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4th December 2012, 08:05 PM

Natural Treatment For Headache

>Rest in a quiet room, in darkness or with dimmed lights. Make sure of getting enough sleep at night.
>Massage the muscles at the back of neck and shoulder in a gentle circular motion with sesame oil. Then take a hot shower.
>Try using heat to soothe the pain: fill a hot-water bottle, wrap it in a towel, and rest your head on it.
>Try aerobic exercise, yoga, or deep breathing or relaxation exercises.
>If working at a desk or computer workstation, get up and walk around regularly to reduce tension in your neck and shoulders.
>Have your eyesight checked.
>Build up physical resistance through proper nutrition, exercise and positive thinking to prevent headache.

>Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine in excess, and smoking.
>Avoid red meat, nuts, and chocolate.
>Avoid Spices, condiments, sour buttermilk, and oily foodstuffs.
>Boiling fresh ginger or dried ginger powder in water and then inhaling the steam is also effective.
>Eat a ripe apple with a little salt every morning on an empty stomach. Take this continuously for about a week.

6th December 2012, 07:15 AM

7th December 2012, 07:09 AM

8th December 2012, 08:39 AM

10th December 2012, 06:55 AM

11th December 2012, 07:44 AM

12th December 2012, 06:51 AM

The Effective Sweet Treat that Relieves Arthritis Pain

By Jim Healthy On October 19th, 2012

Did you know that there are certain kinds of foods that actually help reduce or even stop arthritis pain?
These “superfoods” are usually easy to find and inexpensive.
Of all the foods that help fight against arthritis — delicious, sweet pineapple comes up close to the top of the list.

The Sweet Pain Reliever
For generations, people around the world have used fresh pineapple to ease their arthritis inflammation. Loaded with joint-protecting vitamin C, pineapple is undoubtedly a superior arthritis-healing food.

Its anti-inflammatory ingredient — bromelain — is so potent that many boxers drink the juice after fights to heal their bruises.
A 1960 study compared boxers who took bromelain with those receiving a placebo. In just four days, an amazing 78% of those taking bromelain were inflammation-free, while only 14% of the control group had recovered.

Other than bromelain, pineapple also contains manganese, which strengthens bones and protects joints.
Here are 5 reasons you should be indulging in this delicious fruit if you struggle with joint pain and arthritis:

Reason #1: Joint Protection
Higher intake levels of the antioxidant vitamin C is essential for people with arthritis…
And just one cup of pineapple has a whopping 94% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA)!
Research published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases showed that vitamin C-rich foods protect against inflammatory polyarthritis, a type of rheumatoid arthritis in which two or more joints are affected.
If you have osteoarthritis, you may be concerned by warnings that you should not increase your vitamin C intake. But know that those warnings are based on a 2004 study on guinea pigs!
Studies on humans show vitamin C actually reduces pain, cartilage loss and disease progression.

Reason #2: Healthier Joint Tissue
Pineapple is a great source of the trace mineral manganese.
Manganese is absolutely essential for building healthy joint tissue and dense bones. One cup of pineapple provides 128% of the RDA for manganese.
Research shows that manganese tackles free radicals that can damage joint cartilage.
Tip: It’s best to eat your pineapple raw. Fruit skewers alternating fresh pineapple chunks with strawberries is a great way to do that. Grilled and cooked pineapple is extraordinarily tasty too.

Reason #3: Smoother Joint Movement
Pineapple’s enzymes literally clean up “rusty” joints. When you eat pineapple on an empty stomach, the enzymes go right to work on your joints.
Tip: If you eat pineapple with other foods, the enzymes divert their activity to digesting the rest of your meal instead of the gunk in your joints.
So keep pineapple around for between-meal snacks. Juice the hard inner core as well to take advantage of the concentrated bromelain located there.

Reason #4: Pain Relief
For optimal arthritis pain-relief, eat fresh pineapple.
The bromelain in pineapple is destroyed by heat, so fresh pineapple will give you the most benefit.
Frozen pineapple retains active enzymes, but canned fruit and commercially processed juice don’t provide the anti-inflammatory benefit of fresh fruit.
It’s important to note bromelain causes anti-clotting activity…
So you should consult with your physician before combining pineapple with blood-thinning medications such as warfarin (Coumadin), heparin, or aspirin.
Tip: If the fruit needs to ripen, keep it on your kitchen counter for a couple days. You’ll know it’s sweet and ready to eat when the bottom softens a bit.

Reason #5: Protection from Inflammation
Pineapple’s bromelain halts inflammation.
The sulfur-based enzyme bromelain in fresh pineapple is one of the best-researched natural anti-inflammatory agents around.
Bromelain clobbers inflammatory agents that trigger joint pain and cartilage degeneration.
A 2006 study cited in Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology found that supplemental bromelain is effective in easing discomfort from hip arthritis.
The Arthritis Foundation stated that pineapple’s bromelain produces effects comparable to NSAIDs for relieving pain and inflammation.
UK researchers reviewed ten studies on osteoarthritis and bromelain. They found that every single one confirmed bromelain’s benefits.
Tip: Most of the bromelain in pineapples is found in the core and the stem. So don’t throw away that tough, fibrous core!
Just chop it up, throw it in a blender with some water and pulse to convert it to juice.

If you’d like to discover more “superfoods” that can halt your arthritis…
And also drastically reduce your chances of being afflicted by cancer, heart disease, diabetes…
Check out my Arthritis Interrupted e-book. It provides you with real and immediate ways to start improving your health and healing your arthritis…
For a pain-free life!

13th December 2012, 07:21 AM

14th December 2012, 07:10 AM

18th December 2012, 07:26 AM

Keezha Nelli a small herb, that occurs near the ponds/near the water source with small fruits below the leaves, cures disease like jaundice, Stomach pain, Urinary diseases, over heat, period problem, skin disease. And new research on this herb proves that, it can cure cancer and reduce sugar content in our blood. It also takes care of the effective functioning of Liver.
Collect the leaves and grind to paste with four cloves of garlic, add 8 to 10 black pepper and make small balls of 10 nos.Take one ball in the morning before break fast,before lunch and before dinner for three days and it will certainly cure the jaundice...

Excellent medicine for curing Jaundice..:)
Take a handful ( oru pidi) keezhar nelli (nela usuri )mature leaves, clean and grind it. Mix with goat milk. Then drink it in empty stomach continuously 10 or 15 days in morning. This will be reduce jaundice problem.

19th December 2012, 07:21 AM

20th December 2012, 07:18 AM

21st December 2012, 06:59 AM

26th December 2012, 06:46 AM

27th December 2012, 07:07 AM

27th December 2012, 07:52 AM


It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases:

Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases.

1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water

2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minute

3.. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.

4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours

5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.

6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.

The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/ reduce main diseases:
1. High Blood Pressure (30 days)
2. Gastric (10 days)
3. Diabetes (30 days)
4. Constipation (10 days)
5. Cancer (180 days)
6. TB (90 days)
7. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st week, and from 2nd week onwards – daily..

This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.
It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life. Drink Water and Stay healthy and Active.

This makes sense .. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals not cold water. Maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain...

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you.
It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion.

Once this'sludge'reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine.
Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

A serious note about heart attacks:

· Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting,
· Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.
· You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.
· Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.
· 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up.
· Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive...

28th December 2012, 07:25 AM

29th December 2012, 05:50 AM
posted on 27 November, 2012 - just 1 page ahead .

29th December 2012, 07:39 AM
same pic different story :lol:

29th December 2012, 08:33 AM


Obesity can RISK your health,Reduce your Weight by Natural Way- 10 Effective Home Remedies for Losing Weight ~

1) Fruits and green vegetables are low caloriefoods, so over weight persons should use these more frequently.

2) One should avoid intake of too much salt. Salt may be a factor for increasing the body weight.

3) Milk products like cheese, butter should be avoided because these are rich in fat. Meat and non-vegetarian foods should also be avoided.

4) Spices like dry ginger, cinnamon, black pepper etc. are good for loosing weight and can be used in a number of ways.

5) Vegetables like bitter gourd (Karela), and bitter variety of drumstick are useful for loosing weight.

6) Taking of honey is an excellent home remedy for obesity. It mobilizes the extra deposited fat in the body and puts it into circulation, which is utilized as energy for normal functions. One should start with small quantity of about 10 GMs. or a table spoonful to be taken with hot water. It is good to take it in early morning. A teaspoonful of fresh lemon juice may also be added.

7) Cabbage is considered to be an effective remedy for loosing weight. This vegetable inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight reduction. It can be taken raw or cooked.

8) Exercise is an important part of weight reduction plan. It helps to use up calories stored in body as fat. In addition, it also relieves tension and tones up the muscles of the body. Walking is thebest exercise to begin with and may be followed by running, swimming, rowing.

9) Lime juice is excellent for weight reduction. Juice of a lime mixed in a glass of warm water and sweetened with honey should be taken every morning on an empty stomach.

10) Measure the portions of your food every meal and make sure that the portions are small. For example one portion of rice should not be more than the quantity which can fit in your fist. Smaller meals at a regular interval of 4 to 5 hours will keep your metabolism high and prevent your body from converting the food you intake into fat. You must also include regular exercise in your daily routine to help enhance weight reduction.

31st December 2012, 09:11 AM

2nd January 2013, 09:02 AM

3rd January 2013, 09:01 AM

4th January 2013, 07:16 AM

5th January 2013, 07:30 AM

1.Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. It is very important to keep the intestines working well. Keep the water overnight in a copper vessel and drink it when you wake up in the morning.

2.Put a teaspoon of ghee in a glassful of warm milk. Drink it when going to bed. It is very helpful in relieving from constipation.

3.Go for morning walk by having 2-3 glasses of warm water. This will prevent constipation and clear bowel movements.

4.Include fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables in your diet. Papaya and sugarcane are especially beneficial. Tomato and beetroot salads are also very useful in constipation relief.

5.Apples are very beneficial in treating constipation. Eat two apples every morning. Bite them with the teeth instead of using a knife to cut them into slices.

6.The simplest home remedy for constipation is to drink a glass of lemon juice in water with a pinch of salt in it. This will treat any kind of constipation you are suffering from.

7.Papaya and guava are also useful in treating constipation. Regular intake of papaya at early morning in an empty stomach prevents constipation.

8.You can also take warm lime water early in the morning. It prevents constipation and keeps the body and mind fresh.

7th January 2013, 07:20 AM

8th January 2013, 07:17 AM

8th January 2013, 08:45 AM


Please scroll down to read the whole script

Personal Hygiene/Body

1. Moisturizer – simply scoop some out of the jar and apply all over your body, including neck and face.

2. Eye cream – apply under the eyes to reduce puffiness, bags, and wrinkles. Use on the lids in the evening.

3. Preshave – coconut oil will prep skin for the pending damage caused by shaving.

4. Aftershave – coconut oil will help heal your skin after shaving without clogging pores.

5. Deodorant – coconut oil alone can be used as a deodorant, but even more effective in combination with cornstarch/arrowroot powder and baking soda!

6. Hair Conditioner/Deep Treatment - use as a leave in hair conditioner by applying a teaspoon of coconut oil to your ends and then running your fingers through your hair to distribute the rest! For a deeper treatment, rub in a tablespoon of coconut oil onto your dry scalp and gently work through to the ends. Put a shower cap on to prevent transfer onto bed linens and leave on overnight.

7. Hair Gel/Defrizzer – rub a little between your palms and either scrunch into hair (for curly hair) or finger comb in through from scalp to ends (for wavy/straight hair).

8. Toothpaste – there are numerous recipes out there but I just mix coconut oil and baking soda and dab a little of the mix on my toothbrush.

9. Make up remover – use a cotton swab and a dab of coconut oil and you would be amazed at how well it works!

10. Chapstick – just rub a little into lips and it not only acts as a softening agent but it also has an SPF of about 4 so you get a little protection!

11. Massage Oil – pretty simple; grab some and rub!

12. Lubricant – it is an all natural, perfectly safe personal lubricant. Not compatible with latex!

13. Sunscreen – see my post on <http://www.jobdescriptionmommy.com/job-description-mommy/2011/06/sunscreen.html> natural sunscreen for more detailed information.

14. Stretch Mark Cream – coconut oil is great at nourishing damaged skin. It may not be the magic stretch mark cure but it will help.

15. Nipple Cream – works great to nourish cracked, sore, or dry nipples. Apply to a cotton ball and leave on your nipples between feedings.

16. Diaper salve – very comforting on a rashy bum with no harsh chemicals. Also safe for cloth diapers.

17. Cradle cap – having issues with dry skin on your baby’s scalp? Coconut oil will not only nourish your baby’s skin, it also helps eliminate cradle cap. Just rub a teaspoon onto scalp daily.

18. Body scrub – mix coconut oil and sugar together and rub all over! Rinse off and your skin will be super soft! You can add in essential oils if you would like a specific smell.

19. Healing - when applied on scrapes and cuts, coconut oil forms a thin, chemical layer which protects the wound from outside dust, bacteria and virus. Coconut oil speeds up the healing process of bruises by repairing damaged tissues. Plus, it smells a heck-of-a-lot better than anything from the pharmacy.

20. Bug Bites – when applied directly to a bug bite, coconut oil can stop the itching and burning sensation as well as hasten the healing process.

21. Skin problems – coconut oil relieves skin problems such as psoriasis, dermatitis, and eczema.

22. Swimmers Ear – mix garlic oil and coconut oil and put a few drops in affected ear for about 10 minutes. Do this 2-3 times a day and it usually works within one or two days.

General Health and Wellness

23. Stress Relief - relieve mental fatigue by applying coconut oil to the head in a circular, massaging motion. The natural aroma of coconuts is extremely soothing thus helping to lower your stress level.

24. Digestion - the saturated fats in coconut oil have anti-bacterial properties that help control, parasites, and fungi that cause indigestion and other digestion related problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. The fat in coconut oil also aids in the absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, making you healthier all around.

25. Fitness - coconut oil has been proven to stimulate your metabolism, improve thyroid function, and escalate energy levels, all of which help decrease your unwanted fat, while increasing muscle.

26. Nose bleeds - coconut oil can prevent nose bleeding that is caused by sensitivity to weather such as extreme hotness and extreme coldness. This condition happens when the nasal passages become dry because of cold or dry air resulting to burns and cracks in the mucus membranes so bleeding happens. To prevent this just put coconut oil in you nostrils. Coat your finger with coconut oil and then lie down and coat your finger inside your nose. Doing this will strengthen and protect the capillaries in the nasal passages. A Vitamin C supplement will also help prevent nose bleeding.

27. For breastfeeding moms, consuming 3 ½ tablespoons of coconut oil daily will enrich your milk supply.

28. Helps with weight loss & controlling cravings.

29. Helps keep blood sugar levels stable and/or helps with cravings in those with diabetes.

Health Problems (that coconut oil is known for aiding, relieving, or even curing when taken internally)

30. Eczema – in addition to taking it internally, many have success applying it externally, some don't

31. Skin problems

32. Toenail fungus

33. Hot flashes

34. Bleeding hemorrhoids (can also be applied externally twice a day)

35. HIV

36. Head lice

37. Improvements in menstruation regarding pain/cramps and heavy blood flow

38. Migraines (with regular use)

39. Mononucleosis

40. Parasites

41. Thrush

42. Relieve gallbladder pain

43. Has helped some people improve symptoms of an underactive thyroid gland, results have shown subsequent thyroid blood tests becoming normal

44. Energy boost

45. Flaky, dry skin

46. May relieve acid reflux and indigestion when taken with each meal

47. Adrenal fatigue

48. Alzheimers

49. H. pylori

50. Candida albicans

51. Asthma, even in children

52. Autism

53. Cholesterol - improves HDL ('good' cholesterol) to LDL ('bad' cholesterol) ratio in people with high cholesterol

54. Chronic fatigue

55. Circulation/feeling cold all the time

56. Stronger immune system

57. Mental Clarity

58. Depression

59. Helps with inflammation in Crohns

Health Problems (that coconut oil is known for aiding, relieving, or even curing when applied topically)

60. Athletes foot

61. Back pain/sore muscles

62. Canker sores

63. Acne

64. Cellulite

65. Herpes (applied topically and taken internally)

66. Genital warts (through topical application over 6 weeks, and coconut oil enemas twice a day depending on the location of the warts)

67. Circumcision healing – although I am personally against circumcision, I have read that coconut oil is a really great healer for this.


68. Use 1 cup to 1 cup ratio when replacing other oils/butter in recipes with coconut oil.

69. Replacement for butter/lard/Crisco/PAM in it’s solid form – greasing pans, pie crusts, etc.

70. Replacement for various oils in liquid form – baking, cooking, sautéing, etc.

71. Nutritional supplement – melt and add to smoothies.

Other Uses

72. Insect repellent – mix coconut oil with peppermint oil extract and rub it all over exposed skin. Keeps insects off better than anything with Deet! Tons safer too.

73. Great for dogs and cats for general wellness. Just add a teaspoon to their water bowl daily.

74. Goo Gone - just mix equal parts coconut oil and baking soda into a paste. Apply to the “sticky” area and let it set for a minute. Then scrub off with an old toothbrush or the scrubby side of a sponge.

75. Chewing Gum in Hair Remover – just rub some coconut oil over the stuck chewing gum, leave in for about 30 minutes, then roll the gum between your fingertip. Voila! It’s out!

76. Polish Furniture - coconut oil with a little bit of lemon juice to polish wood furniture. However, I recommend you test it first on a very small, unobtrusive part of your furniture to make sure it works the way you’d like.

77. Polishing Bronze - all you have to do is rub a little oil into a cotton towel and then wipe down the statue. It cleans and helps deepen the color of your bronze.

78. Seasoning animal hide drums

79. Seasoning cookware

80. Moisturizing and cleaning leather products

Coconut Oil ---- The Champion!

13 Evidence-Based Medicinal Properties of Coconut Oil

While coconut oil has dragged itself out of the muck of vast misrepresentation over the past few years, it still rarely gets the appreciation it truly deserves. Not just a "good" saturated fat, coconut oil is an exceptional healing agent as well, with loads of useful health applications.

