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19th March 2007, 12:00 AM
:shock: :omg:

19th March 2007, 12:02 AM
Yes, I'd just posted the same news in the World Cup thread. The BBC's report:



19th March 2007, 12:25 AM
really shocking.that too the time he died after pakistan's defeat makes me cry :cry:

19th March 2007, 12:30 AM
Thats indeed shocking ......May his soul rest in peace..... :(

19th March 2007, 12:31 AM
may his soul..Rest In Peace

19th March 2007, 01:14 AM
R I P Woolmer :(

Paki pasanga veLayA illAma irukkanum :shaking:

Media speculations bayangaramaa irukku :shock:

19th March 2007, 01:24 AM
R I P Woolmer

Paki pasanga veLayA illAma irukkanum

Media speculations bayangaramaa irukku

they r capable of such a cruel thing.

19th March 2007, 02:23 AM
:( May his soul rest in Peace :(

19th March 2007, 02:52 AM
The quote on the top of his webpage (http://www.bobwoolmer.com/) seems particularly poignant now:

"Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
Today is the present-
a gift to make the most of."

May he rest in peace.

19th March 2007, 03:57 AM
may his soul rest in peace :(

19th March 2007, 04:09 AM
R I P Woolmer :(

Paki pasanga veLayA illAma irukkanum :shaking:

Media speculations bayangaramaa irukku :shock:

Let us wait to see what really happened

Pakistan coach Bob Woolmer dies

Woolmer took over as Pakistan coach in June 2004
Pakistan cricket coach Bob Woolmer has died after being discovered in his Jamaica hotel room on Sunday morning.
The 58-year-old former South Africa coach, who played for England between 1975 and 1981, was found unconscious at the Pegasus Hotel at 1045 local time.

He was taken to the emergency ward of the nearby University hospital but did not regain consciousness.

"It is very shocking news to all of the team and the team management," said Pakistan team manager Pervez Mir.

Obituary: Murphy pays tribute to Woolmer
Interview: Former Test umpire Dickie Bird
Interview: Pakistan team manager Pervez Mir

Mir revealed that Woolmer suffered from a medical condition - but said it was too early to say whether it played a part in his death.

"We saw him last night but having not seen him early today two of our officers went to his room and with the help of hotel staff entered. He was found unconscious there.

A wonderful cricketing mind and a pioneering coach

"It is too early to say whether he has suffered a heart attack. We are awaiting medical reports."

19th March 2007, 05:09 AM
May his soul rest in peace ....

19th March 2007, 06:38 AM
:omg: i didn't no dis :(

may his soul rest in peace..........

19th March 2007, 06:43 AM
ஆழ்ந்த அனுதாபங்கள் :cry:

19th March 2007, 07:44 AM
RIP Woolmer :(

19th March 2007, 08:46 AM
Rest In Peace :cry:

19th March 2007, 02:48 PM
may his soul rest in peace.. :( :cry:

19th March 2007, 02:53 PM
Pakistan's pathetic performance affected their coach Woolmer :cry:


Mods Note : Kindly stick to the thread title. I have removed a part of your post because it might change the thread subject.


19th March 2007, 04:13 PM
May his soul rest in Peace :cry:

I reall FEEL for the pakistan team right :sad:

19th March 2007, 11:47 PM
Why did a person of Bob Woolmer's caliber even sign up to be the coach for a team like Pakistan in the first place? It's like digging your own grave... I pray his soul may rest in peace! :( :( :(

20th March 2007, 05:11 PM
[tscii:2dd742b27d]Woolmer mystery deepens
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 12:00:14 pm

Top sources close to the investigation in to the death of Pakistan coach Bob Woolmer have told TIMES NOW that Jamaica's top sleuthing unit has been pressed into probing the case.

Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mark Shields has gone on record to say that the overdose angle is being looked at very closely and that the police are treating Woolmer's sudden death as a homicide.

