View Full Version : Sleep and dreams
31st January 2005, 10:31 PM
Share your views and experiences and any findings you have done.....will post in detail later
31st January 2005, 10:37 PM
I was never expecting this from you, I mean a good topic :rotfl: :rotfl:
31st January 2005, 10:49 PM
raghuji, this will break spb thread's record :P :P :P
1st February 2005, 11:10 AM
It is a common belief that things that affect us/ have an impact on us when we go to bed come as dreams. Someone preparing for exams may dream of writing exam. Many times, I have seen my children blabbering something about school, teachers and friends during sleep.
I have an interesting thing to share on dreams. I have of late started believing in 'Life after death' after some experiences. My MIL passed away recently after a week in coma. She was very attached to her daughter. Within a week of her death, she came in my Sis-in-law's dream and told her that she is fine now in the place where she is (spirit world!) and have met all her deceased relatives there and is comfortable.
Somewhere, I also happen to read that dream is where those who have recently passed on from this world to the other find a channel to pass some mesages to their loved ones. This incident of my sis-in-law somehow amazed me.
1st February 2005, 11:21 AM
I have an interesting thing to share on dreams. I have of late started believing in 'Life after death' after some experiences. My MIL passed away recently after a week in coma. She was very attached to her daughter. Within a week of her death, she came in my Sis-in-law's dream and told her that she is fine now in the place where she is (spirit world!) and have met all her deceased relatives there and is comfortable.
Somewhere, I also happen to read that dream is where those who have recently passed on from this world to the other find a channel to pass some mesages to their loved ones. This incident of my sis-in-law somehow amazed me.
This is nothing new. I have heard of hundreds of such dreams and it is something very common when some one loses his/her loved ones. When our loved ones are dead we always wish them to be in a better place - a place better than this world. It's there in our subconscious and comes out as a dream.
1st February 2005, 11:49 AM
you beat me by opening this thread first. Anyways, I used to have three common patterns of dreams. I am not going to tell you guys abt the peculiar dreams I have had!!!
1. Falling from height after a chase combined with levitation. This is one my most common and most easily recollectable dreams. I was told by my friend that Sigmund Freud has written extensively abt this type of dream. Yet to grab a Freud book and read abt it. I have described this dream in the thread "Continue the story".
2. Snakes. All kinds of them, scariest being a python that coils around and suffocates. I wake up when I feel i am gonna die of suffocation.
3. A lion walking through our street and walking right into my house.
I am yet to get a book of dreams to interpret these. My mother has a lot of interpretations passed down to her by my grand mother. Still , on the lookout of the "Egyptian book of dreams".
1st February 2005, 12:13 PM
Generally incidences which have happened in our life at some point of time come as dreams with lots of masala in the screenplay :) Lots of people including yours truly have some common dreams connected to animals.i have always wanted an interpretation but have not taken an interest to find out.Some dreams last for a very long time&it's as if a movie is running in the mind-very cohesive&logical.
1st February 2005, 12:40 PM
i had read in a recent magazine about some people 's dream days before that incident happened
Holywood actress Lindsay wagner had a dream of flight caught with fire just before she supposed to take a flight in chicago airport ,
After that she screamed and woke up and changed the flight and few minutes later the first flight met with accident and all passengers got killed.
And in the same way , Former president Kennedy, beatles John Lennon had a dream of getting murdered before they really got murdered ?!(How they shared their dream?)
I dont know whether there are some people who have this kind of experience?
1st February 2005, 10:26 PM
Even falling from height was a regular thing for me. A guy did some research on that. Ever noticed the position of your legs or body when you wake up from such a dream? It seems that this dream is very likely when your body reaches the edge of the bed or legs are outside.
I have got many animal dreams after watching Ramnarayan and god-movies in childhood :) I used to get dreams of a bear opening the gate and walking into the compound :lol2:
Unfortunately after I got through my fear of snakes, never had snakes in my dreams.
