"Old" - Everything-n-anything that is PAST / BYGONE in terms of TIME is OLD.

When this is applied to films or cine music of HFM or TFM - the meaning is the same . But, depending upon the age of the individual concerned OLD could be: a minute ago, or an hour ago, or a day ago, a month ago, years,etc...just anything.

But generally, cine music lovers (those 40+ and above like me...are more keen into the cine music/TFM or HFM between the period 1933-50.The chief reason being more than 75% of the music of such films are "still in the dark/obscurity" although afficionadoes like me are pursuing every effort to unearth and preserve them in a perfect recorded condition ...like digitalising them on Flac format .

The task is a gigantic one and needs perseverance and dedication alongwith continuous flow of funds ...for which purpose I am still 'living'.
I would like all members in the age group of 40+ who have a passion for HFM / TFM of the period aforesaid to keep in touch with the3 undersigned since , I am in the process of regularly posting articles on Google groups: rec.music.indian.misc on some topic relating to cine music or the other alongwith 'audio clips only' from my personal library.

Those wishing to receive the audio clips from time2time in their IBs should send a formal email request to : sjhhhtm@gmail.com
for including their email addresses.