Shields said that Woolmer had received death threats from Pakistani fans and there was plenty of motivation for a crazed fan to perhaps physically harm Woolmer. Sources close to the probe have said the police is questioning persons who met with Woolmer before his death.

Woolmer retired to his room at 7:00 that evening and did not have dinner with the team.

Sources said that the police was probing why it took one hour to get Woolmer to hospital when the hospital was only 15 minutes away by car.

According to sources, the walls of Woolmer’s room were covered in vomit, blood stains were detected in the bathroom and police discovered signs of diarrhoea, leading investigators to believe that Woolmer may have struggled in his last moments in the hotel room.

Reports suggest that Woolmer died of an "accidental prescribed drug and alcohol overdose'', which coupled with deep stress caused by Pakistan's ouster from the World Cup created a lethal combination for him.

Dr. Anil Aggarwal, Professor of Forensic Medicine at Maulana Azad Medical College concedes that it could have been a cardiac arrest but the presence of vomit and blood makes it suspicious. He believes this could be a case of poisoning and of arsenic trioxide and strychnine.

Meanwhile, accepting moral responsibility for the team's shocking early elimination from the World Cup, Pakistan Cricket Board Chairman Naseem Ashraf has offered his resignation.

According to PCB sources, Ashraf has submitted his resignation on Monday (March 19) to President General Pervez Musharraf, who is also the chief patron of the board. His resignation is yet to be accepted.

20th March 2007, 05:36 PM
it is so sad :cry:

May his soul rest in Peace

20th March 2007, 05:53 PM
May his soul rest in peace :(

20th March 2007, 06:35 PM
[tscii:ce04c5651a]Woolmer mystery deepens
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 12:00:14 pm

police are treating Woolmer's sudden death as a homicide.


It's so terrible how this news sounds just like the OBVIOUS! :cry: :evil: :cry:

21st March 2007, 10:24 AM
Pak coach Bob Woolmer was murdered: Geo TV report

21st March 2007, 12:26 PM
Pak coach Bob Woolmer was murdered: Geo TV report

theliva sollunga joe

21st March 2007, 12:40 PM
Pak coach Bob Woolmer was murdered: Geo TV report

theliva sollunga joe

21st March 2007, 12:45 PM
tx :D

21st March 2007, 01:24 PM

21st March 2007, 01:27 PM

No..Mine is here..

21st March 2007, 10:37 PM

22nd March 2007, 09:16 AM
பாக். பயிற்சியாளர் பாப் உல்மர் கழுத்தை நெரித்து கொல்லப்பட்டதாக ஜமைக்கா வானொலி தகவல்

கிங்ஸ்டைன் ( ஜமைக்கா ) : ஜமைக்காவில் இறந்த பாக். கிரிக்கெட் அணியின் பயிற்சியாளர் பால் உல்மர் கழுத்தை நெரித்து கொல்லப்பட்டிருப்பதாக ஜமைக்கா வானொலி தகவல் வெளியிட்டுள்ளது. அந்த வானொலியின் நிருபர் இது பற்றி சொன்னபோது, அவரது மரணம் குறித்து விசாரணை நடத்தி வரும் அதிகாரிகள் இந்த தகவலை சொன்னதாகவும் பொது மக்களுக்கு இந்த தகவல் விரைவில் சொல்லப்படும் என்றும் சொன்னார். 58 வயதான பாப் உல்மர் கடந்த ஞாயிறு அன்று அவர் தங்கி இருந்த ஓட்டலில் மயக்க நிலையில் கண்டுபிடிக்கப்பட்டு பின்னர் ஆஸ்பத்திரியில் இறந்து போனதாக அறிவிக்கப்பட்டது. அவரது மரணத்திற்கான காரணம் இன்னும் மர்மமாகவே இருந்து வருகிறது.

:omg: :shock: [/tscii:2e57901444]

22nd March 2007, 09:21 AM
Former Pakistani fast bowler Safraz Nawaz claimed Bob Woolmer was about to reveal details of match-fixing, which has plagued Pakistan for years, in a book he was working on, according to News Limited newspapers.

