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10th June 2011, 08:44 PM
BTW, paruvamE is the "pachchAs" :-)

10th June 2011, 09:15 PM
thanks a lot app_eng.
Though I often listen to the compositions, it is always a pleasure listening one more time at your tfmpage thread with your kutti postings.

HURRAY 80s Ilayaraja!


10th June 2011, 09:50 PM
Beautiful song and post App and KV as always!! :thumbsup:

Uravenum Puthiya Vaanil is a song of the century as rajkumarc rightly pointed out. Luckily I watched this movie in theatre when it was released with my parents. Eventhough I didn't quite understand, I still remember liking all the songs, picturization and not to forget Vennira Aadai Moorthy, Kumarimuthu and gang's laugh riot. I even cried when Keech died. I am not sure, if I can watch now with same enthusiasm, but it's great movie for sure and ahead of its time, very stylish film, but had a lot of heart in it.

KV, nice to read your college memories of this song. Just wanted to ask, if you informed your friend about which song came first and what was his reaction after that?

Do I need to mention about singing by SPB and SJ, name says it all! The tune and how it peaks high and suddenly dips giving the beauty. The start of charanam first line and how it ends low, sweeter than honey.

The bass lines runs as a life line through out the song, absolutely dreamy! The prelude is haunting. The flute just before pabapabapa... and the bass guitar chords when pallavi is on. These can't be separated out from vocals and are interwoven to perfection. While the first interlude plays an important role in developing their relationship to love, the second interlude is much more powerful. It is interesting to hear how the prominent guitar in the first interlude gradually goes to background and acts as bass guitar when other instruments comes to foreground ending with a beautiful violin crescendo!

What makes second interlude more interesting is the solo meloncholy violin for a happy and breezy duet. Just this piece made me curious to watch the song recently. It starts with Mohan and Suhasini were in middle of the road with their car having a starting problem. I don't know how this was conceived and conveyed to Maestro by Mahendran sir. But he gives here the intermittent chords and spooky phaser symbolizing the outage. And when the car starts, continuous flute begins to flow just like through our nerves. Cut there, then comes the carefree whistle when they both ride their bicyles casually. Till now everything is perfect and now comes the Oliver 'twist'. Suddenly a solo violin plays in meloncholy mood symbolizing there is some obstacle in their love ahead. Mahendran sir nailed it perfectly by bringing in Pratap there sitting over his car, when Suhasini and Mohan meets him. Here suddenly the tone of the violin completely changes what we just heard in solo mode when Suhasini and Pratap start chatting. Here again symbolizing something terrible is going to happen and the camera pans across Mohan and his expression says it all.

One of very few Maestro songs picturized to perfection. It's amazing that Mahendran sir captured the mood perfectly down to the instrument level not just the whole interlude level. Most others don't even notice these nuances.

Four great Masters in greatest action for one of the greatest song! :notworthy:

10th June 2011, 10:07 PM
Four great Masters in greatest action for one of the greatest song! :notworthy:

Beautifully said V_S..Enjoyed your write up thoroughly on this wonderful song ..

10th June 2011, 10:47 PM
Lovely writeup V_S. Have to listen to the song while reading your post.

Uravenum was a late discovery for me (about 3 years back) and never knew such a song existed in the movie. You could imagine my shock and disbelief for not having listened to this beauty and still proclaiming myself as an IR fan. I would probably blame the TV for they never showed Uravenum and it was Paruvame all the time.

Disovering the Hub and it's special group of IR fans are the best things that could have happened to me atleast, especially in terms of listening/sharing thoughts about IR's music and lot of other things about films.

10th June 2011, 11:20 PM
Superb writeups app, KV and V_S. Thoroughly enjoying them. Had posted link for these discussions in twitter. I am sure those coming here will be thrilled to discover such passion for Raja and SPB.

I watched this movie in Telugu. Loved the three songs. As everyone agrees one of the few movies where full justice is done for Raja's songs in terms of picturisation. Everyone who saw the movie was thrilled with the 'Paruvame' song.

11th June 2011, 12:21 AM
Nice post V_S!

I watched the youtube this morning and can relate to the analysis in your post :-)

Thank you Sureshji for both the comments and referral :-)

11th June 2011, 12:40 AM
Thanks a lot skr, rajkumarc, Sureshji, App for your kind words! I am deeply moved. Definitely I agree with rajkumarc, this hub is a great platform to unite, share and learn daily from our friends here. Without this, the world will be less interesting!

11th June 2011, 11:53 AM
App, I think its time to cut down some redundancy and declare something like a universal variable, that can be used in every post, something like LAUAE (lovely, as usual, A_E) or APAE (awesome post, A_E) :smile:
The best part about Paruvame is the laid-back manner in which each aspect in the song rolls out - the tune, the interludes, the singing; absolutely unhurried, delicate and gradual, like blossoming of a morning flower.

V_S, beautiful writeup on Uravenum, very interesting points. And yes, my friends were around when we looked up the net (did it at our, then newly-established, internet center at college). Of course, they had no choice but to (in Vivek style) 'close the bonnet and dikki'! ;-)

11th June 2011, 05:50 PM
KV :-)

'paruvamE' has this slow increase and decrease in sound levels for the lead instrument (strings / harmonium etc) which is another enjoyable thing in the first interlude. EGS! (evergreen song)

11th June 2011, 06:25 PM
#51 மடை திறந்து தாவும் நதியலை நான்
மனம் திறந்து கூவும் சிறு குயில் நான்
(நிழல்கள், 1980 , கவிஞர் வாலி எழுதியது ) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR2406'&lang=en)

Kavingar Vali is known for his lavish praises on others. This often gets reflected in his movie songs as well. His eulogizing of MGR is legendary in TN. Here he got an opportunity to shower praises on Raja and IR's friend BR went one step ahead - showed the man himself on screen! Perhaps the only occasion where IR's screen appearance had the pinnaNi voice of another individual - ofcourse the thuLLal Balu! One of the songs where IR poured all his youthful energy and SPB excelled in bringing the exact emotions - at times showing exclamation and even sarcasm:-) (rasikarkaL rAjjhiyam had his inimitable iLakkAra sirippu).

The song situation (some aspiring youngster, struggling, gets a chance to compose a song for film producer) should have been a motivation for Raja to come up with such wonderful interludes, knowing that he is writing his personal biography! Every time I hear the strings in the second interlude, it's mei silirppu and the chorus humming after that is AkAyaththil paRappu! I pity BR & Chandrasekar - it was almost forewritten that they can't do justice on screen to such a grand composition! I'd have been shocked had they matched it on screen even 50%. I consider these interludes as certainly beyond picturization!

These are to be felt closing one's eyes!

The AIR time this song had was relatively less compared to the other two biggies from the same movie. However, whenever it was on radio, I felt like jumping and running around - what a feeling (that's what Chandrasekar does on screen BTW)! The guitar that goes along the 'pa-pa-pa-pAppA' of first interlude used to make all the veins getting pumped up!

This came around the time when Trichy AIR intro'd the 1-2 PM "new songs transmission" on Sundays (in addition to their morning film song time of about 40 minutes - i.e. after the AkAshvANi Hindi & English news - each for 10 min starting at 8 AM). I used to get tense if there was anything else coming up between 1 & 2 on Sundays - especially the powercuts in the village (still the valve radio at home). Ofcourse, AIR used to often irritate me by excluding my favourites but that didn't curb the enthu / feverish anticipation for that 1PM program! Obviously IOKS did a lot better with nizhalgaL songs :-)

By now, it was very common to discuss each second & sound of IR songs - every bass guitar note, each cymbal crash was a big point of discussion! This cassette was a regular at the local tea stall too - but I could never have enough of the songs - not even now as these often go on repeat mode!

nizhalgaL - undoubtedly among the top few from IR!

11th June 2011, 08:37 PM
Ah! Nizhalgal! This surely is bound to throw open the flood gates... ini isai pEralai dhaan! Tsunami la summinga poda ellarum readya irunga pa!
LAUAE! (gotta rush now, more later)

11th June 2011, 08:42 PM
As mentioned earlier, a bigger hit with general public than uRavenum. There was this legend that the tap-tap-tap sound was generated by hand-tapping-on-the-thigh (and not a musical instrument), don't know whether true, but there was strong blah-blah and belief among classmates about this. I don't know whether some mag talked about it or not but I've never read anywhere myself.

Oh, its all over the internet. Just do a search for 'paruvame thigh'. I have seen SPB saying it in some TV show (Klgr TV vaanampaadi?) and have read this many times in the internet.

my most fav is that first line of saraNam ("பூந்தோட்டத்தில் ஹோய் காதல் கண்ணம்மா" / "தேனாடும் முல்லை நெஞ்சில் என்னமோ").

Madai thiRanthu is not a TV/FM favorite as well. And thanks to yogi b, this song became extremely popular among non-IR fans, even a LOT of non-thamizhs. And every one of them (the ones I know) loved the original more.

12th June 2011, 03:58 AM

There are some more interesting things (The rAsA on screen is pretty well-known):
1. Prior to the start of the track, there's a harmonium + singing on screen and the voice is IR's
2. The drummer, flautist & the guitarist - were they part of IR's team of the time by any chance? (I love the drums sounds in this song BTW)
3. Is that 'kuyil' IR's? Someone can clarify...

12th June 2011, 04:03 AM
The Yogi B / Natchatra rap version that Nerd talked about (most of us would have checked this out at one point of time or other):


12th June 2011, 04:15 AM
Another youtube of the rap, but this was on stage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjFaJaNR50A)

Interestingly the audience includes celebrities - SPB (not showing any feelings) & Prabhu / Kushboo- serious...only the actress Sangeetha (pithAmagan) seems to have a taste for the rap...

12th June 2011, 04:22 AM
Unbelievable 4 year old drummer for some keyboard version, in a kalyANa maNdapam (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDbRCE5S2i4)

12th June 2011, 06:12 AM
Unbelievable 4 year old drummer for some keyboard version, in a kalyANa maNdapam (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDbRCE5S2i4) Very nice... may be we can create a seperate thread in TFM section and try to collect all these treasures.

12th June 2011, 09:57 AM
KV, I have always amazed by your comments. That bonnet and dicki comment :lol:

BTW that was a horrible remix of madai thiranthu. Totally spoiled my mood :( Apart from the rap part what different they did in the song to be called a remix. If you ask me one single thing which you hate the most in the world, it is undoubtedly the 'RAP'. Reminds me of Vaanam second line of first song sung by Simbu. That is what I would do if I see Yogi B.

12th June 2011, 05:56 PM
Some strange associations occur in one's mind between certain things and TFM. For example, like I posted earlier in one of the hub threads, whenever I had a disturbed (or inadequate) sleep, at the time of pal thEyppu the next morning invariably the song 'chellakkiLikaLAm paLLiyilE' gets played in the mind.

Same way, quite often when madai thiRandhu is played, my mind brings back images of Kapil dev thoroughly thrashing Richard Hadlee in the semis of WCC down under :-) Despite the Kapil knock occuring a few years later than this song - may be at the time of our celebration in the hostel this song got played or simply the adi-dhadi of first interlude brings to mind the cracking shots of Kapil - some strange but sweet-memories-relationship :-)

12th June 2011, 07:44 PM

The orchestra looks to be Raja's orchestra. The drummer looks like Purushottaman (Puru) and the guitarist is Sadanandam (Sada sir). Not sure about the flautist. Is it Napolean? Knowledgeable folks can say.

13th June 2011, 08:36 AM
#51 மடை திறந்து தாவும் நதியலை நான்
மனம் திறந்து கூவும் சிறு குயில் நான்
(நிழல்கள், 1980 , கவிஞர் வாலி எழுதியது ) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR2406'&lang=en)

Kavingar Vali is known for his lavish praises on others. This often gets reflected in his movie songs as well. His eulogizing of MGR is legendary in TN. Here he got an opportunity to shower praises on Raja and IR's friend BR went one step ahead - showed the man himself on screen! Perhaps the only occasion where IR's screen appearance had the pinnaNi voice of another individual - ofcourse the thuLLal Balu! One of the songs where IR poured all his youthful energy and SPB excelled in bringing the exact emotions - at times showing exclamation and even sarcasm:-) (rasikarkaL rAjjhiyam had his inimitable iLakkAra sirippu).

The song situation (some aspiring youngster, struggling, gets a chance to compose a song for film producer) should have been a motivation for Raja to come up with such wonderful interludes, knowing that he is writing his personal biography! Every time I hear the strings in the second interlude, it's mei silirppu and the chorus humming after that is AkAyaththil paRappu! I pity BR & Chandrasekar - it was almost forewritten that they can't do justice on screen to such a grand composition! I'd have been shocked had they matched it on screen even 50%. I consider these interludes as certainly beyond picturization!

These are to be felt closing one's eyes!

The AIR time this song had was relatively less compared to the other two biggies from the same movie. However, whenever it was on radio, I felt like jumping and running around - what a feeling (that's what Chandrasekar does on screen BTW)! The guitar that goes along the 'pa-pa-pa-pAppA' of first interlude used to make all the veins getting pumped up!

This came around the time when Trichy AIR intro'd the 1-2 PM "new songs transmission" on Sundays (in addition to their morning film song time of about 40 minutes - i.e. after the AkAshvANi Hindi & English news - each for 10 min starting at 8 AM). I used to get tense if there was anything else coming up between 1 & 2 on Sundays - especially the powercuts in the village (still the valve radio at home). Ofcourse, AIR used to often irritate me by excluding my favourites but that didn't curb the enthu / feverish anticipation for that 1PM program! Obviously IOKS did a lot better with nizhalgaL songs :-)

By now, it was very common to discuss each second & sound of IR songs - every bass guitar note, each cymbal crash was a big point of discussion! This cassette was a regular at the local tea stall too - but I could never have enough of the songs - not even now as these often go on repeat mode!

nizhalgaL - undoubtedly among the top few from IR!


WOW, one of my hot favourite songs !!! getting all excited just to write about it! i have never stop listening to it and still in love like the first time with it even aft hearing it for umpteenth times!!!

Absolutely in love with those 2 great sigaranggal! What a stylishly,cool, laid back singing from SPB!!! tamilla anayasamaana style of singing nnu sollalaam !

I think this is probably the only song that has IR miming, in his buddy SPB's voice!

இந்த பாடலில் எனக்கு பிடித்த வரிகள் :
1. புது ராகம் படைப்பதாலே நானும் இறைவனே !
2. இசைக்கென இசைகின்ற ரசிகர்கள் ராஜ்ஜ்ஜியம் எனக்கேதான் !

Such powerful lyrics ! Fitting perfectly for both the greats!

IRaivan thaan !!

SPB sir, innamum intha rasigar koottam ungge paattei isanthu kettukonde iruppom ! Isai vazhum varai !

