18th February 2007, 10:55 PM
In what way blocking tamil channels OR stopping the screening of tamil movies in karnataka, would solve cauvery issue?

We tamilians in karnataka do understand the anguish and irritation of kannadigas, but does BLOCKING entertainment channels solve the problem?

Fine we do understand blocking of the channels for a day, or two OR EVEN A WEEK.

Its been more th an A FORTNIGHT AND no action whatsoever has been taken by anybody except tamil sangam to GIVE US BACK OUR RIGHTS!!!

Is this not INTERFERING IN BASIC RIGHTS of a citizen?

Is this a mature way of dealing or protesting a dispute?

Is it not as childish as a 3 year old snatching the other 3 year old's toy
because of irritation?

When we are with ppl of karnataka, is this the way we receive recognition of fellowship?

We tamilians in karnataka, feel VERY HURT by this behaviour.

No! Not just because of blocking of channels or blocking of films being screened, but because of the WAY WE ARE BEING segregated and looked down upon and treated as MINORITIES.

This is indirectly saying... "THIS IS MY PLACE, I rule, U LISTEN"


This being the plight of NON-TV-VIEWERS like me, how sad and crumbled down
would be the world of tv-addicts?!


NDTV report on the same...


Quoting the report,

However, with entertainment being blocked every time there is an interstate issue, they are beginning to ask what it is going to take to make them feel at home in Karnataka.

YES. Thats precisely the question in the mind of most tamilians right now.

18th February 2007, 10:56 PM

19th February 2007, 04:33 AM
Unfortunately, Bangalore like many other Indian cities is becoming very intolerant, not only of Tamils but of all minorities. This has a lot to do with the unbalanced economic growth which our country is having and the feeling of frustration and disempowerment it breeds. But there are also other factors.

The Kaveri action is part of this intolerance. In the 1990s, I briefly worked with a mediation centre in rural Karnataka. This was when there was high drama in Bangalore with Tamils fleeing the city to TN. In Mandya itself, however, there was no problem. The people were if anything very apologetic about the rioting in Bangalore. The farmers there also had a much more constructive attitude to the dispute than the politicians in both Bangalore and Chennai. As farmers who had suffered bad harvests and insufficient water, they had a strong empathy for their counterparts in Thanjavur. But not the people in Bangalore.

Have you heard about the plight of the Tamils of the Kolar Gold Fields area? This pales in comparison. :(

19th February 2007, 04:59 AM
Even i heard about this ..... well, this is not the first time bangalore is facing these intolerant situations and hardships due to cauvery ...... Just coz this place happens to be a capital of the state and there exists no other connection to the river ......

I feel atleast we should be happy that atleast there was good police protection during the agitation ............

stopping the channels would definitely not ease the situation...

pavalamani pragasam
19th February 2007, 07:44 AM
'mannin mainthar' syndrome - a feature of our unity in diversity Indian scenario! :(

19th February 2007, 11:27 AM
I was visiting Bangalore in the early 1990s during a similar intense situation concerning the Cauvery river waters issue. Whenever I had to go out, my relatives impressed upon me never to speak in Tamil on any account, but to do so only in English or Hindi. The intensity of anti Tamil feeling had even gripped Ulsoor (where the Tamil population is considerable) so much, that not many people ventured to speak in this language outside the house. Its very regrettable and condemnable that Kannada chauvinism is rearing up its head so vehemently once again. Lets hope the Bangalore Thamizh Sangam's efforts bear fruit and the unofficial censorship of Tamil cable tv channels is withdrawn.

19th February 2007, 12:04 PM
removing so called JOKES :-)

19th February 2007, 12:18 PM
I was visiting Bangalore in the early 1990s during a similar intense situation concerning the Cauvery river waters issue. Whenever I had to go out, my relatives impressed upon me never to speak in Tamil on any account, but to do so only in English or Hindi. The intensity of anti Tamil feeling had even gripped Ulsoor (where the Tamil population is considerable) so much, that not many people ventured to speak in this language outside the house. Its very regrettable and condemnable that Kannada chauvinism is rearing up its head so vehemently once again. Lets hope the Bangalore Thamizh Sangam's efforts bear fruit and the unofficial censorship of Tamil cable tv channels is withdrawn.

idhula onnum koranjavanga illa .... Fanatism is there with everybody .... namma oorlayum dhaan irukku ......