I have read the book "The interpretation of dreams" by Freud several years back. Freud's theories are full of holes and ridiculous. Freuds theories may hold true for his age when there was a big rebelliousness movement among the youth. It simply cannot be used to study the Eastern psyche. Freud's explanations are based on repressed urges in the human mind. I have come across several people who have overcome all the natural urges through meditation/yoga and other forms. There are hundreds of people who have no connection or attraction to physical things. There are so many normal middleclass people who can go to the terrace at 3 or 4 AM on a cold day and meditate for hours - which cant be done by normal youngsters. The mind of such people cannot be explained by Freud, Jung or other philosophers. The human mind is powerful and when you start tapping/training it on a regular basis, you reach new frontiers. I will write in detail in forthcoming posts.
Western theories are too limited in experience to explain the happenings of different people. You simply cannot apply a western philosopher's ideas to include Indians/Chinese and other metaphysical arts of the eastern world.
2nd February 2005, 03:23 PM
What is it man? You saw a bear walking into your compound? Cool!!
Maybe it is a hint to something. Maybe it is a character index! Need to research on that.
2nd February 2005, 03:27 PM
this link is interesting!! (
For seeing a lion in your dream, this is the interpretation the site gives.
lion featured in your dream is a symbol of social distinction and/or business leadership. If you heard the lion roar, you are likely to have to cope with jealousy from someone close to you. A friendly lion cub is a forecast of a new and valuable friendship.
For Bears,
A caged bear signifies future success; a dancing bear indicates luck in speculation; fighting off or killing a bear suggests victory over hostile opposition.
Due to its color, a polar bear in a dream is a good omen signifying an improvement in your circumstances.
How is that!!!??
2nd February 2005, 03:28 PM
What is it man? You saw a bear walking into your compound? Cool!!
Maybe it is a hint to something.
I feel he is going to get married soon. :D :D
2nd February 2005, 03:58 PM
I too will give you a guys a link...
where i refer my dreams... for fun
:D :D :D
2nd February 2005, 04:13 PM
That was a good link. It has got neat categorization of objects in dreams and their positive and negative interpretaions! Would like to read any vedanthic interpretation of dreams as sleep is another state of consciousness and books on vedantha have loads of treatises on what is sleep and how it is different from wakefulness (what is wakefulness, such a simple question also is a matter of much debate!!!).
2nd February 2005, 05:58 PM
Dreams are expresssions of Subconcious.
The more you suppress your thoughts, emotions and feelings, more will be the dreams. One who tackles these things conciously will hardly get dreams.
Dreams may be symbolic and metaphoric.
Dreams are never pleasant, because we don't suppress pleasant things in life. Hence there is nothing like a sweet dream.
We don't dream in deep sleep stage. It is always during the pre-wakeup stage of sleep that we get dreams.
No one can remember a dream sequence completely, because the concious mind prevents delving into memory (database) of subconcious, otherwise we would all become insane.
So girls.. if someone tells you, that you came in his dreams, it is not a compliment!! :lol: not necessarily. :roll:
3rd February 2005, 02:16 AM
Dreams are never pleasant, because we don't suppress pleasant things in life. Hence there is nothing like a sweet dream.
So girls.. if someone tells you, that you came in his dreams, it is not a compliment!! :lol: not necessarily. :roll:
hahaha very funny Blahblah..thought the symbol for soon to be married would rather be a hen pecking rather than a bear! :P
Hello Shekhar!
Shekhar how about fantasies...are you men not famous for having such 'pleasant' dreams? :P
anyways yes JG i either have a falling dream...or rather a near falling then flying dream..that and (mentioned before in another dream thread) paths to familiar places changing before my eyes...i use to have nightmares alot when i was a child...i don't remember them much now...though now as a student im stuck in horrid exam dreams, recurring dreams or weird deja-vus
3rd February 2005, 04:06 AM
anyone wanna discuss psychological tricks with the phenomenon of sleep? :)
3rd February 2005, 07:09 AM
Dunno how many people are interested in the physical position theory - I too have been having this dead stop dream for years - when you are suddenly walking home and your legs ache - you cant move forwards or backwards. Apparently study shows this is natural for people who sleep with their face slightly angled.
