Actually no word states birth here.Quote:
Originally Posted by bis_mala
The verse can be lterally translated as
The four-varnas are created by Me on the basis if karma and guna
But even the I am the creator , I am not one of them.
The Lord says that the four types of people are created by Me.Created in the sense the four types are pre-existing , but the Lord energised them and manifested them on earth. But nothing is there to say that therefore it has to be decided by birth alone as the Lord says it is decided by Guna and Karma. But socially speaking it proceeds in a hereditary way as it is easier that way and also convention and also a sense of duty.Those days there were no careers , society was based on duties and usually people born in respective families continued in the same profession and this was the case all over the world. So I dont understand why hindus are so upset by the caste system.