Prestige should be with their own languages ... thamizh or hindi ... or kannada for that matter ... but not showing hatred against other languages ...

Thamizh nattula kooda dhaan Hindi edhirppu panninaanga ... adhu mattum seriyaa ....

sarchaiya kilappa idhai sollalai ... and i know nobody will accept this ... still sollanum nnu thonithu ... sonnen .... !

Vasanth : Chauvinism is there in many places, I know. But in this specific instance its Kannada Chauvinism which is affecting Tamilians living in B'lore, which is the reason for this topic in the first place. Is it not chauvinism to block out only Thamizh channels?

19th February 2007, 04:15 PM
/ dig
It should be noted that TN govt never opposed anyone from learning Hindi, listenign to Hindi music and watching Hindi movies. It was a different scenario altogether. It won't fit here. Even we have branches of "Dakshina Bharatha Hindi Prachar Sabha" in various parts of TN which helps many tamils to learn the language. No one in the TN have opposed this and tried to demolish the same. It should be noted that TN is not against Hindi language, movies, TV channels etc
/ dig

19th February 2007, 07:27 PM
/ dig
It should be noted that TN govt never opposed anyone from learning Hindi, listenign to Hindi music and watching Hindi movies. It was a different scenario altogether. It won't fit here. Even we have branches of "Dakshina Bharatha Hindi Prachar Sabha" in various parts of TN which helps many tamils to learn the language. No one in the TN have opposed this and tried to demolish the same. It should be noted that TN is not against Hindi language, movies, TV channels etc
/ dig:exactly: Selva... :yes:

The opposition in TN was to imposing Hindi as a compulsory subject. If they had gone ahead with that decision, whole of the non-hindi speaking population would have become a 2nd grade citizen in due course. Infact, this has been the one nagging question that every non-tamilian wants to ask us downsouth.

19th February 2007, 07:45 PM
Actually, TV, it was even worse than making Hindi a compulsory subject in schools. The plan in 1965 was to make Hindi the sole official language of India. This would have meant that only people who spoke Hindi could have become government officials, that everyone would have to use Hindi in dealing with the central government, all forms would be only in Hindi, etc. In a diverse country like India, no one group should be given such a superior position. So although I like the Hindi language, I think it is a good thing that it is not our sole official language.

19th February 2007, 07:55 PM
idhula onnum koranjavanga illa .... Fanatism is there with everybody .... namma oorlayum dhaan irukku ......

Prestige should be with their own languages ... thamizh or hindi ... or kannada for that matter ... but not showing hatred against other languages ...

Thamizh nattula kooda dhaan Hindi edhirppu panninaanga ... adhu mattum seriyaa ....

sarchaiya kilappa idhai sollalai ... and i know nobody will accept this ... still sollanum nnu thonithu ... sonnen .... !

Bingleguy, unless I have forgotten something I don't remember Kannada or Hindi or Telugu TV channels being banned. Tamil "fanaticism" (or "devotion", whichever you prefer) expresses itself as a great love for Tamil, and not as a hatred for other languages. The anti-Sanskrit movement was largely a reaction to the common sentiment in the 19th and early 20th century that Tamil was a "second rate" language in comparison with Sanskrit. The anti-Hindi movement's causes have been explained by many people above. In neither case was the movement directed against the language itself - just against the attempts to give it a position superior to Tamil in Tamil Nadu.

This is hardly comparable with what is happening in Bangalore, where Tamil channels are banned. This is sheer petty-minded vindictiveness.