10th January 2013, 08:16 AM

11th January 2013, 08:43 AM

13th January 2013, 05:13 PM

15th January 2013, 07:46 AM

19th January 2013, 07:54 AM

Papaya for Uric Acid Problem !!!
Just try it if you've got uric acid after all no harm done.
This is a really effective, just mix green papaya cubes to the ordinary green tea, my cousin-brother tried and found it very effective.
I have also shared with a friend with gout to try this (his "toe joints" started to deform), after a week of drinking this formula there is significant improvement, and after two weeks the toe joints heal and revert to normal state.
It is almost three years now, the joint pain is gone, but he maintains the intake between 1-3 times monthly to avoid relapse.
Other friends suffering from years of gout problem have also recovered.
It is good for all, even those without gout.
Good formula! Do share with the people in need!
An improved sequence by Professor Lai from the China School of Pharmacy :
Cut green papaya into small cubes, place into the water, bring to boil, then add tea leaves, similar to the tea-making process.
Clinical tests show that this brings better effects for treatment of gout, subject to frequent drinking of this formula.
Mr. Liu Qing, Chief of the Rende Town in Tainan, was suffering for years from severe stomach pain around the posterior wall of stomach.
He used green papaya as a tea pot to prepare the family tea daily, after a month, his chronic disease condition was much improved.
His family members with high uric acid were also healed by the same papaya tea.
For this Mr. Liu planted a lot of papaya to share with relatives and friends with similar sickness.
According to Mr. Liu, in selecting the green papaya as tea pot, pick those the shape of which is fat and short, with larger capacity.
Cut off the top part of the papaya, clear away the seeds, open a small hole at the upper side wall to facilitate pouring of tea.
Create a small ventilation hole at top cover, put in the tea leaves, pour in boiling water, place the top cover back onto the papaya, you may also use the toothpicks to secure the top cover.
Similar to normal process of preparing tea.
Liu like to use Oolong tea as the taste is good.
He was pleasantly surprised that the stomach pains he suffered for many years was healed after a month of drinking tea from the green papaya pot, without taking any other medication.
He passed some green papaya leaves to a friend who worked at a Medical Center to test and analyse the content.
The tests confirmed that the healthy enzyme present in papaya is beneficial to human health.
Now as papaya in Mr. Liu's orchard is yielding suitable size fruits, he would share the fruits with family and friends.
Xu Fuchang, an experienced papaya farmer, said green papaya means to unripe papaya, where the skin is still green in colour.
Generally, the papaya takes about four months to fully mature and ripen, but the healing effect would be lost after it is fully ripe.
Green papaya should be harvested when the papaya is approximately three months old, when the fruit is still firm, and the "papaya milk" contains high papaya enzyme and other healthy ingredients.
Not only the green papaya can be used in tea drinking, you may also cut them into cubes, and boil with the ribs, or even slicing the green papaya into fine long pieces and fried with garlic, very tasty, and no adverse effects on the human body.

19th January 2013, 09:32 AM
Meet the pitaya, this cactus fruit packs a powerful health punch

21st January 2013, 07:35 AM

22nd January 2013, 06:52 AM

23rd January 2013, 08:32 AM

26th January 2013, 08:23 AM

1. Don’t smoke —- Experiments from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher)

2. Don’t eat fruits immediately — Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Thre fore take fruits 1 -2 hours after meal or 1 hour before meal.

3. Don’t drink tea—— Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the protein content in the food we consume to be hundred thus difficult to digest.

4. Don’t loosen your belt———- Loosening the belt after meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted and blocked.

5. Don’t bathe———- ——- Bathing after meal will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs and body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease, this will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.

6. Don’t walk about———- — People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.

7. Don’t sleep immediately—- ——– The food we intake will not be to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric and infection in our intestine.

30th January 2013, 07:15 AM

30th January 2013, 07:16 AM

Control Blood Pressure and Reduce The Risk Of Heart Attack~

There are five types of foods that should be avoided.

1. Processed salt (sodium chloride)

2. Some foods that we purchase in readily made condition are processed and treated in laboratory with hydrogenated oil.

3. Avoid fatty food

4. Toxic substances and chemicals are mostly contained in red meat which causes high blood pressure and hence red meat should be avoided.

5. Sugar is the important factor that causes obesity and obesity in turn causes high blood pressure. Hence, it should be avoided.

~dr.sharib azmi

31st January 2013, 06:50 AM

For Your Heart Vein Opening

Are You Suffering from Heart Diseases?
Or have you been advised to undergo Angiography or Bypass?

Please Wait...

Before you undergo Angiography or Bypass treatment, you must try with confidence this remedy. you will be cured.

The day before someone suffered acute pain at the place of his heart and thereafter, experienced uncomforting which continued for quite some time. He then met VAID SAHAB (Dr in Auyerveda) and disclosed to him, that when the doctors performed Angiography on him, they advised Bypass as they discovered 3 of my arteries were blocked and given a date to operate after a month.

During this period, that VAID (Dr in Auyerveda) prescribed the remedy below which he consumed exactly for a month. A day before his bypass operation, he arrived at the Cardiology Hospital in Mumbai and deposited Rs. 225,000 towards expenses for his Bypass surgery. After taking a close look at these results and his previous results, the Doctors then asked him if he took any medication after the previous tests were carried out.


Ingredients For Making Heart Vein Opening Drink Ingredients:

1 cup Lemon juice
1 cup Ginger juice
1 cup Garlic juice
1 cup Apple cider vinegar

Mix all above and simmer in low heat for about 60 minutes or till solution reduces to 3 cups.Remove solution to cool, then mix 3 cups of natural honey and store it in a jar.
Drink one tablespoon daily before breakfast. Your vein’s blockage will open in most cases.

Enjoy your drink. Taste good too.



5th February 2013, 07:33 AM

5th February 2013, 07:41 AM

8th February 2013, 08:41 AM

8th February 2013, 08:41 AM

8th February 2013, 08:44 AM

11th February 2013, 08:31 PM

11th February 2013, 08:36 PM

11th February 2013, 08:39 PM

12th February 2013, 09:15 AM

Virgin Coconut oil has many medicinal values. If you have stomach ulcer, you can heal the ulcer by consuming one spoon of virgin coconut oil everyday. If you have wounds on any part of your body:

Method A
- Combine wheat flour and virgin coconut oil into a paste and
- Apply the paste on the wound.

It will heal and dry the wound.

Method B
Mix coconut oil and slaked lime (sunambu) into a thick paste. This mixture is a very good medicine for healing wounds and it is free from chemicals.

Coconut oil is well known to increase hair growth. You can also use hibiscus flower to replace coconut oil. Tear the flower into small pieces and dry it under the morning sun. Scrub the dried flower on your head and leave it to soak for a few minutes before washing your hair.


a) Grated coconut (from two coconuts)
b) Add a little water and extract the milk. Continue the extraction process three times.
c) Set aside the milk until the milk separates into two portions. Remove the water and
use the milk only.
d) Boil the coconut milk for about 3 to 4 hours. Once the oil starts to break and
accumulate; keep stirring the milk to avoid the milk from sticking to the pot.
e) After 4 hours, the oil will be separated from the milk solution. When this happens,
pour the oil through a sieve to obtain a clear virgin coconut oil.

Virgin coconut oil can be used for cooking and it helps and increase hair growth.

Those who have sinus problems are advised not to use coconut oil as the oil is very heaty and it will aggravate the sinus . Sinus patients are advised to use Gingly Oil (Nalla Ennai).

By consuming virgin coconut oil on its own, it helps:

a) smoothen body function
b) relieve constipation
c) strengthen body veins

Therefore it is good to drink virgin coconut oil one tablespoon a day.

13th February 2013, 08:02 AM

13th February 2013, 08:02 AM

You should always find out the underlying problem before resorting to masking it with painkiller drugs!! The right nutrition can cure a lot of problems, taking drugs can just cover up the problem and doesn't solve it in most cases. Find out why you may have head ache, it could be dehydration for example, try drinking some water and eating some fruit instead of reaching for the ibuprofen

13th February 2013, 08:05 AM

14th February 2013, 06:14 PM

Gout is a disease that is caused by uric acid build-up in the body. Uric acid is formed when the digestive system breaks down purines in our food. A diet low in purines helps by allowing excess uric acid to be flushed out in the urine.

Here are some foods that prevent gout.

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain that is an anti-inflammatory. Research has found that supplementing with bromelain may relieve the pain associated with gout.

Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory that has been found reapeatedly in clinical studies to reduce chronic inflammation. One study in mice found that a compound in ginger may help to reduce the inflammation associated with uric acid buildup.

Turmeric has long been recognized as an anti-inflammatory by many cultures and has been proven in several studies. Some experts recommend a daily dose of turmeric to reduce the inflammation associated with gout.

4.Cherry Juice
Cherry juice has been used to alleiviate gout symptoms for decades. Small studies in Italy and the United States have reported sucess with cherry juice as a gout treatment, though scientists are not certain what mechanism is active in producing this result. Cherry juice does not appear to lower uric acid levels directly but research suggests that its antiinflammatory properties may play a role in reducing gout attack occurrence from 3-4 times per year to about once a year.

5.Hot Peppers
Hot peppers are rich in vitamin C which has been shown to reduce uric acid levels.

Watercress contains moderate levels of vitamins and minerals and is reputed to be very beneficial to the kidneys. It may help to rid the body of excess uric acid.

Studies have found that the higher a person's vitamin C intake, the lower the incidence of gout. Try adding lemon to your water every day to alleviate gout symptoms.

15th February 2013, 06:54 AM

17th February 2013, 07:24 PM

19th February 2013, 07:18 AM

19th February 2013, 09:24 AM

The coconut tree, as we all know it, is one of the most useful natural resources known to mankind.

Cut the flower into small pieces, pound, add water and extract the juice from the flower. This juice is rich in “Thuvarpu sakti” and Vitamin K.

This juice is very good to be consumed by middle-aged ladies (40 to 50 years old) who experience heavy blood flow during their menstrual period. Whenever you have this problem, threat this juice as a medicine and consume one ounce of it, three times a day.

Fresh unfermented toddy (kallu) is obtained from the flower stem. It is good to drink fresh Kallu as it helps to lower body heat.

When the flower transforms into nut-sized coconuts, pound it and bring it to a boil.
Consume the boiled water. Those who are anaemic can treat this as a medicine as it is rich in iron.

Avoid giving processed packet foods as snacks. Cut the flesh of a coconut into small pieces and serve to your children as a snack. Do not over eat as it can cause worms in the stomach. However do not to worry as it is easy to remove stomach worms as there are many types of herbal medicines available. Stomach worms can also be removed by drinking butter milk (mooru).

Coconut Husk

Ancient Tamil tradition has been using coconut husks with red soil to remove dirt from the body while bathing. Instead of using ready made kitchen scrubs and wires, you can also make use of coconut husks as a scrub to wash pots, pans and cooking utensils.

20th February 2013, 07:07 AM

20th February 2013, 07:08 AM

20th February 2013, 07:09 AM

20th February 2013, 07:09 AM

20th February 2013, 07:16 AM

20th February 2013, 07:16 AM

20th February 2013, 07:40 PM

Natural Therapy For Headaches!
In about 5 mins, your headache will go.......

The nose has a left and a right side.
We use both to inhale and exhale.
Actually they are different.
You'll be able to feel the difference.

The right side represents the sun.
The left side represents the moon.

During a headache, try to close your right nose
and use your left nose to breathe.
In about 5 mins, your headache will go.

If you feel tired, just reverse, close your left nose
and breathe through your right nose.
After a while, you will feel your mind is refreshed.

Right side belongs to 'hot', so it gets heated up easily.
Left side belongs to 'cold'.

Most females breathe with their left noses,
so they get "cooled off" faster.
Most of the guys breathe with their right noses,
they get worked up.

Do you notice, the moment you awake, which side breathes better?
Left or right ?
If left is better, you will feel tired.
So, close your left nose and use your right nose for breathing..
You will feel refreshed quickly.

Do you suffer from continual headaches?
Try out this breathing therapy.

Close your right nose and breathe through your left nose.
Your headaches will be gone.
Continued the exercise for one month.

Why not give it a try.....a natural therapy without medication. — with Myra Agam

21st February 2013, 08:07 AM

21st February 2013, 08:07 AM

21st February 2013, 07:13 PM

22nd February 2013, 08:20 AM

25th February 2013, 06:48 AM

25th February 2013, 06:51 AM

25th February 2013, 06:56 AM
http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/v/566283_4867105831409_109043349_n.jpg?oh=7eab80d74e 2c2fcbf1c975597cb3c022&oe=512D365E&__gda__=1361949431_91af6c67ecaf919473f3dc156746dae 6


Let's say it's 6.15pm and you're going home (alone of course),
...after an unusually hard day on the job. You're really tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to drag out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles (8kms) from the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that far. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself..!!


Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.
However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously.A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.

A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating.
The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital.

26th February 2013, 07:24 AM

26th February 2013, 07:36 AM

26th February 2013, 07:51 AM

When using dried ginger, make sure you remove the skin as it has slaked lime applied on it. (Sunambu). Pound the dried ginger into powder form and store it in a container. Whenever you are cooking, add a spoonful of ginger powder as it will give a good aroma to the dish.

Dried ginger is mainly used for preparing herbal medicine. Ginger is a root vegetable and minerals available in the soil are absorbed by the ginger during its growing stage.
It is rich in phosphorus, calcium, zinc, magnesium and other minerals.

Pound dried ginger and bring the mixture to a boil. By consuming the boiled ginger water, it will help increase digestion. Dried ginger can also be used to make cordial drink. Pound the dried ginger and add rock sugar or brown sugar and water. Boil it until the water solution forms into a thick syrup. Bottle it and when needed, mix the ginger syrup with water and serve to your children. This drink will help ease throat irritation and also gives heat to the body.

Pound dried ginger, add water and bring it to a boil. When you have sinus headaches or a heavy head, soak a small white cotton cloth in the boiled ginger water and place the wet cloth on your forehead. Repeat this a few times and dry your head with smoked incense powder (sambrani). The excess water in the head will be removed and this method will help ease the condition.

26th February 2013, 08:28 AM

26th February 2013, 09:42 AM

27th February 2013, 07:03 PM
5 things you may not know about olive oil (http://www.cnn.com/2013/02/26/health/five-things-olive-oil/index.html?hpt=he_c2)

1st March 2013, 06:40 AM

1st March 2013, 06:44 AM

4th March 2013, 07:36 AM
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rV_qhKovLEY/TxA1A7oCcuI/AAAAAAAACwI/QwSeaoWV75M/s1600/12%2BHealthy%2BTips%2Bto%2Bsuppress%2Bcravings%2Ba nd%2Beat%2Bless.jpg

4th March 2013, 07:37 AM

4th March 2013, 07:38 AM

4th March 2013, 07:42 AM

4th March 2013, 09:14 AM

5th March 2013, 09:44 AM

5th March 2013, 09:46 AM

5th March 2013, 09:55 AM

5th March 2013, 05:26 PM

Banana root, its core trunk, flower and fruit can be treated as medicine.

Bananas have loads of nutritional value and are rich in potassium, vitamins A and D. Banana also helps to restore bowel actions and cures constipation.

You can feed bananas to toddlers who are 8 months and above. Cut the bananas into small pieces, boil the bananas with water and serve. Bananas have to be boiled before given to toddlers as it can cause side effects.


• Cut “rastali” or any bananas into small round pieces and place it in a bottle.
• Pour castor oil until it covers the bananas, add palm sugar.
• Mix the banana with the oil and palm sugar.
• Soak it for at least 2 days and serve your child 1 piece of cut banana and 1 teaspoon of castor oil

TIP: Do not overeat. All types of food have to be eaten moderately. Instead of living to eat, we should eat to live and stay healthy. Therefore eat moderately.

5th March 2013, 07:12 PM

6th March 2013, 10:13 AM

kaveri kannan
6th March 2013, 12:44 PM
அமைதியாய் ஒரு அரும்பணி..

பாராட்டுகள் வேலரே..

7th March 2013, 08:08 AM
பாராட்டுகள் வேலரே..:ty: :bow:

7th March 2013, 08:08 AM

7th March 2013, 08:10 AM

7th March 2013, 09:06 AM
You know antibiotics.... but have you heard of probiotics?


7th March 2013, 09:19 AM

8th March 2013, 07:04 AM

8th March 2013, 07:28 AM

8th March 2013, 08:21 AM

8th March 2013, 09:45 AM

9th March 2013, 09:43 AM

kaveri kannan
9th March 2013, 02:02 PM
தொடரும் நற்பணிக்குப் பாராட்டுகள் வேலரே!

ப்ரோபயாடிக், ப்ரிபயாடிக் நன்மைகளுடன், அநாவசிய ஆன்டிபயாடிக் பயன்படுத்தலால் வரும் தீமைகளையும் கட்டுப்படுத்தவேண்டும்.
80% ஆன்டிபயாடிக் பயனாளிகள் - மனிதரல்லர். ( கறிமாமிசம் தேற்ற ஆடு, மாடு, பன்றி, கோழிகள்..)

குடல் என்பது தோட்டம். அங்கு வாழும் நுண்ணுயிரிகளுக்கு அதுதான் பெயர் - நுண்தாவரங்கள் Microflora!
நம் உடல் என்பது 100 ட்ரில்லியன் செல்களால் கட்டப்பட்ட வீடு..
உள் குடல் என்பது வெளிஉலகத் தொடர்புள்ள நடுவெளி..
கடலில் இருந்த வந்த வம்சாவளி நினைவாய் நீர் நிறைந்த இருள்வெளி..
அந்த நீர்த்தோட்டத்தில் வாழ்வோர் எண்ணிக்கை 1000 ட்ரில்லியன்..

நமக்குள் gut microbiome- ஆ?

gut microbiome-ஐச் சுற்றி நாமா?

அந்தத் தோட்டத்துச் செடிகளில் ரோஜாவும் உண்டு.. முட்புதரும் உண்டு..
எது அதிகமாய் இருந்தால் வீட்டுக்கு நலம் ?

நல்லவை பெருக்க நம் ஜீன்களும், உணவும்..

ஆன்டிபயாடிக் எடுத்துக்கொள்வது, நம் குடல் தோட்டத்தில் வீசப்படும் வெடிகுண்டு! நல்லவை, கெட்டவை இரண்டும் அழியலாம்.
நல்லவை மீண்டு முளைத்துத் தழைக்க நாளாகலாம்.. ( அதுவரை பேதியும் ஆகலாம் - Antibiotic associated diarrhoea...)

பாட்டி தரும் மோரில் பாசம் மட்டும் இல்லை மக்கா...

9th March 2013, 05:06 PM

kaveri kannan
9th March 2013, 09:23 PM
இந்தியன் படத்தில் செந்தில் மனிஷாவிடம் நச்சுன்னு தலையில் இறங்கும்படி சொல்லச் சொல்வார்.

அதுபோல் நச் என ஒரு படச்செய்தி.. சபாஷ் வேலரே!

அது கெடும் என்றால் உனக்கு நல்லது
அது கெடாது என்றால் உனக்குக் கெட்டது..

பூமிக்கு மேலே விளையும் காய் Vs பூமிக்கு அடியில் விளையும் கிழங்கு
Glycemic Index, Diabetic diet -க்கும் இப்படி ஒரு நச் உபதேசம் உண்டு!

19th March 2013, 08:03 PM

20th March 2013, 06:52 AM

20th March 2013, 07:22 AM

Roses which are grown at home are best to consume and it has more medicinal values compared to roses which are cultivated in the farms. This is because specially cultivated flowers are grown with the help of chemicals.

Soak rose petals in honey and add palm sugar, blend it into a thick paste or “legiyam”.

According to Siddha medicine, by eating 1 tablespoon of rose paste or legiyam every day, it will help strengthen the heart.

Rose petals are rich in nutrients and minerals. Rose petals can be used as garnish when preparing fruit or vegetable salad. In aromatherapy, rose petals are soaked in water and used for bathing.


20th March 2013, 10:04 AM

21st March 2013, 07:09 AM

21st March 2013, 08:02 AM

21st March 2013, 10:09 AM

22nd March 2013, 06:50 AM

22nd March 2013, 08:10 AM

25th March 2013, 06:48 AM

25th March 2013, 07:12 AM

25th March 2013, 07:40 AM

26th March 2013, 06:23 AM

26th March 2013, 07:01 AM

26th March 2013, 09:47 AM

30 Most Popular Herbs for Natural Medicine ~

Aloe Vera – Antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral, wound and burn healer, natural laxative, soothes stomach, helps skin disorders.