Harmoniathla arambikkera, taaleelaaa...apperom mei silirkka veikkum guitar interludes,hummings!!!
Oru nimisham kude toivillamaal paadal muzhukka athi vegam! And finishing off with SPB's namattu sirippu, No one can ever do tht, oru chinna namattu sirippu thaan, but athukku evlo periya arthathei avar serthukkar! What a treat !

But antha paatte screen la pakkerapo azhugai azhugaiyaa varum! Enna kodume saar ! Yen ittene per teveiye illame beach oramaa jung junggunu kutichikittu irukangge! Pavam, chandrshekarkku on screen la atiga batshamaa pengaloda nadicha paadal katchi ithuvathaan irukkanum!

Im not a big fan , of remixes, most of the time, payapullainge remix-ndra perla original song-eh kadichi kotareraange!
Best songs are NOT remix materials! Strictly NO NO for me ! But in their case yogi B & natchathira, the album really boosted their career, thanks to SUNTV, these guys became really popular ! Innamum IR & SPB pala perukku intha roobathula kai koduthu konde thaan irukange.

Great write ups app-eng ! Thoroughly enjoying your personal experience and I can imagine your glory days... :-))
Must have been one heck of a era !

13th June 2011, 08:45 AM
Thanks Sureshji for the confirmation on the orchestra!

Thank you Divine22 for the kind words! Yes, it was nothing short of IR-addiction during my +2 / college days!

While madai thiRanthu is the Kapil version, there's another GRV number in this movie that comes next - stylish to the core (the Thamizh commentator on Madras AIR - Ramamoorthy, IAS used to describe that even the defence of Gundappa was stylish). Ofcourse, this song had everything - run up of Hadlee, wrist work of Azhar, foot work of Sachin - a glorious kEdhAram...

13th June 2011, 08:46 AM
A friend of mine had recorded this song over and over again on one side of a 90 cassette. I borrowed it from him and never returned it. Unggala mathiri aala-than remba naala tedikkitirukken. Lost many cassettes/cds/vcds, last few years I've been very wise.:smile:

13th June 2011, 09:00 AM
#52 இது ஒரு பொன் மாலைப்பொழுது
(நிழல்கள், 1980 , வைரமுத்துவின் முதல் பாடல்) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR2407'&lang=en)

Brilliance, innovation and style - all in one!

I'll happily give this song the "most innovative IFM song" award! Ofcourse, I'm not musically qualified to comment on this but at the minimum, out of my 35+ years of active listening to TFM, I've never been as much overwhelmed, dumbfounded, totally overcome by awe etc by any other number as pon mAlaippozhudhu. What a great combo - SPB / IR / BR / VM to create this masterpiece, equivalent to any great classical piece ever created in the field of music!

I'll keep heaping such praises to no end to this and don't want to test the patience of hubbers, ok, full stop here :-)

I'll let others throw in their opinions on this brillant piece...will share my personal experiences with this number in the morning...

13th June 2011, 09:13 AM
There is another charanam (according to VM lyrics book) that was not recorded for the song. But yeah, VM's first (any dispoot?) and the best. Simplicity at best.

13th June 2011, 04:22 PM

Excellent Song, it was even loved by Non Music lovers and even the " Isaiyaal vasamaha ithaiyangal" ! My mum used to tell me how my Grand father, who never listens to music or watch movies in his entire life, became a SPB fan (atic) on hearing this song! He must have been around 75 years when this song came out!

I remember some concerts / Song competitions in London were even named after this song as "Ithu Oru pon malai pozhuthu". SPB sir, your voice is beyond description, simply divine!

13th June 2011, 05:13 PM

13th June 2011, 07:52 PM
There was this small river (kAttARu) that connected my dad's village & the village where he worked (i.e. where we lived and was the place of my first 16 years of life). Though it is not a border TN area but a nadoo-center of TN, this river had an interesting Sanskrit name "santhAna varththini". The first time I recognized it could be so powerful was when in 9th (1977) when a huge flood happened and this one was a contributor to the wiping out of a couple of villages :-( Otherwise, it was only doing 'azhagu' to the village with its sand & some water appearing for a couple of months each year.

Well, it had a check-dam, using which some water was diverted to a koLam ('ayyan koLam' and the dam was called 'ayyan koLaththu aNai' or simply 'ayyaNai'). Until my 9th grade, I've never been there - though boys often talk about it (a couple of miles away from home, no water anyways, fearing dad etc). During this famous flood year, ventured to it with some classmates and was thoroughly fascinated by the sound of water, the 'ayirai', 'keNdai', 'keLuththi', 'kuRavai' kind of fish and the whole surroundings! The river had nice bamboo trees on the bank and the whole place was like a new-found-paradise to me.

We had a few more years of decent rainy seasons (ADMK folks claimed it was due to 'nallavar Atchi') and my visits to ayyaNai became a lot more frequent, often alone. This is probably the time when I understood that one can also enjoy solitude:-) Naturally, all this appreciation for nature and its beauty followed. Enjoying those for hours became another addiction.

It was in this background that VM arrived in TFM, who over the years has proved to be the best in this domain. During my +1 / +2 years, many hours of riverside was accompanied by 'pon mAlaippozhudhu' playing in the mind :-)

13th June 2011, 08:04 PM
After reading your post, I feel calmness, just like the serene blue skies with gentle breeze brushing me. Very apt and wonderful description for one of the most adorable song in film music. Excellent App :notworthy:

13th June 2011, 08:12 PM
There was this small river (kAttARu) that connected my dad's village & the village where he worked (i.e. where we lived and was the place of my first 16 years of life).

மறைமுகமாக உங்கள் வயதை கூறுகிறீர்கள் :lol2:

Excellent work Anna Keep it up !

13th June 2011, 09:16 PM
மறைமுகமாக உங்கள் வயதை கூறுகிறீர்கள்

இதில் மறைமுகம் ஒண்ணுமே இல்லையே :-) எல்லாமே நேரடி தான்!

இங்க மட்டும் இல்ல - பல முறை 'வயசாயிப்போச்சு'ன்னு ஹப்'ல பொலம்பியாச்சு :-)

13th June 2011, 09:57 PM
'pon mAlaippozhudhu' was a phenomenal success on radio - especially the IOKS. (Ofcourse, I had my sweet Sunday 1 o'clock dates with Trichy AIR, thoroughly getting drenched with the second interlude of pon mAlaippozhudhu, but these were few and far between).

My memory on this part w.r.t. the timing is not perfect but there was a program during this time period at IOKS that had people voting and picking a song as #1 hit (or #2,#3 etc depending upon the number of votes). They'll also take the song at the bottom of the chart out of the program each week while introducing a new one. 'pon mAlaippozhudhu' had a good time in that program.

With so much of attachment to nizhalgaL songs (and to IR/BR combo in general at that point of time, even though I haven't seen a single movie of theirs yet), it was so much disappointing to see the movie's dismal performance at BO. That too when the arch-rival combo (KB-MSV) had a roaring hit, VNS, that released on the same day.

Well, as usual, the same routine - 'flop padaththulayE pAttellAm ivvaLavu hittu - IR magic - blAh blAh' - with classmates :-)

13th June 2011, 10:11 PM
That too when the arch-rival combo (KB-MSV) had a roaring hit, VNS, that released on the same day.

What is VNS ??

13th June 2011, 10:13 PM
What is VNS ??

Color of poverty is reddu :-)

13th June 2011, 10:17 PM
Color of poverty is reddu :-)

Oh Varumayin Niram Sigappu was released in 1980 :shock:

I Love the song " சிற்பி இருக்குது முத்தும் இருக்குது " song to the core, it is like competition between SPB and SJ as to who is better than who, just love the bit when SPB says/sings " மயக்கம் தந்தது யார் மதுவோ அமுதோ கவியோ " :notworthy:

13th June 2011, 10:19 PM
After reading your post, I feel calmness, just like the serene blue skies with gentle breeze brushing me. Very apt and wonderful description for one of the most adorable song in film music. Excellent App :notworthy:

நன்றி, V_S !

During the times when I'm doing a long drive in the night (alone or with others in the vehicle deep asleep), songs like this keep me bright and awake - mind replaying all the nostalgia while music providing the physical sensation!

14th June 2011, 12:32 AM
SPB live performance of "Idhu Oru Pon Maalai Pozhudhu", VM talking about "omitted" saranam and then SPB sings the omitted saranam in the concert.


The Part 1 had VM talking about his first song and experience with IR and BR. That video is no longer to be found on youtube.

14th June 2011, 12:54 AM
#53 பாவையர்கள் மான் போலே, காவிரியின் மீன் போலே
(ஒரே முத்தம், 1980 , ஜானகியுடன்) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR2457'&lang=en)

Now this is a totally different kind of song from an obscure movie. (Movie known today only by a couple of songs that had regular radio time - this one and PJ's 'rAjAppoNNu, adi vAdiyammA, konjam Anandha nAttiyadam Adadi'). When they used to transmit this song on radio, I never bothered to find out the movie / composer. My automatic response upon listening to the stage-drama-like beginning was "it can't be a rAsA pAttu". The sudden genre changing into some cheesy sounds / lyric, finally some praise for Indiraji etc (nallathOr peNmaNi nAttaiyum ALalAm) made one look in the other direction (or try some other station etc) when this was heard those days.

All said, no one of my age group could have avoided hearing this song at one point of time or other.

Ofcourse I knew the PJ's song to be IR's and was fond of it but never connected the 'pAvaiyarkaL mAn pOlE' with that one as a buddy. In any case, in course of this current SPB-IR compilation process, came across this one as IR's & from the same movie - orE muththam. Since this was at least a radio-hit those days, I'm obliged to include in this thread.

Ofcourse, SPB's singing is impeccable as usual :-) Some may like this song overall, though not fondly remembered by me...

14th June 2011, 01:09 AM
Oh Varumayin Niram Sigappu was released in 1980 :shock:

I Love the song " சிற்பி இருக்குது முத்தும் இருக்குது " song to the core, it is like competition between SPB and SJ as to who is better than who, just love the bit when SPB says/sings " மயக்கம் தந்தது யார் மதுவோ அமுதோ கவியோ " :notworthy:

One of the best ever in SPB-SJ combo. Kavingar & MSV competing with each other. Kamal & Sridevi on screen. Very memorable number!
(Also memorable for one rare pronunication blemish by SPB - 'தேவை பாவள் பார்வை' , I'm 100% sure the line written with the rhyme was 'தேவை பாவை பார்வை'. I wonder if SPB was singing from English transliteration and there was a typo - paavai and paaval could look similar and those supposed to correct could have been 'DUI' :wink:)

14th June 2011, 01:15 AM
அப்புறம், பரம், ரிலீஸ் டேட்டுக்கு என் சாக் ஆகுறீங்க?

ரஜினியோட பொல்லாதவனும் இதே நாளில் வெளி வந்தது தான்:-) 1980 deepAvaLi releases...

14th June 2011, 06:43 AM
[URL="http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR2457'&lang=en"]#53 Totally unaware of this song. And App, you bringing us back to your village, :thumbsup:

14th June 2011, 03:55 PM
, I'm 100% sure the line written with the rhyme was 'தேவை பாவை பார்வை'. I wonder if SPB was singing from English transliteration and there was a typo - paavai and paaval could look similar and those supposed to correct could have been 'DUI' :wink:)

App anna

AFAIK, he does pronounce that as பாவை :roll: Will re visit the song again and confirm it, if that is true, this will be SPB's first ever pronounciation error :oops:

14th June 2011, 07:13 PM
And App, you bringing us back to your village, :thumbsup:

As I've not been there for almost a decade, these songs are actually bringing me back there :-)


That 1977 flood is so much in my memory. Would like to recall one more "songs-to-sambavams" connection with that time period.

We were living in the high school campus (both parents worked there) and the house we were given was considered to be in moisture-risky condition with the possibility of walls caving in. So, each night we slept in another building, which shared a wall with the school hostel / mess. A couple of mess workers (cooks) were Ayyappa sAmees and will start their singing at 5 AM, waking us up.

So, whenever / wherever I hear the song 'ERukinRa malai thanilE Adi varum sAmi - ayyappa sAmee, aruL puri sAmi', I get instantaneous flood nightmare:-)

We moved to a different house in a few months (which was the same building as my 1-5 grade school :lol: )


14th June 2011, 09:56 PM
#54 ஜெர்மனியின் செந்தேன் மலரே
(உல்லாசப்பறவைகள், 1980 , ஜானகியுடன்) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR3763'&lang=en)

With a sweet 45 second long prelude, a jubilant song in a lovely, lovely album! Another song that reinforced my conviction that SPB-SJ is the best duet pair ever for movie songs:wink: Both of them seem to thoroughly enjoy singing the song that continues all the way in the postlude. An evergreen melody combined with killer orchestration resulting in a winner song!

At this point of time, IR's mastery of using synthetic sounds in association with live instruments was impeccable. That's because, live sounds formed 90% of the score while the "new sounds" only showed up here and there for some curiosity, some thrill, to take care of the "situations that the director had thrown in" or simply as a product differentiator from competitors - i.e. more like special effects (and not exactly music), as we observe in the prelude of this song.
(Other examples -the bird sounds of pon mAlaippozhudhu or the comical sounding thingies in the beginning of the first interlude of madai thiRandhu to match Chandrsekar jumpings). The SJ solo 'azhagu Ayiram' of UP had more of such "special effects" and was lapped up by me when arrived. (The traditional sounding 'deiveega rAgam' and stunningly modern 'nAn unthan thAyaga vENdum' were big favourites too).

Germaniyin was the radio favourite, however, and had much more air time than all others combined, IMO. For a decade or so, I lost contact with this song before getting that red color inreco CD from Bangalore in the late 90's (or may be even later) which had this as the first track. ('germaniyin' had decent recording and so was 'ninaivO oru paRavai' but others were horrible - esp 'siru pon maNi asaiyum' and 'O nenjamE idhu un rAgamE').

I'm often reminded of the title music of this movie whenever I hear this song. It appeared on the ninaivellAm nithyA disk much later (along with a number of tik-tik-tik BGMs) and got copied on to one of my collegemate's cassette by a recording center - fantastic piece!

14th June 2011, 10:11 PM
#54 ஜெர்மனியின் செந்தேன் மலரே
(உல்லாசப்பறவைகள், 1980 , ஜானகியுடன்) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR3763'&lang=en)

With a sweet 45 second long prelude, a jubilant song in a lovely, lovely album! Another song that reinforced my conviction that SPB-SJ is the best duet pair ever for movie songs:wink: Both of them seem to thoroughly enjoy singing the song that continues all the way in the postlude. An evergreen melody combined with killer orchestration resulting in a winner song!

Indeed a very Joyfull and youth full song ! 31 years ago they were singing and dancing in hamburg! :lol:

14th June 2011, 10:11 PM

Rati Agnihorthri :lol2:

15th June 2011, 06:53 AM
I refrained from Germaniyil for many years due to overdose. Abuse. By myself. In fact, it is not in my collection, and it's easy to access, but I refrained. I dare not click on your link, app, or I will get hooked again :smile:.