19th February 2007, 08:09 PM
Actually, TV, it was even worse than making Hindi a compulsory subject in schools. The plan in 1965 was to make Hindi the sole official language of India. This would have meant that only people who spoke Hindi could have become government officials, that everyone would have to use Hindi in dealing with the central government, all forms would be only in Hindi, etc. In a diverse country like India, no one group should be given such a superior position. So although I like the Hindi language, I think it is a good thing that it is not our sole official language. ya, the decision to make hindi compulsory was just a stepping stone to that, so that they will have the excuse that everyone knows hindi.
Actually, at the time when hindi was made as national language, only 30% of population spoke hindi, that too counting various dialects (lipis), as divergent as tamil and malayalam. And I read somewhere that, the act to make hindi rashtrabasha won by just 1 vote in parliament. Considering that the legislative districts those days werent based on population, I just wonder how fair it was.

19th February 2007, 08:15 PM
You are right Podalangai, the diversity of India cannon be ironed out by one language or religion or culture. Any such attempt will be fatal.
Unfortunately all issues in India are politicized. Politicians just scoop up any issue to further their own interests. No one actually wants to know the reasons on which the tribunal based its conclusion. More water to other state is simply not acceptable.
If the situation is reverse i think there would be considerable amount of opposition by Tamilians too.

19th February 2007, 08:20 PM
dsath, I dont think it is just more water to one state. From what I hear and see, it is water as per needs. But I wont make a statement without having reliable info in my hands, but in news I have seen TN farmlands drying up in the past during water scarcity.

19th February 2007, 08:52 PM
dsath, I dont think it is just more water to one state. From what I hear and see, it is water as per needs. But I wont make a statement without having reliable info in my hands, but in news I have seen TN farmlands drying up in the past during water scarcity.

The situation regarding Kaveri is complicated. The water of the river has been used for irrigation in Tamil Nadu for centuries. In the Chola period, Tamil engineers tamed the river and turned a wild river-delta into arable farmland by building a series of dams. The kingdoms of Karnataka, however, never reallly bothered very much with it. Karnataka and Andhra were blessed with abundant ground water, and there was not much need for intensive irrigation as there was in the Tamil heartland.

This changed in the 15th and 16th centuries, as groundwater became scarcer. In late 17th century when Chikkadevaraja Wodeyar of Mysore built a dam which completely stopped the flow of the river in order to get water to Srirangapatnam. The kings of Thanjavur and Madurai declared war on Mysore, but before war could start the dam was washed away in a flood.

From then on, Mysore staked a claim to the water and dug a number of canals to use the water. There were a number of treaties, but ultimately the question was this. Mysore (and now Karnataka) wanted to use the water in order to begin new irrigation projects and bring new areas under irrigation. Tamil Nadu wanted to use the water to continue and expand existing areas of cultivation and existing irrigation projects.

All agreements and decisions thus far have been based on the principle that the long history of use of the Kaveri in Tamil Nadu should be recognised, and that the concomitant rights of TN farmers should be protected. Thus Tamil Nadu has always been alloted a larger share of the water than Karnataka. Karnataka argues that this prevents it from fully exploiting its agricultural area, and says that because the Kaveri arises in Karnataka, their claims should be given priority. This is the nub of the dispute, and what makes it so difficult to solve in a way that satisfies Karnataka.

As a footnote, from what I've seen, farmers in Karnataka don't feel as strongly about this as politicians do. Their concern is more that water sharing should be fair to them in drought years, so that everyone bears the hardship equally and they don't suffer more. I think the Tribunal's award achieves this.

19th February 2007, 10:03 PM
///This changed in the 15th and 16th centuries, as groundwater became scarcer. In late 17th century when Chikkadevaraja Wodeyar of Mysore built a dam which completely stopped the flow of the river in order to get water to Srirangapatnam. The kings of Thanjavur and Madurai declared war on Mysore, but before war could start the dam was washed away in a flood.