Basil – Powerful antispasmodic, antiviral, anti-infectious, antibacterial, soothes stomach.

Black Cohosh – Relieves menopausal hot flashes, relieves menstrual cramps, helps circulatory and cardiovascular disorders, lowers blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, useful for nervousness and stress. Note: Do not use during pregnancy.

Black Walnut – Good for eliminating parasites, good for fungal infections, good for warts and poison ivy, aids digestion.

Cinnamon – It has been proven that 99.9% of viruses and bacteria can not live in the presence of cinnamon. So it makes a great antibacterial and antiviral weapon.

Cayenne- Catalyst for other herbs, useful for arthritis and rheumatism (topically and internally), good for colds, flu viruses, sinus infection and sore throat, useful for headache and fever, aids organs (kidneys, heart, lungs, pancreas, spleen and stomach, increase thermogenesis for weight loss.

Clove Bud – Improves the immune system, they are also an antioxidant and doubles as an antibacterial and antimicrobial fighter.

Cypress – The therapeutic properties of cypress oil are astringent, antiseptic, antispasmodic, deodorant, diuretic, haemostatic, hepatic, styptic, sudorific, vasoconstrictor, respiratory tonic and sedative.

Dandelion – Helpful for PMS, good for menopause, increases ovarian hormones.

Echinacea (coneflower) – Boosts white blood cell production, immune system support, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, good for colds, flu and infection. Note: Use no more than two weeks at a time. Do not use if you are allergic to sunflowers or related species.

Eucalyptus – Anti-infectious, antibacterial and antiviral.

Garlic – Helps fight infection, detoxifies the body, enhances immunity, lowers blood fats, assists yeast infections, helps asthma, cancer, sinusitis, circulatory problems and heart conditions.

German Chamomile – Helps stress, anxiety and insomnia, good for indigestion, useful for colitis and most digestive problems, effective blood cleanser and helps increase liver function and supports the pancreas. Improves bile flow from the liver, it is good for healing of the skin that might come from a blistering chemical agent.

Geranium – Dilates bile ducts for liver detoxification,antispasmodic, stops bleeding, anti-infectious, antibacterial.

Ginger – Helps nausea, motion sickness and vomiting, useful for circulatory problems, good for indigestion, and is also an effective antioxidant.

Lavender – Assists with burns, antiseptic, used as a stress reliever, good for depression, aids skin health and beauty.

Lemon – Is known for its antiseptic properties, Essential Science Publishing says that: According to Jean Valnet, M.D. the vaporized essence of lemon can kill meningococcal bacteria in 15 minutes, typhoid bacilli in one hour, Staphylococcus aureus in two hours and Pneumococcus bacteria within three hours. Lemon also improves micro-circulation, promotes white blood cell formation, and improves immune function.

Marjoram – Anti-infectious, antibacterial, dilates blood vessels, regulates blood pressure, soothes muscles.

Marshmallow – Aids bladder infections, diuretic (helps fluid retention), helps kidney problems, soothes coughs, sore throats, indigestion, and as a topical agent it is said to be anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and wound-healing.

Melissa – Assists in issues with the nervous system, blisters, and has antimicrobial properties.

Mullein – Can be used as a laxative, good for asthma and bronchitis, useful for difficulty breathing, helps hay fever.

Myrrh – Anti-infectious, antiviral, soothes skin conditions and supports immune system. Also an antispasmodic that helps to reduce spasming due to spasms caused by nerve agents.

Oregano – is a powerful antibiotic and has been proven to be more effective in neutralizing germs than some chemical antibiotics. It has been effective against germs like Staphylococcus aureas, Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterocolitica and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Pine – Antidiabetic, cortisone-like, severe infections, hypertensive

Rosemary – Antiseptic, Antibacterial, Cleansing and detoxes the body. Supports the liver and combats cirrhosis.

Rosewood – Anti-infectious, antibacterial, and antiviral.

Sage – Used in anxiety, nervous disorders, as astringent, in abdominal disorders, anti inflammatory.

Spearmint – To calm the Nervous System, aide with Nerve Agents.

Tea Tree – Disinfectant, antibacterial, anti-fungal, burns, good for all skin conditions.

Thyme – Effective against Anthrax and Tuberculosis.

27th March 2013, 06:58 PM

27th March 2013, 07:25 PM

27th March 2013, 07:26 PM

28th March 2013, 08:25 AM

28th March 2013, 09:17 AM

The main causes of liver damage are~
1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are main cause.
2. Not urinating in the morning.
3. Too much eating.
4. Skipping breakfast.
5. Consuming too much medication.
6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener.
7.consuming alcohol.
8. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.
9. Consuming raw (overly done) foods also add to the burden of liver. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store. We should prevent this without necessarily spending more. We just have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important for our bodies to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to'schedule.'

28th March 2013, 05:56 PM

28th March 2013, 05:56 PM

28th March 2013, 05:56 PM

29th March 2013, 06:59 AM

29th March 2013, 08:08 AM

29th March 2013, 10:46 PM

1st April 2013, 07:41 AM

1st April 2013, 07:54 AM

1st April 2013, 08:56 AM

1st April 2013, 09:29 AM

2nd April 2013, 06:44 AM

♥ 12 symptoms of kidney disease you shouldn’t ignore ♥

Most people are not aware of the fact that kidney diseases can be silent killers. They may not show any symptoms for a long time till the situation becomes critical. It is important to recognize the symptoms of kidney diseases to catch them early. Here is a list of twelve such symptoms you should look out for:

♥ Changes in your urinary function ♥ : The first symptom of kidney disease is changes the amount, frequency of your urination. There may be an increase or decrease in amount and/or its frequency, especially at night. It may also look more dark colored. You may feel the urge to urinate but are unable to do so when you get to the restroom.

♥ Difficulty or pain during voiding ♥ : Sometimes you have difficulty or feel pressure or pain while voiding. Urinary tract infections may cause symptoms such as pain or burning during urination. When these infections spread to the kidneys they may cause fever and pain in your back.

♥ Blood in the urine ♥ : This is a symptom of kidney disease which is a definite cause for concern. There may be other reasons, but it is advisable to visit your doctor in case you notice it.

♥ Swelling ♥ : Kidneys remove wastes and extra fluid from the body. When they are unable to do so, this extra fluid will build up causing swelling in your hands, feet, ankles and/or your face.

♥ Extreme fatigue and generalised weakness ♥ : Your kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin which helps make red blood cells that carry oxygen. In kidney disease lower levels of erythropoietin causes decreased red blood cells in your body resulting in anaemia. There is decreased oxygen delivery to cells causing generalized weakness and extreme fatigue.

♥ Dizziness & Inability to concentrate ♥ : Anaemia associated with kidney disease also depletes your brain of oxygen which may cause dizziness, trouble with concentration, etc.

♥ Feeling cold all the time ♥ : If you have kidney disease you may feel cold even when in a warm surrounding due to anemia. Pyelonephritis (kidney infection) may cause fever with chills.

♥ Skin rashes and itching ♥ : Kidney failure causes waste build-up in your blood. This can causes severe itching and skin rashes.

♥ Ammonia breath and metallic taste ♥ : Kidney failure increases level of urea in the blood (uraemia). This urea is broken down to ammonia in the saliva causing urine-like bad breath called ammonia breath. It is also usually associated with an unpleasant metallic taste (dysgeusia) in the mouth.

♥ Nausea and vomiting ♥ : The build-up of waste products in your blood in kidney disease can also cause nausea and vomiting.

♥ Shortness of breath ♥ : Kidney disease causes fluid to build up in the lungs. And also, anemia, a common side-effect of kidney disease, starves your body of oxygen. You may have trouble catching your breath due to these factors.

♥ Pain in the back or sides ♥ : Some cases of kidney disease may cause pain. You may feel a severe cramping pain that spreads from the lower back into the groin if there is a kidney stone in the ureter. Pain may also be related to polycystic kidney disease, an inherited kidney disorder, which causes many fluid-filled cysts in the kidneys. Interstitial cystitis, a chronic inflammation of the bladder wall, causes chronic pain and discomfort.

It is important to identify kidney disease early because in most cases the damage in the kidneys can’t be undone. To reduce your chances of getting severe kidney problems, see your doctor when you observe one or more of the above symptoms. If caught early, kidney disease can be treated very effectively.

Courtesy : Healthindia.com

2nd April 2013, 06:58 AM

2nd April 2013, 07:08 AM

2nd April 2013, 07:51 AM

Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments and how are we going to overcome this?

It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley (MALLI Leaves) KOTHIMIR (DHANIYA) and wash it clean, Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool.

Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination, also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before.

Parsley is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural!

3rd April 2013, 06:47 AM

3rd April 2013, 07:41 AM

Benefits Of Potato

• Potatoes are rich source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, copper, manganese, and dietary fiber.
• Sweet potatoes are reasonably low in calories and comprise no fat. They are rich source of beta-carotene, potassium, and vitamin A.
• Potato is the most efficient food for energy production. The energy produced through potato gets stored as glycogen in muscle and liver; it functions as a readily available energy during prolonged, strenuous exercise. That’s why; it is an important part of players’ diet.
• Potatoes are low in sodium, nearly fat free and easy to digest. They make active part of any diet.
• Potatoes are beneficial in curing stomach ulcers and inflamed conditions of the colon.
• Potatoes are also beneficial in hemorrhoid due to their high fiber content.
• Potatoes might help prevent cancer in glands and organs with epithelial tissue because of their high Vitamin A content.
• Potatoes make nice food for diabetics because they help to control blood sugar levels.
• Potatoes help to improve resistance to heart attack and stroke. The potassium content, available in potatoes, helps in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in the body cells.
• Potatoes also help in normal functioning of heart and keeping a check on blood pressure. — with Joy Anabelle Semilla.

3rd April 2013, 07:55 AM

3rd April 2013, 08:56 AM

3rd April 2013, 09:27 AM

There are different ways in which lemon can be used as a home remedy for pimples. Lime juice can be applied on facial skin as it is or it can be mixed with other substances that are readily available at home. Following are a few methods of using lemon for removing pimples.

• Concentrated lemon extract: Lemon juice can be directly applied on the facial skin to remove pimples. However, you should be careful to apply the juice only on the pimple because the strong bleaching element might make the surrounding skin look whiter than usual if the juice spreads out. It is best to use a cotton swab to apply the concentrated lemon juice on the pimple. You should properly wash and clean your face, possibly with a skin cleanser, before applying the juice.
• Lemon and honey: The oil removing properties and exfoliation of lemon are most effective in combination with some natural moisturizer. Natural honey is a great moisturizer that can soothe the skin which might become too dry due to the application of lemon juice.

• Lemon with rosewater: Just like using the combination of lemon juice with honey, a mixture of lemon juice and rosewater can be just perfect in treating pimples. Rosewater is known for its anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. It is also an excellent skin cleanser.
• Lemon with egg white: Egg white can act as a great skin conditioner and therefore is perfect in combination with lemon juice for treating pimples.

3rd April 2013, 10:31 AM

1. Really do not pick, press or rub your pimples. These actions actually add to the sebum production and rupture the membranes below the actual skin. The infection and sebum will spread underneath your skin and cause more pimples. Also, you risk increasing the prospects of leaving scars on your face.

2. Wash your face 2 times a day utilizing a mild soap. It is usually better yet if you can buy sulfur-based soap especially for acne. If your skin is too oily, use a soap with benzoyl peroxide.

3. Drink more water day-to-day. "Eight glasses of water daily can keep acne away." says Jennifer Thoden, a respected acne expert. The reason is that water can hold waste out of our system that's why it really helps heal and prevent acne flare-ups.

4. Avoid the use of oily products. Avoid products that include hair pomades, intense oil-based facial moisturizers, and oily cleansers.

5. Keep your face clean. You should never rest your chin on your hands or constantly touch your face. Regularly shampoo your hair and keep it off your face, particularly when you fall asleep.

6. Exercise moderately because it facilitates blood circulation and eliminataion of toxins.

4th April 2013, 06:42 AM

Health & Nutrition Benefits Of Eating Onions
• Fresh as well as cooked onions have anti-platelet adhesiveness, which helps in preventing thrombosis.
• Onion has been found to be very good for those suffering from high blood pressure.
• Onion helps reduce inflammation and is therefore, beneficial for those suffering from Neuritis, Vertigo and Bronchitis.
• Onion, being a diuretic, increases the secretion of urine.
• Regular consumption of onions also prevents colon cancer.
• Onions are rich in flavonoids and thus, provide protection against cardiovascular disease.
• Onions are very good for the health of hair, finger and toe nails and even the eyes.
• Onions contain a number of sulfides that help in lowering blood lipids
• Onions have anti-allergy properties, apart from being slightly laxative.
• Onions help drain out mucus from the cavities and loosen phlegm, in turn alleviating the symptoms of sinus.
• Onions help the body in destroying worms and other parasites.
• Researches have revealed that onions prolong longevity.
• Since onions have the property of helping lower blood sugar, they are good for those suffering from diabetes.
• The extracts of onion, being rich in a variety of sulfides, provide some protection against tumor growth.
• In case of bleeding from the nose it is advisable to smell fresh cut onion, as it can be extremely beneficial in stopping the bleeding.
• Those who are suffering from insomnia should eat onions to get a good night sleep.
• The juice of onion can be highly effective in healing ear pain and blurred vision. Put a few drops in your ears or eyes and get immediate positive results.
• Regular consumption of onion with sugar can be beneficial for those kids who want to gain height.
• 3 ounces of onion juice when taken with water early morning every day can prevent fits.
• Onion can help you combats hair loss and baldness. Pour onion juice on your scalp and message.
• Consumption of white onions with curd can be extremely beneficial in relieving acidity.
• It has been found that onion juice or raw onions can be effective in combating TB bacteria in the body. Eating onion with salt can be more effective.
• The mixture of onion juice and ginger juice can be helpful in stopping vomiting.
• Onion can also be beneficial in toothaches and gum-aches. Cut a small piece of onion and keep it near the affected area to get rid of the pain.

4th April 2013, 08:21 AM

1. Yams are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and can help to slow down the aging process and prevent many diseases like cancer. It is also important in promoting the absorption of iron, maintaining healthy skin, and protecting against infections.

2. The tuber is excellent source of B-complex group of vitamins, like pyridoxine (viamin B6), thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin, folic acid, pantothenic acid and niacin. The B6 vitamin is required by the liver, helps our digestive system with processing proteins and fats. High intakes of vitamin B6 have also been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.

3. They also contain folic acid and other B vitamins which help to detoxify excess estrogen and is beneficial with symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

4. Yams contain complex carbohydrates and fiber, which deliver the goods gradually, slowing the rate at which their sugars are released and absorbed into the bloodstream. So they are very much useful for diabetic patients and is recommended as low glycemic index food.

5. In addition, because they are rich in soluble dietary fiber, it provides satiety and so helpful in reducing weight. Moreover we all know that dietary fiber helps to reduce constipation, decrease bad or "LDL" cholesterol levels. They are also roughage provider because of its richness in fiber content. So by making yams a part of our diet, we can ripe plenty of goodness for our intestinal health.

6. One cup of yams (cubed and cooked) has 158 calories with less than 2 calories being from fat. It provides about 21% of the daily value of fiber, 27% of vitamin C, and 26% of potassium.

7. Yams are rich in manganese, an essential factor for the metabolism of carbohydrate and antioxidant defenses. It is also a co-factor in a number of enzymes that are related to the production of energy. Without manganese, we would not be able to process these nutrients in our system, which are so essential to our body health.

8. It is a rich source of essential fatty acids (Omega-3 fatty acids), which are known to increase the good cholesterol (HDL) levels in the blood.

9. Yams are a good source of potassium, a mineral that helps to control blood pressure and can reduce risk of stroke. Potassium also increases muscular strength and helps to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, helps fluid balances, and heartbeat regulation.

10. Copper present in yam is required in the production of red blood cells.

11. Iron present in yam is required for red blood cell formation. Folate helps us to process homo-cysteine, a type of an amino acid in our body. This water-soluble vitamin also helps to control anemic problems.

12. Yams also contain a unique phytoestrogen called diosgenin, a hormonal molecule that is currently being experimented for its potential anticancer effects and for the synthesis of the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

13. Extensive research is also going on Dioscorin, a storage protein contained in yam for its benefit on increased kidney blood flow and reduced blood pressure.

14. Eating cooked yam everyday can help relieve diarrhea in cold weather and nourish lungs and relieve chronic coughing and asthma.

15. Yam congee(type of porridge) nourishes skin and hair in dry weather.

16. Yams are also a recommended dietary ingredient for people with anemia, chronic intestine inflammation, poor appetite and indigestion, although they are not recommended for those with constipation.

17. Yams also aid the process of digestion, by dilating vessels and stimulating bile flow.

18. Wild yam helps to decrease water retention.

19. Mexican wild yam is a very effective antispasmodic and is used in conditions like menstrual cramps, pain, improper circulation, neuralgia, nerve tension and muscle tension.

20. The elephant yam is widely used in the treatment of patients suffering from piles.

21. Yam is considered to be a healthy low-fat food and hence can be consumed without any fear of weight gain.

22. It also act as anticoagulant (prevents blood from clotting).

23. Yam also contains good amount of vitamin-A and beta carotene levels. Vitamin A has many functions like maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin, night vision, growth and protection from lung and oral cavity cancers.

24. Recent research also shows that rich mucoprotein present in yams can promote protein absorption and improve immunity. It can also help prevent hardening of arteries and relieve high blood sugar.

25. Its rich dioscin helps improve cell metabolism and adjust internal secretion, thus helping perfect skin and lengthen one's life.

26. Its decoction is also used to stimulate appetite and to relieve bronchial irritation, cough etc.

4th April 2013, 08:59 AM

Natural Homemade Hair Masks !!
All hair types — Avocado and Honey

Mask a ripened avocado and mix in a tablespoon of organic honey and allow it to sit for 20 minutes before rinsing it off in the shower.

Avocados are rich in a variety of vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin E and protein, both of which your hair needs to remain soft and healthy. Meanwhile, honey is a natural antibacterial agent.

5th April 2013, 07:16 AM

5th April 2013, 08:09 AM

5th April 2013, 08:35 AM

5th April 2013, 08:59 AM

6th April 2013, 08:20 AM

6th April 2013, 08:30 AM

7th April 2013, 05:15 PM

7th April 2013, 05:16 PM

7th April 2013, 05:16 PM

8th April 2013, 07:37 AM

8th April 2013, 07:42 AM

வெயிலைத் தாக்குப் பிடிக்க.....!

வெயிலில் வெளியில் அலைபவர்கள், வாகனம் ஓட்டுபவர்கள் மற்றும் ஒரே இடத்தில் உட்கார்ந்தபடி வேலை செய்பவர்கள் அடிக்கடி மோர் மற்றும் இளநீரை குடிக்க வேண்டும்.