Absolutely true that dreams stem from the subconscious - I still dream of talkign to people who I met 18-20 years ago.
By the way with some training you can force yourself to sleep and alter your sleep habits! Involves great concentration though.
For instance, I never used to have the habit of sleeping in the afternoons. I remember one afternoon when I was 9, after a lot of compulsion, my family got me to take a siesta and I slept after lying awake for a couple of hours.
After that I didnt take a noon nap till I turned 14 - 5 years later. By this time, I had such a fixed schedule - wake up by 4:45 or 5 after going to bed at sharp 10 PM. This used to be a diehard routine all through my 14th year(especially as I was in 10th std). I never got to stay awake till midnight - First time I saw midnight in life was in my 16th year.
Now here's the trick...Being in my 10th I didnt want to waste my time lying in bed waiting for sleep to come, So I used to analyse my thoughts alertly before sleep "hit" me - I would close my eyes and think about the day's events, and keep a close watch on my thoughts. Before you sleep off, there will be a couple of moments when you "briefly sleep off for 20 secs or a minute max", then blink to consciousness and REALISE AT THAT POINT that sleep is hitting you. I kept a strong check on my mind and found my thoughts going haywire at THIS moment...For instance, during the outbreak of this "sleep trailer", my mind would find itself thinking of past events, and then slowly the imaginary stuff would appear automatically from the subconscious. Now this stuff would be all haphazard and weird nonsense. A good example would be my sports teacher mentioning a botanical term and asking me to check the spelling(actually happened!).
Now the more I started checking my thoughts everyday for about a month, one pattern became clear - the mind grows more and more vague before the instant you sleep off!
So I conducted this little experiment on myself one afternoon - I went and lay down and "forced" myself to have random thoughts, not lingering on any of them. This is how it goes - first, you need a period of quietening yourself, then secondly your throw your mind into a violent series of exercises...
I first think of a car peacefully travelling through a deserted highway in Kerala, palm trees either side, the sun hitting brightly the bonnet....I just imagine for a minute that I am just coasting along, nothing on "the imaginary road" around me - this helps my mind to remove any focus it has on the room I am sleeping in, the conversation and TV sounds from the other room. After a minute, I ensure I am in a comfortable position, and then start THINKING. I begin with the car thats on my mind, car means tyre - think of tyre, fast! Think how its prepared - vulcanisation! That makes you think of Sulphur! Sulphur makes you think of the chemistry lab! Think of the acids kept in the corner of your school lab! Think of smoke coming out of a building! Think of the fire service and their number - 101! Quick, dont stay more than half a second on the objects, just start building the chain as fast as you can!!! From fireservice, think of the calling them, the telephone! Think of Graham Bell! think of the school bell! think of the children rushing out on hearing the bell! think of the school bus! think of the driver! think of a screw driver! think of a carpenter hammering away on a block of wood! think of a block of apartments where your friend lives.......
So to summarise:
fire service
the telephone!
Graham Bell!
school bell
school bus!