"Has Woolmer carried with him to the grave dark secrets that could have brought ruin upon Pakistan's players?" Safraz reportedly said. "Did he pay for being the unwitting receptacle of information that was never to be shared?"

22nd March 2007, 01:16 PM
[tscii:57e7eb9747]CRICKET coach Bob Woolmer was murdered by a shadowy group known as the “Match-fixing Mafia”, it was claimed last night.

Former Pakistan bowler Sarfraz Nawaz said a group of international criminals were behind Pakistan coach Woolmer’s death.

Nawaz, 58, said yesterday: “I’ve been saying this for the last four days — that his death is not natural, but it’s murder.

“Woolmer’s death is connected to the Match-fixing Mafia.

“The theory going around in West Indies police circles is that Woolmer may have been killed by those who wanted to silence him on the issue of match-fixing.”

And top cricket official Dr Ali Bacher said: “You can’t rule out foul play. It’s common knowledge when teams from the sub-continent play, millions of dollars change hands.”

But ex-Pakistan legend Imran Khan said: “I believe he died of natural causes. What could be the motive for killing Bob Woolmer? Until I have concrete proof, I wouldn’t believe even for a one minute that there could be any motive for killing him.”

Police in Jamaica, where Woolmer’s body was found on Sunday, said they were treating his death as “suspicious”.

Woolmer died less than 24 hours after his team crashed out of the World Cup when they lost to 10-1 outsiders Ireland, a result that sparked outrage in Pakistan.

Woolmer, who was South Africa’s coach when disgraced captain Hansie Cronje admitted match-fixing, was writing his autobiography.

But ghost writer Ivo Tennant said yesterday there was “nothing incriminating” in the manuscript. He added: “We were just in the early stages, but he never mentioned match-fixing.

Probe ... Shields will look
at claims made by Sarfraz, inset

“As far as I know we had no plans to include anything on the subject in the book and I’m convinced he knew nothing about Cronje’s activities even though he was coach at the time.”

Yesterday Pakistan played their last World Cup match against Zimbabwe. They wore black armbands and captain Inzamam-ul-Haq wept as he left the field after batting.

The squad and officials were asked to stay in Kingston for two days while police investigate Woolmer’s death.

Police sources confirmed yesterday that no traces of poison were found in Woolmer’s room at the swish Jamaica Pegasus resort hotel.

But reports of scratches on his face and blood and vomit traces found in the room were unexplained. Cops refused to confirm local radio reports that Woolmer had been strangled.

Jamaica’s deputy police commissioner Mark Shields said medical reports gave police “sufficient information to continue a full investigation” into Woolmer’s death. A full range of toxicology tests for sophisticated poisons on blood and tissue samples taken from the body were ordered yesterday.

Pathologists who did the post mortem confided they were “totally baffled” by his death.

A source close to the probe in Kingston said: “We still have no idea what — or who — killed Bob Woolmer. The autopsy drew a blank, leaving the police with no option but to order a full investigation.

“He was diabetic and had not been in perfect health but there appears to be no reason why he should have died so suddenly in his hotel room. The possibility of poisoning is being given serious attention.”

Controversy ... Woolmer and Hansie Cronje

The revelation of Cronje’s match-fixing for an Asian betting syndicate was cricket’s biggest scandal for decades.

In April 2000 he admitted receiving cash and gifts from a bookie. He got team-mates Herschelle Gibbs and Henry Williams to help fix a one-day international at Nagpur, India.

Cronje was caught after Delhi police chief KK Paul taped phone conversations between him and dodgy London-based bookie Sanjay Chawla.

Woolmer met Mr Paul in preparation for the book during a tour of India, according to reports in the sub-continent. Mr Paul revealed: “He had come to me to discuss the various details of the match-fixing case, and he was given those.”

