View Full Version : Tips & Tricks on using "The Hub"
31st October 2004, 10:08 AM
Some tips and tricks to maximize your experience on The Hub will be posted here.
31st October 2004, 10:09 AM
Bookmarking & Remote linking
You can do 'bookmark' or 'add to favorites' as usual. But sometimes you'll find the URL too complicated. This is not very nice looking if you want to link it from your website. Here are some shortcuts:
Links to Topics
Let's say you are viewing a topic. In the 'Address', you'll see something like
Look for "t=161". Take this number and form a URL
This will link to your topic.
Links to Forums
When you are viewing a forum, you'll see the 'Address' as something like
Look for 'f=5', take the number and form a URL
That's it.
Links to Specific posts
You can also link to specific posts! But finding the post id is slightly different. Let's say you want to link to a very good post. At the very start of the post you'll see a small document icon (just before 'Posted'), click this icon. Now in the 'Address' you'll see something like
Look for 'p=12065' (ignore the number after '#'), use the number as before to form
You are done.
31st October 2004, 10:43 AM
Creating Master Page of a Topic
A simple way is to use the 'linking to posts' tip above. Identify all posts that you want to be part of the master page. Form URL's to each of these posts using the above method. Arrange these URL's, as appropriate, and create a home page. A master page is ready!
9th November 2004, 11:28 AM
Finding old posts by a specific poster
All posts migrated from the old site go under the name 'Oldposts', and it seems impossible to find the posts by a specific poster. Here's a tip to find them:
1. Click 'Search' (scroll up to the top of the page to see it)
2. Fill up the search form as below:
a. Search Keywords -> enter the poster name
b. Select 'search for all terms'
c. Search for author -> Oldposts
d. Forum -> select a forum of your choice
e. Category -> All
f. Display results as -> Select 'posts'
g. Search previous -> select 'Search topic title and message text'
3. Click Search button.
10th November 2004, 03:58 AM
RR :)
Thanx for all those cool tips :) really handy :)
I wanted to give you this link to the "Internet infidels foruM" - The folks there use lots of different kinds of really cool "smilies" or "emoticons"!!!
damn cool ones like 'banging head', sticking out tongue, rolling with laughter and all! 8)
Im just giving a link with some of these cool emoticons in the posts. :
Can we have those kinds of icons in our reply box too? :)
10th November 2004, 08:01 AM
RR :)
Thanx for all those cool tips :) really handy :)
you'r welcome.
I'll install the vBulletin smileys (&avatar gallery) soon. We'll make Hub the best tamil's forum ever on the net. Keep giving your good inputs, as always.
10th November 2004, 05:05 PM
you'r welcome.
I'll install the vBulletin smileys (&avatar gallery) soon. We'll make Hub the best tamil's forum ever on the net. Keep giving your good inputs, as always.
WOW!! thas great! :) Thanx RR!
Sure we all would be happy to do our bit to be part of a great new forumhub!! 8) :) :D
RR, some people are asking for your help here in the old hub - since they couldnt log in the new hub :
30th January 2005, 08:23 AM
1. I remember u posted somewhere else to pick the exact post by right clicking the papermark of the post and copy shortcut and the link would direct to that particular post.
Can u do something similar to the search option. when we search for a particular post containing a word ..the whole thread's first page appears..again we need to go thru the whole thread..instead can we get those "posts" containing a search word?
2. Instead of listing the pages as a link 1, 2, 3........23, 24, 25, can u make that too as a dropdown list where we can choose the exact page.. Or at least as in the page where geno directed...Now in the current link if need to go to page12, either i need to start from 3 going forward one by one or from 23 coming backward one by one...
30th January 2005, 09:14 AM
Hi cindy,
For (1), In the search form you can choose 'search by posts' (this option is at the bottom left). Then you will get the specific posts.
I'll see if (2) is possible.
30th January 2005, 10:08 AM
Thank You RR.