உடல் சூடு குறைவதோடு, உடம்புக்கு புத்துணர்வு கிடைக்கும். கோடை காலத்தில் எண்ணை பதார்த்தங்கள், காரம் முதலானவற்றை தவிர்க்கவும். சுத்தமான குடிநீரையும் அதிகமாக குடிக்கலாம்.

ஒவ்வொரு நாளும் நான்கு முறையாவது நல்ல சோப்பினால் தேய்த்து முகத்தைக் கழுவிக் கொள்வது நல்லது. இதனால் முகத்தில் வியர்வைத் துவாரங்கள் திறக்கப்படுவதோடு, தோலில் படியும் அழுக்குகளும் அகற்றப்படும்.

குறிப்பாக இரவு படுக்கப் போகும் முன்பு, சோப்பு போட்டு முகத்தை கழுவுவது அவசியம். தினமும் இரண்டு வேளை குளிக்கவும்.

வேர்க்குருவைப் போக்க சந்தனத்தை பன்னீரில் குழைத்து, வேர்க்குருக்கள் மீது தடவலாம். நல்ல நிவாரணம் கிட்டும்.

வெயிலின் தாக்கம் தாங்காமல் முகத்தில் கரும்புள்ளிகள் ஏற்படும். குறிப்பாக எண்ணைப் பசையான உடம்பு என்றால் முகத்தில் பருக்கள் ஏற்படுவதும் உண்டு.

கரும்புள்ளிகள் மற்றும் பருக்கள் மறைய பப்பாளிப் பழச்சாறை முகத்தில் தடவவும். எக்காரணம் கொண்டும் பருக்களை கிள்ளக் கூடாது. இதனால் பருக்கள் அதிகமாகும்.

முருங்கைக் கீரை மற்றும் ஏனைய கீரை வகைகளை வாரத்தில் 2 நாட்களாவது உணவில் சேர்த்துக் கொள்வதும் நல்லது.

வியர்வை அதிகமாக சுரப்பதால் தோல் வறட்சியை ஏற்படுத்தும். இதற்கு பழச்சாறு, காய்கறிச்சாறு, சூப் மற்றும் குடிநீரை அடிக்கடி குடிக்கவும்.

இதனால் தோல் வறட்சி தடுக்கப்படும். உடம்புக்கு புத்துணர்ச்சி கிடைப்பதோடு தோலும் பளபளப்பாக மாறும். கோடை காலத்தில் தயிர் சாப்பிடுவதை விட உப்பு சேர்த்து மோராக சாப்பிடுவதும் நல்லது.

8th April 2013, 08:20 AM

தீதும் நன்று பிறர் தர வாரா!

டெக்கான் கிரானிகள் இதழில் ஒரு செய்தி, “ தானிய உணவு இருக்க பாஸ்ட் புட் உணவு எதற்கு?

கலாச்சாரச் சீர்குலைவு பேரலை திணிக்கப்படுகிறது. இதில் ஒன்று இந்த பாஸ்ட் புட் வகைகள். இவை விரைவாகத் தயாரிக்கப்படவோ விநியோகிக்கப்படவோ இல்லை. எளிதில் செரிக்கக் கூடிதும் அல்ல.

கவர்ச்சியான விளம்பரங்கள் மூலம் புதுமை விரும்பிகளைக் கவர்கின்றது இந்த வணிகம், விளக்கைப் பழம் என்று கருதி மடியும் வீட்டில் பூச்சி போல நாகரிகம் என்று கருதி இக்கடைகளை நாடி இளைஞர்கள் உடல் நலத்தைக் கெடுத்துக் கொள்ளும் வாய்ப்பு இருக்கிறது.

பாஸ்ட் புட் கடைகளுக்கு மாறாகத் தான் கம்பு, கேழ்வரகு போன்ற சத்துமிகு தானியங்களை பயன்படுத்தி 30 வகையான உணவு வகைகளைத் தயாரித்து வழங்குகிறார்கள் திருமதி. ஷீறுஃப்ராங்கிஸ் தலைமையில் இயங்கும் பெண்கள் கூட்டமைப்பு பிப்ரவரி நான்காவது வாரம் சென்னை வள்ளுவர் கோட்டத்தில் நடைபெற்ற இளைஞர் ஆரோக்கிய மேளாவில் இந்த உணவுகள் மிகுந்த வரவேற்பைப் பெற்றன. ஐந்து வயதுக்கு உட்பட்ட குழந்தைகளில் 43% விழுக்காடு சத்துணவு பற்றாக் குறையாகி வளர்ச்சி குன்றியும் இரத்த சோகையால் மெலிந்தும் அவதிப்படும் (இதனைத் தேசிய அவமானம் என்று பிரதமர் குறிப்பிட்டார்) நமது நாட்டில் பெண்கள் கூட்டமைப்பின் இப்பணி பாராட்டி வரவேற்கப்பட வேண்டிய ஒன்று.

8th April 2013, 09:54 AM

9th April 2013, 07:23 AM

9th April 2013, 07:35 AM

9th April 2013, 08:02 AM

9th April 2013, 08:14 AM

11th April 2013, 05:35 PM


Pennywort leaves helps to improve one’s memory power. Since the leave resembles the right and left hemisphere of the brains, it is regarded as god creation and gift to human kind to improve the functionality of their brains.


· Blend the leaves and drink the juice. This is a very healthy way and the best method to consume as it is prepared raw You can also boil the leaves and serve it as a soup. This way of cooking may cause nutrition loss.

Pennywort is rich in Vitamin C and the leaves are bitter in taste and very suitable to be made Chutney or “Thuvaiyal.”


¼ thumb size ginger (Make sure the quantity of ginger used is very little as it can change the taste of the dish)

Handful of pennywort leaves

1 clove of garlic

2 small onions

2 dried chillies

Dry fried grated coconut

Make sure you dry fry the grated coconut and grind all the ingredients together to avoid loss of nutritional value from the pennywort leaves.

It is best to serve this dish once a week to your children as the leaves are effective in treating blood disorders. You can also consume 1 cup of pennywort soup once a week.

You can easily obtain pennywort leaves in the wet market or night market. Therefore utilize this vegetable as much as possible as it has numerous health improving components.

11th April 2013, 05:36 PM

There are two types of Indian Spinach, Red Indian Spinach and White Indian Spinach. Red Indian spinach has more nutritional value compared to white Indian spinach.

This vegetable is rich in vitamins A, C and D and good for cooling the eyes. Any vegetable which gives a cooling effect to the eyes are categorized under the type of cooling food.

Those who suffer from frequent constipation are advised to eat Indian spinach as it helps ease bowel movement.

When preparing porridge for children, it is good to add 2 to 3 leaves of Indian spinach into the porridge. The leaves are soft and tender and are required minimum time to cook.

Wash the leaves and cut the leaves into small pieces. Stir fry the leaves with grated coconut. Indian Spinach provides sufficient vitamins and minerals to men and women's reproductive organs.

Lack of vitamins and minerals in women’s egg and men’s sperm is very common today as many of us tend to eat processed foods which contain lots of chemicals.

Indian spinach is very easy to grow and can be grown in any type of soil. You can grow Indian spinach in a pot and have it grown in your kitchen or any suitable place.

It is best to eat this vegetable 2 to 3 times a week. Asthma patients are strictly forbidden to eat Indian spinach. This is because the cooling effect will increase kapa, i.e. more phlegm in the chest area.

For those who are not suffering from asthma should include Indian spinach at least once a week as it is rich in nutritional value and has lots of health benefits.

13th April 2013, 07:01 AM

13th April 2013, 07:02 AM

13th April 2013, 07:02 AM

13th April 2013, 07:04 AM

13th April 2013, 07:06 AM

13th April 2013, 07:07 AM

13th April 2013, 07:21 AM


# Garlic is considered as an antibiotic because of its immense anti-inflammatory properties. Grind a clove of garlic, keep it on the mole, and cover the part with a bandage, which should be removed the next day.

# Daily usage of Vaseline in adequate amounts is a natural mole removal remedy.

# Raw honey and flax seed oil into which flax seeds are added is a good herbal solution. Apply this mixture daily on the affected area until the size grows small and fades off.

# A fresh pineapple should be sliced and applied on the part 4 to 5 times daily for removing the moles quickly and effectively.

# Fig stems are found to be useful and are natural mole removal remedies. Take the extract of this plant and spread it over the moles. Add a small amount of leaves to the mixture to increase its curative properties.

13th April 2013, 07:25 AM

13th April 2013, 07:11 PM

1) Cooking at High Heat - Some oils are unsafe to cook with at high temperatures, coconut oil is a great alternative.

2) On Toast Instead of Butter - Simply use coconut oil instead of butter on your toast.

3) Eat it by the Spoonful - Coconut oil is that delicious and healthful. Enjoy one spoonful each morning.

4) Smoothies - Add one tablespoon of coconut oil into your favorite smoothie recipe and increase your energy with the oil's MCTs. Check out this post for the Top Smoothie Ingredients.

5) Fry Eggs - Lightly coat the bottom of your skillet with coconut oil to create a non-stick surface and delicious eggs.

6) Popping Popcorn - A sweet twist on a classic snack! To make stovetop popcorn, you need a heavy-bottomed pan. First, add the coconut oil and popcorn to the pot. Coat the area of the pot with the oil, and use just enough popcorn to make a single layer over the bottom of the pot. Give the pot a little shake to make sure all of the kernels are coated with oil. Next, place the pot over medium heat. Put the lid on the pot, leaving it slightly open so that steam can escape. It should take about five minutes for the popcorn to pop completely.

7) Popcorn Topping - Instead of butter, melt a little coconut oil and pour it over your popped popcorn. Then sprinkle lightly with Himalayan crystal salt.

8) Oven Baked Sweet Potato Chips - Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Thinly slice sweet potatoes to about 1/8” thick. Place slices on a baking sheet and brush lightly with coconut oil. Bake for about 15 minutes or until chips are lightly brown. Add salt to taste, and serve with salsa or dip. (Or just eat them plain – either way they’re delicious!)

9) Replace Vegetable Oil for Baking - Next time you make your favorite brownie recipe, replace the vegetable oil with coconut oil. Your friends will be begging you for the recipe.

10) Pan Frying - Next time you fry up a batch of sweet potato fries or a piece of chicken, use coconut oil.

11) Grilled Cheese with Coconut Oil - No need for butter the next time you are making a grilled cheese sandwich.

12) Coconut Oil Coffee - Adding a spoonful to your coffee is a delicious way to start your day with a huge energy boost!

13) Homemade Granola - Check out this delicious recipe for coconut granola.

14) A Spoonful in Tea - Allow some coconut oil to melt and mildly flavor your next cup of tea.

15) Salad Dressings - A simple recipe for a salad dressing with coconut oil can be found here.

Skin Care

16) Cheekbone Highlighter - Apply a small amount on cheekbones over makeup.

17) Shaving Lotion - Close shave and a moisturizer at the same time.

18) Facial Scrub - Combine coconut oil with Himalayan crystal salt and apply to face each night. Washing it off is optional.

19) Body Scrub - Combine coconut oil and sugar. Check out this DIY Sugar Scrub recipe.

20) Makeup Remover - Healthier, stronger and longer eye lashes are just a bonus!

21) Homemade Deodorant - You only need a few ingredients in addition to coconut oil to make this simple deodorant recipe.

22) Homemade Lip Balm or Lip Gloss - Apply directly or create a flavored version with this simple lip balm recipe.

23) Diaper Rash Cream - Apply regularly to the baby's bottom to improve skin health.

24) Sexual Lubricant - Our Facebook fans swear by this one :)

25) Stretch Mark Preventer During Pregnancy - This safe, healthy oil can be applied multiple times each day to help moisturize your stretching skin.

26) Nipple Cream During Breastfeeding - Coconut oil is a popular choice for nursing mothers because it is a natural safe product.

27) Massage Oil - Coconut oil is the perfect choice for a massage oil. Not too greasy and with a relaxing scent.

28) Body Moisturizer - Apply directly after showering.

29) Fade Age Spots - Rub on hands or other areas daily.

30) Sunburn Care - A great moisturizer to use after you've gotten a bit too much sun.

31) Facial Moisturizer - After you wash your face, massage a light layer on your skin.

32) Mix in Bath Water - Melt about 1/4 cup in the microwave and add it to your bath water and soak.

33) Tanning Oil - Put in a spray bottle and bring to beach. Spray on to keep skin moisturized.

34) Dry Feet Treatment - Mix with salt to form a foot scrub.

35) Elbow Rub - Helps manage the dry skin on your elbows.

Hair Care

36) Leave-in Overnight Conditioner - Looking for a deep conditioning hair treatment? Rub a small amount of oil into hair (mostly at ends), comb through and put hair in a loose bun before bed, and wash out in the morning.

37) Hair Flyaway Tamer - Use very sparingly on ends or areas with flyaways.

38) Defrizzer of Split Ends - Just put a tiny amount on your hands and run them through the frizzy areas.

39) Static Reducer - Rub your hands together with a little bit of coconut oil on them and run them through your static-y hair.

Other Healthy Uses for Coconut Oil

40) Homemade Toothpaste - Combine equal parts coconut oil and baking soda. Sweeten with stevia and flavor with your favorite essential oil.

41) Aromatherapy - Whether you like coconut or not, the soothing aroma of coconut oil is pleasing to us all and can help us wind down after a long, stressful day. Read The Beginner's Guide to Aromatherapy.

42) Wound Care - Although you may not be ready to give up your Neosporin, coconut oil can even be used as a topical protector for wounds, shielding them with a thin chemical layer from outside contaminants. You can apply a small amount of coconut oil to small scrapes and cuts.

43) Metabolism Booster - 2 tablespoons per day are proven to rev up your metabolism.

44) Thyroid Supporter - Regular coconut oil consumption has been shown to support healthy thyroid function.

45) Energizer - 1 teaspoon can give you a burst of energy instead of turning towards a caffeinated energy drink.

46) Oil Pulling - Swish coconut oil around in your mouth for 10 minutes before brushing.

Using Coconut Oil Around The House

47) Season a Cast Iron Pan - Here is a nice explanation of how to season a cast iron pan with coconut oil.

48) Use it as a lubricant on small motors/electronics - One Facebook fan uses it to keep his juicer's motor in top working condition.

Coconut Oil for Animals

49) Feed it to your Dog or Cat - Coconut oil isn't just healthy for humans. Here is some good info on the benefits for dogs and cats.

50) Put It On Your Cat's Paw - Put half a teaspoon on your kitty's paw to keep a shiny coat and cut down on hairballs.


15th April 2013, 06:43 AM

15th April 2013, 06:58 AM

வாழைப்பூவின் சிறந்த மருத்துவ குணங்கள்!

பூக்கள் என்றால் வாசனைக்கு மட்டும் தான் என நினைக்கத்தோன்றும். ஆனால் அதில் மருத்துவப் பயன்கள் நிறைந்திருப்பதை யாரும் முழுமையாக அறிந்திருக்க மாட்டோம். பூக்களின் மருத்துவக் குணங்களைக் கொண்டு பல நோய்களைக் குணப்படுத்தியுள்ளனர் சித்தர்கள். தற்போது மலர் மருத்துவமாகவே மேல் நாடுகளில் சிகிச்சை செய்து வருகின்றனர்.

பூக்களில் நாம் பலவற்றை அறந்திருப்போம். அவற்றில் வாழைப்பூவைப் பற்றி அறியாதவர்கள் இருக்க முடியாது. வாழையை இந்தியாவில் வீட்டு மரமாக வளர்க்கின்றனர். வாழைமரத்தில் மொத்தம் 14 வகைகள் உள்ளன.

முன்னோர்கள் பொதுவாக வாழையை பெண் தெய்வமாகவே வணங்கி வந்தனர். இத்தகைய சிறப்பு வாய்ந்த வாழையின் அனைத்துப் பாகங்களுமே மருத்துவப் பயன் கொண்டவை. இதில் வாழைப் பூவின் மருத்துவக் குணங்களை அறிந்து கொள்வோம்.

மருத்துவப் பயன்கள்:

இரத்தத்தைச் சுத்தப்படுத்த:

வாழைப்பூவை வாரம் இருமுறை சமைத்து உண்டு வந்தால் இரத்தத்தில் கலந்துள்ள தேவையற்ற கொழுப்புகளைக் கரைத்து வெளியேற்றும். இதனால் இரத்தத்தின் பசைத்தன்மை குறைந்து, இரத்தம் வேகமாகச் செல்லும்.

மேலும் இரத்த நாளங்களில் ஒட்டியுள்ள கொழுப்புகளைக் கரைத்து இரத்தத்தை சுத்தப்படுத்தும். இதனால் இரத்தமானது அதிகமான ஆக்ஸிஜனை உட் இரப்பதுடன், தேவையான இரும்பு சத்தையும் உட்கிரகிப்பதுடன். இரத்த அழுத்தம், இரத்த சோகை போன்ற நோய்கள் ஏற்படாமல் தடுக்கும்.

சர்க்கரை நோயாளிகளுக்கு:

இரத்தத்தில் கலந்துள்ள அதிகளவு சர்க்கரைப் பொருளைக் கரைத்து வெளியேற்ற வாழைப்பூவின் துவர்ப்புத்தன்மை அதிகம் உதவுகிறது. இதனால் இரத்தத்தில் கலந்துள்ள சர்க்கரையின் அளவு குறைகிறது.

வயிற்றுப்புண் நீங்க:

இன்றைய உணவுமுறை மாறுபாட்டாலும், மன உளைச்சலாலும் வயிற்றில் செரியாமை உண்டாகி அதனால் அபான வாயு சீற்றம் கொண்டு வயிற்றில் புண்களை ஏற்படுத்துகிறது. இந்த புண்களை ஆற்ற வாழைப் பூவை வாரம் இருமுறை உணவில் சேர்த்து வந்தால் வயிற்றுப் புண்கள் ஆறும். செரிமானத்தன்மை அதிகரிக்கும்.


மூலநோயின் பாதிப்பினால் மலத்துடன் இரத்தம் வெளியேறுதல், உள்மூலம், வெளிமூலப் புண்கள் இவற்றுக்கு சிறந்த மருந்தாக வாழைப் பூவைப் பயன்படுத்தலாம். வாழைப்பூ மூலக்கடுப்பு, இரத்த மூலம் போன்றவற்றைக் குணப்படுத்தும்.

மலச்சிக்கலைப் போக்கும் . சீதபேதியையும் கட்டுப்படுத்தும். வாய்ப் புண்ணைப் போக்கி வாய் நாற்றத்தையும் நீக்கும்.


பெண்களுக்கு உண்டாகும் கருப்பைக் கோளாறுகள். மாதவிலக்கு காலங்களில் அதிக இரத்தப்போக்கு, அல்லது இரத்த போக்கின்மை, வெள்ளைப்படுதல் போன்ற நோய்களுக்கு வாழைப்பூவை உணவில் சேர்த்துக்கொண்டு வந்தால் நோய்கள் நீங்கும்.