screw driver
friend (and so on)
The key is : the above list of 15 items should automatically strike you in 5-7 seconds max(atleast 2 items/sec) - sounds tough but can be mastered if you practice faithfully for a month :)
When you have done this mad exercise for about 3 minutes(about 150 objects atleast, depending on your speed and ability to find words), YOUR MIND WOULD NOW HAVE EFFECTIVELY SHUT OUT THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT AROUND YOU. Good job, now its completely focussed on your conscious/subconscious and immune to outside sounds/thoughts of past events. As you keep going at this rate(3-4 words/second), you will notice your subconscious coming into play, automatically filling you with words....Once the subconsciousness steps in, you will doze off in a few seconds :D
I tried this technique for days, and after all these years, can now sleep off, any time, any place within 10 minutes IF I WANT TO!!! :P :P It is definitely a 100 times more effective than counting sheep :lol2: :lol2:
Finally, I found that this acute training in mind focus sharpened my mind considerably, boosting my memory power several times over. After all, we use only a tiny percentage of our mind everyday, so any form of mental grooming is always bound to have positive effects. I do not have any experience in yoga/meditation and there are some friends of mine who can set the alarm at any time and precisely get up before the alarm rings, whether it is 3 AM or 1 AM!! I dont know how this trick is done but I guess it can be manipulated too! Of course one natural effect is that you control your dream sequences like anything, should you especially have scary ones....Nowadays, whenever I face a tough situation in my dream, I am able to say in my dream "Hold on, this could most probably a dream..this just cannot happen.." and at this moment, I wake up!!
Share any other tricks you know. will add more later
Warning: When playing with your subconscious mind, if you happen to cross your natural limits, do NOT over-do it, strong experimentation with sleep skills is known to cause acute depression :lol2: :lol2:
3rd February 2005, 09:56 AM
walrus wrote:
tried this technique for days, and after all these years, can now sleep off, any time, any place within 10 minutes IF I WANT TO!!! It is definitely a 100 times more effective than counting sheep
Well I dont do either and I am able to sleep anyways.!! :lol:
I have observed that after a heavy dinner, the dreams that I get are usually violent, catastrophic. It is true that outstanding events in the wakeful life find a reenforcement in the dream life, but the images and the impacts are doubled and sometimes trebled. For example today early morning @ 5 I had a dream of being in a beach side compound when waves successively pound trying to shatter a wall. When I woke up, I was hearing my time piece scream away loudly. For ten minutes or so the time piece has been ringing!! In earlier days, a disturbing ghost dream used to recur and later on when I mastered enough courage, I started facing up the ghostly entity in the dream with whatever positive thought i could muster. So it was always a challenge between some fear and my identity. This turmoil is something that exists in our wakeful life too. But we have enough layers of social masks and paints to wear to avoid looking into it face to face with it everyday. In our sleep and dreams, we are stripped bare of all those masks. All said and done, the brain needs some time to recharge and the bio electric sound and lights show that is dream is a crucial element in the process. Shekhar said that dreams are never pleasant! I dont think so! I have had pleasant dreams (which I reinforce to my mind before going to sleep). So sweet dreams are just a though away folks!
3rd February 2005, 11:36 AM
For example today early morning @ 5 I had a dream of being in a beach side compound when waves successively pound trying to shatter a wall. When I woke up, I was hearing my time piece scream away loudly. For ten minutes or so the time piece has been ringing!!
I have never had nature in my dreams, never been able to see beaches or natural phenomenon. But I often have dreams where I am cycling and I notice the path of the tracks(parallel), the depth of the imprint, the route of travel(straight, then turn right, goto 2nd house). Maybe this is because I and a friend always talk of re-tracing our lost childhood friends :)
Then there's one more phenomenon when I sleep off while watching TV. I am so tired that I dont notice my eyes closing and the "unreal" things start happening in my mind. As my mind wanders off without my control, I might notice a flowerpot or some glass object being thrown in the air. I might even duck to avoid being hit.(No I dont watch TV serials :) ) As I watch it crash to pieces, I actually hear a sound and WAKE UP, only to see someone loudly shut the microwave with a loud noise or bang some plate in my room!! :shock: I am surprised how this concurrency happens between the real and dream world!