13th April 2006, 10:21 AM
thanks admin,
is it posssible for the forum to have RSS feeds atleast for special topics. that would be a great addition. thanx :)
13th April 2006, 10:40 AM
thanks admin,
is it posssible for the forum to have RSS feeds atleast for special topics. that would be a great addition. thanx :)
RSS feeds are in our current plans.. It could be available as early as, e.g. during the next upgrade.
16th April 2006, 12:53 PM
thanx RR for the prompt reply. looking forward to it. and as one other user mentioned somewhere, it wud be gr8 if we got some more skins and smileys available in our forum. it wud be a gud glamorous addition :)
16th July 2006, 07:36 PM
1. I remember u posted somewhere else to pick the exact post by right clicking the papermark of the post and copy shortcut and the link would direct to that particular post.
Can u do something similar to the search option. when we search for a particular post containing a word ..the whole thread's first page appears..again we need to go thru the whole thread..instead can we get those "posts" containing a search word?
2. Instead of listing the pages as a link 1, 2, 3........23, 24, 25, can u make that too as a dropdown list where we can choose the exact page.. Or at least as in the page where geno directed...Now in the current link if need to go to page12, either i need to start from 3 going forward one by one or from 23 coming backward one by one...
Cindy. :goodidea:
pls chk whether this is possible... as cindy said it is lil difficult to navigate between pages....
1st September 2006, 06:55 PM
RR :? a whole new page gets added for a thread even b4 15 posts are completed in the previous page :?
and clikin the view last post icon takes u to a 'no posts exist on this topic'
1st September 2006, 10:03 PM
I already answered this twice. Go to 'Specific issues/problems' and see. This is the thread you should've posted. I'll delete your post tomorrow.
23rd March 2008, 02:53 PM
Having difficulty in optimizing your image for avatars? If you find it difficult to generate small 6 KB thumbnail files, without any appreciable loss of quality, you can try using any of the following online tools. I personally liked the 2nd tool better :)
4th February 2011, 06:03 AM
The new look and feel is damn good. Congrats to one and all for the same.
I miss the 'latest discussions' feature that lists the topics discussed over the last 24 hours. It would be helpful if u guys can implement it here.
4th February 2011, 07:58 AM
You can use 'What's New'
8th February 2011, 04:19 AM
May I knw, why my profile pic is not visible eventhou I ve one... ! ? ... Thanks :)
10th February 2011, 02:18 AM
How can I add links to my signature, I was doing it with the old hub interface, but I am unable to do the same now.
For example <a href="some link">Signature text</a>. Older hub showed correctly only the "Signature text" with link enabled, but I am able to see everything even the href in the new hub interface, it is not translating. I even tried enclosing <html></html> tags around my signature, but it doesn't help. Any ideas, please let me know.
10th February 2011, 07:46 AM
Try this,
Text goes here (<the link you want to add>).
[ url=<the link you want to add> ]Text goes here[ /url ].
Remove the spaces.
10th February 2011, 08:45 PM
Cool. Thanks a lot LM! It worked now.
17th October 2011, 05:29 PM
To display the font/quote buttons in quick reply,
Forum Actions --> General Settings --> Miscellaneous options. Select Standard Editor instead of Basic Editor.
1st November 2011, 09:43 PM
this is a nice forum for world tamil people....
19th June 2012, 09:06 AM
How to post image on thread?
19th June 2012, 05:23 PM
See the range of icons above the Quick Reply box.
Click on the third last icon and place your link in the pop-up.
29th September 2012, 08:43 AM
sory for silly question..
how to add attachment in panna mudiyala...
thx. in advance..
19th October 2014, 06:29 PM
My question is on Hyperlinking a "text" to a youtube video.
I wish to modify my post :
The but is to not have the flash video interrupting the paragraph, but be present in the hyper link inside the text "Deadspace 2 Game".
I used the BBcode [ url]value] hypertext [/url], but it does not seem to worK. Any tip/trick is appreciated. Thanks.
10th July 2017, 06:57 AM
How does one find old stuff? I find that I have been a member for for more than twelve years. I remember some excellent stuff but find it difficult to locate again. Any suggestions?
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