Having said that, I caught the clips couple of time on TV. Such youthfullness ably matched by Kamal and Rathi.

15th June 2011, 10:30 AM
+1 Grouch.

But I have an additional problem - andha link-ai click paNNAmalEyE andha pAttu kaadhula repeat loop-la start to finish fullA oliparappAgi kittirukku.

15th June 2011, 10:34 AM
:lol: Same same.

15th June 2011, 03:17 PM
I refrained from Germaniyil for many years due to overdose

Ithulla apadi enna overdose iruku :huh:

15th June 2011, 04:43 PM
groucho means that he can't just stop with one listen but will go on repeat (addiction = overdose) :-)

15th June 2011, 04:45 PM
Just one more "hit" song in 1980 for the SPB-IR combo, will post about it in a couple of hours.

15th June 2011, 05:57 PM
groucho means that he can't just stop with one listen but will go on repeat (addiction = overdose) :-)

Oh I c, even me , it is like that :)

15th June 2011, 07:07 PM
Couple of hours innum agalaiya ungaluku................

15th June 2011, 07:12 PM
Usha akka

U r banned from this site :x :lol:

15th June 2011, 08:09 PM
nanna theiryum enaku..... naan nu ilai.. ladies are not allowed. apadi thanae..
2 naala nenachindu dhan iruken... Ladies Fans for Golden Era thread and RAja gems thread kum......
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr................................. .........

15th June 2011, 08:16 PM
nanna theiryum enaku..... naan nu ilai.. ladies are not allowed. apadi thanae..
2 naala nenachindu dhan iruken... Ladies Fans for Golden Era thread and RAja gems thread kum......
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr................................. .........

:notthatway: naa athuku sollala , Mano thread la post panninathuku thaan solnEn ! :lol: Just joking :)

15th June 2011, 08:18 PM
Adhuku vera enaku punishment iruka.. Ada kadavulae.............

15th June 2011, 08:19 PM
:lol: Same same.

அந்த யூட்யூப் லிங்க் தொட்டதும் "shame shame" ஆகிப்போச்சு...saw that movie in college audi many years back and don't remember much...all that I remember is the hero character had fire-related-mental-condition because his first love suffered fire...Unni Mary on screen for 'deiveega rAgam', like in the case of Johny's seno ritA

15th June 2011, 08:21 PM
Deiveega raagam is indeed 'Deiveega Raagam'. Super song! only IR possible, BTW it was sung by Jency madam right ?

15th June 2011, 09:04 PM
#55 எங்கெங்கும் கண்டேனம்மா
(உல்லாசப்பறவைகள், 1980 , மலேசியா வாசுதேவனுடன்) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR3762'&lang=en)

Not as big a hit as other songs of this movie but had some air-time / bus-time etc thanks to the pull of others. Raja has done 100's of such numbers in his career (comical + themmAngu melody + shenoy and associated typicals).

However, a song that has to be included here for two significant reasons : 1. First one with MV in our series (i.e. SPB hits under IR), they had a number of interesting numbers together later on as well 2. Very interesting mimicry by SPB as Suruli Rajan :-)

MV -though in my personal preference ranking he comes many notches below SPB, definitely had a significant contribution during IR's prime period. And, in comparison to SPB, he was a "pioneer" at least on two counts in the TF context (though not so significant) - 1. His sAmanthippoo was earlier than thudikkum karangaL 2. arithAram poosal

And SuruLi, not seen him much and neither a big admirer but the mention of his name triggers at least a few things from memory. One, his villuppAttu / kathA kAlatchEbam kind of song (not by IR) that had this "மாட்டக்கறந்தா மசாலாப்பாலு" :lol2: two, his not-too-irritating role in Johny & three - a movie called 'mAnthOppukkiLiyE' (not seen, only heard olichchithiram) becoming a big hit mainly because of his 'kanjan' role. In any case, that he could get a SPB-mimicried-song in a Kamal movie talks something about his clout at some point of time in TN.

The other person on screen IIRC is white color dress -brrrr- (who gets torn apart by the foreign lady) .

An interesting fun song, without a doubt.

15th June 2011, 09:05 PM
Deiveega raagam is indeed 'Deiveega Raagam'. Super song! only IR possible, BTW it was sung by Jency madam right ?

Ofcourse, yes...one of her memorable numbers!

15th June 2011, 09:07 PM
Couple of hours innum agalaiya ungaluku................

#55 pOttAchchu chEchi :-)

(maRRa kadamaikaLum irukkinRana, allavA?)

15th June 2011, 09:09 PM
..#55 எங்கெங்கும் கண்டேனம்மா
(உல்லாசப்பறவைகள், 1980 , மலேசியா வாசுதேவனுடன்)

hmmm Cant recall this song .. will listen to it when I get home :)

15th June 2011, 09:44 PM
With 1980 done, would like to give the shortcuts here (will continue to do for each year of 80's, as the numbers are much more per year than earlier) :

First 37 numbers from 70's (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=691856&viewfull=1#post691856)
#38 kAttil oru singakkuttiyAm (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=692269&viewfull=1#post692269)
#39 kAththOdu poo orasa (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=692483&viewfull=1#post692483)
#40 vAdAtha rOsAppoo nA onnu pAththEn (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=692838&viewfull=1#post692838)
#41 pEraichchollavA adhu nyAyamAkumA (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=693264&viewfull=1#post693264)
#42 paRanthAlum vida mAttEn (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=693705&viewfull=1#post693705)
#43 AdungaL pAdungaL piLLaipponvaNdukaL (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=694064&viewfull=1#post694064)
#44 senO ritA I love you (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=694586&viewfull=1#post694586)
#45 vAzhumattum nanmaikkAka vAzhndhu pArppOm (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=694590&viewfull=1#post694590)
#46 baby shake it baby (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=694822&viewfull=1#post694822)
#47 nAnoru ponnOviyam kaNdEn ethirE (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=695207&viewfull=1#post695207)
#48 engEyO EthO pAttonRu kEttEn (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=695648&viewfull=1#post695648)
#49 uRavenum puthiya vAnil (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=695997&viewfull=1#post695997)
#50 paruvamE puthiya pAdal pAdu (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=696421&viewfull=1#post696421)
#51 madai thiRanthu thAvum nathiyalai nAn (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=696607&viewfull=1#post696607)
#52 idhu oru ponmAlaippozhudhu (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=697223&viewfull=1#post697223)
#53 pAvaiyarkaL mAn pOlE (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=697622&viewfull=1#post697622)
#54 Germanyin senthEn malarE (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=697933&viewfull=1#post697933)
#55 engengum kaNdEnammA (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=698317&viewfull=1#post698317)

15th June 2011, 10:03 PM
App anna :clap: :notworthy:

15th June 2011, 10:15 PM
Unga mor nu gavanikalai. sorry. hehehehe......

Thanks for the no.............

waiting for - Ninachadhelllam nadaka pora and abishega nerathil...........

15th June 2011, 10:19 PM
waiting for - Ninachadhelllam nadaka pora and abishega nerathil...........

இது என்ன அநியாயம்?

எப்பவோ முடிஞ்சு போச்சே...:-)

#002 nenachchathellAm nadakkappORa (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=677610&viewfull=1#post677610)

#022 abisheka nEraththil ambALai tharisikka (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=686363&viewfull=1#post686363)

15th June 2011, 10:22 PM
இது என்ன அநியாயம்?

எப்பவோ முடிஞ்சு போச்சே...:-)

#002 nenachchathellAm nadakkappORa (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=677610&viewfull=1#post677610)

#022 abisheka nEraththil ambALai tharisikka (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8541-The-Golden-Era-of-Dr.IR-and-Dr.SPB&p=686363&viewfull=1#post686363)

நீதிபதி அவர்களே உடனே உஷா அக்காவை இந்த திரியில் இருந்து விலக உத்தரவிடுமாறு தாழ்மையுடுன் கேட்டுகொள்கிறேன் :lol: :yessir:

15th June 2011, 10:22 PM
Gavanikalaiyae app. miss panniten. thanks for the lilnks.

15th June 2011, 10:23 PM
Gavanikalaiyae app. miss panniten. thanks for the lilnks.

நெற்றிக்கண் திறப்பினும் குற்றும் குற்றுமே :lol2: :yessir:

15th June 2011, 10:26 PM
enna band panradhulayae irukeengalae......... Nyayama...............

16th June 2011, 12:05 AM
நெற்றிக்கண் திறப்பினும் குற்றும் குற்றுமே :lol2: :yessir:

என்னது! "குற்றும் குற்றுமேவா"..கிழிஞ்சுது கிருஷ்ணகிரி!

16th June 2011, 02:40 AM
From dhool / tfmpage archive (http://tfmpage.com/forum/archives/20664.20880.03.21.22.html) :

From: sabesan (@ on: Sat Jan 10 09:26:51 EST 2004

Saravanan, "Enggengum Kandenamaa" - this used to be played in Ceylon radio regularly.....

BTW, check out that archive page for some interesting comments on germanyin by Saravanan / Vijay / bb...

16th June 2011, 07:05 AM
App, correction.

Enggenggum Kandenamma, SPB was singing for Tenggai. Kamal recalled this in an interview. Song was recorded and Tenggai pulled out last minute, despite Kamal pleading and pointing out that SPB did Tenggai mimicry for that song. Too bad, Tenggai never joined them. He was replaced by VA Moorthy. So, the voice was for VAM in the film, still kinda suited.

16th June 2011, 06:28 PM
App, correction.

Enggenggum Kandenamma, SPB was singing for Tenggai. Kamal recalled this in an interview. Song was recorded and Tenggai pulled out last minute, despite Kamal pleading and pointing out that SPB did Tenggai mimicry for that song. Too bad, Tenggai never joined them. He was replaced by VA Moorthy. So, the voice was for VAM in the film, still kinda suited.

OhO, there is such a historical background :-) Thanks for the correction.

Now, doubttu (as my memory on the movie is so faded):
1. Who does the joLLu and gets thrashed by the EU girl? Is it VAM or Suruli?
2. Accordingly, 'pOittALA avaL enru' line is for who, VAM or Suruli - it sounds like MV singing to me
3. Finally, if SPB is not singing for Suruli, is it MV for him?

16th June 2011, 07:37 PM
1. Who does the joLLu and gets thrashed by the EU girl? Is it VAM

pap pap paraapa .. VAM is famous for such scenes :lol2:

16th June 2011, 10:39 PM
ok, while the correction on engengum is pending to be done (will do after my doubts get cleared), let me move on to 1981 with a phenomenal song...

17th June 2011, 12:17 AM
#56 ஆயிரம் தாமரை மொட்டுக்களே
வந்து ஆனந்தக்கும்மிகள் கொட்டுங்களேன்
(அலைகள் ஓய்வதில்லை, 1981 , ஜானகியுடன்) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR0154'&lang=en)

Not for nothing BR calls IR as 'ennuyir thOzhan'.

After his phenomenal run of the first four jubilee movies, NMP took some shine off despite being a moderate success. 'kallukkuL eeram' (nadippu+dir mERpArvai) and 'nizhalgaL' disasters followed and people were quickly writing off BR. Some kisu kisoos were even talking as if K Backiaraj were the main reason for his prior successes. BR must have been feeling really low while his sishyan had already started tasting successes...

Well, IR didn't think the waves of BR were ending. His first movie production got launched - with who else but BR as the director! (It was RDB's company in their eldest brother's name, but generally understood to be a Raja prod). Friend in need indeed.

It was summer of 1981, I had just finished the +2 exams when the AO songs hit us. Though the brothers saved some money by singing quite a bit (all 3 in kappakkezhangu), SPB got one great number with SJ. Even before the movie's release, the songs started hitting the loudspeakers like a storm! (It was and is still a pleasure to listen to the broom-broom prelude of 'puththam puthukkAlai' in big woofers).

The real stunner portion of Ayiram thAmarai is the start of the 1st interlude - what a magnificient, powerful sound!

Add some Vairamuthu novelties (kAdhal thozhukai, kaL vadiyum pookkaL etc), delightful percussion sounds and great singing by SPB / SJ ('O-O-O koththu malarE amudham kottu malarE', 'Ayiram thAmarai-thana nana -Ayiram thAmarai -thana nana nAnana nAnana' delicious portions) to a stunner kummi melody. The result is a song that can take one out of any depressing mood just like that!

One of my college yearmates has acted in this movie (as a companion of Karthik) and he was such a multi-talented person and great to have in the college! (Mainstay of Festember each year and was the cultural coordinator in final year, great singer, could play almost any instrument / play any game, terrific skit writer etc).

The other pleasant memory related to 1000 lotus is watching it in Chennai B&W tholaikkAtchi oliyum oLiyum when visiting my cousin (mentioned earlier in another post - for the Guindy interview). Radha came into the scene with AO when I finished +2 and did that phenomenal 'mudhal mariyAdhai' when I was finishing up engg - a nice actress.

17th June 2011, 01:16 AM
Excellent post again App!. Yes, trendsetter song in TFM. Very innovative and unusual composition from Thalaivar, especially the mridangam. Added to the first interlude masterpice as you mentioned, I would bet on the extra-ordinary prelude and for the most unusual thinking in the history of film music. Mridangam for the love song.
You might have watched this video which is quite old, but hear what his mridangist (don't know his name) have to say about the prelude. 'Aniyaama Akaramama use panninaru' and see SPB's face when he says this. What a proud moment for anyone, when someone speaks high of his best friend. Kannu kalagirichu, a moment of pride for all Raja fans.

17th June 2011, 07:18 AM
#56 ஆயிரம் தாமரை மொட்டுக்களே
வந்து ஆனந்தக்கும்மிகள் கொட்டுங்களேன்
(அலைகள் ஓய்வதில்லை, 1981 , ஜானகியுடன்) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR0154'&lang=en)The first song in the CD I burned for the Hall people to play after I kattu the taali.

17th June 2011, 07:19 AM
Now, doubttu (as my memory on the movie is so faded):
1. Who does the joLLu and gets thrashed by the EU girl? Is it VAM or Suruli?
2. Accordingly, 'pOittALA avaL enru' line is for who, VAM or Suruli - it sounds like MV singing to me
3. Finally, if SPB is not singing for Suruli, is it MV for him?
1. VAM of course, he's a film director, and Suruli is morally conscious assistant.
2. Enakkum sariya ngabagam illa, but it looks like for VAM.
3. I believe its MV, who has sung for Suruli too. As did SPB.

17th June 2011, 09:00 PM
Thank you groucho for the clarifications - I need to edit my original post properly - rework -weekend'la thAn :-)

Nice post V_S! Very interesting youtube :-)

17th June 2011, 09:24 PM
#57 ஒரு குங்குமச்செங்கமலம்
(ஆராதனை, 1981 , ஜானகி ஹம்மிங் உடன் ) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR0065'&lang=en)

Sweet song from another obscure film that came and went without anyone paying attention. Still gets its name recalled after decades because of the couple of nice songs (this one and 'iLam pani thuLi vizhum nEram' sung by Plum's relative).