வாழைப்பூ கஷாயம்

வாழைப்பூ (இரண்டு அல்லது மூன்று இதழ்களை நீக்கி விட்டு பூவை சிறிது சிறிதாக நறுக்கி வைத்துக் கொண்டு) அதனுடன்

இஞ்சி 5 கிராம்

பூண்டு பல் 5

நல்ல மிளகு 1 ஸ்பூன்

சீரகம் 1 ஸ்பூன்

சோம்பு 1 ஸ்பூன்

கொத்தமல்லி விதை 1 ஸ்பூன்

கறிவேப்பிலை 5 இணுக்கு

எடுத்து இடித்து கஷாயம் செய்து காலை, மாலை என இருவேளையும் மாதவிலக்கு தோன்றும் காலத்திற்கு இரண்டு நாட்களுக்கு முன்பும், மாதவிலக்கு காலங்களிலும், மாதவிலக்கு முடிந்து இரண்டு நாட்கள் என மூன்று அல்லது நான்கு மாதங்கள் அருந்தி வந்தால் கருப்பைப்புண், கர்ப்பப்பைக் கட்டி, வெள்ளைபடுதல், மாதவிலக்கு சீரற்ற தன்மை போன்றவை மாறும். இது கை கண்ட மருந்தாகும். அடிவயிறு கனம் குறையும். புண்புரை நீங்கும், சீராக இரத்த ஓட்டம் பெறும். உடல் வலுவடையும்.

பெண்களுக்கு உண்டாகும் சூடு மற்றும் வெள்ளை படுதலை போக்கும். கர்ப்பப்பையை வலுப்படுத்தும் குணமுண்டு. மலட்டுத் தன்மையைப் போக்கும். ஈறு வீக்கம், புண் இவற்றிற்கு சிறந்த மருந்தாகும். வியர்வை நாற்றத்தைப் போக்கி, வியர்வையை நன்கு வெளியேற்றும்.

கை, கால்களில் உண்டாகும் பித்த எரிச்சலைக் குணப்படுத்தும். உடல் எரிச்சலைப் போக்கும். தாதுவை விருத்தி செய்து விந்துவை கெட்டிப்படுத்தும். பருவ வயதினருக்கு உண்டாகும் சொப்ன ஸ்கலிதத்தை மாற்றும்.

நரம்புகளுக்கு வலுவூட்டும். குறிப்பாக மூளை நரம்புகளில் சூட்டைத் தணித்து மூளைக்கு புத்துணர்வைக் கொடுக்கும்.

இத்தகைய சிறப்பு மிகுந்த வாழைப்பூவை நாமும் சமைத்து உண்டு நோயில்லா பெருவாழ்வு வாழ்வோம்.

15th April 2013, 07:25 AM

15th April 2013, 07:30 AM

16th April 2013, 06:20 AM

16th April 2013, 07:04 AM

16th April 2013, 07:54 AM

5 Tips to Maximize Bone and Joint Strength Naturally !!
Here are top five tips to maximize bone and joint strength naturally. Think of it as your bone and joint health regimen.

1. Exercise Appropriately : Low impact weight-bearing, resistance training, yoga stretches and walking are some of the exercises commonly recommended

2. Eat More Calcium-Rich Foods : Low-fat dairy products can be a part of a balanced diet. Greek yogurt, for example, is an excellent choice because it is also rich in protein.

3. Be Sure to Get Plenty of Vitamin D

4. Take Fish Oil : Fish oil has natural anti-inflammatory activity and is beneficial for joint pain.

5. Take A Multi-Nutritional Supplement : Multi-nutritional supplements naturally provide extra support for bones and joints.

Read the full article here : http://adf.ly/Lgrhh

16th April 2013, 08:04 AM

16th April 2013, 08:23 AM

16th April 2013, 10:20 AM

Instead of using hibiscus flower for decoration and during payers, you can also consume it as it has loads of nutrients.

• Separate the petals from 500 red hibiscus flowers. Soak the petals with lime juice until it turns into a thick paste or legiyam. Eat it every day.

• Boil the petals from 100 to 200 red hibiscus flowers in 1 to 2 liters of water. Boil until the water turns red. Remove the petals and set aside until it cools. Add lime juice. Natural food or drinks which are red in colour have high iron content and by drinking this remedy it will help build haemoglobin.

Elderly people who have a weak heart or have recovered from a long and major sickness can treat this remedy as a tonic. Drink this tonic 1 tablespoon a day. You can add sugar if you want to but diabetic patients are strictly forbidden to add sugar.

Hand-grind the hibiscus leaves or blend the leaves with a little water in an electric grinder. When you have oil bath, substitute shampoo with the ground leaves. Apply it on your hair, massage and leave it to soak for a while before bathing. It helps remove dandruff and promotes hair growth.

17th April 2013, 06:46 AM

சுண்டக்காயின் மருத்துவ குணம்..!

கசப்பான விசையங்கள் என்றும் வாழ்கையில் நல்ல விசையமாக இருக்கு ...

சுண்டைக்காய், கசப்புச்சுண்டை, கறிச்சுண்டை என்று கசப்புடனும் கசப்பின்றியும் கிடைக்கின்றது. சுண்டக்காயை வாங்கி மோரில் ஊறவைத்து, வற்றலாகப் போட்டு வறுத்தும், குழம்பில் சேர்த்தும் சாப்பிடலாம். கசப்பு சுண்டைக்காய், கறிச்சுண்டைக்காய் இரண்டுமே வாயுத் தொந்தரவு மற்றும் வயிற்றில் உள்ள கிருமிகளுக்கு நல்ல மருந்து ஒரு குடும்பத்தினருக்கு (5 பேர் அடங்கியது) வருடத்திற்கு 2 லிட்டர் கசப்பு சுண்டைக்காய் உணவுடன் சேர்த்துச் சாப்பிட்டு வர, கிருமித் தொந்தரவு இருக்காது அமிபீயாஸிஸ் போன்ற கிருமிகளையும் சுண்டைக்காய் விரட்டி விடும். நீரிழிவு நோய்க்கு மருந்தாகும் சுண்டைக்காய் கிருமிகளை ஒழிக்கும் சுண்டைக்காய்

நாம் அன்றாடம் உணவில் சேர்க்கும் சுண்டைக்காய் ஏராளமான மருத்துவ குணங்களை கொண்டுள்ளது.இந்த காய் கசப்பு சுவை கொண்டிருந்தாலும் உடலுக்கு ஊட்டச்சத்தாக மாறி உடலை ஆரோக்கியமாகவும், நீண்ட ஆயுளையும் கொடுக்கிறது.

சுண்டைக்காயின் இலைகள், வேர், கனி, முழுத்தாவரமும் மருத்துவ குணம் உடையது. இலைகள் ரத்தக் கசிவினை தடுக்கக் கூடியவை. கனிகள் கல்லீரல் மற்றும் கணையம் தொடர்பான நோய்களுக்கு மருந்தாகின்றன. முழுத்தாவரமும் ஜீரணத் தன்மை கொண்டது.

செயல்திறன் மிக்க வேதிப்பொருட்கள்: இத்தாவரத்தில் உள்ள வைட்டமின்கள், குளுக்கோசைடுகள் போன்ற பல வேதிப்பொருட்கள் பிரித்தெடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன. டார்வோனின் ஏ, டார்வோனின் பி, பேனிகுனோஜெனின், டார்வோஜெனின் போன்றவை காணப்படுகின்றன.

சுண்டைக்காயில் புரதம், கால்சியம், இரும்புச்சத்து அதிகம் நிறைந்துள்ளன. இதனால் உடல் வளர்ச்சியில் முக்கிய பங்கு வகிக்கிறது. இதை வாரம் இருமுறை சமைத்து சாப்பிட்டால் இரத்தம் சுத்தமடையும். உடற்சோர்வு நீங்கும்.இதனை பச்சையாக பறித்து தொக்கு செய்தோ, கூட்டு செய்தோ சாப்பிடலாம்.

சுவாசம் சம்பந்தப்பட்ட நோய்களின் தாக்குதலுக்கு இலக்கானவர்கள் அடிக்கடி சுண்டைக்காயை உணவில் சேர்த்துக் கொள்ள வேண்டும். வயிற்றுக் கிருமிகள் உள்ளவர்கள் வாரம் மூன்று முறை சுண்டைக்காய் சாப்பிட்டு வந்தால் வயிற்றுக் கிருமி, மூலக் கிருமி போன்றவை அகலும். வயிற்றுப்புண் ஆறும். வயிற்றின் உட்புறச் சுவர்கள் பலமடையும்.

சுண்டைக்காயில் காட்டுச் சுண்டை, நாட்டுச் சுண்டை என இருவகை உண்டு. மலைக்காடுகளில் தானாக வளர்ந்து அதிகம் காணப்படுவது மலைச்சுண்டை. இவை பெரும்பாலும் வற்றல் செய்யப் பயன்படுகிறது.

வீட்டுத் தோட்டங்களிலும் கொல்லைப் புறங்களிலும் வளர்க்கப்படும் நாட்டுச் சுண்டைக் காயை பச்சையாக சமைத்து உண்ணலாம். நுண்புழுவால் உண்டான நோய்கள், வலி நோய்கள் இவற்றை போக்கும். மலச்சிக்கலைப் போக்கி அஜீரணக் கோளாறுகளை நீக்கும். வயிற்றுப் புழுக்களை வெளியேற்றும். குடற்புண்களை ஆற்றும்.

சுண்டைக்காயை உலர்த்தி பொடியாக்கி சூரணம் செய்து நீரில் கரைத்து சாப்பிட்டு வந்தால் ஆசனவாய் அரிப்பு நீங்கும். மலக்கிருமிகள் மற்றும் மூலக்கிருமிகள் அகலும். சுண்டைக்காயுடன், மிளகு, கறிவேப்பிலை சேர்த்து கஷாயம் செய்து சிறு குழந்தைகளுக்குக் கொடுத்து வருவது நல்லது.

முற்றின சுண்டைக்காயை நசுக்கி மோரில் போட்டு ஊறவைத்து வெயிலில் காயவைத்து எடுத்து பத்திரப்படுத்திக் கொண்டு தினமும் எண்ணெயில் வறுத்து சாப்பிடலாம் அல்லது வற்றல் குழம்பாக்கி சாப்பிடலாம். இது மார்புச்சளியைப் போக்கும். குடலில் உள்ள அசடுகளை நீக்கும்.

சுண்டை வற்றலை நெய்யில் வறுத்து பொடியாக்கி சோற்றுடன் சேர்த்து பிசைந்து சாப்பிட்டு வந்தால் நீரிழிவு நோயினால் உண்டாகும் கை கால் நடுக்கம், மயக்கம், உடற்சோர்வு, வயிற்றுப் பொருமல் முதலியவை நீங்கும்.

சுண்டைக்காயை இரண்டாக நறுக்கி அதனுடன் பூண்டு, சின்ன வெங்காயம், மிளகு, சீரகம், கறிவேப்பிலை, கொத்தமல்லி இலை சேர்த்து நன்கு கொதிக்க வைத்து சூப் செய்து அருந்தி வந்தால் கபக்கட்டு, ஈளை, இருமல், மூலச்சூடு, மூலக்கடுப்பு, மூலத்தில் ரத்தம் வெளியேறுதல் போன்றவை நீங்கும்.

இரத்தத்தை சுத்தப்படுத்தி சிறுநீரைப் பெருக்கும். உடல் சோர்வை நீக்கும். தலைச்சுற்றல், வாந்தி, மயக்கம் நீங்கும். மேலும் மார்புச்சளி, தொண்டைக்கட்டு போன்றவற்றிற்கு சிறந்த நிவாரணியாகும். ஆஸ்துமா, காசநோயாளிகள் இதனை அருந்திவந்தால் பாதிப்பு குறையும்.

மருத்துவக் குணங்கள்:

பால் சுண்டைக் காயைச் சமைத்து உண்ணக் கபக்கட்டு, ஈளை, காசம், இருமல், மூலச்சூடு, மூலக்கடுப்பு, திமிர்ப்பூச்சி வெளியேறும்.
சுண்டைக் காயை உப்பு கலந்த புளித்த மோரில் 2 முறை ஊறவைத்து காயவைத்து எண்ணெயில் வறுத்து உணவில் இரவில் பயன்படுத்தி வர மார்புச் சளி, இரைப்பிருமல் (ஆஸ்துமா), காச நோய் குணமாகும். வயிற்றுப் போக்கு நின்றுவிடும்.

சுண்டை வற்றல், நெல்லி வற்றல், சுக்கு, வெந்தயம், ஓமம், மாதுளை ஓடு, மாம் பருப்பு, கறிவேம்பு, சீரகம் சம அளவாக எடுத்து வறுத்து இடித்துப் பொடியாக்கி 2 வேளை ஒரு சிட்டிகையளவு 1 டம்ளர் மோரில் கலந்து குடித்து வர பேதி, மூலம், பசியின்மை, மார்புச் சளி குணமாகும்.

சுண்டை வற்றல், கறிவேம்பு, மிளகு, சீரகம், வெந்தயம், சம அளவாக எடுத்து பொன்னிறமாக வறுத்து சிறிது உப்பு சேர்த்து ஒரு சிட்டிகையளவு உணவுடன் 3 வேளை சாப்பிட பசி மந்தம், சுவையின்மை, மலக்குடல் கிருமிகள், மூலம் குணமாகும்.
சுண்டைக்காயைக் காயவைத்து போதுமான அளவு நன்றாகப் புளித்த மோரும், உப்பும் கலந்து காயவைத்து உலர்த்தி எடுத்து உணவுடன் உண்டு வர நீரிழிவு நோய் தணியும்.

சுண்டை வற்றல், கறிவேப்பிலை, மாங்கொட்டை பருப்பு, ஓமம், நெல்லி வற்றல், மாதுளை ஓடு, வெந்தயம் சம அளவாக எடுத்து தனித்தனியே இளவறுப்பாக வறுத்துப் பொடி செய்து 5 கிராம் பொடியை 2 வேளை 1 டம்ளர் மோருடன் கலந்து சாப்பிட தீக்குற்றத்தால் உண்ட சுவையின்மை, வயிற்றுப் புழு, நிலைக் கழிச்சல், சீதக் கட்டு நீங்கும். இதையே மார்பு சளி செரியாக் கழிச்சல், மூலம், நீரிழிவு இவற்றிற்கும் சாப்பிட கட்டுப்படும்.

சுண்டைக் காயை சிற்றாமணக்கு எண்ணெய் விட்டு வறுத்து, உப்பு, மிளகு, சீரகம், கறிவேப்பிலை பொடித்துப் போட்டு உணவுடன் சேர்த்து சாப்பிட்டு வர மூலம், மந்தம், செரியாமை குணமாகும்.
சுண்டைக்காய் வேர்ப் பட்டையை பொடி செய்து தேங்காய்க் குடுக்கையில் வைக்க வேண்டும். இதனை ஒரு சிட்டிகை மூக்கிழுக்க, தலை நோய், நீரேற்றம், மண்டைக் குடைச்சல், ஒற்றைத் தலைவலி, மூக்கில் நீர்ப்பாய்தல் நீங்கும்.

சுண்டை வேர், தும்பை வேர், இலுப்பை பிண்ணாக்கு சம அளவாக எடுத்து இடித்துப் பொடி செய்து முகர இழுப்பு நோய் தணியும்.
சுண்டை வேர் கைப்பிடியளவு எடுத்து அரை லிட்டர் நீரில் போட்டு 200 மில்லியாக வற்றக் காய்ச்சி வடிகட்டி குடிக்க வலிகாய்ச்சல் குணமாகும்.

17th April 2013, 07:26 AM

The Moringa Tree is a nutritionally potent plant and the entire tree can be used for medicine or for food. It is called a miracle tree for these reasons and because it can grow in almost any conditions. The bark can be used to heal cuts, the roots can be made into tea, and the oil from the tree can be used for cooking.

1. Antioxidants - Most of us are aware of the role that antioxidants play in keeping our cells healthy. They also help prevent cancer and slow the aging process. This product contains 46 antioxidants.

2. Amino Acids - Moringa Leaf Powder has 18 amino acids which are the building blocks of protein. Our bodies cannot function properly without protein. We get the essential amino acids needed to make protein from our food.

3. Increased Energy - This product increases energy and adds to your general feeling of well-being and health.

4. Anti-inflammatory - It is very good at reducing inflammation.

5. Regulates cholesterol - It helps keep cholesterol at a healthy level.

more such benefits are here : http://adf.ly/Lf163

17th April 2013, 07:42 AM

17th April 2013, 07:59 AM

1. Create a paste with mehndi and oil and apply.

2. Make a combination of 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice and glycerin and apply on the spots.

3. Apply the paste of turmeric and curry leaves on the face and clean it after 15 minutes.

4. Apply a combination of mehndi and turmeric. For a piece of turmeric, 2-3 leaves of mehndi are used.

5. Crush dried basil leaf, neem and mint. Add several turmeric powder and rose water to create it in a paste form and apply it on the spots.

continue reading for more tips : http://adf.ly/LcWq3

17th April 2013, 09:04 AM

Diabetes Treatment using Natural remedies !!
Diabetes is a chronic nutritional disorder in which the body cannot utilize the glucose completely, resulting in elevated sugar levels in blood and urine. The lack of insulin or no insulin in the body is responsible for this fatal disease. So, it is very important to keep the diabetes in control by regulating the sugar levels.

1, Aloe Gel – A Very Good Blood Sugar Stabilizer for the Diabetics

2, Fenugreek Seeds – A Most Efficient Natural Remedy To Ease the Typical Diabetes Symptoms

3, Chapattis – An Incredibly Useful Routine for Managing the Diabetes

4, Indian Blackberry – Unbelievable Diabetes Remedy By Means Of All the Plant Parts

5, Banaba or Jarul Powder – A Most Potent Herbal Powder to Regulate Blood Sugar

6, Bitter Gourd – A Bitter Veggie Packed With Sweet Benefits

7, Neem, Tulsi and Bel Patra leaves – Incredible Household Herbs with Many Therapeutic Values

How to take them as natural remedies & learn more here : http://adf.ly/LbfRl

17th April 2013, 11:08 AM

18th April 2013, 06:59 AM

18th April 2013, 07:43 AM

Health benefits of Guavas !!
Guava is actually an exotic shrub or even tree of the genus Psidium, along with white-colored flowers as well as delicious sweet fruits that typically have got reddish colored or even pinkish flesh. Its Popular Titles are generally Guava, guyava, kuawa.

1. Lowers cancer risk

2. Lowers risk of diabetes

3. Promotes good eyesight

4. Helps promote fertility

5. Helps regulate blood pressure levels

6. Promotes healthy thyroid gland

7. Relaxes nerves and muscles

8. Keeps brain healthy

9. Maintain healthy skin

10. Consuming guava leaf tea could cause advantageous alterations in your cholesterol levels as well as triglyceride levels.

11. Treats Scurvy

12. Guava leave juice really are a beneficial treatment for tooth ache discomfort, inflamed gums as well as ulcers.

13. Helps in Weight Loss

14. Cures Constipation

15. Treats Cough and Cold

16. Prevents from Diarrhea and Dysentery

Learn them in Details & to know other facts about Guava visit here : http://adf.ly/LUELr

18th April 2013, 08:10 AM

19th April 2013, 07:35 AM

Cabbage is a sturdy, strong and abundant vegetable. Hardy and easy to grow, it is almost universally available in all countries and cultures. Cabbage belongs to the all important family of cruciferous vegetables. The members of this family of vegetables are so named for their cross shaped (crucifer) flower petals. Rich in nutrition and fiber, cabbage is an absolutely phenomenal source of Vitamin C. Even more impressive is that cabbage is famous for a specialized, naturally occurring, nitrogenous compound known as indoles. Current research indicates that indoles can lower the risk of various forms of cancer.

