Duties, Circumstances or any such factor.
(5) Gods grace is the must for everyone... He being our Sole Protector..
..which must be acknowledged daily and frequently...as the BENEFICIARY.
..with SELFLESS GRATITUDE... similar towards your parents.!