Cronje was killed just two years later in a plane crash.

Woolmer, who had been tipped to be the next England coach, was embroiled in controversy while with South Africa in 1997. A ball used in a match against India showed evidence it had been tampered with. He fiercely denied the claims.


23rd March 2007, 05:30 AM

Woolmer died of strangulation

Cricinfo staff

March 22, 2007

The death of Bob Woolmer is now being treated as a murder case. During a press conference in Jamaica it was revealed that he did of asphyxiation by manual strangulation. Post mortem results show that Woolmer was strangled.

More to follow ...

23rd March 2007, 06:31 AM
CNN-leyE pOttainga :shaking:

23rd March 2007, 07:05 AM
Pakistan's cricket coach Bob Woolmer was murdered in his hotel room after the team's shock World Cup loss to Ireland, Jamaican police said today.

"The official report from the pathologist states that Mr Woolmer's death was due to asphyxia as a result of manual strangulation,'' Police Commissioner Lucius Thomas said in a statement read out by a police spokesman at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, where Woolmer died on Sunday.

"In these circumstances, the matter of Mr Woolmer's death is now being treated by the Jamaican police as murder.''

Pakistan's World Cup players gave statements to Jamaican police and were fingerprinted before leaving for the resort of Montego Bay where they were to stay for two days before returning home.

Assistant Police Commissioner Les Green, formerly of Scotland Yard, confirmed that members of the Pakistan cricket team were fingerprinted. Green is assisting with the inquiry.

"It's standard to take fingerprints to eliminate persons from fingerprints which would be found in the room,'' Green told AP.

"After a thorough investigation, fingerprints not belonging to Mr Woolmer were found in the room.''

Team members were furious that they were being cast in some sections of the media as prime suspects in the investigation.

- From the Sydney Morning Herald.

23rd March 2007, 10:06 AM
ada paaavigala kolaiya pannitaangala :oops: :(

23rd March 2007, 06:43 PM
Disgusting! It's only possible with those guys... :hammer:

23rd March 2007, 10:14 PM
It is a murder, they say! :roll:

23rd March 2007, 11:25 PM
It is a murder, they say! :roll:

And I bet they'll prove it too! :cry:

10th May 2007, 07:59 PM
'Mushtaq passed champagne to Bob'

Islamabad: The Bob Woolmer murder case has got murkier, as a Pakistani television channel on Thursday has claimed that two champagne bottles, said to have been mixed with poisonous substances was passed on to him by the Pakistan bowling coach Mustaq Ahmed.

Ahmed, who received the bottles from some other person, passed them to Woolmer, ARY TV quoted Pakistan's media manager for the World Cup, Pervez Mir as saying.

Mir also stated that team manager Talat Ali was a witness to it.

Speaking to CNN-IBN, Pervez Mir said, "There were two bottles given to Mushtaq, but he doesn't drink. So he sent it to Woolmer. Mushtaq cannot be looked at as a suspect. Gifting of champagne doesn't mean anything."

According to reports in British media, a rare weedkiller was mixed with the champagne bottles, one o which was left untouched.

ARY TV reported that Ali and the Pakistan Cricket Board Chairman Dr Nasim Ashraf declined to comment on it.

"As far as I know Woolmer was not a champagne drinker," Mir added.

According to the channel, Mir stated that Ahmed passed on the two bottles to Woolmer and only Ali and Ahmed knew the identity of the person who handed the bottles.

The bottles were recovered from the Pegasus hotel room of Woolmer who died under mysterious circumstances a day after Pakistan's shocking World Cup defeat at the hands of Ireland.

The TV report also said that one bottle was empty and the other was not used.

Mir said Woolmer used to drink beer and he rarely consumed champagne.

Former leg spinner, Ahmed is an activist of Tablighi Jamaat, an Islamic religious outfit, and former skipper Inzamam-ul Haq had come under criticism for taking Ahmed as a bowling coach.