Cabbage is rich in the following nutrients:
Vitamin A: responsible for the protection of your skin and eyes.
Vitamin C: an all important anti-oxidant and helps the mitochondria to burn fat.
Vitamin E: a fat soluble anti-oxidant which plays a role in skin integrity.
Vitamin B: helps maintain integrity of nerve endings and boosts energy metabolism.

19th April 2013, 07:59 AM

19th April 2013, 08:18 AM

Health benefits of Custard Apples !!
1. Beneficial during Pregnancy

2. Good Eyesight

3. Improves Digestion

4. Healthy Heart

5. Treat Arthritis and Rheumatism

6. Fighting Fatigue

7. Helps in healing process

8. Protects Anemia

9. Treats cancer and tumors

21st April 2013, 05:49 PM

21st April 2013, 05:51 PM

22nd April 2013, 07:02 AM

தெரிந்துக் கொள்வோம் - துளசி

அனைவரது வீட்டிலும் அவசியம் இருக்க வேண்டிய ஒரு மூலிகைச்செடி துளசி.

1) இதன் வேறு பெயர்கள்:

துழாய், திவ்யா, பிரியா, துளவம், மாலலங்கல், விஷ்ணுபிரியா, பிருந்தா, கிருஷ்ணதுளசி, ஸ்ரீதுளசி, ராமதுளசி

2) இனங்கள்: நல்துளசி, கருந்துளசி, செந்துளசி, கல்துளசி, முள்துளசி, நாய்துளசி (கஞ்சாங்கோரை, திருத்துழாய்)

3) தாவரப்பெயர்கள்: Ocimum, Sanctum, Linn Lamiaceae, Labiatae (Family)

4) வளரும் தன்மை: வடிகால் வசதியுள்ள குறுமண் மற்றும் செம்மண், வண்டல்மண், களி கலந்த மணற்பாங்கான இருமண், பாட்டு நிலம் தேவை. கற்பூரமணம் பொருந்திய இலைகளையும் கதிராக வளர்ந்த பூங்கொத்துகளையும் உடைய சிறுசெடி. தமிழகமெங்கும் தானே வளர்கின்றது. துளசியின் தாயகம் இந்தியா. அந்தமான் மற்றும் நிக்கோபார் தீவுக்கும் பரவியுள்ளது. துளசியை விதை மற்றும் இளம் தண்டுக் குச்சிகள் மூலம் பயிர் பெருக்கம் செய்யலாம். மண்ணில் கார அமில நிலை 6.5 - 7.5 வரை இருக்கலாம். வெப்பம் 25 டிகிரி முதல் 35 டிரிகி.

5) பயன் தரும் பாகங்கள்: இலை, தண்டு, பூ, வேர் அனைத்துப் பகுதிகளும் மருத்துவ குணம் வாய்ந்தவை.

6) பயன்கள்:- தெய்வீக மூலிகையும், கல்ப மூலிகையும் ஆகும். வீட்டு உபயோகம், மருந்து, வாசமுடைய பூச்சி மருந்துகள், வாசனைப் பொருட்கள். துளசியின் கசாயம் இட்டும், சூரணம் செய்தும் சாப்பிடலாம். இருமல், சளி, ஜலதோசம் மற்றும் தொற்று நீக்கி, கிருமி நாசினி, பல்வேறு வியாதிகளையும், பூச்சிகளையும் கட்டுப்படுத்தும் தடுக்கும் ஆற்றல் படைத்தது. துளசி நம் உடலில் வெப்பத்தை உண்டாக்கி கோழையை அகற்றி உடலின் உள்ளே இருக்கின்ற வெப்பத்தை ஆற்றக்கூடிய தன்மை உடையது.
வியர்வையை அதிகமாகப் பெருக்கக் கூடிய குணமும் இதற்கு உண்டு. இது குழந்தைகளுக்கு ஏற்படும் சளி, இருமல் போக துளசி சாற்றுடன் சிறிது தேன் கலந்து கொடுத்தால் குணமாகும். உடம்பில் ஏற்படுகின்ற கொப்புளங்களுக்கு துளசி இலையை நீர்விட்டு அரைத்து பூசி வந்தால் அவை எளிதில் குணமாகும். சரும நோய்களுக்கு துளசி சாறு ஒரு சிறந்த நிவாரணி.

இலைகளைப் பிட்டவியலாய் அவித்துப் பிழிந்து சாறு 5மி.லி. காலை, மாலை சாப்பிட்டு வர பசியை அதிகரிக்கும். இதயம் கல்லீரல் ஆகியவற்றை பலப்படுத்தும். சளியை அகற்றும், தாய்பாலை மிகுக்கும். இலை கதிர்களுடன் வாட்டி பிழிந்த சாறு காலை மாலை 2 துளி வீதம் காதில் விட்டு வர 10 நாட்களில் காது மந்தம் தீரும். விதைச் சூரணம் 5 அரிசி எடை தாம்பூலத்துடன் கொள்ள தாது கட்டும். மழைக் காலத்தில் துளசி இலையை தேநீர் போலக் காய்ச்சி குடித்து வந்தால் மலேரியா, விஷக்காய்ச்சல் போன்ற நோய்கள் வராது. தொண்டையில் புண் ஏற்பட்டு துன்பப்படுகிறவர்கள் துளசி இலைக் கசாயத்தை குடித்து வந்தால் நல்ல பலன் கிடைக்கும்.

பேன் தொல்லை நீங்க துளசியை இடித்து சாறு எடுத்து அத்துடன் சமஅளவு எலுமிச்சை சாறு கலந்து வாரம் ஒரு முறை தலையில் தேய்த்து ஒரு மணி நேரம் குளித்து வர பேன், பொடுகு தொல்லை நீங்கும்.
துளசி இலையை இடித்துப் பிழிந்த சாற்றுடன் சிறிதளவு கற்பூரம் கலந்து பல் வலியுள்ள இடத்தில் பூசி வர வலி குறையும். வெட்டுக் காயங்களுக்கு துளசி இலைச் சாற்றை பூசி வந்தால் அவை விரைவில் குணமாகும். வீடுகளில் துளசி இலைக் கொத்துக்களை கட்டி வைத்தாலும், வீட்டைச் சுற்று துளசி செடிகளை வளர்த்தாலும் கொசுக்கள் வராது.

துளசி இலை நல்ல நரம்பு உரமாக்கியாகச் செயல்படுவதோடு, ஞாபக சக்தியையும் வளர்க்கிறது. துளசி மணி மாலை அணிவதால் அதிலிருந்து மின் அதிர்வுகள் ஏற்பட்டு நம்மை பல நோய்களிலிருந்து காக்கிறது. எளிமையான கருத்தடைச் சாதனமாகக் கொள்ளவும் ஏற்றது. தினமும் காலையில் வெறும் வயிற்றில் 15 கிராம் அளவு ஆண், பெண் இருவரும் துளசியைச் சாப்பிட்டு வந்தால் ஆறு மாதத்திற்குப் பின் கருத்தரிக்காது.

குணமாகும் வியாதிகள்.

1. உண்ட விஷத்தை முறிக்க.
2. விஷஜுரம்குணமாக.
3. ஜன்னிவாத ஜுரம் குணமாக.
4. வயிற்றுப்போக்குடன் இரத்தம் போவது நிற்க.
5. காது குத்துவலி குணமாக.
6. காது வலி குணமாக.
7. தலைசுற்றுகுணமாக.
8. பிரசவ வலி குறைய.
9. அம்மை அதிகரிக்காதிருக்க.
10. மூத்திரத் துவாரவலி குணமாக.
11. வண்டுகடி குணமாக.
12. வாத நோயுற்றவர்களின் வயிற்று வலி, வயிற்று உப்பிசம் குணமாக.
13. எந்த வியாதியும் உண்டாகமலிருக்க.
14. தோல் சம்பந்தமான நோய் குணமாக.
15. மின்சாரம் தாக்கியவரைக் காப்பாற்ற.
16. அஜீரணம் குணமாக.
17. கெட்டரத்தம் சுத்தமாக.
18. குஷ்ட நோய் குணமாக.
19. குளிர் காச்சல் குணமாக.
20. மூக்கு சம்பந்தமான வியாதிகள் குணமாக.
21. விஷப்பூச்சியின் விஷம் நீங்க.
22. பாம்பு விஷத்தை முறித்து உயிர்பிழைக்க.
23. காக்காய்வலிப்புக் குணமாக.
24 .ஜலதோசம் குணமாக.
25. ஜீரண சக்தி உண்டாக.
26. தாதுவைக் கட்ட.
27. சொப்பன ஸ்கலிதம் குண்மாக.
28. இடிதாங்கியாகப் பயன்பட
29. தேள் கொட்டு குணமாக.
30. சிறுநீர் சம்பந்தமான வியாதி குணமாக.
31. கண்ணில் விழுந்த மண்,தூசியை வெளியேற்ற.
32. வாதரோகம் குணமாக.
33. காச்சலின் போது தாகம் தணிய.
34. பித்தம் குணமாக.
35. குழந்தைகள் வாந்தியை நிறுத்த.
36. குழந்தைகள் வயிற்றுப் போக்கை நிறுத்த.
37. சகல விதமான வாய்வுகளும் குணமாக.
38. மாலைக்கண் குணமாக.
39. எலிக்கடி விஷம் நீங்க.
40. காச்சல் வரும் அறிகுறிதோன்றினால்.
41. இரணத்தில் இரத்தம் ஒழுகினால் நிறுத்த.
42. வாந்தியை நிறுத்த.
43. தனுர்வாதம் கணமாக.
44. வாதவீக்கம் குணமாக.
45. மலேரியாக் காய்ச்சல் குணமாக.
46. வாய்வுப் பிடிப்பு குணமாக.
47. இருமல் குணமாக.
48. இன்புளூயன்சா காய்ச்சல் குண்மாக.
49. காய்ச்சலில் ஏற்படும் வாந்தியை நிறுத்த.
50. இளைப்பு குணமாக.
51. பற்று, படர்தாமரை குணமாக.
52. சிரங்கு குணமாக.
53. கோழை, கபக்கட்டு நீங்க.

22nd April 2013, 07:39 AM

22nd April 2013, 08:17 AM

The top five belly exercises as ranked by the study:
1. The Bicycle Exercise - best for targeting the six pack muscles and the obliques.

2. The Captain's Chair Leg Raise - This exercise requires a captain's chair, a rack with padded arms allowing for the legs to hang free that is commonly found in gyms or health clubs.

3. Exercise Ball Crunch - For this exercise, an exercise ball is necessary. In this routine, the abdomen does more exerting but will still need the entire body to stabilize it throughout the routine.

4. Vertical Leg Crunch - Performing this exercise is similar to doing a leg crunch except that the legs are straight up, forcing the abs to work and adding intensity to the routine.

5. Long Arm Crunch - This is a variant of the traditional floor crunch where the arms are held straight behind you, adding a lever to the move and making for a challenging exercise.

22nd April 2013, 09:10 AM

Here are some simple dark skin home remedies that you can do to lighten the skin tone and get a lighter
complexion. However, they must be done regularly and best results are obtained if they are inculcated as a
part of daily routine.
• Mix 1 table spoon of milk powder, 1 table spoon of honey, 1 table spoon of lemon juice, and ½ table
spoon of almond oil. Apply on face and wash off after 10-15 minutes. This pack helps bring shine to the
skin and also removes tan.
• Mix oatmeal with curd and tomato juice and apply on the face. Keep it on for 20 minutes and then wash
it off with cold water. It helps remove the tan and lightens the skin.
• Place sliced raw potato on the face. It helps reduce blemishes and other marks.
• Applying turmeric powder along with lime juice removes the tan. Lime juice is natural bleach.
• Dried orange peels mixed with curd also help reduce blemishes and scars. Wash off this mixture with
cold water after 15 minutes.
• Soak 4 almonds overnight. Grind into a fine paste using milk. Apply on face and neck and leave it
overnight. Wash with cold water in the morning. Do this daily for 15 days, followed by twice a week.
• A table spoon of gram flour mixed with 2 table spoon of raw milk and 2-3 drops of lime juice works well
for lightening dark skin. Apply this mixture and leave it for 15 minutes before washing off. Repeat for 4
weeks and follow up with once a week.
• Apply a paste of fresh ground mint leaves and leave it for about 20 minutes. Wash with cold water,continue for 15 days.
• Apply a mixture of grated tomato with 2-3 drops of lime juice on the face. Leave it for 20 minutes before
washing off. Do this twice a day for 15-20 days for best results.

23rd April 2013, 06:57 AM

நான் மருத்துவம் படித்த மருத்துவர் அல்ல. எனது அனுபவத்தில் நான் மேற்கொண்ட, பலனைத்தந்த வீட்டுச் சிகிச்சையை எழுதியிருக்கிறேன்.

இன்றைய உணவுப்பழக்கத்தினால், சிறுநீரக கல் பிரச்சினை என்பது பெரும்பாலானவர்களுக்கு சாதாரணமாகிவிட்டது.

இதனால் உண்டாகும் வலியானது, எனது அனுபவத்தில் வேறு எந்த வலியோடும் ஒப்பிடமுடியாதது.

எனக்கு நான்கு வருடங்களுக்கு முன், இடுப்பில் வலி ஏற்பட்ட போது முதலில் வாயு பிரச்சினையாக இருக்கும் என்று நினைத்தேன், ஆனால் வலியின் அளவு
கூடிக்கொண்டே போய் தாங்க முடியாத அளவுக்கு அதிகரித்தது. மருத்துவரிடம் சென்றால் ஸ்கேன் எடுக்க பரிந்துரைத்தார்.

ஸ்கேன் ரிப்போர்ட்டில் எனக்கு, 5mm மற்றும் 9mm-ல் இரண்டு கற்கள் சிறுநீரகத்தில் இருப்பதாகவும், இதை அறுவை சிகிச்சை மூலம்தான் அகற்றமுடியும் என்றும் மருத்துவர் சொன்னார்.

மருத்துவச் செலவாக `30,000/- ஆகுமென்றும் சொன்னார். சரி இந்த அறுவை சிகிச்சை செய்துவிட்டால், இனிமேல் இந்த பிரச்சினை வராதா என்று கேட்டால், அதற்கு உத்திரவாதம் இல்லை, உங்களின் உணவு முறை மற்றும் நீங்கள் தினமும்
அருந்தும் தண்ணீரின் அளவைப் பொறுத்தது என்றார்.

சரி நாளை வருகிறேன் என்று வீடு வந்தேன். இத்தனைக்கும், என் நண்பன் ஒருவனுக்கு இதே பிரச்சினை வந்ததிலிருந்து வாழைத்தண்டு சாரும்,
வாழைத்தண்டு பொறியலும் அடிக்கடி சாப்பிட்டு வந்தேன், இருந்தாலும் எனக்கு தண்ணீர் அருந்தும் பழக்கம் குறைவானதால் வந்துவிட்டது போலும்.

எனவே கூகுளிடம் சரண்டர், ஒரு மணி நேரத்தேடலுக்குப் பிறகு, சிகிச்சை பெற்ற
ஒரு புண்ணியவான் அந்த காய்கறி பெயர்+ திரவத்தின் பெயரை வெளியிட்டிருந்தார்

அந்த காய்கறியின் பெயர் ஃபிரஞ்சு பீன்ஸ்(French beans) , திரவத்தின் பெயர் தண்ணீர் (அட வீட்ல நாம தினமும் குடிப்பது தான்).

( ¼ ) கால் கிலோ ஃபிரஞ்சு பீன்ஸ் ( எல்லா கடைகளிலும் கிடைக்கிறது ) `ரூ10-க்கு வாங்கி, விதை நீக்கி, தண்ணீரில் கொதிக்க வைத்து (குறைந்தது 2
மணிநேரம்), மிக்ஸியில் நன்றாக அரைத்து குடித்து விட்டு, 10 நிமிடம் கழித்து, 2 லிட்டர் நீரை ( ஒரே முறையில் குடிக்க முடியவில்லையென்றால்
சிறிது நேரம் விட்டு விட்டு) குடிக்க வேண்டும், இன்னும் அதிகமாக குடிக்க
முடிந்தால் நலம்.

நான் இதை குடித்தவுடன் (மாலை 5 மனிக்கு) , விடியற்காலை 3 ½ மணிக்கு (அதுவரை அடிக்கடி நீர் அருந்திகொண்டிருந்தேன், வலியில் எங்கே தூங்குவது...) 5 சிறு கற்களாக சிறுநீர் போகும்போது வெளிவந்தது.

கல்லானது சிறுநீரகத்திலிருந்து சிறு பைப் வழியாக சிறுநீர்பைக்கு சென்றடைகிறவரையிலும் வலி கொடுமையானதாக இருக்கும், அதன் பின் சிறுநீர் பையிலிருந்து வெளி வருகிறவரை, சிறுநீர் பாதையை அடைத்துக் கொண்டு, சிறுநீர் வரும்.. ஆனால் வராது... என்ற கதையாகிவிடும்,

பயந்துவிடாமல், நாம் பருகும் நீரின் அளவை அதிகரிக்க வேண்டும், சிறுநீர்பை நிறைந்து சிறுநீர் கழிப்பது கட்டுபடுத்தாத நிலைவரும்,

அப்போது, நாம் அதிக அழுத்ததுடன் சிறுநீர்கழித்தால் , வெளியே வந்துவிடும். கற்கள் ஒரு ஸேப் (SHAPE) இல்லாமல் இருப்பதால், உள்பாதையில் கிழித்து
ரத்தமும் வரலாம், ஒரு நாளில் சரியாகிவிடும்.

மறுநாள் எடுதத ஸ்கேனில் கற்கள் இல்லையென்று ரிப்போர்ட் வந்தது.

அதிலிருந்து வாரம் ஒருமுறை இதை சாப்பிடுகிறேன், எனக்கு கல் பிரச்சினை
போயே போயிந்தி.. இட்ஸ் கான்...

இனிமேல் கல் உருவாகாமல் பார்த்துக்கொள்ளலாம். தினமும் 3 லிட்டர் வரையிலும் தண்ணீர் குடித்து விடுங்கள்.

சிறுநீரக்கல் வலி வந்த பிறகு அது தொடர்பாக நான் இணையதலத்தில் படித்ததில் சில :

துளசி இலை(basil) : இந்த இலையின் சாருடன் , தேன் கலந்து ஆறு நாட்கள் உண்டால், கல் உடந்து விடுமாம்.( கல்வலி வந்த பிறகு ஆறு நட்கள் என்பது மிக அதிகமான காலம், அதனால், இதை நாம் கல்உருவாவதை தடுக்கும் முன்னெச்சரிக்கைக்காக அருந்தலாம்)

ஆப்பிள்(Apple) : அடிக்கடி சாப்பிட்டாலும் கல் உருவாகாதாம்.