It was a radio hit during my +2 days and may be the recording center culture had already picked up in a big way. Or may not. I don't remember the time of arrival of Aradhanai but remember listening to it mostly on radio and occasionally on buses. (I know for sure that when alaigaL Oyvathillai disk arrived, it got feverishly recorded by any who had a cassette player. That was an LP record, the first one by Polydor company for a Thamizh film - and the f/o Prasanth, who worked for Polydor, his connection with IR - can't place Aradhanai relative to AO's timing ).

The short and sweet flute prelude, excellent tabla / Janaki second interlude and overall soft feeling makes this song evergreen. Many songs that had male vocals and female humming had some mild sOgam or eeriness but this one is simply a fun song with absolutely no trace of sOgam or eeriness ...

17th June 2011, 10:33 PM
2 beautiful songs - Kunguma Chenkamalam and Ilam Pani Thuli Vizhum. You just made my day, Thanks App. I have "always" known these songs, but never knew other details like movie name, year etc... Is this Telugu dubbing movie?

Kunguma has simple yet beautiful lyrics. Soft singing by SPB makes me to think, this song belonged to KJY. Ilam Pani Thuli is such a musical treat. It has Mahendran feel to the song.

17th June 2011, 11:02 PM
From dhool.com (http://www.dhool.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=8511) :

I don't know too much about this movie. The video of this song can be found here. It features a thinner version of Nizhalgal Ravi with a slightly older version of Sumalatha :). I wouldn't be surprised if this movie sank without a trace. A very soft song, and very easy to listen to.

So, it's nizhalkaL Ravi and possibly straight Thamizh movie. BTW, the video seems to be available on youtube (I can't view now)...

17th June 2011, 11:07 PM
BTW, from the above link, this song is based on 'keeravANi' rAgam.

My comment there : keeravAni + IR = "keer" :-)

Definitely, kungumachchengamalam is bAdhAm keer!

17th June 2011, 11:37 PM
Found out that there's also Thamizh unicode version of thiraippadal...

kungumach chengamalam:


18th June 2011, 02:47 AM
Head phone il kaetkanam..... indha night la.......... idhu dhan sorgam..

Isaiyil Sorgam kaatiya Raja.....................

18th June 2011, 11:33 AM

Thanks for the link. Have been searching for this for quite some time. Have promptly put up the link on twitter.

app: 'Ilam Pani' is an excellent song. Didn't know it was sung by Plum's relative!!

18th June 2011, 01:51 PM
Not my relative. My aunt(by marriage)'s friend. She sang in her(the said aunt and my maternal uncle's)s wedding in nalungu - this very song

19th June 2011, 12:53 AM
appadiyA, sorry for the inaccuracy Plum :-)

eppadiyum iLampaniththuLi kEtkum pOthu unga gnAbakam varum (possibly ungaLukku aunt / uncle gnAbakam)...song-sambavam connections are quite strong :-)

19th June 2011, 06:00 PM
#58 சொல்லச்சொல்ல என்ன பெருமை
(எல்லாம் இன்பமயம், 1980 ) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR0715'&lang=en)

youtube hittu :lol:

Well, this song had some airtime when the movie arrived too but burla burla and mAman voodu, both MV numbers, were more widely known. Obviously IR had worked harder for this song in the composition (orchestration is quite interesting to a not-so-tasty-tune) but the other songs, relatively simpler numbers from this movie, reached the public better.

SPB sings excellent, as usual!

19th June 2011, 06:03 PM
As it happens most of the weeks, very busy Sat , so posting two songs on Sunday ...

20th June 2011, 10:19 PM
#59 வந்தது நல்லது நல்ல இடம்
(கர்ஜனை, 1981 , ஜானகியுடன்) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR0924'&lang=en)

Cracker of a song!

Terrific trumpets and guitar / synth sounds that pump so much of energy! Though the lyrics are horrible (possibly in line with the kuppai movie theme - my cousin used to make fun of this movie all the time - it seems something like koLLaikkoottam poisoning chocolates or something like that).

Both Janaki & SPB are in top form, singing with high spirits! I used to get such a high whenever this song was on radio / bus as the orchestration was phenomenally novel for that time period. IR was able to pull along these in a catchy manner without sounding experimental. And in absolutely "commercial" sounding format. No one can guess what motivated him to do such a terrific score for a hopeless movie (must be Rajinikanth factor...who was the heroine?)

Rest of the songs in this album are superb too!

20th June 2011, 10:21 PM
That was the backlog song, for Sunday...one more to follow...

20th June 2011, 10:31 PM
#60 கல்யாண் ராமன் - வாய்க்கா ஓரம்
(கரையெல்லாம் செண்பகப்பூ, 1981 , ஜானகியுடன்) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR1568'&lang=en)

A terrific guitar / synth album by IR that didn't get the deserved reach :-( Perhaps the movie - that created high expectations among "educated fellows" (famous Sujatha story that appeared as series in a mag) - failed to impress and the songs went down with it. Perhaps people expected a thoroughly enjoyable nAttuppuRappAttoos from IR as it was his home turf and the story had a city-dweller visiting village, doing research on folk songs. Contrary to the expectations, it was a guitar / synth thookkal album (much to my taste but not to that of the general audience).

The whole album was a killer IMO and I always longed to hear those songs on radio. 'kAdellAm pichchippoovu' was electrifying and so was EriyilE elantha maram. kalyAN rAman is kind of funny as SJ is pushed into singing englees - very uncomfortable territory for her. However, SPB enlivens up the song by his casual, effortless singing.

Another guitar-Prathap Pothen connection album. Just radio level reach.

21st June 2011, 06:33 AM
Though the lyrics are horrible (possibly in line with the kuppai movie theme - No excuse, terrible lyrics - "Soup-ukku kozhiyum vanthatharka" What kinda &^%$%^ line is that?

21st June 2011, 07:46 AM
That's a wonderful pick. Yes, terrific electric guitar!. I can keep on listening just to the guitar portions of this song. How Maestro switches easily from rock (guitar) to folk keeping that guitar as base. SPB and SJ enjoy their singing just like we enjoy listening. Beautiful!

21st June 2011, 10:31 AM
If you've noticed, all the duets so far in 1981 have been with SJ :-)

From my compilation of SPB-IR of 1981 (posted and to be posted), it looks like SPS was the only other SPB-duetter in that year.

21st June 2011, 12:33 PM
Grouch, I hear you. "Jumthala jumthala jumthalakka Souppukku kozhi vandhdhakkA."
The only thing that could have been worse is Mano singing it. Risk aayirukkum :lol:

21st June 2011, 12:38 PM
Santhadi saakkula mano-attack-a? Sari, thread owner-um udanthai, enna pannurathu. But seriously. Chicken soup? Vaalee-ya?

21st June 2011, 02:03 PM
App, a string of brilliant picks there! I’m currently hooked to Solla solla….what orchestration, especially that saxophone in the 2nd interlude… pullarips o pullarips!
With you on KSP… one bloody killer of an album! Like you said, a heavily guitar/pop based album, but what the hell, the mannvasanai wasn’t sacrificed alright!
My first bite at this album was when I caught this movie on K TV, morning show, Engg exam study holidays! (the 9AM show, which I think is some kind of celebration of the pulpiest best that TF and TeF has produced!). I must admit, I actually enjoyed the film the first time and even helped myself for a repeat watch! (wasn’t aware then that it was Sujatha’s story). Kaadellaam pichipoovu, the title song, and the eerie BGM in the movie… riveting stuff!
I don’t know if its just my bias, but me thinks that this period of TFM was one definitive peak in the usage of the electric guitars and bass.. demonic resurrection! :smokesmirk:

21st June 2011, 03:16 PM
Grouch, I hear you. "Jumthala jumthala jumthalakka Souppukku kozhi vandhdhakkA."
The only thing that could have been worse is Mano singing it. Risk aayirukkum :lol:

NaradarE vEnam :lol2:

21st June 2011, 03:18 PM
#59 வந்தது நல்லது நல்ல இடம்
(கர்ஜனை, 1981 , ஜானகியுடன்) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR0924'&lang=en)

App anna ,

Ithu Super * oda padam allava ? :roll:

21st June 2011, 05:28 PM
I don’t know if its just my bias, but me thinks that this period of TFM was one definitive peak in the usage of the electric guitars and bass..

My bias too :-)

'kAdellAm pichchippoovu' playing in my mind from last evening (Plum-mode, I haven't listened to this song in years) :-)

21st June 2011, 05:28 PM
App anna ,

Ithu Super * oda padam allava ? :roll:

Yes, ofcourse! Who was the heroini?

Was it Madhavi? I think the movie was a Thamizh - Telugu - Malayalam multilingual or something like that.

21st June 2011, 05:40 PM
Was it Madhavi? I think the movie was a Thamizh - Telugu - Malayalam multilingual or something like that.

I think I have seen the movie, but hardly remember a scene, will find out from Rajnifans.com and let you know :)

21st June 2011, 08:31 PM
#61 ஒரு பூவனத்துல சுகம் குளுகுளுங்குது
(கழுகு, 1981 ) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR1658'&lang=en)

Sweet! That's a single word description of this song :-)

Raja has always been partial towards Panju -IMO- due to the gratitude factor. He definitely seem to work extra hard, add extra sweet / spice to his songs when he is called by PA, right from the early ones till PA's last venture. Well, the Cheran one done by PA's son was an inexplicable exception. (Even that had an ok 'ulagilE azhagi nee thAn').

Otherwise, those were rasagullAs all the way. 'oru poovanaththula' is a KC Das variety, bringing in all the strong instruments of IR in honey-mode. The prelude and interludes are among Raja's sweetest. Especially the mangaLa vAththiyam (Started to appreciate it a lot more after reading Suka's article in solvanam- ever grateful to Sureshji for that wonderful link). Add to that a nice folksy pallavi and a relaxing saraNam melody!

It came during my +2 with radio thEn pAichchifying to ears. Classmates used to talk about the bus used in the movie etc (and also the vadakku iRakkumathi by BR who did odd mouth kOnals for 'vAn mEghangaLE' as a puthiya vArppu - was it BR who started this north indies thingy?)

SPB thoroughly "tasting" the song, makes one think he is in the middle of a poovanam (or, enjoying what that implied :wink:). Most times the song places one inside a garden but on few occasions could seed "maRRa" thoughts in mind.

21st June 2011, 08:38 PM
SPB thoroughly "tasting" the song, makes one think he is in the middle of a poovanam (or, enjoying what that implied :wink:). Most times the song places one inside a garden but on few occasions could seed "maRRa" thoughts in mind.

:lol: Great song indeed! and a nice "thrilling" movie too :)

21st June 2011, 09:31 PM
megame thoothaga vaa - nice duet with p. susheela mam :clap:

21st June 2011, 09:34 PM
Welcome Sunil :)

22nd June 2011, 11:51 AM
Lot of songs to catchup and there are some unheard ones. Thanks App for the picks. Poovanthula is a beautiful beautiful song and of all things in the song SPB's vocals is my most favorite aspect of that song, the style and emoting are a class apart.

22nd June 2011, 01:14 PM
I did state bravely that the 80s will be diluter compared to 70s in terms of impact on me. But it is getting tested every day, app :)

idhellAm apdiyE oru flow-la vandhirukku. I wonder whether Raja ever got time to stop and savour the sweet, aromatic, flavour-ful dishes he created just like that.
nAnellAm pOna varusham ezhudhina blog comment-aiyE thirumba thirumba rasichu AhA evLO azhagA namma ezhudhi irukkOmyAnu - padippEn.
One thing I will always have over Mr Rasiah is that he never got to enjoy listening to his creations as much as I did. You may be uber-talented Raja-sir, but you never got as much pleasure out of your creations as I did :poke:

22nd June 2011, 01:46 PM
One thing I will always have over Mr Rasiah is that he never got to enjoy listening to his creations as much as I did. You may be uber-talented Raja-sir, but you never got as much pleasure out of your creations as I did :poke:

And I guess that holds for all of us :) I am sure Raja would have forgotten some of the songs he has composed :)

22nd June 2011, 02:43 PM
Plum :thumbsup:.....

22nd June 2011, 03:13 PM
Lot of songs to catchup and there are some unheard ones. Thanks App for the picks. Poovanthula is a beautiful beautiful song and of all things in the song SPB's vocals is my most favorite aspect of that song, the style and emoting are a class apart. Yes SPB had a "unique" way to sing this :notworthy:

22nd June 2011, 04:53 PM
Vaa ponmayile from Poonthalir (1979) :musicsmile:

22nd June 2011, 06:41 PM
Plum :-)

To this day, the most compelling question -to which there's no convincing answer - is what stuff really thrills Raja (or, in what he finds enjoyment) that results in a terrific output from him :-)

It's pretty obvious (i.e. to me) that he operates at a different mental platform from his admirers. Who knows, he may not even find any thrill in listening to a song once he finishes recording it. May be, he can enjoy the same song after many years - not even remembering that it was done by him :-)

(The standard comparison analogy - tasty biriyAni is often enjoyed only the next day by the expert cook, he/she doesn't find the same level of taste as to those who are being served immediately after cooking)

22nd June 2011, 06:51 PM
Lot of songs to catchup and there are some unheard ones. Thanks App for the picks.

You're very welcome, I plan to continue without letup, at the minimum till the first century is hit :-)

22nd June 2011, 07:03 PM
App anna

Continue pls ... :)

22nd June 2011, 07:18 PM
#62 ஹே, ஹே, ஓராயிரம்
(மீண்டும் கோகிலா, 1981 ) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR2021'&lang=en)

Was this the movie where Mahendran was initially signed up and then opted out? Confirming that may be easier than getting info as to whether he was involved in the making of songs :roll: An educated guess would be that he was involved as those days the 'poojai' of starting any film was done with 'pAdal padhivu'. Can someone confirm about the newspaper ads / columns that had Mahendran initially?

Whatever, GNR too typically got above-average songs from IR (kalyANarAman's 'malarkaLil Adum iLamai pudhumaiyE' immediately comes to mind), even though many of them were supposedly delivered without charge. (Possible PA connection there).

meeNdum Gokila is an interesting album where SPB & KJY got 2 songs each and IMO KJY got the catchier melodies and accordingly had more airtime. Even if a 2nd level singer had got involved (i.e. SN Surendar / Krishnachandar kinds), 'chinnanjiRu vayadhil' and 'ponnAna mEni' would have been hits - though with much less emotional impact.

OTOH, SPB was given the not-so-catchy ones and accordingly a weightier respo of making them click. He did total justice, rising to the occasion. The solo gets featured today and the duet tomorrow. Each had considerable air time and good reception by both KH lovers (no pun intended) and others.

My fav part - apart from the wonderful singing by SPB - is the 2nd interlude in this number, with just one caveat - IR could have avoided the repeat of the "transition phrase" from 1st interlude. Still, that too adds a charm and puts this song among the rare numbers where IR had some repeat phrases in interludes. (AFAIK, the only song with total repeat of interludes is 'madhana mOha roopa sundari' of inRu pOi nALai vA - are there any others?)