I had another of this event 2 days back...I had fallen asleep watching TV..within a minute, in my mind I found myself in a football field before a packed crowd watching a footballer(it is over a decade since I played) dribble and cut through the defence on the left flank. I was standing before the goalmouth with a few defenders in front of me. Suddenly the guy fired the ball to me and it hit me with a thud. My mind raced wildly as I tried to quickly move to the left, get a possible angle and shoot at goal. Just then, my friend banged some utensils(same time as the ball thudded into me) and I woke up :)
3rd February 2005, 11:40 AM
Happy dreams are rare these days maybe since I am control dreams more but few years back couple of time I got out of bed laughing so merrily and loudly to the shock of the others in my family reading the paper in bed :lol2: :lol2:
4th February 2005, 04:33 AM
well there is a concept called your internal alarm clock...and it can be altered but it takes atleast a year of problem whereever i am i always wake sharply at 4am everyday and have to fall asleep again..though many of my friends have told me once they wake up they have the hardest time going back to sleep...i dont seem to have that problem...well hehehewalrus without training i seem to doze off and sleep fine...i hope i retain this throughout my life...because i remember the horror i had when i had a short bout of insomnia in my 13 grade (which probably was related to high stress,because these classes determined your sucessful entry into uni) anyways when i can't seem to fall asleep i get into a comfortable position (on my side facing the wall) and tell myself to relax each part of my body...i hardly ever get to the head cause i fall asleep before then :) there is one forward i got where the position you sleep in is supposed to tell what your personality might be like...i will try to find it...also what hehehewalrus said about the noise in the background matching that of my dream i have found to be true in many instances....though what is odd is that whenever i have a nightmare i always wake up either facing away from the wall or facing towards the ceiling...
4th February 2005, 10:02 AM
Hey folks!
I have picked up a book " Magic Jewel of Intuition, A Tribasic approach" by D.B.Gangoli. This book is essentially a book on vedantha of which I always had an opinion that it is not practical and does not give you experience in life and so on. Wonder what. the very introduction of the book has many concepts which I find are very interesting. Right now I have progressed to the page in the book which says .. guess what, that there are three states of consciousness or being, the wakeful state, the dream state and the deep sleep. Though the word is sleep, it does not mean inactivitiy, but activity of a different type. According to the book, humans when they sleep, pass through dream state into deep sleep. So if you wake up, gradually, then u will pass through dream before u wakeup in the physical state. I guess the nightmares must be the sudden boot up into wakefulness, where the dream state has to fade out in an alarming speed, in a jiffy. The reason u feel compelled to wake up could be any external stimuli like change in light or sound or something tactile. This book is very interesting. I am looking forward to finishing this book and try out the exercises mentioned in there... will post a detailed writeup later.
4th February 2005, 10:25 AM
The 3 states perfectly make sense.
Expecting more write-ups from the book soon.
4th February 2005, 09:28 PM
just for fun here's what sleeping positions say about your personality:
The most common sleeping positions (and corresponding personality) identified were:
Fetal Position (41%) Curled up on your side, holding the pillow. The most popular sleeping position, this one was favored by 51% of the women in the study. The personality of these sleepers tends to be shy and sensitive, though they may present a tough exterior to the world.
Soldier Position (8%) Flat on your back with arms at your sides. Indicates a quiet and reserved personality who sets high standards.
Starfish Position (5%) Lying on your back with arms and legs outstretched. Indicates a good listener who makes friends easily, but prefers not to be the center of attention.
Freefall Position (7%) Flat on your stomach with arms at the head or ears. Indicates a brash and gregarious exterior who may inwardly be nervous and sensitive to criticism.
Log Position (15%) On your side with legs outstretched and arms at your sides. Indicates a social, easygoing personality.
Yearner Position (13%) Similar to the log, but with arms outstretched. Said to indicate a suspicious and cynical personality.
4th February 2005, 09:30 PM
here's a linky to sleep stages:
6th February 2005, 01:11 PM
Wow! That's amazing to read on sleeping positions.
I always thought that the mood of the day and level of stress determines the sleep posture. Anyways, next time I sleep, I will organise myself according to the readings!!! :wink: Thanks Querida. The link was a good read.
6th February 2005, 08:32 PM
I have had lot of nightmares similar to the ones mentioned in this thread.
But,i can remember only one good dream I ever had!