திராட்சை ( Grapes) : இதில் உள்ள, நீரும், பொடாசியம் உப்பும், கல் உருவாகுவதை தடுக்குமாம். மேலும் இந்த பழத்தில் உள்ள ஆல்புமின் மற்றும் சோடியம் குளோரைடு கல் பிரச்சினக்கு நல்ல தீர்வாக இருக்குமாம்.

மாதுளம் பழம்(pomegranate ): இந்த பழத்தின் விதையைப் பிழிந்து, ஒரு டேபில் ஸ்பூன் அளவு எடுத்து, அதனுடன் 2 ஸ்பூன் கொள்ளு சாருடன்(
குதிரைக்கு பிடித்தது..!!) சேர்த்து சாப்பிட்டால் , கல் பிரச்சினை தீருமாம்.

அத்திப்பழம்(Figs) : இந்த பழத்தை, நீரில் கொதிக்க வைத்து வடிகட்டி, ஒரு மாதம் தொடர்ந்து, காலையில் காலி வயிற்றில், பருகினால் பலன் தருமாம்.

தண்ணீர்பழம்(water melon ): நீரின் அளவு அதிகம் உள்ள பழம், பொட்டாசியம் உப்பின் அளவும் அதிகமாம், அதிகம் உண்பதால் கல் பிரச்சினை தீருமாம்.

இளநீர் : இளநீர் அதிக அளவு சேர்த்துக் கொல்வதாலும் கல் உருவாவதை தடுக்கலாமாம்.

வாழைத்தண்டு ஜூஸ் : வாழைத்தண்டு ஜூசுக்கு கல் உருவாவதை + கல் உருவானதை உடைக்கும்(diffuse) திரன் உள்ளதாம்.

மேற்சொன்னதை எவ்வளவு உட்கொண்டாலும், குடிக்கும் தண்ணீரின் அளவு (தினமும் 2 லிட்டரிலிருந்து 3 லிட்டர் வரை) குறைந்தால் கல் உருவாவது நிச்சயம் என்கிறார்கள்.

பின் குறிப்பு 1 : கல் ஏற்பட்ட பின் வலியை பொருக்கமுடியாதவர்கள் மருத்துவரிடம் சென்றுவிடுவதே நல்லது.

பின் குறிப்பு 2 : இந்த முறையில் பக்க விளைவுகளுக்கு சாத்தியமே இல்லையென்பதால், தைரியமாக பின்பற்றலாம். இதுவரை கல் பிரச்சினை
வராதவர்களும் பின்பற்றலாம்..!!!!!

23rd April 2013, 07:31 AM

23rd April 2013, 08:13 AM

Garlic, asafoetida and ginger increase the body temperature and loosen the mucus from the lung to give you relief. Asafoetida additionally activates the cilia to sweep mucus out of the airways.

Clove is effective in curing infections caused by the mucus.

Hot, spicy food is really effective in curing running nose.

Add red chilly, pepper, mustard or wasabi and see instant results.

Deficiency of Vitamin C is the chief cause of a common cold.

Add Indian Gooseberry to your diet, it is a rich source of Vitamin C and dissolves mucus from the lung.

Basil and honey are both good at increasing immunity and clearing mucus.

Bishop's weed is very effective in clearing mucus to give relief from dry cough.

Fennel and aniseed are good flavored spices and helps dissolve mucus.

24th April 2013, 04:08 AM
nice tips

24th April 2013, 07:09 AM

If you feel your pressure is going up, drink star fruit juice in the morning with an empty stomach. The juice work wonders as it helps drop the pressure to an almost normal level. It is advisable to eat star fruit at least 2- 3 times a week to stay healthy.

If you can’t find star fruit, substitute it with other types of sour fruit. This is because sour fruits have the properties to control high blood pressure.

Since star fruit is sour, add sugar or honey and salt and serve it as a dipping sauce. You can also substitute tamarind with star fruit to add sourness to your dish. Add star fruit when preparing “Ventaiyam Kuzhambhu”. It gives a good taste to the dish.

24th April 2013, 08:12 AM

24th April 2013, 09:40 AM

25th April 2013, 07:09 AM

25th April 2013, 07:53 AM

25th April 2013, 08:39 AM

26th April 2013, 07:26 AM

Coconut Oil -

In addition to being superior for cooking and baking, coconut oil also makes a superb topical oil that can help to naturally rid the skin of dangerous toxins. It also gives the skin the perfect mix of hydration and antioxidants that it needs to stay healthy, smooth and younger-looking longer.

Another great benefit of coconut oil is in protecting your teeth from the bacteria that can cause cavities and disease. Simply rubbing a little fresh coconut oil on your gums and teeth can keep them stronger and healthier than virtually any other dental treatment.

Most people don't realize that coconut oil can actually help you lose weight! Yes, simply changing your cooking oil from the unsaturated fat variety to coconut oil can help you lose those extra pounds. Here's why: Unsaturated fats found in canola, corn and other vegetables oils, as well as margarine suppress the metabolism, which makes it harder to lose weight -- and easier to gain it. Over time, this metabolism suppression may result in 20-30 pounds of excess weight that your body cannot get rid of. Coconut oil, on the other hand, helps to increase thyroid function and boost your metabolism -- 2 important components to shedding unwanted pounds.

26th April 2013, 07:53 AM

Coconut Cream -

The best skin treatment product one can use to achieve flawless skin may quite possibly be coconut cream. Unlike traditional skin creams which can actually introduce fats and oils to the skin that will break it down over time, making it look older, creams derived from the coconut can actually replenish the skin, giving it a more youthful and healthy glow than most other skin care products on the market.

When it comes to buying coconut products, coconuts are not all created equal. Wild coconuts are always best, but can be hard to obtain if you don't live in a tropical country. Whether you are using this wonder food to boost your immune system; increase your metabolism or fight wrinkles, using products from young coconuts will help you reap the most benefit.

Young coconuts contain the purest unsaturated fat, compared to the fat found in the more mature varieties. This is why they offer the most rejuvenation properties for the body's tissues. But how can you tell how old a coconut is? Young coconuts are usually green in color and oddly shaped. The brown hairy ones are mature coconuts, and while they offer a lot of healthy benefits, they aren't nearly as good for you as younger varieties.

The best place to find young fresh coconuts is, of course, in the markets of the tropics, so be sure to seek them out if you travel to those areas. Coconut-producing regions export coconuts all over the world, however, so it's relatively easy to find coconuts at your local health food store or Asian grocer

26th April 2013, 08:12 AM

28th April 2013, 08:05 AM

29th April 2013, 06:43 AM

Coconut Water - The coconut is a natural water filter. It takes almost 9 months for a coconut to filter every quart of water stored within its shell. This makes the resulting coconut water completely pure and sterile, which is one reason why it can be used for blood transfusions.

Another benefit of coconut water is the fact that it has the highest concentration of electrolytes than anything else found in nature. This makes it an excellent source of hydration.

29th April 2013, 07:35 AM


# Garlic is considered as an antibiotic because of its immense anti-inflammatory properties. Grind a clove of garlic, keep it on the mole, and cover the part with a bandage, which should be removed the next day.

# Daily usage of Vaseline in adequate amounts is a natural mole removal remedy.

# Raw honey and flax seed oil into which flax seeds are added is a good herbal solution. Apply this mixture daily on the affected area until the size grows small and fades off.

# A fresh pineapple should be sliced and applied on the part 4 to 5 times daily for removing the moles quickly and effectively.

# Fig stems are found to be useful and are natural mole removal remedies. Take the extract of this plant and spread it over the moles. Add a small amount of leaves to the mixture to increase its curative properties.

29th April 2013, 09:20 AM

30th April 2013, 06:58 AM

"How to we get rid of blackheads and whiteheads"

Maintaining a clear and beautiful skin, takes time, consistency and effort. Dermatologist may recommend lots of products, but some of them can be expensive and may actually take a long time to work. You can, however, incorporate some home remedies for blackheads and whiteheads into your daily beauty regimen and in a few weeks, you will experience a drastic reduction or even total elimination of the problem.

● Toothpaste – Toothpaste is an effective blackhead and whitehead remover. Apply a thin paste to your infected areas and let it sit on your face for at least 25 minutes. You will probably feel a burning sensation when you apply the toothpaste, but this is normal and will pass. Once you remove the toothpaste, the top of your blackheads and whiteheads will disappear, but you still need to thoroughly wash your face to remove the buildup underneath. Repeat this home remedy every other day for two weeks.

● Tomato – Tomatoes have natural antiseptic properties that dry up whiteheads and blackheads. Peel and mash a small tomato. Apply the tomato pulp to your blackheads and whiteheads before going to bed. Leave the tomato pulp on your face while you sleep and then wash your face in warm water in the morning.

● Lemon -Wash your face in warm water. Then, squeeze the juice of one lemon into a bowl. Add in a pinch of salt and stir the mixture. Apply the mixture to your blackheads and whiteheads. Leave the mixture on for approximately 20 minutes and then wash your face with warm water again.

● Lime – You can also use equal parts of lime juice and cinnamon powder and apply this mixture to blackheads. Leave it on overnight and rinse it off in the morning

● Cornstarch – Mix about a three-to-one cornstarch to vinegar ratio into a paste. Apply it to your problem areas and let sit for 15 to 30 minutes. Remove the paste with warm water and a washcloth.

● Yogurt - Mix three tablespoons of plain yogurt with two tablespoons of oatmeal. Add one teaspoon of olive oil and one tablespoon of lemon juice to the mixture. Stir the mixture thoroughly and apply it to the effective area of the face. Let the mixture sit for five to seven minutes then rinse off with cold water.

● Almond or oatmeal – Mix either oatmeal or almond powder with just enough rose water to make a spreadable paste. Apply it to your problem areas with your fingertips first and then apply it to the rest of your face. Let it set for about 15 minutes and then rinse your face with cold water.

● Rice – Soak rice in milk for 5 hours and then grind this in a blender until it is paste-like in consistency. Use the paste as a scrub on affected areas of the body.

● Potatoes – Grate raw potatoes and then rub the area with the mixture. Wash it off after 15 minutes.

● Fenugreek leaves – Crush some fenugreek leaves and mix with water to form a paste. Put this on the face for 15 minutes and then remove it. Do this every night to keep your face free of blackheads.

● Coriander leaves – Mix some coriander leaves and a little turmeric powder with water and form a paste. Use this as a mask to eliminate blackheads.

● Oatmeal -Grind oatmeal into a powder in a blender and then add some rose water. Use this on affected areas for 15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.

● Baking soda – Prepare a mixture of equal parts of baking soda and water and rub it onto your face or other body areas prone to blackheads. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.

● Honey is also good for removing blackheads. Spread honey on the affected area and remove it after 15 minutes.

Remember – Be gentle to your skin. Never pinch, scrape, poke, press, or squeeze too hard!

30th April 2013, 09:01 AM

2nd May 2013, 06:51 AM


1. Coconut Milk
Applying coconut milk to the scalp is a popular folk remedy for hair growth, particularly in countries where people consume and use a large amount of coconut milk in cooking, such as Thailand and the Philippines. To use coconut milk on the scalp, apply approximately one-half cup to the scalp and wrap your head in a towel. Leave the coconut milk in your hair for about 30 minutes before shampooing your hair with a gentle shampoo to remove the coconut milk.

2. Rosemary Essential Oil
Rosemary essential oil is a common Ayurvedic remedy that is applied to the scalp for hair loss, according to Melanie A. Sachs, author of "Ayurvedic Beauty Care." To use rosemary essential oil, mix three teaspoons with six teaspoons of a carrier oil such as olive oil, vitamin E oil or avocado oil. Apply the mixture to the scalp and cover your hair with a towel. Leave the mixture on for 20 to 25 minutes before washing your hair with a gentle shampoo.

3. Black Pepper and Lime Juice
Black pepper and lime juice is a common folk remedy to help hair grow, and lime juice is regularly used in Ayurvedic medicine according to Melanie A. Sachs, author of "Ayurvedic Beauty Care." To apply black pepper and lime juice to the hair, blend two tablespoons whole black peppercorns with one-quarter cup of freshly squeezed or natural lime juice in a blender or food processor until the ingredients form a smooth, thin paste. Apply the paste to the scalp and wrap a towel around your head for 45 minutes before rinsing the hair with cool water and shampooing with gentle shampoo.

4. Honey
- Make a paste by mixing olive oil, 1 tablespoon of Manuka honey and 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Apply and massage on the scalp and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash off and repeat it for 3-4 times a week.

- Mix one tablespoon honey with one small glass of brandy or vodka and onion juice; rub mixture into the scalp every night, cover with a cap and shampoo in the morning.

- Combine 1/4 cup of onion juice with one tablespoon of raw honey, and then massage the scalp with the mixture every night.

- Massage into the scalp and hair honey with egg yolk. Leave for a 1/2 hour, then wash. This is a common natural cure for dull and dry hair.

5. Wheatgrass juice is one of the most effective remedies against hair fall. It is known to decrease the shedding tendency of hair within a few weeks of regular intake. Aloe vera juice has a similar effect. However, aloe gel can be applied to the scalp too. This is helpful for preventing hair loss due to irritated, dry or infected scalp. After massaging the head with aloe gel, wash the hair with lukewarm water. This can be done twice, every week

2nd May 2013, 07:22 AM

2nd May 2013, 08:42 AM

2nd May 2013, 10:00 AM

7 Tips to Prevent Uric Acid Disease/GOUT

Some of these tips can help prevent an increase in uric acid in the blood. These tips include changes in lifestyle and diet should be regularly and strictly adhered to, if not affected by gout or uric acid disease relapse.

1. Lose Weight In Stages
If overweight, reduce gradually, because losing weight can help lower uric acid levels. But avoid excessively strict diet, follow a healthy diet here. Losing weight drastically with excessive dieting may precipitate an attack of gout. That’s great if accompanied with regular exercise.

2. Eat Foods Low Purine (Diet Low Purine)

Purine is an organic component that causes gout. These substances are needed in the body to normal limits are met.@Restrict foods high in purines -
Organ meats such as liver, kidney, heart
Selected fish and shellfish
Meat & yeast extracts brewers and bakers yeast
Meat soups & stock cubes. Foods that can cause gout such as beans, mushrooms, cooked spinach, and mustard greens, goat meat, offal and lard (fat), shellfish, duck and turkey, salmon, mackerel, sardines, crab, shrimp , anchovy and some other fish, cream and ice cream, and sweet bread. Some foods containing purine content seen in the list below. It should be remembered that the sensitivity of a person to be exposed to uric acid after eating these foods will vary.

3. More White Water Consumption

Approximately 90% of gout is caused by the inability of the kidneys remove uric acid from the body completely through urine. Water consumption is believed to improve the disposal of substances that are not useful as excessive uric acid from the body. Drink at least 6-8 glasses a day.

4. Expand Food Containing Calcium and High Antioxidant

Eating calcium-rich foods such as vegetables and fruits such as bananas, potatoes, avocados, milk and yogurt. Eating fruits rich in vitamin C, especially citrus and strawberry.

5. Avoid Alcohol and Soft Drink Consumption

Alcohol can lead to increased production of uric acid, while soft drink consumption may inhibit the absorption of calcium and calcium even throw in vain.

6. Limit your consumption of fried food

Fats and oils turn rancid at high temperatures such as in frying time. Moreover, if the used oil is oil that is used repeatedly. Rancid fats which can quickly destroy vitamin E and causes an increase in uric acid in the blood.

7. Increase Sexual Activity

These tips are more appropriate for those who have become husband and wife. Sexual activity, such as a kiss can make the body become more relaxed, so easy to boost the immune system. In addition, sexual intercourse can facilitate the production of urine so it can reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood.

Discipline, Awareness and Healthy Habits.

Again the key here is discipline. You should also take the time to learn about the food you eat, and take note of foods that seem to trigger your gout. There is no set uric acid level that triggers gout attacks, each person has a different threshold so you should pay attention to how your body reacts. You should also form some healthy habits to reduce uric acid and prevent gout attacks.

If you are unsure about a part of your diet, consult your doctor about it. Even though there are a lot of resources online to help you, consulting with your doctor is still the best way to fine tune your diet and reduce uric acid levels.

3rd May 2013, 07:13 AM

20 Painkillers in Your Kitchen

Make muscle pain a memory with ginger

When Danish researchers asked achy people to jazz up their diets with ginger, it eased muscle and joint pain, swelling and stiffness for up to 63 percent of them within two months. Experts credit ginger’s potent compounds called gingerols, which prevent the production of pain-triggering hormones. The study-recommended dose: Add at least 1 teaspoon of dried ginger or 2 teaspoons of chopped ginger to meals daily.

Cure a toothache with cloves

Got a toothache and can’t get to the dentist? Gently chewing on a clove can ease tooth pain and gum inflammation for two hours straight, say UCLA researchers. Experts point to a natural compound in cloves called eugenol, a powerful, natural anesthetic. Bonus: Sprinkling a ¼ teaspoon of ground cloves on meals daily may also protect your ticker. Scientists say this simple action helps stabilize blood sugar, plus dampen production of artery-clogging cholesterol in as little as three weeks.

Heal heartburn with cider vinegar

Sip 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with 8 ounces of water before every meal, and experts say you could shut down painful bouts of heartburn in as little as 24 hours. “Cider vinegar is rich in malic and tartaric acids, powerful digestive aids that speed the breakdown of fats and proteins so your stomach can empty quickly, before food washes up into the esophagus, triggering heartburn pain,” explains Joseph Brasco, M.D., a gastroenterologist at the Center for Colon and Digestive Diseases in Huntsville, AL.

Erase earaches with garlic

Painful ear infections drive millions of Americans to doctors’ offices every year. To cure one fast, just place two drops of warm garlic oil into your aching ear twice daily for five days. This simple treatment can clear up ear infections faster than prescription meds, say experts at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. Scientists say garlic’s active ingredients (germanium, selenium, and sulfur compounds) are naturally toxic to dozens of different pain-causing bacteria. To whip up your own garlic oil gently simmer three cloves of crushed garlic in a half a cup of extra virgin olive oil for two minutes, strain, then refrigerate for up to two weeks, suggests Teresa Graedon, Ph.D., co-author of the book, Best Choices From The People’s Pharmacy. For an optimal experience, warm this mix slightly before using so the liquid will feel soothing in your ear canal.

Chase away joint and headache pain with cherries

Latest studies show that at least one in four women is struggling with arthritis, gout or chronic headaches. If you’re one of them, a daily bowl of cherries could ease your ache, without the stomach upset so often triggered by today’s painkillers, say researchers at East Lansing ’s Michigan State University . Their research reveals that anthocyanins, the compounds that give cherries their brilliant red color, are anti-inflammatories 10 times stronger than ibuprofen and aspirin. “Anthocyanins help shut down the powerful enzymes that kick-start tissue inflammation, so they can prevent, as well as treat, many different kinds of pain,” explains Muraleedharan Nair, Ph.D., professor of food science at Michigan State University . His advice: Enjoy 20 cherries (fresh, frozen or dried) daily, then continue until your pain disappears.