22nd June 2011, 07:21 PM
I love the 'swing' in Poovanathula (quite a late discovery for me). The tune structuring and rhythm pattern gives the song a kind of 'hopping' feel, which is so much fun! The way the pallavi is tuned... so simple, yet so lively (and sweet) - like in so many other songs of his, it like as though he sees these patterns around him and just plucks them out of thin air (like Max from the movie Pi or Nash from 'A Beautiful mind'!)

Plum, I was wondering what IR would have to say to your question. Maybe something like...
The farmer just does his work and sings unknowingly to soothe himself. It is you who enjoys his agricultural produce. For him, any crop/fruit is just another one. Adhe madhiri dhaan idhuvum.... or...
You say that you enjoy listening to my songs. But once any music is trapped into notations and words, it takes a form, becomes a pattern. This is not what I enjoy. I enjoy the formless, something that is not bound by patterns or rules... which is nature, which is God.

22nd June 2011, 07:47 PM
I love the 'swing' in Poovanathula (quite a late discovery for me). The tune structuring and rhythm pattern gives the song a kind of 'hopping' feel, which is so much fun!

Nice observation, KV!

I tend to think that this song shares the rhythm pattern with 'kAthodu poo urasa' (slightly tempo reduced version)...

22nd June 2011, 07:49 PM
meeNdum Gokila is an interesting album where SPB & KJY got 2 songs each and IMO KJY got the catchier melodies and accordingly had more airtime. Even if a 2nd level singer had got involved (i.e. SN Surendar / Krishnachandar kinds), 'chinnanjiRu vayadhil' and 'ponnAna mEni' would have been hits - though with much less emotional impact.

OTOH, SPB was given the not-so-catchy ones and accordingly a weightier respo of making them click. He did total justice, rising to the occasion. The solo gets featured today and the duet tomorrow. Each had considerable air time and good reception by both KH lovers (no pun intended) and others.

My fav part - apart from the wonderful singing by SPB - is the 2nd interlude in this number, with just one caveat - IR could have avoided the repeat of the "transition phrase" from 1st interlude. Still, that too adds a charm and puts this song among the rare numbers where IR had some repeat phrases in interludes. (AFAIK, the only song with total repeat of interludes is 'madhana mOha roopa sundari' of inRu pOi nALai vA - are there any others?)

Yep, Though China chiru vayathil was the "Pick of the album" I love this song simply because of SPB's youthfull voice. esp the lines where he says "keezhavanilE " ! and I like Radha radha nee enge to :)

22nd June 2011, 09:12 PM
Beautiful song and beautiful write-up. All songs in this film are truly top class. Which one to pick and which one to leave? Definitely Hey Hey Oraayiram is a y=sin(x) song. So much variations. Yes as PS mentioned starting from Keezhvaanile, it gets sweeter and sweeter.

Indha oru idam pothum sir,
எங்கும் பொங்கும் வண்ணம் கண்டேன் புதுமையே இயற்கையை ரசிக்காதோ ஹேய் ஹேய்
Ellaarum clean bowled. What a mesmerizing line. SPB takes it way higher, no other singer can't even think of reaching it.

22nd June 2011, 09:15 PM
Indha oru idam pothum sir,
எங்கும் பொங்கும் வண்ணம் கண்டேன் புதுமையே இயற்கையை ரசிக்காதோ ஹேய் ஹேய்
Ellaarum clean bowled. What a mesmerizing line. SPB takes it way higher, no other singer can't even think of reaching it.

:notworthy: :notworthy: That is SPB ! :notworthy: :notworthy:

23rd June 2011, 12:31 AM
app_engine, with regard to "(AFAIK, the only song with total repeat of interludes is 'madhana mOha roopa sundari' of inRu pOi nALai vA - are there any others?)", two songs immediately come to mind where there was total repeat of interludes..."Pottathellam Kadhal thittam" from Singaravelan and "Thathom Thalanga" from Vetrivizha. I believe both of these have repeat interludes...I'm sure there are some more of them. I can't recall now, but even "Muthirai Eppodhu" from Uzhappali (lovely song, BTW, with superb vocal scale) might have repeat interludes.

23rd June 2011, 01:50 AM
Indha oru idam pothum sir,
எங்கும் பொங்கும் வண்ணம் கண்டேன் புதுமையே இயற்கையை ரசிக்காதோ ஹேய் ஹேய்
Ellaarum clean bowled. What a mesmerizing line. SPB takes it way higher, no other singer can't even think of reaching it.
Beautifully put VS. Just reading those lines plays out the sing in my mind (Plum mode :smile:) and brings the mesmerism automatically. SPB, IR :notworthy:

23rd June 2011, 06:33 AM
Nice observation, KV!

I tend to think that this song shares the rhythm pattern with 'kAthodu poo urasa' (slightly tempo reduced version)...These two plus Vizhiyile Malarnthathu shares similar tabla, that pulsating thick sound. Nice going app, I listen to the SPB song more than any others in Meendum Kokkila.

23rd June 2011, 10:52 AM
Beautifully put VS. Just reading those lines plays out the sing in my mind (Plum mode :smile:) and brings the mesmerism automatically. SPB, IR :notworthy:

ஆஹா இதுக்கு Plum mode னே வச்சிட்டீங்களா? அதுவும் சரிதான். நாமெல்லாம் பழங்கள் தானே? :lol:

23rd June 2011, 12:28 PM
:lol: Suresh!

App, Grouch, more than the rhythm pattern (table beat, etc), its the way the tune is laid out, which gives it that jive... oru poovanathula <break> suham kulukulunguthu <break> vandu then kudikuthu <break>.... Not that its something that hasn't been done before, but this pattern (er.. staccato?) in combination with the tabla works beautifully.

App, gap vidaama adikkareenga! Hey orayiram was another Chennai vaanoli discovery for me. Borrowing baroque's terminology... loverboy SPB dhaan! What a pleasant experience it is to listen to him along with the magic that IR weaves around his voice.

23rd June 2011, 02:02 PM
Veering a bit off topic, one thing that caught my attention in App’s post was the word ‘Gokila’. For someone like me who has lived all his life outside TN, it’s a bit amusing to see letters getting inter-changed this way. I understand that Thamizh grammar has this concept of shared letters, but when this goes beyond writing in Thamizh, into instances while speaking the language or while writing in it English, it becomes a bit funny. Kokila to kogila/gokila/gogila, Gopal to Kobal, COBOL to GOBOL, pump to pambu, tank to tang, One classic case which triggered a debate with my friend was Thalabadhi & Dhalapathi, which my gulty friend insists, (latter) is the right way to pronounce and that I was inverting all the sounds/letters the tamilian way!
Is this pazhakka dosham so arduous to overcome, even for someone like App who enjoys his share of Indhi cinema?

23rd June 2011, 03:36 PM
In the Same film (Meendum Kokila) the humming done by SPB+SJ and the Flute/Mirudungam (or was it tabla) intro by IR in "Radha radha nee engE" is simply :thumbsup:

23rd June 2011, 03:38 PM
Veering a bit off topic, one thing that caught my attention in App’s post was the word ‘Gokila’. For someone like me who has lived all his life outside TN, it’s a bit amusing to see letters getting inter-changed this way. I understand that Thamizh grammar has this concept of shared letters, but when this goes beyond writing in Thamizh, into instances while speaking the language or while writing in it English, it becomes a bit funny. Kokila to kogila/gokila/gogila, Gopal to Kobal, COBOL to GOBOL, pump to pambu, tank to tang, One classic case which triggered a debate with my friend was Thalabadhi & Dhalapathi, which my gulty friend insists, (latter) is the right way to pronounce and that I was inverting all the sounds/letters the tamilian way!
Is this pazhakka dosham so arduous to overcome, even for someone like App who enjoys his share of Indhi cinema?

Include Pascal, Delphi, Fortran ...etc :lol: Just joking ! :)

23rd June 2011, 05:06 PM
Simble, kOfi mAdhiri this is our quirk :)
Btw, I know guys who do a gokul search when they want to search the net

23rd June 2011, 05:11 PM
may not be golden era songs but the song is gold

pUnkuyil rendu onnula onna - veetla vishesanga

23rd June 2011, 05:34 PM
app_engine, with regard to "(AFAIK, the only song with total repeat of interludes is 'madhana mOha roopa sundari' of inRu pOi nALai vA - are there any others?)", two songs immediately come to mind where there was total repeat of interludes..."Pottathellam Kadhal thittam" from Singaravelan and "Thathom Thalanga" from Vetrivizha. I believe both of these have repeat interludes...I'm sure there are some more of them. I can't recall now, but even "Muthirai Eppodhu" from Uzhappali (lovely song, BTW, with superb vocal scale) might have repeat interludes.

Good catch on 'pOttu vaiththa kAdhal thittam OK kaNmaNi' - interludes appear to be ditto.

OTOH, 'thaththOm thalAngu thaththOm' (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR4047'&lang=en) has only repeat phrases thru out (even prelude & postlude have the same phrases) but the interludes are not total ditto.

23rd June 2011, 05:36 PM
may not be golden era songs but the song is gold

pUnkuyil rendu onnula onna - veetla vishesanga

K.Bagyraj Film ?? :shock:

23rd June 2011, 05:37 PM
App, gap vidaama adikkareenga!

அட இது என்ன பிரமாதம் - gap இல்லாம ஒருத்தர் பாட்டுப்போட்டுத்தள்ளி இருக்கார் பாருங்க :shock:

Interestingly, this prolificity was not even much talked about those days - only now we talk much about it :wink:

23rd June 2011, 05:40 PM
even for someone like App who enjoys his share of Indhi cinema?

:shock: This indhi connection is only briefly during REC days and now recently in America to learn the language / force my son to watch some Indian stuff...otherwise, I'm far removed :-)

BTW, is it kOkilA or gOkilA (like Gokulam that is related to cow)? What meaning?

23rd June 2011, 06:31 PM
அட இது என்ன பிரமாதம் - gap இல்லாம ஒருத்தர் பாட்டுப்போட்டுத்தள்ளி இருக்கார் பாருங்க
Interestingly, this prolificity was not even much talked about those days - only now we talk much about it

Ofcourse App, avar endhiran range ku onnu maathi onnu compose panni thallitaaru. Namma ellarum adha onnonna kodanjittrikom!

And its Kokila I think (that's how Kannadigas pronounce it here). Its that koel-like looking bird I think (they could be the same; not very adept at this kinda bird-watching :wink:)
There's also a song in one of Vijay's movie (ATM i think)... kokilam kokilam.

23rd June 2011, 07:36 PM

There was a song by SPB called " O O hari raama O O hari krishna onna renna aasi ulagathil krishna ..... vaaliba vesham neer melE kumizhigalagum ipOthe rasika vendum odOdi vangada" sort of song, one would sing when they are drunk ! :lol2: does any one know any details about this song!

AFAIK, I heard this song back in early 90's , I feel the MD could have been Adithyan :roll:

23rd June 2011, 07:58 PM
:lol: Suresh!

App, Grouch, more than the rhythm pattern (table beat, etc), its the way the tune is laid out, which gives it that jive... oru poovanathula <break> suham kulukulunguthu <break> vandu then kudikuthu <break>.... Not that its something that hasn't been done before, but this pattern (er.. staccato?) in combination with the tabla works beautifully.

App, gap vidaama adikkareenga! Hey orayiram was another Chennai vaanoli discovery for me. Borrowing baroque's terminology... loverboy SPB dhaan! What a pleasant experience it is to listen to him along with the magic that IR weaves around his voice.
I am caught up with the way charanam is structured..
one elongated structure to enunciate the intrinsic melody of the raaga, then sudden movement into faster pace as if to compensate for the time spent on emphasizing the melody of beauty.
If one has been on excursions to scenic places, they can feel the splendour of nature capturing them for a long while, then sudden awakening to the darn thing called "time" happens and they start jostling to cover the lost ground spent in a timeless vacuum admiring the natural beauty. This aspect is nicely reflected by the talented lyricist who writes..
"மஞ்சள் வெயில் மாலை சூட பட்டு வண்ண ஆடை சூட ......
நேரம் வந்ததடி ..."
Absolutely beautiful -
when i was young (correction - when i was a kid) - used to fill the bucket with water from the tap but not allowing to fill by itself, had the habit of placing the mug in the bottom of the bucket.
I had immense satisfaction watching the water gushing down and filling the mug and with wonder used to see the fabulous bubbles of water gush out as if it were a bull held back for a long time to be let loose on an arena.. This phase in the charanam of this song poovanathula always evoked that imagery in me.. The sleight of hand is not just in putting tunes to words, but in arranging the sequence of notes to create such an imagery in a listener's minds and that is where Raaja scores..Awesome song and awesome writeup by everyone..

Avadi to America
23rd June 2011, 08:03 PM
Rajini/kids. Vaa Vaa Vasanthame. Good points, Plum.

spot on, the very first song i heard in my life is Vaa Vaa vasanthame....could be around 4/5/6 years old.....

23rd June 2011, 08:06 PM
Kokila - koel - cuckoo - kuyil - kumble
The last bit, only Bala Karthik can explain

Avadi to America
23rd June 2011, 08:06 PM
I vaguely recall Baasha's original in Hindi where he played sidekick to Amit-ji. Deepa Sahi was his wife and if I recall right, there was a kid in the mix
Yes, it's a baby girl.

23rd June 2011, 08:22 PM
Kokila - koel - cuckoo - kuyil - kumble
The last bit, only Bala Karthik can explain

Why do "Always" conclude an issue with a "Cricketer's name " ? :lol2:

23rd June 2011, 08:37 PM
WOW, awesome imagery, jaiganes!

KV & Plum,

Thanks for the language edu. So, it's kOk-uy-ilA :-)

23rd June 2011, 08:39 PM
Avadi, no wonder. After neRRikaNN, he religiously applied the Golden rule - sons are trouble. In real life and reel life

23rd June 2011, 08:51 PM
App anna

Come on Eagerly waiting for your views on "Radha Radha nee engE" :)

23rd June 2011, 09:23 PM
Jai, lovely imagery; poetic and profound writing. :clap:

23rd June 2011, 10:13 PM
#63 ராதா ராதா நீ எங்கே?
கண்ணன் எங்கே நான் அங்கே!
(மீண்டும் கோகிலா, 1981 , ஜானகியுடன்) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR2023'&lang=en)

When Sujatha wrote about some details of filming Vikram, he mentioned Kamal's irritation in not getting what he wanted. "நொறுக்கறதுக்கு மாருதி கேட்டா டால்ஃபின் தான் கொடுக்குறாங்க" (Some may remember that Dolphin 2 door car that was considered "poor-man's-maruthi" in 80's).