From then on, Mysore staked a claim to the water and dug a number of canals to use the water. There were a number of treaties, but ultimately the question was this. Mysore (and now Karnataka) wanted to use the water in order to begin new irrigation projects and bring new areas under irrigation. Tamil Nadu wanted to use the water to continue and expand existing areas of cultivation and existing irrigation projects.

MY mom had told me this, long forgotten history.

Nobody knows origin unless until its dug

19th February 2007, 10:07 PM
Bingleguy, these link are for you:


I was not born when the anti Hindi riots took place . So really do not know what happened then . So I choose not to comment on that . But how about this . Say I force you to listen to alternative rock since that is my fav genre, will you still remain calm and composed ? . You may ask 'Hey in what way you are related to me ? Why the hell should I listen to you'. In the same vein how are Tamizh and Hindi related to each other ? Do they have the same script or at least do they belong to the same linguistic group? Don't you think this whole move to make Hindi as the official language was a nefarious plot? I think so.

19th February 2007, 11:06 PM
removing so called JOKES :-)

19th February 2007, 11:12 PM
vera yaarukkaavadhu indha maadiri prachanai varudhaa ? why is it tamilians and tamil nadu everytime ...... ?

Bengalis and Biharis in Assam, Hindi movies in Bangalore, ALL south Indians in Mumbai (including Kannadigas), north Indians (especially Biharis and UP-ites) in Maharashtra, Maharashtrians in Belgaum, non-Telenganaites in north Andhra... do you want a longer list?

Now please name equivalent problems which non-Tamils in TN have suffered.

nobody realizes the political movements in TN till date has been nothing but to deceive the ppl of their own state and really nothing against anybody else
It seems to me that you're assuming we're all defending TN politics when that's not what's happening. Most of our politicians are a bunch of rascals, like most politicians in most parts of India, likewise the policies they make. What does that have to do with what we're talking about?

19th February 2007, 11:17 PM
removing the so called JOKES :-)

20th February 2007, 08:38 AM
:? :confused2:

20th February 2007, 08:46 AM
enna SP? seems like no one is sharing ur anguish of missing tamil serials :lol2: edhedho pathi pesa arambichutaangala? :P

20th February 2007, 01:28 PM
enna SP? seems like no one is sharing ur anguish of missing tamil serials :lol2: edhedho pathi pesa arambichutaangala? :P

akka tamil seriel paarkiradhu illai.............she only watch old tamil movies and songs :evil: :roll:

20th February 2007, 01:29 PM
Thamizh nattula kooda dhaan Hindi edhirppu panninaanga ... adhu mattum seriyaa ....

did they disturb any hindi people????????? they protested agaisnt hindi being imposed upon them... :clap: i salute them for that.. i know its for political gains, but still its great... otherwise we wud have been writing CAT in hindi now.. :evil:

20th February 2007, 05:51 PM
otherwise we wud have been writing CAT in hindi now.. :rotfl: yeah... hindi verbal comprehension :lol2:

wat happnd to ur CAT results?

21st February 2007, 12:50 AM
Kerala kooda Mullaperiyarla thagaraaru panraanga :)
Today was a bandh in Coimbatore, against Kerala CM's opposition to the formation of a railway division at Salem. They want Coimbatore to continue with Palghat division, because of the high revenue involved.

Idhukkaaga namma ellaam Mallusa adikkarOmaa, illa malayalam channelsa block panrOmaa :) The petty mentality of Bangaloreans against Tamils is always there :) Chance kedachaa adikiradhu - just cheap politics and goondaaism :(

21st February 2007, 01:00 AM
removing the so called JOKES :-)

21st February 2007, 01:09 AM
removing the so called JOKES :-)

21st February 2007, 03:31 AM
Kannadigas have been a minority in Bangalore for a very long time, like Maharashtrians in Mumbai. :) The percentage of Tamils in B'lore actually used to be much higher in the 1960s. It has come down in the past twenty years.