Fight tummy troubles with fish
Indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel diseases...if your belly always seems to be in an uproar, try munching 18 ounces of fish weekly to ease your misery. Repeated studies show that the fatty acids in fish, called EPA and DHA, can significantly reduce intestinal inflammation, cramping and belly pain and, in some cases, provide as much relief as corticosteroids and other prescription meds. “EPA and DHA are powerful, natural, side effect-free anti-inflammatories, that can dramatically improve the function of the entire gastrointestinal tract,” explains biological chemist Barry Sears, Ph.D., president of the Inflammation Research Foundation in Marblehead , MA . For best results, look for oily fish like salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, trout and herring.

Prevent PMS with yogurt
Up to 80 percent of women will struggle with premenstrual syndrome and its uncomfortable symptoms, report Yale researchers. The reason: Their nervous systems are sensitive to the ups and downs in estrogen and progesterone that occur naturally every month. But snacking on 2 cups of yogurt a day can slash these symptoms by 48 percent, say researchers at New York ’s Columbia University . “Yogurt is rich in calcium, a mineral that naturally calms the nervous system, preventing painful symptoms even when hormones are in flux,” explains Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., a professor of gynecology at Yale University .

Tame chronic pain with turmeric

Studies show turmeric, a popular East Indian spice, is actually three times more effective at easing pain than aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen, plus it can help relieve chronic pain for 50 percent of people struggling with arthritis and even fibromyalgia, according to Cornell researchers. That’s because turmeric’s active ingredient, curcumin, naturally shuts down cyclooxygenase 2, an enzyme that churns out a stream of pain-producing hormones, explains nutrition researcher Julian Whitaker, M.D. and author of the book, Reversing Diabetes. The study-recommended dose: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon of this spice daily onto any rice, poultry, meat or vegetable dish.

End endometrial pain with oats

The ticket to soothing endometriosis pain could be a daily bowl of oatmeal. Endometriosis occurs when little bits of the uterine lining detach and grow outside of the uterus. Experts say these migrating cells can turn menstruation into a misery, causing so much inflammation that they trigger severe cramping during your period, plus a heavy ache that drags on all month long. Fortunately, scientists say opting for a diet rich in oats can help reduce endometrial pain for up to 60 percent of women within six months. That’s because oats don’t contain gluten, a trouble-making protein that triggers inflammation in many women, making endometriosis difficult to bear, explains Peter Green, M.D., professor of medicine at Colombia University .

Soothe foot pain with salt

Experts say at least six million Americans develop painful ingrown toenails each year. But regularly soaking ingrown nails in warm salt water baths can cure these painful infections within four days, say scientists at California ’s Stanford University . The salt in the mix naturally nixes inflammation, plus it’s anti-bacterial, so it quickly destroys the germs that cause swelling and pain. Just mix 1 teaspoon of salt into each cup of water, heat to the warmest temperature that you can comfortably stand, and then soak the affected foot area for 20 minutes twice daily, until your infection subsides.

Prevent digestive upsets with pineapple

Got gas? One cup of fresh pineapple daily can cut painful bloating within 72 hours, say researchers at California ’s Stanford University . That's because pineapple is natually packed with proteolytic enzymes, digestive aids that help speed the breakdown of pain-causing proteins in the stomach and small intestine, say USDA researchers.

Relax painful muscles with peppermint

Suffering from tight, sore muscles? Stubborn knots can hang around for months if they aren’t properly treated, says naturopath Mark Stengler, N.D., author of the book, The Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies. His advice: Three times each week, soak in a warm tub scented with 10 drops of peppermint oil. The warm water will relax your muscles, while the peppermint oil will naturally soothe your nerves -- a combo that can ease muscle cramping 25 percent more effectively than over-the-counter painkillers, and cut the frequency of future flare-ups in half, says Stengler.

Give your back some TLC with grapes

Got an achy back? Grapes could be the ticket to a speedy recovery. Recent studies at Ohio State University suggest eating a heaping cup of grapes daily can relax tight blood vessels, significantly improving blood flow to damaged back tissues (and often within three hours of enjoying the first bowl). That’s great news because your back’s vertebrae and shock-absorbing discs are completely dependent on nearby blood vessels to bring them healing nutrients and oxygen, so improving blood flow is essential for healing damaged back tissue, says Stengler.

Wash away pain injuries with water

Whether it’s your feet, your knees or your shoulders that are throbbing, experts at New York ’s Manhattan College , say you could kick-start your recovery in one week just by drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily. Why? Experts say water dilutes, and then helps flush out, histamine, a pain-triggering compound produced by injured tissues. “Plus water is a key building block of the cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones, your joints’ lubricating fluid, and the soft discs in your spine,” adds Susan M. Kleiner, Ph.D., author of the book, The Good Mood Diet. “And when these tissues are well-hydrated, they can move and glide over each other without causing pain.” One caveat: Be sure to measure your drinking glasses to find out how large they really are before you start sipping, she says. Today’s juice glasses often hold more than 12 ounces, which means five servings could be enough to meet your daily goal.

Heal sinus problems with horseradish

Latest studies show sinusitis is the nation’s number one chronic health problem. And this condition doesn’t just spur congestion and facial pain, it also makes sufferers six times more likely to feel achy all-over. Horseradish to the rescue! According to German researchers, this eye-watering condiment naturally revs up blood flow to the sinus cavities, helping to open and drain clogged sinuses and heal sinus infections more quickly than decongestant sprays do. The study-recommended dose: One teaspoon twice daily (either on its own, or used as a sandwich or meat topping) until symptoms clear.

Beat bladder infections with blueberries

Eating 1 cup of blueberries daily, whether you opt for them fresh, frozen or in juice form, can cut your risk of a urinary tract infection (UTIs) by 60 percent, according to researchers at New Jersey’s Rutgers University. That's because blueberries are loaded with tannins, plant compounds that wrap around problem-causing bacteria in the bladder, so they can’t get a toehold and create an infection, explains Amy Howell, Ph.D. a scientist at Rutgers University .

Heal mouth sores with honey

Dab painful canker and cold sores with unpasteurized honey four times daily until these skin woes disappear, and they’ll heal 43 percent faster than if you use a prescription cream, say researchers at the Dubai Specialized Medical Center in the United Arab Emirates . Raw honey’s natural enzymes zap inflammation, destroy invading viruses and speed the healing of damaged tissues, say the study authors.

Fight breast pain with flax

In one recent study, adding 3 tablespoons of ground flax to their daily diet eased breast soreness for one in three women within 12 weeks. Scientists credit flax’s phytoestrogens, natural plant compounds that prevent the estrogen spikes that can trigger breast pain. More good news: You don’t have to be a master baker to sneak this healthy seed into your diet. Just sprinkle ground flax on oatmeal, yogurt, applesauce or add it to smoothies and veggie dips.

Cure migraines with coffee

Prone to migraines? Try muscling-up your painkiller with a coffee chaser. Whatever over-the-counter pain med you prefer, researchers at the National Headache Foundation say washing it down with a strong 12- ounce cup of coffee will boost the effectiveness of your medication by 40 percent or more. Experts say caffeine stimulates the stomach lining to absorb painkillers more quickly and more effectively.

Tame leg cramps with tomato juice

At least one in five people regularly struggle with leg cramps. The culprit? Potassium deficiencies, which occur when this mineral is flushed out by diuretics, caffeinated beverages or heavy perspiration during exercise. But sip 10 ounces of potassium-rich tomato juice daily and you'll not only speed your recovery, you'll reduce your risk of painful cramp flare-ups in as little as 10 days, say UCLA researchers.

3rd May 2013, 08:22 AM

Tips to prevent hair loss...............

Hair is your crown. Everybody feels sad when her hair fell out.Hair loss is caused by a variety of factors. It can be from hormonal changes, damage from chemicals, yeast or fungal infections, and maybe side effects from medications. Hair loss can be also a side effect of some types of dandruff, while other types of dandruff may cause itching or inflammation that causes hair loss.

Steps to reduce Hair Loss.

Give yourself an oil massage at least two times a month. You can choose between olive oil or coconut oil.

Eating foods rich in iron helps prevent hair loss .Foods such as dried figs, cashew nuts, almonds, liver and shrimp can give you enough iron that helps prevent hair loss.

Better try to keep your hair clean because fungal or yeast infections on the scalp can make the hair weak.

Try to avoid harsh clips and bands on your hair. Making tight hairstyles can destroy the hair strength.

Use a mild moisturizing shampoo. For oily hair, use a shampoo that is targeted for that type of hair.

Using gels or hair sprays, it is important to wash your hair because they can be hard to manage, and thus causes the hair to break easily.

Best way to control hair loss, drinking fresh coconut water can help reduce hair fall.

Avoid sunburn to the scalp and body. The sun can have serious consequences for overall health.

These great tips used to reduce hair loss can definitely help in keeping your hair strong and healthy.

6th May 2013, 08:19 AM

1) Dates are free from cholesterol and contain very low fat. Dates are rich in vitamins and minerals.

2) They are rich source of protein, dietary fiber and rich in vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B5 along with vitamin A1 and C.

3)It helps improve the digestive system as it contains soluble and insoluble fibers and different kinds of amino acids.

4) Dates are great energy boosters as they contain natural sugars like glucose, sucrose and fructose. To get more
advantage add dates to milk and make it a very nutritious snack.

5)Dates are very low in calories and are extremely suitable for health conscious people.

6) Dates are rich in potassium and reduced in sodium. This helps regulate a healthy nervous system.
Researchers have revealed the fact that potassium intake up to a certain extent can reduce risk of stroke.

7) Dates also help in lowering of the LDL cholesterol.

8) Dates have high iron content and are very useful in treating anemia. The patients can eat many dates for
better advantages.

9) Dates also have fluorine that slows down the process of tooth decay.

10) It helps people suffering from constipation. Soak dates overnight and take it along with water to have added advantage.

11) Dates help in weight gain and are beneficial for those who suffer from over slimming problem.

12) Dates are excellent for alcoholic intoxication.Cures abdominal cancer.

13) It also helps in improving eye sight and helps in curing night blindness as well.

"The best thing is that it does not have any side effect on the body and is completely natural as well as it works better
than medicine."

6th May 2013, 06:26 PM

6th May 2013, 06:28 PM

Incorporating curry leaves into your daily diet can help you lose weight. These leaves flush out fat and toxins, reducing fat deposits that are stored in the body, as well as reducing bad cholesterol levels. If you are overweight, incorporate eight to 10

7th May 2013, 07:04 AM

8th May 2013, 07:40 AM



* Excercise caution on anything that is not medically proven

9th May 2013, 06:47 AM

9th May 2013, 08:15 AM

“How to we get rid of blackheads and whiteheads”

Maintaining a clear and beautiful skin, takes time, consistency and effort. Dermatologist may recommend lots of products, but some of them can be expensive and may actually take a long time to work. You can, however, incorporate some home remedies for blackheads and whiteheads into your daily beauty regimen and in a few weeks, you will experience a drastic reduction or even total elimination of the problem.

● Toothpaste – Toothpaste is an effective blackhead and whitehead remover. Apply a thin paste to your infected areas and let it sit on your face for at least 25 minutes. You will probably feel a burning sensation when you apply the toothpaste, but this is normal and will pass. Once you remove the toothpaste, the top of your blackheads and whiteheads will disappear, but you still need to thoroughly wash your face to remove the buildup underneath. Repeat this home remedy every other day for two weeks.

● Tomato – Tomatoes have natural antiseptic properties that dry up whiteheads and blackheads. Peel and mash a small tomato. Apply the tomato pulp to your blackheads and whiteheads before going to bed. Leave the tomato pulp on your face while you sleep and then wash your face in warm water in the morning.

● Lemon -Wash your face in warm water. Then, squeeze the juice of one lemon into a bowl. Add in a pinch of salt and stir the mixture. Apply the mixture to your blackheads and whiteheads. Leave the mixture on for approximately 20 minutes and then wash your face with warm water again.

● Lime – You can also use equal parts of lime juice and cinnamon powder and apply this mixture to blackheads. Leave it on overnight and rinse it off in the morning

● Cornstarch – Mix about a three-to-one cornstarch to vinegar ratio into a paste. Apply it to your problem areas and let sit for 15 to 30 minutes. Remove the paste with warm water and a washcloth.

● Yogurt – Mix three tablespoons of plain yogurt with two tablespoons of oatmeal. Add one teaspoon of olive oil and one tablespoon of lemon juice to the mixture. Stir the mixture thoroughly and apply it to the effective area of the face. Let the mixture sit for five to seven minutes then rinse off with cold water.

● Almond or oatmeal – Mix either oatmeal or almond powder with just enough rose water to make a spreadable paste. Apply it to your problem areas with your fingertips first and then apply it to the rest of your face. Let it set for about 15 minutes and then rinse your face with cold water.

● Rice – Soak rice in milk for 5 hours and then grind this in a blender until it is paste-like in consistency. Use the paste as a scrub on affected areas of the body.

● Potatoes – Grate raw potatoes and then rub the area with the mixture. Wash it off after 15 minutes.

● Fenugreek leaves – Crush some fenugreek leaves and mix with water to form a paste. Put this on the face for 15 minutes and then remove it. Do this every night to keep your face free of blackheads.

● Coriander leaves – Mix some coriander leaves and a little turmeric powder with water and form a paste. Use this as a mask to eliminate blackheads.

● Oatmeal -Grind oatmeal into a powder in a blender and then add some rose water. Use this on affected areas for 15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.

● Baking soda – Prepare a mixture of equal parts of baking soda and water and rub it onto your face or other body areas prone to blackheads. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.

● Honey is also good for removing blackheads. Spread honey on the affected area and remove it after 15 minutes.

Remember – Be gentle to your skin. Never pinch, scrape, poke, press, or squeeze too hard!

9th May 2013, 09:00 AM

Celery Juice Recipe and Alkalizing Health Benefits of Celery!

Celery Juice Recipe
3 cups spinach
1 cucumber
2-3 stalks celery
Handful Of Kale
squeeze of lime or lemon

Alkalizing Health Benefits of Celery!

Celery has always been associated with the lowering of blood pressure. When combined with other alkalizing green juices, it provides different formula that helps other acidic conditions.
Recent studies have shown that celery might also be effective in combating the acids that cause cancer.

Some of the alkalizing health benefits of celery juice:

Acidity: The important minerals in this magical juice effectively balance the body's blood pH, neutralizing acidity.

Athletes: Celery juice acts as the perfect post-workout tonic as it replaces lost electrolytes and rehydrates the body with its rich alkalizing minerals.

Cancer: Celery is known to contain at least eight families of anti-cancer or anti-acid compounds. Among them are the acetylenics that have been shown to stop the growth of tumor cells. Phenolic which block the action of prostaglandins that encourage the growth of tumor cells. And coumarins which help buffers dietary and metabolic acids from damaging cells.

Cholesterol: This humble pale juice has been shown to effectively and significantly lower total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol by lowering dietary and metabolic acids.

Colon and stomach cancer: The phytochemical coumarins prevent the formation and development of the colon and stomach cancers.

Constipation: The natural laxative effect of celery helps to relieve constipation. It also helps relax nerves that have been overworked by man-made laxatives.

Cooling: During dry and hot weather, drink a glass of celery juice two or three times a day, between meals. It wonderfully helps to normalize body temperature by reducing dietary and metabolic acids.

Diuretic: The potassium and sodium in celery juice helps to regulate body fluid and stimulate urine production, making it an important help to rid the body of excess acidic fluid.

Inflammation: The polyacetylene in celery is an amazing relief for all the acids that cause inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis,gout, asthma and bronchitis.

Kidney function: Celery promotes healthy and normal kidney function by aiding elimination of acidic toxins from the body. While eliminating acidic toxins, it also prevents formation of kidney stones.

Lower blood pressure: Drinking celery juice every day for a week significantly helps lower blood pressure by lowering dietary and metabolic acids. A compound called phtalides help relax the muscle around arteries, dilating the vessels and allowing blood to flow normally. To be effective, drink the juice for one week, stop for three weeks, and start over.

Nervous system: The organic alkaline minerals in celery juice has a calming effect on the nervous system, making it a wonderful drink for insomniacs.

Weight loss: Drink celery juice frequently throughout the day. It helps curb your cravings for sweets and rich food.

Urinary stones, breaking of: The diuretic effect of celery juice also aids the breaking and elimination of acidic urinary and gallbladder stones.

You can expect many more healing benefits from celery juice as you consume its natural alkalizing sodium.

9th May 2013, 10:10 AM

10th May 2013, 08:05 AM

10th May 2013, 08:33 AM

12th May 2013, 09:06 AM

Liver Detox-Vegetable Juice~

Fresh cabbage - 125 g
Fresh lemon - 1
Celery - 25 g
Fresh pear - 250 g
Ginger root - 1 inch
Filtered Water - 500
Fresh Mint - 4 to 5

Chop the pear, cabbage, celery and ginger into small pieces and put in a blender along with a cup of water; blend well for 1 minute. Add the fresh lemon juice to the blended juice. Pour the juice in a glass and serve chilled with mint leaves.

13th May 2013, 06:49 AM

This is interesting. After reading this, you'll never look at a banana in the same way again.

Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy.

Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.

But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.

According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.

Forget the pills - eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.

High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.

This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it perfect to beat blood pressure So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.

200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school ( England ) were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.

High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.

One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.

Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.

Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.

Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.

Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system..

Overweight and at work? Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and chips. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady.

The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chroniclercases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

Many other cultures see bananas as a 'cooling' fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand , for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.

So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has FOUR TIMES the protein, TWICE the carbohydrate, THREE TIMES the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals.. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around So maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, 'A BANANA a day keeps the doctor away!'

PS: Bananas must be the reason monkeys are so happy all the time!

13th May 2013, 08:04 AM

13th May 2013, 09:31 AM

13th May 2013, 06:01 PM

14th May 2013, 06:26 AM

14th May 2013, 08:04 AM

14th May 2013, 08:34 AM

14th May 2013, 08:53 AM

A young man sprinkling his lawn and bushes with pesticides wanted to check the contents of the barrel to see how much pesticide remained in it. He raised the cover and lit his lighter; the vapors ignited and engulfed him He jumped from his truck, screaming.

His neighbor came out of her house with a dozen eggs and a bowl yelling: "bring me some more eggs!"

She broke them, separating the whites from the yolks.
The neighbor woman helped her to apply the whites onto the young man's face.

When the ambulance arrived and the EMTs saw the young man, they asked who had done this. Everyone pointed to the lady in charge.

They congratulated her and said: "You have saved his face."

By the end of the summer, the young man brought the lady a bouquet of roses to thank her. His face was like a baby's skin.
A Healing Miracle for Burns:

Keep in mind this treatment of burns is being included in teaching beginner fireman. First Aid consists of first spraying cold water on the affected area until the heat is reduced which stops the continued burning of all layers of the skin. Then, spread the egg whites onto the affected area.

One woman burned a large part of her hand with boiling water. In spite of the pain, she ran cold faucet water on her hand, separated 2 egg whites from the yolks, beat them slightly and dipped her hand in the solution. The whites then dried and formed a protective layer.

She later learned that the egg white is a natural collagen and continued during at least one hour to apply layer upon layer of beaten egg white. By afternoon she no longer felt any pain and the next day there was hardly a trace of the burn. 10 days later, no trace was left at all and her skin had regained its normal color. The burned area was totally regenerated thanks to the collagen in the egg whites, a placenta full of vitamins.

15th May 2013, 06:51 AM