That statement kind of summarizes Kamal's history in TF :-( A similar case in the 80's take of (i.e. portions of) silappathikAram too. Kamal wanted (which was in news continuously) Gemini's daughter - the one gossipped to have got wedded in Tirupati to AB, north indies confirm whether it happened. Instead all that the producers could get (to do the mAdhavi role) was Unni Mary. I've not seen the movie and so don't know the story, just hearsay and also the title suggests "meeNdum" kaNNaki.

Don't know which girl was featured in this sweet number on screen - was it chEra nAttuppeN or kuzhandhai natchaththiram?

What starts with a sweet vocal harmony between SPB-SJ, my top pair, gets instrumental ornamentation of high class levels. Not a "running" melody but a stop-and-walk-kind IMO. Enjoyed the arrangements of this song more those days but now can appreciate the beauty in the melody. Actually even made fun of the pallavi (i.e. internally to myself) as 'what is this prose order thingy' but thEththified telling 'saraNam is great' :oops: Untrained ears :-)

This movie was continuously in gossip columns - Sridevi couldn't do madisAr and the costume guy made 'madisAr pant' which she simply mAttified like a pant etc. BO was average I think but songs were big hits and regulars on radio :-)

23rd June 2011, 10:40 PM
#63 ராதா ராதா நீ எங்கே?
கண்ணன் எங்கே நான் அங்கே!
(மீண்டும் கோகிலா, 1981 , ஜானகியுடன்) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR2023'&lang=en)

When Sujatha wrote about some details of filming Vikram, he mentioned Kamal's irritation in not getting what he wanted. "நொறுக்கறதுக்கு மாருதி கேட்டா டால்ஃபின் தான் கொடுக்குறாங்க" (Some may remember that Dolphin 2 door car that was considered "poor-man's-maruthi" in 80's).

That statement kind of summarizes Kamal's history in TF :-( A similar case in the 80's take of (i.e. portions of) silappathikAram too. Kamal wanted (which was in news continuously) Gemini's daughter - the one gossipped to have got wedded in Tirupati to AB, north indies confirm whether it happened. Instead all that the producers could get (to do the mAdhavi role) was Unni Mary. I've not seen the movie and so don't know the story, just hearsay and also the title suggests "meeNdum" kaNNaki.

Don't know which girl was featured in this sweet number on screen - was it chEra nAttuppeN or kuzhandhai natchaththiram?

What starts with a sweet vocal harmony between SPB-SJ, my top pair, gets instrumental ornamentation of high class levels. Not a "running" melody but a stop-and-walk-kind IMO. Enjoyed the arrangements of this song more those days but now can appreciate the beauty in the melody. Actually even made fun of the pallavi (i.e. internally to myself) as 'what is this prose order thingy' but thEththified telling 'saraNam is great' :oops: Untrained ears :-)

This movie was continuously in gossip columns - Sridevi couldn't do madisAr and the costume guy made 'madisAr pant' which she simply mAttified like a pant etc. BO was average I think but songs were big hits and regulars on radio :-)

I would say KJY outdid SPB in this movie with his "chinnanchiru vayadhil". The playful touches of Raaja and kamal shall make the movie to be remembered forever more than this stunner of a song..

23rd June 2011, 11:31 PM
App in full form ..:) Gr8 going ..

24th June 2011, 12:03 AM
App in full form ..:) Gr8 going ..

நன்றி, நாளைக்கு ஒரு "க்ளாசிக்கல்" :wink:

24th June 2011, 01:19 AM
#63 ராதா ராதா நீ எங்கே?
கண்ணன் எங்கே நான் அங்கே!
(மீண்டும் கோகிலா, 1981 , ஜானகியுடன்) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='sngirr2023'&lang=en)
that statement kind of summarizes kamal's history in tf :-( a similar case in the 80's take of (i.e. Portions of) silappathikaram too. Kamal wanted (which was in news continuously) gemini's daughter - the one gossipped to have got wedded in tirupati to ab, north indies confirm whether it happened. Instead all that the producers could get (to do the madhavi role) was unni mary. I've not seen the movie and so don't know the story, just hearsay and also the title suggests "meendum" kannaki.

Don't know which girl was featured in this sweet number on screen - was it chera nattuppen or kuzhandhai natchaththiram?

ab - அவர் தாத்தா ஆகப்போறோம் என்கிற சந்தோஷத்தில் இருக்கிறார் நீங்க என்னடான்ன பழைய காதலியை பற்றி பேசிக் கொண்டு இருக்கிறீர்கள்.

பொதுவா கண்ணகி என்ற பெயர் ராசி இல்லாததால் கண்ணகி கோகிலாவாக மாறினார?

24th June 2011, 02:01 AM
Amazing imagination and wonderful perspective on Poo Vanathil song. You have given a whole new dimension to the song. You have to write frequently, why are you not?:(

24th June 2011, 12:11 PM
புல்லரிப்பு! மும்பை மாநகர 28 வது மாடியில் கடலும், மழை மேகமும், ராஜ இசையும்! வேலை செய்யலாம் என்ற அத்தனை எண்ணங்களையும் நிர்மூலமாக்கி, நினைவலைகளின் மெல்லிய தாலாட்டிலே, மீண்டும் பள்ளி நாட்களுக்கு பின்னோக்கி சென்று எந்நாளும் மறவா கானமழையில் நனைந்து கடந்த 4 மணி நேரங்களை ஒரு வித பரவசத்துடன் அணு அணுவாய் அனுபவித்து வருகிறேன். A E உங்களுக்கு கோடி வந்தனம்! மற்றும் சுரேஷ்(65), plum , groucho , VS , ஜெய், ஏனைய பல நண்பர்களின் சிறப்பான பங்களிப்புடன் இந்த திரி ஒரு மகா சுகானுபவம். இத்தனை சந்தோஷங்களை நமக்களித்த ராஜாவுக்கும் பாலுவுக்கும், அதை இங்ஙனம் ரசித்து, பகிர்ந்து, கொண்டாடி மகிழ்ந்து திளைக்கும் நம்மனைவருக்கும் சேர்த்து உங்கள் சார்பாக சில பல single malt திரவங்களை காணிக்கையாக்குகிறேன்!

இன்னைக்கு வேலை காலி!

24th June 2011, 12:25 PM
இன்னைக்கு வேலை காலி!:lol: உங்களுக்கு மட்டுமா! Hope to see more of you here.

24th June 2011, 02:16 PM

உங்கள் எழுது அருமை. நீங்கள் அடிக்கடி எழுதவேண்டும்.

நமக்கு மட்டும் அல்ல. genesis சொல்வது போல் ஆப் Bachchan வையே குஷி ஆக்குகிறார் :)

" உங்கள் சார்பாக சில பல single malt திரவங்களை காணிக்கையாக்குகிறேன்!"

அடப்பாவி எங்க பேர சொல்லி நீ மட்டயாகுரையக்கும். நல்லா நடத்துங்க. அடுத்த ரௌண்டுக்கு ஆப் வேறொரு பாட்டு போடுவார் :) cheers!!!

Avadi to America
24th June 2011, 06:57 PM
App in full form ..:) Gr8 going ..

'பூவிழி வாசலில் யாரடி வந்தது கிளியே கிளியே
nethu fulla intha pattu thaan keetukittu irunthen....neenga itha pathi ezhuthvay illai....movie released in 1977

24th June 2011, 07:19 PM


Your feedback is definitely a "tonic" to write more :-)

24th June 2011, 07:20 PM
'பூவிழி வாசலில் யாரடி வந்தது கிளியே கிளியே
nethu fulla intha pattu thaan keetukittu irunthen....neenga itha pathi ezhuthvay illai....movie released in 1977

This is a KJY song :-)
(We're catalog-ging the SPB/IR songs here, year-wise chronologically and within the year alphabetically)

24th June 2011, 07:39 PM
Welcome here! Yes this thread is in full throttle, thanks to App for his mighty experience and contributions. Everyone is enjoying this thread. Waiting to hear more from you!

Avadi to America
24th June 2011, 07:50 PM
This is a KJY song :-)
(We're catalog-ging the SPB/IR songs here, year-wise chronologically and within the year alphabetically)
Romba nalaiku appuram intha patta ketathularunthu Romba enthu vanthuduchu. I completely forgot this is ir&spb thread

24th June 2011, 08:19 PM
ஆப் Bachchan வையே குஷி ஆக்குகிறார் :)

இது முழுக்க முழுக்க வரலாற்றுச்சுவடுகள் அல்லவா? :-)

அதனால் கௌதமியை விட 'மேல்நாட்டு மருமகள்' தானே அதிகம் வர முடியும்? தவிரவும், பானுரேகா கணேசனின் 'சில்சிலா'க்கள் இல்லாமல் மீண்டும் கோகிலா வரலாறு எப்படி முழுமையாகும்? :wink:

24th June 2011, 08:28 PM
ok, it's a friday and wanted to post a "clean" song to make genesis happy.

Unfortunately, the alphabetical order has brought a 'maRRa' pAttu :wink: Yesterday I told that it will be a 'classical / semi-classical'...well, it is...sort of...

24th June 2011, 09:05 PM
#64 தீராத விளையாட்டுப் பிள்ளை
(நெற்றிக்கண், 1981 , குழுவினருடன்) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR2361'&lang=en)

It was time for excitement for IR admirers when KB signed him up for his first kavidhAlayA production. Ofcourse, the director was SPM and not KB himself but then SPM was not averse to working with MSV (he did rANuva veeran in the same year with Rajini / MSV). Also pOkkiri rAjA for AVM in just about the same time period. So, it wasn't like SPM or Rajini insisted on IR but KB used the opportunity to sign up the current sensation :-) So, it was cheers to IR-admirers, conquest of new territory :wink:

We don't know whether there was any direct involvement of KB in the music making. However, one thing is sure that IR wanted to use the opportunity to show case his specialities. What a fantastic fusion album resulted!

Unlike the organic fusion in songs like 'poongathavE', this was - for lack of terms - inorganic. One can see both the seamlessness and distinctness in mAppiLLaikku mAman manasu & theerAtha viLaiyAttuppiLLai. (rAjA rANi jAckie was in a jazzy mode and rAmaNin mOhanam of "typical IR" genre)

I was following the news snippets in dailies / weeklies about this movie and when read about a song 'theerAtha viLaiyAttuppiLLai', thought it would be the traditional song with the same melody as 'thalai vAri poochchoodi unnai' (Shreya sings and dances in front of Sivaji and Vivek says how long Kannan alone keeps doing viLaiyAttu). I was expecting to see some IR style orchestration for that melody.

When the song came out, it was such a pleasant surprise to have a majestic new melody, terrific orchestration (the second interlude's violin is delectable). On top of these was SPB in cracking form!

A not-to-be-missed song! My college 1st year room mate, MSV fanatic, used to love this song and sing aloud - each time he'll start with the saraNam only. His voice still rings in my ears -'அவன் அசை உள்ள வரையில் விளையாடி' :lol2:

24th June 2011, 10:06 PM
#64 தீராத விளையாட்டுப் பிள்ளை
(நெற்றிக்கண், 1981 , குழுவினருடன்) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR2361'&lang=en)

It was time for excitement for IR admirers when KB signed him up for his first kavidhAlayA production. Ofcourse, the director was SPM and not KB himself but then SPM was not averse to working with MSV (he did rANuva veeran in the same year with Rajini / MSV). Also pOkkiri rAjA for AVM in just about the same time period. So, it wasn't like SPM or Rajini insisted on IR but KB used the opportunity to sign up the current sensation :-) So, it was cheers to IR-admirers, conquest of new territory :wink:

We don't know whether there was any direct involvement of KB in the music making. However, one thing is sure that IR wanted to use the opportunity to show case his specialities. What a fantastic fusion album resulted!

Unlike the organic fusion in songs like 'poongathavE', this was - for lack of terms - inorganic. One can see both the seamlessness and distinctness in mAppiLLaikku mAman manasu & theerAtha viLaiyAttuppiLLai. (rAjA rANi jAckie was in a jazzy mode and rAmaNin mOhanam of "typical IR" genre)

I was following the news snippets in dailies / weeklies about this movie and when read about a song 'theerAtha viLaiyAttuppiLLai', thought it would be the traditional song with the same melody as 'thalai vAri poochchoodi unnai' (Shreya sings and dances in front of Sivaji and Vivek says how long Kannan alone keeps doing viLaiyAttu). I was expecting to see some IR style orchestration for that melody.

When the song came out, it was such a pleasant surprise to have a majestic new melody, terrific orchestration (the second interlude's violin is delectable). On top of these was SPB in cracking form!

A not-to-be-missed song! My college 1st year room mate, MSV fanatic, used to love this song and sing aloud - each time he'll start with the saraNam only. His voice still rings in my ears -'அவன் அசை உள்ள வரையில் விளையாடி' :lol2:

Thanks for the Friday special App. Don't worry if you have to shuffle the order a little bit, maintain the "specials" for every Friday.

IMO Ramanin Mohanam was the only good song from the movie. The only thing I remember about this movie is Rajini gets "special" sun glass and at the age I believed one like that existed. (They got something like that in some airports now)

24th June 2011, 10:58 PM
App, Supero super! Nice to hear your nostalgic college memories. Very special 'TGI Friday' song.

25th June 2011, 12:33 AM
நன்றி, genesis & V_S!

Ofcourse that singapore sunglass thing was a big deal discussion among boys (for years). Remember the 'poovE poochchooda vA' comedy where Nadhiya (psychoanalysis sample for Plum & co) wears one to frighten S V Sekar :lol:

25th June 2011, 12:39 AM
நன்றி, genesis & V_S!

Ofcourse that singapore sunglass thing was a big deal discussion among boys (for years). Remember the 'poovE poochchooda vA' comedy where Nadhiya (psychoanalysis sample for Plum & co) wears one to frighten S V Sekar :lol:
:lol: Oh No! How can we forget that. More than the glass, it was SVS acting especially the way he sits on the chair and his expression before he knows the truth and his acting after he knows the truth. Even now as I write I keep laughing, so hilarious!

25th June 2011, 04:46 AM
:lol: Oh No! How can we forget that. More than the glass, it was SVS acting especially the way he sits on the chair and his expression before he knows the truth and his acting after he knows the truth. Even now as I write I keep laughing, so hilarious!

I am pretty sure SVS copied Mohanlal.... I could not find SVS version, here is Mohanlal.

25th June 2011, 07:14 AM
Genesis :thumbsup: Credit should always go to the original. Lal-ettan can be hillarious if he need to be.

App, the montage-styled scene for the song is one of the highlights of the movie. And SPB's voice, though was supposed to be a moral guardian's, was plainly playing along and enjoying what the dirty old man was indulging in (that unmistakable laugh). Sort of set the right platform for the audience, to not to judge Chakravarthy harshly when actually what he is doing is gonna hurt lotsa people.

