View Full Version : Pongal, Puththandu- 2009 ..what is this day please?

11th January 2009, 11:40 PM
Dear Friends,

I am from originally from Bangalore living in Chennai from last 2 years. I used to wish my Tamil friends, happy pongal on Jan 14 and Puththanadu vazhthugaL on April 14.

1. Now that Govt has canceled april 14 , we should not say puththaNdu vazthugal on april 14?

2. In fact should we say pongal-o pongal, and puththaNdu vazrthugal on the same day, one after the other?

3. Is this a permanent arrangement in calendar , will it affect Tamil panchangams? Have they updated the panchangams?

4. In fact is this only for DMK Govt duration?

5. what will happen if AnnaDMK comes to power in TN next?
Will they reinstate April 14 just to get back at the rival DMK?

Is this a Political gimmick?

How do Tamil priests and Vedic scholars feel about this change?

Please some enlightened souls let me know
I have also posted the same in an earlier thread not to spam but to get genuine responses fast as pongal/ newyear is just around the corner...


15th January 2009, 12:18 AM

.PONGAL Festival .. the Gesture of GRATITUDE.!

..Emphasising Human-Values of EMPATHY & UNIVERSAL-LOVE.!

.Pongal Festival.!.. Symbolic Tamil-Culture of UNIVERSAL-LOVE.!

..further ascertained by the Great Indian Heritage...

..Exemplary for Mankind.!


Gratitude to God- Nature, especially Sun & Earth... the Farm- Workers... Womenfolk... Cattle... Birds...

...plus the SOCIETY ON THE WHOLE. !!!

Self-Ascertainment of MUTUAL-DEPENDANCY... enhanced by the PLEASURE to OFFER... as Duty / COMMITMENT...

...More than the Concept of Self- Right to Claim...

...as the Case of an Individual Man, the Limb of the Society-Body.


I have already posted here in detail... under several postings... under another Thread:--

... Significance of Tamil New Year.

...analysing the rich intricacies and the unparallelly appreciable basis for our Great Tamil Ancestors'..

... decision to stipulate the Tamil New Year from the First date of entry of the planet Sun into Mesha Rasi..

.i.e. on or about April-14 every year.

Astronomically that is the best basis for relevant New year Poojas, Astrological calculations as well as other considerations pertaining to New Year.

In brief...I reiterate that Pongal day of Makara-sankaranthi is holy in one way... whille the Chiththirai first date is holy in another way.

Rather Chiththirai month is the commencement of Sun as UCHCHA (Exalted) becoming the most powerful...

..when compared to other months of the year.

Sun being the Planet of Power, Justice and Success... His most powerful month has been taken as the month of commencement of New Year .

Whereas the Pongal day is a day of Gratitude to Sun and Nature as also all others concerned including the Animals and Birds....

.. apart from the Mankind of the Society at large.

Such a Pongal concept has no relevance nor purpose linked with the sense and basis for New Year.

The present system of Chithrai as the commencement to ensure the whole year to be successful..

...by means of honouring our ruling Planet Sun during his Crown status ..

...by exaltation in the month of Chiththirai... is the best system to be continued.

For Tamilians the Planet Sun is the MOST IMPORTANT for all considerations
.Politicians are not the relevant Scholars apt- knowledged and qualified enough to OVER-RULE...

...the Great Ancient Tamilian Astronomers TECHNICAL-STIPULATIONS...

... laid down for Humanity on the whole...

..applicable ETERNALLY... for ever.

So Politicians should not poke their Nose here... IRRELEVENTLY.!