I am at the holy place Chidambaram and I see a very bright & beautiful statue of Shiva/lingam. It just glows very brightly and immerses me in happiness.
Strange thing is that I have never been to Chidambaram in my life!
7th February 2005, 08:24 AM
thanx Jaiganesh for your comment :D
and Vigop why with all the nightmares....maybe your mood is influencing your reminiscing and all you can think of are your vivid do have to remember we dream a whole lot more than we remember....and if not here's to more sweet dreams k? :D How about listening to your beloved sangeetham before falling asleep?
do you ever notice what position you are in when you wake up from a hehehewalrus said...falling dreams may just be the foot of the bed...i once read that if you keep your right hand over your heart while going to sleep you will have vivid dreams...i know i have woken up to find this after a dream..but thought nothing of it since it could just be a comfortable position for me...anyone else find this? Does anyone ever have lucid dreams?
7th February 2005, 08:29 AM
viggop wrote
I am at the holy place Chidambaram and I see a very bright & beautiful statue of Shiva/lingam. It just glows very brightly and immerses me in happiness.
Strange thing is that I have never been to Chidambaram in my life!
When my mother started meditating, she would see a lot of visions, visions of shiva lingams, deities and umbrellas for deities coming to her. Now she got the same sights in her dreams too. Only difference was that when she was meditating, she was in full consciousness. After a while, the images ceased and other visions appeared and finally they too ceased to appear , either in meditation or in her dreams. May be you too are a spiritual person involved in a lot of poojais and dhyaanams. Keep at it without getting overwhelmed by the vision, I think soon you will transcend these visions. A guru once told me that these are imprints of earlier lives and one should transcend them completely. Just allow the visions observing carefully, you may be in for many more such wonderful visions!! Keep writing in detail about these visions you see in your dreams!! Nice thread by Walrus anna!
7th February 2005, 11:04 AM
Actually,no! I do not involve myself in any poojais or dhyanams.I pray for 2 mins everyday to God.That's all.
But,i am interested in Hindu philosophy and try to read english translations of Hindu Holy books.
7th February 2005, 10:12 PM
awww Jaiganesh where's your cute little prarie dog avatar?
8th February 2005, 08:50 AM
I changed it to match the Grumpy sweater I am wearing to office these days.
8th February 2005, 09:03 AM
i am interested in Hindu philosophy and try to read english translations of Hindu Holy books.
Can u read Tamizh? If u can, the great, well respected, Mr.Rajaji, has translated The Gita into Tamil called "Kannan Kaatiya Vazhi." The Tamil was a bit hard for me to understand in some places, he uses many complicated words, so I gave up after a while, :oops: but my dad read it and said that it was a very accurate translation. U can get English Translations also, but they don't seem to have the best accuracy, as far as the meanings go. :D
Regards. 8)
8th February 2005, 10:56 AM
Yes.I can read Tamizh.I'm trying to read english translations from people like Swami Chinmayananda,Dayananda Saraswathi etc. Not only Gita but any book on Hindu scriptures interest me.
8th February 2005, 10:58 AM
Dayanandha Saraswati, I've heard gives good traslations. :D U can get Raja Yoga in English, by Swami Vivekanandha. :D
8th February 2005, 11:58 AM
CONGRATULATIONS !!! :clap: :clap:
Did I get it right..?? You're a business partner now?? Or am I mistaken...? :oops: :oops:
8th February 2005, 12:22 PM
Want a fight between Otter and Walrus? :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
Hemant Trived1
8th February 2005, 12:29 PM
I thought dreams were closely associated with REM.
Hemant Trived1
8th February 2005, 12:30 PM
I thought dreams were closely associated with REM.
8th February 2005, 12:34 PM
Hemant wrote
I thought dreams were closely associated with REM
I thought that REM are symptoms of a person experiencing dreams.
Walrus anna wrote :
Want a fight between Otter and Walrus?
It is a prarie dog and ready for the race if it is on land!!! :lol:
Hemant Trived1
8th February 2005, 12:39 PM
It has been found that REM is mostly associated with people having close set eyes or very wide set eyes.