25th June 2011, 10:51 AM
Wow! first time seeing the original. Thanks genesis. But still I could not control my laughter whenever I just think of that scene with S V Sekar, but somehow the same feeling I could not get after watching this video, may be I am biased, but that shock and embarrasment in S V Sekar's face is still in me, which is missing in Mohanlal's acting. Yes, bringing both his hands behind his head and sitting relaxed, even the dialogues are all mostly same, but expression-wise I believe SVS did better than Lalettan. Also I felt this video is cut short compared to SVS scene in Tamizh.

25th June 2011, 10:13 PM
when u guys used acronyms for ex mylapore MLA, I was wondering what SVS mukkonam oil has got to do with Raja or SPB...
he he he..
Just for gags..
@V_S now plum and other mallu lovers will come and sermonise how the subtle realistic method acting of Mohan lal went above your head and
a more louder form of acting employed by Ex MLA is out of sync with the surrounding subtlety of the serious movie...

25th June 2011, 11:30 PM
:lol: Jai, it is just my preference. No question about Mohan lal and his versatility, but just remember the scene, it is not a casual scene and you cannot be too slow to do that action (after you know the truth), That scene demands unrealistic behaviour in search of our 'maanam'. That's where it should invoke immediate laughter in us. That punch was missing, again just my observation, opinion differs.

26th June 2011, 10:41 PM
For the saturday song, alphabetically the 1981 album due was 'oru iravu, oru paRavai'. (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/album.php?ALBID=ALBIRR00446&lang=en) It has four songs, all with SPB. Other than the guitar song that V_S intro'd in the 'last song heard' thread, none rang a bell. எல்லாமே 'நீங்கள் டயல் செய்த எண் உபயோகத்தில் இல்லை' category and template kinds.

So, album skip. Very surprising that at the peak of his creativity, IR did such a nondescript album with all SPB songs!

26th June 2011, 10:45 PM
That means, the #65 is going to be an extra-extra-special song.

A song that made jaiganes open a new thread looking for thousand such (but it was one in ten-thousand kind) :-)

27th June 2011, 02:13 AM
"Podhum Podhum UnVesham" was played in radio sometime. "Kaddani Ramiah" have heard few times..Used to wonder those days, when several other Kuppai songs had more air time than these.

Anyways, your rush to go to a "suoer-duper" song is very understandable.
==> Great song Indeed; as it is one of those perfect songs..SPB/SJ at their best


27th June 2011, 05:58 AM
poonthalir aada... varre vaa.
now like mark taylor ...
rubbing hands in anticipation of edge..

27th June 2011, 01:42 PM
Hmm, clever. You cleverly turned out the ONE defining argument in the SVS vs Lal stakes as something like a முன் ஜாமீன். Case summarily dismissed forthwith, you and V_S fined for slander and libel. அபச்சாரம், ராஜாவுடன் ஸ்ரீகாந்த் தேவாவை ஒப்பிட்ட மாதிரி..

27th June 2011, 03:03 PM
Just listened to Tegam Pattu (Nanthan Rajaa - SPB part) from Sattam. Gosh, I keep forgetting that it's by Ganggai Amaran. IR's jazz/disco sound is stamped all over it!!! The other slower numbers you can differentiate the sound (like Vazhvey MAyam), but I want to believe a conspiracy theory that says Raja was involved in this one. I believe. I believe.

27th June 2011, 11:00 PM
#65 பூந்தளிராட
(பன்னீர் புஷ்பங்கள், 1981 , ஜானகியுடன்) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR2659'&lang=en)

One doesn't need a high-tech music equipment to enjoy this song. I've heard it among heavily noised radio transmissions, from poorly recorded cassettes / CDs, with ear-blasting-volume-plus-wind on buses, using low-fidelity speakers (like the ones on laptops)...and the magic is still the same!

Phenomenal, phenomenal song with a great melody, sweet guitar (check the second interlude for ecstasy) and nice singing by the super pair! What a lucky fellow Suresh to get this great song in his career...and another great one in kozhi koovuthu (song that got appreciated by Paul Mauriat). He is among the few celebrities that I've seen in person (was dropping off his wife in Satabti Express...in the same coach in which me and my friend were travelling from Chennai to B'lore on a 1995 morning).

People today make fun of Santhana Bharathi as a comedian and who was "proxy" to Kamal (& KH is called "ghost"). P Vasu is made even more fun of (understandably so) for his Chandramukhees and Kuselans. However, the entry of these two as directors, in Panneer Pushpangal, was far from funny. One of the most sensible and nicely taken movies that dealt with teenage tantrums. With Pratap Pothen too around, B-V got one of the best scores ever from IR. Apart from this sweet duet, the movie featured 'Anandha rAgam' by Uma Ramanan & 'kOdai kAlakkARRE' by MV, two of the best songs ever in TFM!

IIRC, this and alaigal Oyvathillai (another teenage love movie but made in a crass way compared to PP) came during the same time period, my +2 to college transition summer. I saw the movie after a year or so in the college audi and was thoroughly impressed (never had a chance to revisit, however). The songs often play on my car and computer to this day!

27th June 2011, 11:04 PM
Like I mentioned before, jai started a thread 1000 songs to hear before you die. (http://www.mayyam.com/talk/showthread.php?8718-1000-songs-to-hear-before-you-die.) triggered by this song :

poonthaLir aada...
It struck me in the end of the second interlude. If there is one song to bear all the Ilaiyaraaja stamps of his 80s phase - it has to be this one.
prelude with a catchy counterpoints and harmony - Check
chorus doing a counterpoint and singing out a melody that is heavenly - Check
majestic violins with sections playing different melody - Check.
Ok - lets do the same with vocal counterpoints from lead singers - Check.
Rakshasa singers SPB adn SJ - having their saamrajyam in the song - Check.
Some electronica and different melody for the interludes - Check.
Lets pause the entire thing for a while and create an effect - check.
some awesome lyrics - check.

Only thing missing is a single carnatic violin and an aaalaap by raaja or TVG.
I think everything else is almost covered.
It seemed like some1 asked Raaja "whats new in your music" and Raaja did the song to simply tell them ' TAKE THAT'.
The ultimate benefactor was P.Vasu and Santhana bharathy!!!
This is one song I want to listen before I die or loose my sense of hearing...

27th June 2011, 11:14 PM
I'm behind by two days but don't want to share the day of 'poonthaLirAda' with another song. Rather, I'll delay by one more day and feature 4 songs on Wednesday as all of them are from the same movie :wink: (Songs for Sun-Mon-Tues & Wed will all be featured on a single day) :-) Cheers!

27th June 2011, 11:22 PM
The phrase that knocks me out is in the first interlude just before lalalllalalallaa, an intricate piece (what's the instrument?) after the choral violins cease
Pure Magic

28th June 2011, 01:54 AM
App - Thanga Kudame from Oru Iravu Oru Paravai definitely needs a place in this thread, IMO. Haven't heard the other songs in this movie but this one is a superb song.

Radha Radha from Meendum Kokila - it has a unique dreamy feel throughout, starting with the initial humming and those violins in the prelude which set the tone and that dreaminess is sustained throughout by the orchestration. Beautiful, honey-sweet rendition by SPB & SJ.

Now, I should get back to Poonthalir Aada and there is no coming back for a while :smile:

28th June 2011, 03:53 AM

Need some time to savor this Brilliant of a composition, before we can enjoy your additions this week.

The magic of a song it is, when hear every time, makes me feel the same way I felt the first time when I was a young teen

Thank you Raja/SPB/SJ for giving this gift to us


28th June 2011, 04:56 AM
Well said App! Whichever way you listen this song, it is sure to impress.

This song will never happen again in TFM and not even with Ilaiyaraaja. One time heavenly creation. What a beauty! Eventhough overall it's a heavenly composition, everyone will have their own favorite places in the song, but all their favorites will be totally different from others. This one song can cater to everyone's taste, be it singing, portions of interludes, tune, orchestration, mood, whatever you call it, it's there.

I will feel guilty if I say my favorite place as every place in this song is very special. Still again, all the guitar portions are classic. Whenever Maestro plays guitar, that song is very very dear to me. The first interlude has bass guitar and chorus in counterpoint. Similarly in the second interlude (as always), starts with jugalbandi between two guitars (outstanding piece that is), then the bass guitar changes its path when chorus joins again to accommodate another counterpoint, bass changes again when violin joins after chorus, the third one. If you just concentrate more on the bass guitar in second interlude, you can never imagine how it strikes a chord with chorus and violins. Because the bass portions are totally in contrast to the chorus and violins, yet so synchronous. Perfect counterpoint! All three are totally different and unique and gives a unique experience. I use to listen just to this portion in loop.
Devagaanam! :musicsmile:

28th June 2011, 03:23 PM
I would say KJY outdid SPB in this movie with his "chinnanchiru vayadhil". The playful touches of Raaja and kamal shall make the movie to be remembered forever more than this stunner of a song..

As APP anna mentioned before even if the Likes of SNS / Deepan Chakaravarthy had sung this song it would have been a "Hit" though with "less" Impact. simply because the tune was "Awesome" , if you look at the songs given to SPB in this film, the tune is not as "Great" as Chinna Chiru kizhiye, but the SPB "Improvisation" Factor makes its enjoyable!

28th June 2011, 04:06 PM
1. Folks,

I may divert from topic, but I really need an answer to this Question!

I was watching the Hindi movie "Agneepath" yesterday, there was song by SPB for yesteryear "thespian" actor Mithun Chakaraborti”, in this Film he is Portrayed as a South Indian Keralite, (though he mainly speaks Tamil in the movie )! When ever a South Indian aspect comes into a bollywood Film, it is SPB who does the singing like (ek duche kiliye, saagar, Agneepath, ..etc etc ) why is this so ??? Does SPB has South Indian Style of "Hindi" accent ??

28th June 2011, 06:45 PM
Well, despite the guitar and bass not being totally unfamiliar instruments in Tamizh (and Indian) film music, it was only during this period of the man, I think, that it gained such significance and rose to pristine glory; such was the brilliance of its usage by him. Panneer pushpangal is one of the flagship works in this regard.

On Poonthalir aada, though I’ve known and enjoyed the Thamizh version for many years, it was nudged to second place by the Telugu version I came across quite recently. I did take sometime for the initial ‘sound shock’ to subside (that too with the Thamizh version being so popular and well-heard) but after that, its been the gulty cousin that’s found a place on my playlist more often. Its nothing to do with the lyrics (my Telugu ellam tharkuri) but the way the words fit and roll off, very smooth and soft (Plum gaaru, koncham elaborate cheyyandi please).

And the benefit with the telugu package doesn’t just end there, for there’s a bigger bonus (at least, that’s how it is for me). For years I had felt that Kodai kaala katre deserved better handling in the vocals dept. MV, to me, works on and off in this song and the inconsistency puts me off, more often than not. Come the gulty package, and I discovered that it had SPB in charge of the vocals, and boy, what a fine job he does here (influenced by MV, some might say and I don’t mind giving that some credit). I know I could’ve touched a raw nerve here, but its SPB and the gult version all the way for me.
The dearer twin: Madhura Geetam (http://www.sakhiyaa.com/madhura-geetam-1981-%E0%B0%AE%E0%B0%A7%E0%B1%81%E0%B0%B0-%E0%B0%97%E0%B1%80%E0%B0%A4%E0%B0%82/)

28th June 2011, 07:06 PM
Plum gaaru, koncham elaborate cheyyandi please
nEnu elaborate cheyyadam eviti? mana mahAkavi cheppinattu:

s u n d a r a t e l u n g i n i l p A t t i s i a i t h t h u....

Will listen to the Telugu version for more comments.

Also, it has a malayalam twin that doesnt appeal much in terms of "words rolling off the tune smoothly"

Malayalam, for all its sweetness as a spoken language, seems to be somehow under-served in fitment to tunes. As in, probably tamil is better for pAttisaiththu than Malayalam although Malayalam sounds sweeter in spoken version. Perhaps, the spoken version itself is like a sing-song so the actual musical version doesnt sound special enough.

*Ducks missiles from app_engine, suresh(not sikkan 65 suresh, the other one) etc*

28th June 2011, 07:23 PM
s u n d a r a t e l u n g i n i l p A t t i s i a i t h t h u
sundar ate lungi; nil pa, tt isi aiththu?

28th June 2011, 07:25 PM
KV, :lol: at :lollu:

28th June 2011, 07:30 PM
By the by, what's this mallu twin you're referring to? Yenikki ariyilla.
Is there a Dasettan version of Kodai kaala by any chance?

28th June 2011, 07:32 PM
By the by, what's this mallu twin you're referring to? Yenikki ariyilla.
Is there a Dasettan version of Kodai kaala by any chance?

Looks like there's one (I've never heard).

"இசை விமர்சகர்" Shaji (சுப்புடு அல்ல) wrote in his blog that MV's was way better than KJY's.

28th June 2011, 08:02 PM
yaravathu ennoda kealviku bathil kooravum :(

28th June 2011, 08:09 PM

I haven't heard the Telugu twin version yet but the same feeling comes to be when I hear the Telugu version of 'varadhu vandha nayakan'. SPB compared to Arunmozhi. No contest there. And the lyrics wonderfully free flowing. Not able to get an online link to that song. Will check with my friend and post it here.

28th June 2011, 08:17 PM
தெலுங்கு புரிஞ்சவங்களுக்கு சுந்தரம், தெரியாதவங்களுக்கு மந்திரம் தானே?

எப்படி இருந்தாலும் ஒப்பீடுகள் விருப்புகளாலும் வெறுப்புகளாலும் பாதிக்கப்படும் என்பதில் தர்க்கமில்லை.

மலையாளப்பாடல்களில் வலிந்து திணிக்கப்படும், அதிகம் வழக்கிலில்லாத, கடினமான, வடமொழிச்சொற்கள் இனிமைக்கு பாதகம் என்பது என் கருத்து.

28th June 2011, 08:19 PM
OTOH, Malayalam songs with regular words / drawn from conversational language have such inimai and smooth flow. Quintessential ejjAmple : "gOpikA vasantham thEdi vanamAlee". As I type, my mouth waters :-)

28th June 2011, 09:34 PM
Coming back to 'poonthaLirAda', the heroine (another newcomer like the directors, hero) Shanthi Krishna, went on to become popular in Malayalam. She got married to a Malayalam actor (divorced and her ex is no more alive) and retired gracefully. Though she didn't have much to do in Thamizh afterwards, was a nice fit for PP.

I think the authenticity of the movie, song situations / scenes etc had something to with the upbringing of Pratap Pothen in a similar boarding school and I feel he had a lot of inputs to Bharati-Vasu...

28th June 2011, 09:44 PM
Prathap mEla ungalukku neRaiya soft corner app :) - enakkelam kerala yuvathigaL mEla dhaan soft corner varum...I mean idhayathula. ;-)

Is that Venu Nagavally you are referring to? The guy has a casanova reputation. Supposed to have picked up even Asha (kelunni)

28th June 2011, 10:09 PM

My Pratap-men-moolai has everything to do with his IR connections :-) Raja did a lot of polished scores in company with Pratap (as actor or director).