People didn't mind so much then, but they do today because the feeling that people from a state "own" the cosmopolitan centres in that state has increased. People didn't feel this way forty years ago, but they do today. There are many reasons for this. One is the anger created by rampant - and worsening - inequality. Second is the slow collapse of India's rural economy, leaving lakhs of people with no option but to go to the big cities in their states, where they don't want to have to compete against even more people from other states. And there are others, some of which I would rather not discuss here. This frustration comes out in riots, protests against "outsiders", and so on. It is much like the way nationalism increased in European countries when their economies faltered.

Hopefully, this is only a passing phase. :)

21st February 2007, 03:45 AM
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

u have absolutely analyzed the situation very well .... :-)

Sanguine Sridhar
21st February 2007, 07:56 AM
Bingle ungga aadhangam puriyudhu! Adhe nerathula neenga onnu purinjukanum.Namma oorula Tamizh-a kooda yaar meedhum impose pannala.Ella state makkalum tamizhnaatula tamizh padikanumn-u sattam illaye. :huh:

Neenga tholaikaatchi thorandhu paatheenga-na ungalukke puriyum! namma ooru channel eduthukonga, pakkathu state channel-um eduthukonga..aangila mozhi kalapp-a mattum paathukonga! Senthamizh-la irrukanumnu naan solla varala, onnu,rendu vaartha aangilam kalakalam adhukaaga nighazhichi muzhukka aangilathula pesuradhukku idhu enna US-a? Idhe pakkathu state nighazhchi-o illena Hindi tholaikaatchi nighachiyo paatheengana rombha mozhi suthama irrukum! Engga thappu nadakudhu! Tamizh naatula tamizh padangalukku tamizh-la thalaippu vainga-nu sollurathukku salugai vera!! kashta kaalam :(

Supreme court order chumma saadharnama koduthuda maataanga! Appadi kodutha adha madhikka theriyanum.India satta thittangal gyayamanadhuna indha sattamum gyagyamaanadhu thaane? Commonsense ulla yaarum ippadi panna maataanga! Namma-ku favour-a descision varala-na kooda rendu moonu thadava kathittu adutha vela paaka poiduvaanga!

Angga ulla arasiyalvaadhigalum,nadigargalum podhu makkala chumma yethi viduraanga adhu thaan prechanaye!

21st February 2007, 08:33 AM
removed the SO CALLED JOKES ......

21st February 2007, 08:38 AM

naan serials parthatha last 14 years la sarithramE illai .

old tamil songs (JAYA TV)


Sanguine Sridhar
21st February 2007, 08:42 AM

21st February 2007, 08:46 AM
Vasanth you got very good sense of humour :lol:
:roll: i feel u can pm me ur quote ......

21st February 2007, 08:46 AM
Nice .... i will remove ... the so called JOKES :-) am outta this thread....

Sanguine Sridhar
21st February 2007, 08:57 AM
Ennanga Vasanth ivvalo sensitive-a neenga :shock: ..come on man it is just an ordinary comment! Hurt panni irrundha sorry-nga! :roll:

21st February 2007, 09:25 AM
Che :) I missed BG's jokes :)

Bangalorela vettiyaa ragalai panradhukkunE neraiya koottam irukku. Any silly issue, - Tamils are the easiest soft targets. Even mallu population is quite high there - avangala adikkaraangala?
Northies have cornered most of the real estate and other businesses, whereas Tamils there are mostly middle class. Telugus are also highly concentrated there. Aana ivanga yaaraiyum thodalaiyE :)

Naanga Bangalorela irundha varaikkum adikkadi Cauvery issueva kilappuvaanga - TN registration vandi edhuvum veliya edukka mudiyaadhu :) What sort of situation in your own country :) It is just that they have got used to thrashing us. We have never retaliated in Tamilnadu and they know that we never will :)

21st February 2007, 02:35 PM

naan serials parthatha last 14 years la sarithramE illai .

old tamil songs (JAYA TV)

:cry2: kavala padadheenga SP, naan koodiya seekram B'lore varen :boo:

21st February 2007, 02:40 PM