REM is also closely connected with subconcious. So egg comes first or the chicken ? It is still not proved 100%
Maximum REM has been found in people of Mongoloid race. They are given to dreaaming more frequently than others. This is what I read in an article long back.
14th February 2005, 01:47 PM
I had a rare dream last Thursday night.....I dreamt of my late grandma, who passed away in 1977. She has never ever come in my dreams, but last Thursday (guess must have been early Friday morn') she was with me driving in my car..and when I woke up on Friday, I realized it was Feb 12th and the actual day she passed away! What do you say to this??
15th February 2005, 08:14 PM
I dream everyday. :(
Rarely scary.
Rarely divine.
Mostly normal dreams.
I HATE to dream.I tried saying shlokas
and other possible methods to avoid dreaming.
All is vain.
I am told ppl with disturbed mind dream a lot.
I wonder wht is disturbing me?! I am such
a cool, normal, happy woman .. seriously!!!!
24th February 2005, 08:42 AM
In my childhood days i dreamed to become cinema director. Later i knew that in telugu cinema field they give more importance to caste, family and relatives. They give chances to people of their caste or family members or relatives. None of them in telugu film industry are from my caste or family or relatives group. All my dreams about becoming cinema director disposed. Having sweet dreams is very easy. But making them to happen in reality is difficult.
24th February 2005, 09:52 AM
I dream everyday. :(
Rarely scary.
Rarely divine.
Mostly normal dreams.
I HATE to dream.I tried saying shlokas
and other possible methods to avoid dreaming.
All is vain.
I am told ppl with disturbed mind dream a lot.
I wonder wht is disturbing me?! I am such
a cool, normal, happy woman .. seriously!!!!
That fact is that everyone dreams! Everynight! The brain is always working. Somepeople say things like, "I didn't have a dream last night." That's not true. They did have a dream, but they just simply don't remember it. But it's impossible to not have a dream. :) So don't worry abt it. :D
24th February 2005, 10:15 AM
//That fact is that everyone dreams! Everynight! The brain is always working. Somepeople say things like, "I didn't have a dream last night." That's not true. They did have a dream, but they just simply don't remember it. But it's impossible to not have a dream. So don't worry abt it. //
Verrrrrrrrrry funny surya! I am also laughing my heart out!:huh: But u see, I KNOW everyone dreams :huh:. They are BLESSED ENOUGH NOT TO REMEMBER IT. Some of us, who wake up with those thoughts its...killing at times :(. Esp... we never feel refreshed. :(
U know u mustve heard the saying...
"A pauper who dreams every single night that he is a KING
is equally happy as
A king who dreams every single night that he is a PAUPER"
I understand, if u believe in karma, we spend some karmic
I feel, ppl who DONT remember their dreams are lucky to a
graet extent. Else one should alawys have pleasant dreams.
I happen to have frequent unpleasant dreams
//I dream everyday. //
I said the above, THAT MADE U LAUGH EH :p....ANYWAY just awnted to make ur day...ENJOY :))
But its true that saints or evolved souls, dream less(or do they sleep less ..? hehe). They if evolved to a great extent DO NOT DREAM. If i am wrong plz correct me.
hmm...apart from that, like w hat mandangi said,
Tv comperer or a news reader
did not come through due to various personal reasons, though
I was offered quite a few chances.
26th February 2005, 12:29 PM
As 4 me, I've had really weird dreams (and nitemares as well! :shock: )......of course I don't recall all of them either....
