16th September 2009, 12:00 AM
.Meaning of NAMES... "ANNA-DURAI"... and...?
Many are under the WRONG INFERENCE... on the meaning of Some Names.!
For Example... ANNADURAI.?
.Wikepedia. says... "ANNA" in the Name "ANNA-DURAI" means!.
Does "ANNA" means. here.. as ELDER-BROTHER.?..
Then does the Name and Word: ANNAMALAI... means ELDER-BROTHER'S MOUNTAIN.?
Elder-brother is also ..ONE of its SEVERAL MEANINGS...
..which is NOT APPLICABLE here... under this contexr.
ANNA = Inaccessible / Unreachable / Far apart / Supreme / Top-most Leader / Fore-most
.... / அண்ண முடியாதவர்... எட்ட இயலாதவர்... [இடை-வெளி தூரத்தாலோ அல்லது தகுதி உயர் தரத்தாலோ]
DURAI = Ruler / Commander / Supreme authority.
In fact... ANNADURAI denotes the SUN... also the DIVINE JOTHI.. So called PARANJOTHI.
..and also the SUPREME GOD.!
.Meaning of NAMES... "ANNA-DURAI"... and...?
Many are under the WRONG INFERENCE... on the meaning of Some Names.!
For Example... ANNADURAI.?
.Wikepedia. says... "ANNA" in the Name "ANNA-DURAI" means!.
Does "ANNA" means. here.. as ELDER-BROTHER.?..
Then does the Name and Word: ANNAMALAI... means ELDER-BROTHER'S MOUNTAIN.?
Elder-brother is also ..ONE of its SEVERAL MEANINGS...
..which is NOT APPLICABLE here... under this contexr.
ANNA = Inaccessible / Unreachable / Far apart / Supreme / Top-most Leader / Fore-most
.... / அண்ண முடியாதவர்... எட்ட இயலாதவர்... [இடை-வெளி தூரத்தாலோ அல்லது தகுதி உயர் தரத்தாலோ]
DURAI = Ruler / Commander / Supreme authority.
In fact... ANNADURAI denotes the SUN... also the DIVINE JOTHI.. So called PARANJOTHI.
..and also the SUPREME GOD.!