Mike Flanagan Duology

Writer, director & editor.
Prime Genres : Supernatural - Psychological mixed inside Horror / Thriller
Country : US of A

Mike Flanagan takes a simple plot, explores it under a different perspective squeezing them into a psychological braket while crushing the characters inside horror (thriller). His writing is fresh and original, which does not rely on gore but injects bloodiness inside the mind through his fabulous narration, visualisation and presentation technics.

(Be kind to yourself by not peeking at the trailers of these 2 films. Hit directly the play button and jump in to experience some fine chillness.)

Oculus [2013 : English : Horror (Psychological)]

Starring : The Russel Family
Katee Sackhoff as Marie Russell & Rory Cochrane as Alan Russell - Parents
Karen Gillan as Kaylie Russell, Brenton Thwaites as Tim Russell - Siblings
[Annalise Basso as 12-year-old Kaylie & Garrett Ryan as 10-year-old Tim]

The Russell family moves to a new "shinning" house, but the house is not haunted, it's the mirror which brings horror by pocessing the parents. A tragic night puts Tim in a rehab and years later the siblings reunite to retell the story of that calamitous night. Thus, Man versus Mirror begins where man tries to outplay the mirror all the while been played by the mirror itself.

There are few many wonders in this film right from performence to scene setting to eerie music. It's during the ACT3 Mike charms us with his narration where the past events experienced by the siblings as kids reflects on the adult brother & sister. The incidents merge where the suituation of the kid version is experienced by the adult version. Moreover, at a point of time what is real and which is irreal turns the events interesting.

Oculus - Eye of the Mirror

Hush [2016 : English : Thriller (Horror)]

Starring : Kate Siegel as Madison "Maddie" Young & John Gallagher Jr. as The Man

Well, the picture says it all.

Hush - A calm night, A lonely night with A stalker.

PS : If you liked these films and are a fan of supernatural thrillers, check Mike's Absentia & Before I Wake films.