I do rem. once having this dream back in 2002 (just b4 I came to sing.) tat I met my old history teacher, who taught me in school, and when she asked me wat I was doing, I actually told her tat I was going to work as a military engineer in the USSR :lol:
I rem. tats exactly wat I said altho in reality I'm not really a communist supporter or ne kind of engineer and tats the last place on earth I'd think of going......and then she went on saying tat USSR isn't valid nemore, its Russia now......and I rem. saying sumthing like "yes ma'm...sorry I forgot...u taught us tat....." and tats when I woke up! :D
And as 4 nitemares, this one also hap'd back in 2002 and um....can't rem. this one in detail but all I can recall is tat I met Viswanathan Anand (chess player) in our house, standing rite in front of me in my room....and I was accusing him of breaking into our house! He then pulled out a revolver from his jacket and struck my head w/ the butt (handle) and I woke up trembling w/ my heart hammering as I found myself collapsing/sinking in the dream......whew tat was unbelieveable at tat moment! :shock:
27th February 2005, 01:32 PM
vishwanathan anand plays rapid chess, and many times i have seen him playing in yahoo chess.
27th February 2005, 01:42 PM
NO!!! I'm sorry, that's not what I meant. God, everthiny i've been saaying has been coming out wrong lately. I wasn't laughing at u. I just thought it was humorous that......ur dreams were soo serious. But it depends on what u dream about. I shouldn't have laughed, I'm sorry. :oops:
Regards. 8)
nirosha sen
27th February 2005, 04:42 PM
Well, it's nice to dream!! We are always happy in our dreams! It's the nightmares that drives me nuts, Pa!
Once,my mind decided to visit my old bedroom and stay there!! I got of out bed, thinking it was time for school and actually searched for my school uniform; only to have my bubble burst to realise that 25 years had passed since I wore my uniform last....... :cry:
Hmm...I'm certainly inspired to include this in my Tales thread, Pa!! But let me finish wiping my tears first okay?....... :cry:
27th February 2005, 04:47 PM
Once,my mind decided to visit my old bedroom and stay there!! I got of out bed, thinking it was time for school and actually searched for my school uniform;
tell me when it's ok to laugh. :D sorry. just joking. :D
Some nightmare. I like nighmares though. once i had one, where some guy had come into our house, and wanted to stay for the night. So we let him. (what were we thinking) I wake up in the middle of the night to get a drink of water, and i look at my arms and they are all cut up. I freak and I stumble into the living room with my arms bleeding like hell, and I see these strange, wierd, scary glow in the dark stickers of lizards on the wall, and stuffed animal lizards hanging down from the wall. and the TV is running, and the guy who had stayed over was killing a woman in the TV. So he had taped himself killing a woman and played it in my house, in my TV, in my VCR!
I'm petrified, I stumble to the garage, and I see this wierd psychotic, figment of my imagination, praying to this scary shrine that he had made in my garage, and the idol inside was a green lizard.
Try that for a nightmare.
I was soo scared!! :( :(
Hey, I should probably write another story on this.
nirosha sen
27th February 2005, 05:07 PM
Yup, come on over to the Tales thread! Very, very intriguing!!! :wink:
9th March 2005, 04:17 PM
Hey I have got lot of interesting dreams. Daily I'l get something interesting. sometimes very bad dreams. celebrities often comes in my dream. and dog bite is very common. it comes once in a month.
i can't forget this particular dream
it was a evening time. raining. i was playing with my cousins in the terrace. suddenly a bright red light appears and a saint comes from that light . he was wearing kaavi dress his face was very calm and pleasant like swamy vivekananda. on seeing him i just ran telling to my cousins this guy is a boring fellow
same thing happened second time
terrace-rain-light-saint- running away on seeing him
same thing happened third time
terrace-rain-light-saint- on seeing him i started running he stopped me just by saying "NILLU"
that word was something like a mantra for me . how to say . i couldn't move a single step. i just obeyed his words.
Later I asked him,
""Neenga yaaru, yedhukkaga ennai thedi vandheenga, naan ungalai rendu thadavai insult panna piragum marupadi marupadi vandhu enakku yedhukkaga neenga mandhiram solli kudukkanum""
He just smiled at me.
one week before this dream, my aunt asked me to read vinayagar agaval but I said NO. after this dream i started reading vinayagar agaval.
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