No, it was not Venu N, it was another person who acted on screen for 'vasantha kAlangal, isainthu pAdungaL' of rayil payaNangaLil...recently died under mysterious circumstances in a hotel room...

28th June 2011, 10:15 PM
App anna

Ungal adutha paadal enavO :)

28th June 2011, 10:34 PM
Like I mentioned yesterday, no song for today. However, songs for four days (Sun / Mon / Tues / Wed) will be hosted tomorrow and all are from one movie :wink:

28th June 2011, 10:39 PM

ok, Plum, here is wikipedia for Shanti Krishna's Ex : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sreenath

They both acted together in mangalam nErunnu, music by IR, that had the fantastic 'rithubEdha kalpana'


28th June 2011, 10:41 PM
App in Blazing form..
3 days was away and i login to c there are a truckload of posts .. so much to catch upon..Gr8 goin ..

28th June 2011, 10:52 PM
Prathap mEla ungalukku neRaiya soft corner app :) - enakkelam kerala yuvathigaL mEla dhaan soft corner varum...I mean idhayathula. ;-)

Is that Venu Nagavally you are referring to? The guy has a casanova reputation. Supposed to have picked up even Asha (kelunni)

Asha Kelunni is the actual name of the homely person of tamil screen right? ;-)

28th June 2011, 10:55 PM
Asha Kelunni is the actual name of the homely person of tamil screen right? ;-)

Who got introduced next to "Udhaya Chandrika" by BR and got the traditional R thingy...

28th June 2011, 11:09 PM
Paramu threadla ipdi poodagamaa pEsaRinga? Ippo vidha vidhamA design designA kELvi kEkka pORAr - badhil sollikkunga

28th June 2011, 11:32 PM
Like I mentioned yesterday, no song for today. However, songs for four days (Sun / Mon / Tues / Wed) will be hosted tomorrow and all are from one movie :wink:
Ram Lakshman?:think:

29th June 2011, 09:02 AM
Who got introduced next to "Udhaya Chandrika" by BR and got the traditional R thingy...

Dear App_eng

Super !!! Enjoying yr write ups !! Full form la irukinge-nnu nenikkeren! ;)) Thanks !

29th June 2011, 11:14 AM
Ungalukke ithu ovara illa? The closest you can get Venu Nagavalli to the casanova billing was only if he had been born a Nair - then a tired cliche' like debo'nair' could've been employed. I mean, even if Revathi was the intellectual kind preferring brain over brawn types, hapless Venu N could never have been in the reckoning, much like how you could never write YG Mahendran and playboy in the same sentence without wincing. **** end dig. ****

29th June 2011, 12:40 PM
suresh, idhai vida shocking pala matter irukku - thanks to non-frequenter-in-IR-Forum-but-star-hubber-in-other-forums Ajaybhaskar.

If I say another matter about Asha, you'd rather believe this one ;-)

29th June 2011, 03:00 PM
Plum, enna madhri less fortunate newbie hubbers ku neenga dhan guiding lighta irukkanam. Bit ellam konjam ibdeeka pass pannunga!
Illati unga mela RTI case file panna vendiyadha irukkum!

29th June 2011, 03:17 PM
Sari vidunga, chinna pasanga in this forum may get corrupted. I'll PM you to get the inside dope on this and matrum pala ajaal gujaal matters

29th June 2011, 03:24 PM

This is IR's composition right?? sounds like hindi tunes composed by Ram Lakshman/ Laxmikant pyrallal sort of thing :roll:

29th June 2011, 03:26 PM
Plum, me too PM.

29th June 2011, 03:35 PM
Information's getting locked in pockets here. Grave injustice in this age of open/free source.
Mr. Assange kitta solli hubleaks nu oru kilai aramikka sollanam.

29th June 2011, 05:06 PM
This is IR's composition right?? sounds like hindi tunes composed by Ram Lakshman/ Laxmikant pyrallal sort of this :roll:

Ayiram pookkaL malarattum - not by IR, may be L-P or RDB (there were a few movies by these bigwig Hindi MDs - e.g. uyirE unakkAga was by L-P)

29th June 2011, 05:14 PM
Ayiram pookkaL malarattum - not by IR, may be L-P or RDB (there were a few movies by these bigwig Hindi MDs - e.g. uyirE unakkAga was by L-P)

Hmmm I thought It could have been L-P!

29th June 2011, 05:32 PM
Aayiram pookkal malarattum = VS Narasimhan

29th June 2011, 05:37 PM
Aayiram pookkal malarattum = VS Narasimhan

Er I thought he was the "Violinist " for this song :roll:

29th June 2011, 08:24 PM
Venu Nagavally, Asha Kelunni, Udhaya Chandrika - இந்த பெயரை எல்லாம் நான் இதுக்கு முன்னாடி கேட்டதேயில்லை. 80களின் மலையாள கிசு கிசு என்று தனியா திரி ஆரம்பிச்சு பேசுங்க!!

பாட்டு போடறேன் பாட்டு போடறேன் என்று சொல்லி கிட்டே இருக்கீங்க - பாட்டு எங்கேப்பா?? (தங்கமகன் பாட்டு போட்டி - லூஸ் மோகன் ஸ்டைலில் படிக்கவும் ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieN5pHnjzGE - At about 57s

29th June 2011, 08:31 PM
App, which one was the bigger hit those days? In the 90s/00s the most played song in TV/AM/FM was Kodai kaala kaatre very closely followed by Aaanandha raagam. Poonthalir aada was extremely famous too but definitely behind the other two biggies.


29th June 2011, 08:53 PM
IIRC, Anandha rAgam got max appreciation from every quarter. On the 'bigger hit' question, it's very difficult to tell...as each had its share of radio time, bus time, teakkadai time etc. Since compact cassettes were already getting commonplace, most people recorded all three together. ('vengAya sAmbAru' was disliked by most and it was also written about as a plagiarized number from some western song).

Personally, I listened to poonthaLirAda more times than others overall (i.e. 80's till now) but that doesn't make it a bigger hit.

29th June 2011, 09:01 PM
I don't know about kisu-kisoos but deciphering the names for you:

Venu Nagavalli - Malayalam director who did a few movies with Mohanlal
Asha Kelunni - daughter of an ex-service man, known popularly as Revathy of maN vAsanai
Udhayachandrika - mom of 'kO'magaL, sis of 'avan-ivan-suruttu-lady', known popularly as Radha of alaigaL Oyvathillai / mudhal mariyAdhai


29th June 2011, 09:08 PM
V_S, you're right!

#66-69 will be from the Kamal branded hAththi mErE sAththi

29th June 2011, 09:09 PM
Pls guys the Digressions are going off the track now, let's keep it low :)

29th June 2011, 09:30 PM
#66 வாலிபமே வா வா, தேனிசையே வா வா
(ராம் லட்சுமண், 1981 , ஷைலஜாவுடன்) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR3017'&lang=en)

IR's first full-blown synth western number with real guitar / trumpet accompaniments. Personally I was so thrilled when this song came out as the pallavi had the "kick drum" sound which was somewhat similar to what was in the "western songs" (BoneyM / ABBA were very popular in India in late 70's and early 80's and there were both sets of people - genuine lovers of those bands and snobs who claimed local music was 10 yrs behind). In any case, though the IR song couldn't claim to have the sounds of popular western bands, at the minimum it was very different from what was heard in TFM till then.

Very popular on radio and other casts (bus / teakkadai) when it arrived. Not so thrilling anymore to listen but not bad either.

29th June 2011, 09:41 PM
#66 வாலிபமே வா வா, தேனிசையே வா வா
(ராம் லட்சுமண், 1981 , ஷைலஜாவுடன்) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR3017'&lang=en)

App anna ,

who were the actors in this movie?

29th June 2011, 09:55 PM
Kamal and Sripriya

app, fantastic song. Thanks for remembering. This is the Raja brand Disco (=awesome) song I forget always

29th June 2011, 09:59 PM
thanks San_k :)

29th June 2011, 10:15 PM
#67 விழியில் உன் விழியில்
(ராம் லட்சுமண், 1981 , சுசீலாவுடன்) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR3018'&lang=en)

Sticking to the IR/Devar films tradition, a Suseela-SPB duet. The best in the album IMO, it hasn't lost the appeal - not a bit - from the time of arrival till now! A guitar sweety, both the prelude and first interlude have so-good-to-ears-guitar sounds. And the dham-dham-dham-dham is quite interesting as well.

It was regular on radios and part of people's 'recording center requests' which was becoming more and more common around this time period as cassette players were becoming more affordable. It was however, mostly imported brands only still (Panasonic the leader) and were available from burma bazaar kind of shops or 'gulf-return' 'ceylon-return' kind of people. The regular electronic shops were still mostly selling only radios and record players. Cassette-decks were also available (from brands like Ahuja which was popular in the public address arena) but not much favoured by households.

29th June 2011, 10:29 PM
#68 நடக்கட்டும் ராஜா நம்ம ராஜ்ஜியம்
(ராம் லட்சுமண், 1981 ) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR3016'&lang=en)

Few days back I stumbled on the 'AkattuNdA thambi rAjA' youtube when searching around for some children stuff. It had not just the song but five minutes or so of MGR-yAnaikaL-KRV stuff that happens prior to the song (absolutely horrible portrayal by MGR with his drunken-man-like-voice-and-dialogs and funny red suit).

This song seems to have got inspired from that KVM nallA nEram number (not in the melody but general format for yAnai songs) and not a sequel to appanE appanE. The typical jubilant melody, energetic singing accompanied by a lot of trumpet sounds to remind one that this is a hAtthi song:-)

Had its share of air-time when arrived and because of KH, also had its share of casts in other media. Not a big hit but still has recall value.

29th June 2011, 10:40 PM
#69 நான் தாங்கொப்பண்டா நல்ல முத்துப்பேரண்டா
(ராம் லட்சுமண், 1981 ) (http://www.thiraipaadal.com/tpplayer.asp?sngs='SNGIRR3015'&lang=en)

Possibly the pioneer to a later saNdaippAttu in dEvar makan. Kabadi-kabadi game in country side used to have the first line as a repeat phrase. The other sounds in the song are really quite majestic and IR seemed to have worked hard but this song was the least popular at the time of movie's arrival. It did have some time on radio and other transmissions / playbacks but the former three enjoyed definitely more time.

Personally I didn't have that much liking for this song those days but now find this quite charming, especially the instrumentals are quite impressive. SPB ofcourse delivers flawlessly and casually what could be a difficult song needing a lot of breath control, but, then, he is a master in that area :clap:

If someone had seen this movie (thrashed by all reviewers at the time of arrival IIRC), please elaborate on the song situations, how KH looked etc. It was during my +2 days and my close friends who were KH fanatics were so upset with this movie (and they were typically very unkind to Sripriya so there was definite bias against this Devar films animal movie).

29th June 2011, 10:43 PM
BTW, for Thursday, I'm going to do a minor shift from the alphabetical order.


To have a 'maRRa' pAttu on Friday as per genesis wishes :wink:

29th June 2011, 11:32 PM
Pinnitteenga, ore ball-a naalu sixer adichamaathiri! :clap: Yes film was a dud as far my memory could recollect (memory will get better as the year advances ;)). I think you have still lot of hidden information on casettes/players, even upto which brand was available at that time. Oh man, Amazing memory!
But we used to see the songs on doordharshan as everyone likes that young and handsome Kamal. But my favorite is Vaalibame vaa vaa and Nadakkatuum Raja. Wonderful carefree singing by SPB.

29th June 2011, 11:45 PM
Getting back to poonthaliraada..
One could not just hum the song alone -- ever.
Once I finish humming the charanam, immediately i am compelled to hum the instrumental lines and
it is such a pleasure to sing them - what an intricate melody on each of the instrumental lines.

29th June 2011, 11:48 PM
suresh, idhai vida shocking pala matter irukku - thanks to non-frequenter-in-IR-Forum-but-star-hubber-in-other-forums Ajaybhaskar.

If I say another matter about Asha, you'd rather believe this one ;-)
enakkum oru PM parcel...

30th June 2011, 12:08 AM
I think you have still lot of hidden information on casettes/players, even upto which brand was available at that time.

oh, it was a passion those days :-)

When I joined the college, I got a friend who was doing part time BE and he had a nice record player and was a collector of LPs. He was a big fan of RDB and I was fascinated with his collections.

After a year or so - just around the 'salangai oli' time frame, he got that sweet Panasonic stereo player that arrived fresh in burma bazAr. It went on to become one of the most popular models ever sold in TN (I've seen in many houses / shops etc around the state and it costed around 2K in 1982/83).

The most interesting part about Panasonics those days was the 'demo' cassette given with the system. This particular stereo model had Japanese recording of the "Mozart's Symphony # 40 first movement" arranged / orchestrated / recorded by Paul Mauriat. (He was very popular in Japan it seems).

I didn't know at that time it was by PM but was stunned at the recording / output from the player where sounds emerged from the small tweeters as well!
(Years later, when I heard the same piece in the "Love is blue" cassette by PM...should I say I had tears / pullarips etc?...another kosuru info, that friend is my co-bro now)

30th June 2011, 02:30 AM
Wow! that's a lot of information. Thanks for sharing. Even I had similar experience but not that big like you. When we were in school studying 9/10/11/12th standard. One of my classmate friend use to have a Panasonic, but not sure if we are referring the same model, but he used to play only MJ, Boney M, ABBA just to showcase the clarity of sound, crystal clear. Haven't heard anything like that at all even today. But that one is like a big tape recorder (radio model with handle at the top) and has two big speakers (and little twitter by it's side). These are the times, when our schools will be half-a-day and we used to go to his home and spend time till our evening train to home (only train at 5:40 pm). Beautiful memories!

30th June 2011, 04:40 AM
App - Thanks for 4 songs in quick succession.

Couple of months back, I was googling to find out which movie Vizhiyil Un Vizhiyil song belonged to. After knowing it was from Ram-Laxman, I thought my 8 year old daughter may like it and started playing it from some website on a Saturday. It was STUPID!! Nobody wanted to watch it after 30min. Today it is difficult for us to believe KH acted in movies like Neeya and this one.

30th June 2011, 03:27 PM
App anna

Thanks for the info, I have never heard of this movie "Ram Lazman" or it's songs! Many thanks :)

30th June 2011, 03:29 PM
App anna

Congrats for bringing this thread to 100 pages! When I started the thread, I was only able to bring it up to 10 pages, after that, I had given up hope! Till you arrived! :notworthy:

30th June 2011, 04:25 PM
Just a few days back I was browsing the Ram Laxman page in Thiraipaadal and skipped most songs after 10-15 seconds. WIll have to revisit. Thanks app.

Vaalibame vaa is ofcourse a rework of the fabulous naa paruvam from Yugandhar, remake of Don/Billa by NTR. Suresh65 wrote about it in detail in his blog and linked it here a few days back. Google mannar app can retrieve the link.